Club Arnage

Club Arnage => Just To Say Hi => Topic started by: F-Troop Mom on July 25, 2007, 10:22:19 pm

Title: F-Troop says "Hi"
Post by: F-Troop Mom on July 25, 2007, 10:22:19 pm
Some of you I actually got to meet in person and some I know from other forums but I've been reading this CA forum since Sebring and feel like I know most of you now.  I'm really impressed by how active, responsive and knowledgeable everyone is.  You've even made me research some types of cars I've never heard of.

Some of you have visited F-Troop on the infield at Sebring, we're the ones with the band.  If you haven't and make it to the race, please stop by and say "hi" in person.  I have been camping with F-Troop and attending the 12 Hours of Sebring since 1982 (when it was REALLY fun).

LeMans has been at the very top of my list of goals and after learning from all of you, I think it could really happen.  It really gives us a new understanding of the race when we watch it on TV.  I hope I can contribute something to your little site here.

Title: Re: F-Troop says "Hi"
Post by: Paddy_NL on July 25, 2007, 10:45:35 pm
Hello Ma'm, nice to see you here!

Hope you'll make it to Le Mans one day, might be nice to visit our party on the Friday. Our stage is smaller, but we have just as much fun!

Title: Re: F-Troop says "Hi"
Post by: Bob U on July 25, 2007, 10:50:31 pm
Hi Mom. Good to see you here. I had a great time at F-Troop this year. That was some kick ass rock-n-roll. Pity about wasisname, err, that bloke that sang Mustang Sally. I'll be back for more next year. Try and get over to Le Mans, you will be made most welcome.

Title: Re: F-Troop says "Hi"
Post by: gab on July 26, 2007, 07:41:03 am
Been enjoying your rockin concerts for the past 3 years, look forward to the 2008 version. Will definitely stop by and say "hi" in person. Bob and Paddy are right, you really should try and get over to LM some year, but until then...see you at Sebring!

Title: Re: F-Troop says "Hi"
Post by: Steve Pyro on July 26, 2007, 09:41:26 pm
Welcome Mom and many thanks to the big welcome you've given all us Sebring attending CA people over the years - especially for a certain Mustang Sally singer  ;D

Title: Re: F-Troop says "Hi"
Post by: F-Troop Mom on July 26, 2007, 10:46:28 pm
Our guys sing Mustang Sally enough to last us for years but our guest singer was so kind to give all the musicians their solo moments... they love that!  He did play the crowd well, but it was late on Friday night, wasn't it?!

Title: Re: F-Troop says "Hi"
Post by: Fran on July 27, 2007, 05:57:59 pm
Our guys sing Mustang Sally enough to last us for years

So does our guy!   ;D


Title: Re: F-Troop says "Hi"
Post by: jpchenet on August 23, 2007, 08:46:08 pm
Our guys sing Mustang Sally enough to last us for years but our guest singer was so kind to give all the musicians their solo moments... they love that!  He did play the crowd well, but it was late on Friday night, wasn't it?!

Hi Mom! :)

Great to see you here. What a great time we had that Friday night. I'm keeping an eye on the flight prices to Florida waiting for the right time to book for Sebring 2008. We'll have to touch base nearer the time and maybe work out a few numbers I can do with the band instead of just the one. :D

Oh, and thanks for the Apple Pie!!  ;D

So, when can we welcome you to Le Mans?

Title: Re: F-Troop says "Hi"
Post by: F-Troop Mom on August 27, 2007, 11:15:02 pm
Welcome back from Holiday, hope you had fun!  We would love to see you on stage again in 08' just let me know and we'll hook you up. 

There is some confusion on the Apple Pie recipe.  Some DFH guys had some type treat from Chuck at the Party Barge with apple slices.  Below is the F-Troop drink that has become quite popular.

1 gallon apple juice
1 gallon apple cider
1 cup sugar
5 cinnamon sticks

Boil together 1 hour
Cool completely
Add 1 quart Everclear

Title: Re: F-Troop says "Hi"
Post by: TDDWEST on February 15, 2008, 01:56:03 am
Welcome back from Holiday, hope you had fun!  We would love to see you on stage again in 08' just let me know and we'll hook you up. 

There is some confusion on the Apple Pie recipe.  Some DFH guys had some type treat from Chuck at the Party Barge with apple slices.  Below is the F-Troop drink that has become quite popular.

1 gallon apple juice
1 gallon apple cider
1 cup sugar
5 cinnamon sticks

Boil together 1 hour
Cool completely
Add 1 quart Everclear

My Girlfriend had a few of those apple at the Party Bardge last year,...

She wants to try some of your Cider!!!!!!!!!