Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: andy a on June 24, 2007, 11:06:31 pm

Title: GIRLS on scooters ..what do you all think ??
Post by: andy a on June 24, 2007, 11:06:31 pm
For the last 5 years we have taken petrol scooters with us to LM..... They have enabled us to get round the circuit, into Arnage for shopping and Mulsanne, trips that would have taken us an age on foot. We have had great fun with them, every time we set out it has been a mini adventure, not knowing what might happen while we were out. Breakdowns have been the norm. various component vibrating loose and even falling off !! running out of gas and having to tow people back.The mud this year was a real challenge....We have always been considerate to other people at LM,avoiding riding them round the grandstand areas and to other road users, where possible using cycle paths and  ALWAYS using lghts at night...... So i am a little concerned by some of the bad vibes I have got about them this year.  I am aware that they can make a bit of a racket, but LM is not a quiet place. We had loads of people ask us where to got them from, even wanted to buy them from us there and then....others tried to pull the pull starts as we were pushing them thro the walkways behind the grandstands..we had some plank try to kick one of the boys off.......There was no consistancy with the local police some of them would smile and wave us past, but the cops on bikes stopped us and told us to "GET OFF AND WALK  !! these are forbiden " ....So I would appriciate ANY and All  comments...... cos one thing I dont want to do is piss off anyone or spoil their LM experience.


Title: Re: scooters ..what do you all think ??
Post by: Fran on June 24, 2007, 11:22:01 pm
I dont have a problem with the scooters as such and can see they would be useful as a means of transport.. I do get a bit fed up of them when just being used to go round n round the campsite endlessly (the same would apply to cars just cruising round a campsite too but the scooters are a LOT noisier than most peopole's cars). 

Fortunately the bit of Bleu that I have been on for the last 2 years was just grass and not used as a roadway so no-one was cruising my manor.

I bring my pushbike, and apart from a bit of puffing (me) and rattling (the bike) its pretty much silent and a very effective means of transport, tho I do appreciate that it takes up more space than a scooter.


Title: Re: scooters ..what do you all think ??
Post by: DelBoy on June 24, 2007, 11:30:37 pm
I agree with Fran - they are very intrusive when ridden around the campsite during the quieter times.  It seemed that we had a constant stream of them past where we were on MB where there are more tarmac roads than on Blue.  Having seen some parked by the toilets, I guess that half the time they were being used unneccessarily.

And shopping?? much beer/wine can you carry on one of those??


Title: Re: scooters ..what do you all think ??
Post by: andy a on June 24, 2007, 11:31:18 pm
cheers Fran...IF scooters  are still wellcome next year we will be fitting silencers ...

Title: Re: scooters ..what do you all think ??
Post by: andy a on June 24, 2007, 11:33:44 pm
Del...we managed 2 packs of beer and a rucksack full cigs  ;)

Title: Re: scooters ..what do you all think ??
Post by: Leftie on June 24, 2007, 11:45:14 pm
We were on Expo, and had the experience of these racing, not only that a racing midget (not being rude) he was great to talk to. But it seemed all day that these were comming past.

Having ridden bikes, I would never get on these scooters/microbikes without decent clothing because you can get scarred for life. One guy streaked on one! So no protection there then.

Right where we camped there was a bend and we were thinking terrible thoughts while getting pi**ed one night of pouring some oil around the bend!!


Title: Re: GIRLS on scooters ..what do you all think ??
Post by: termietermite on June 25, 2007, 10:26:58 am
I don't care about the noise but I find scooters and even pushbikes a real pain inside the circuit when it's crowded.  Don't these people have legs? I'm sick of being run over by people who seem to have forgotten how to walk.
Grumpy old woman.

Title: Re: GIRLS on scooters ..what do you all think ??
Post by: vqdave on June 25, 2007, 10:36:47 am
hmm a bit dissapointed here, read the title of this thread and was expecting some nice photos of girls on scooters. ::)

Title: Re: GIRLS on scooters ..what do you all think ??
Post by: MIKE C (Liverpool Boys) on June 25, 2007, 10:52:49 am
The worst are the a---holes who think MB is a race track for mini moto's. They race round with not a care for life or limb.   >:(

Title: Re: GIRLS on scooters ..what do you all think ??
Post by: Fran on June 25, 2007, 11:35:56 am
I don't care about the noise but I find scooters and even pushbikes a real pain inside the circuit when it's crowded.  Don't these people have legs? I'm sick of being run over by people who seem to have forgotten how to walk.
Grumpy old woman.

I would imagine people actually walking along pushing a pushbike when its busy inside the ciruit must be even more annoying!!  :-[

Title: Re: GIRLS on scooters ..what do you all think ??
Post by: Piglet on June 25, 2007, 11:48:44 am
The worst are the a---holes who think MB is a race track for mini moto's. They race round with not a care for life or limb.   >:(

What's really funny is that some of them clearly think they look cool when actually they look like complete nobs!  ;D 

It seemed better this year but I guess that was an effect of the weather.

Title: Re: GIRLS on scooters ..what do you all think ??
Post by: termietermite on June 25, 2007, 11:56:13 am
I don't care about the noise but I find scooters and even pushbikes a real pain inside the circuit when it's crowded.  Don't these people have legs? I'm sick of being run over by people who seem to have forgotten how to walk.
Grumpy old woman.

I would imagine people actually walking along pushing a pushbike when its busy inside the ciruit must be even more annoying!!  :-[
;D  Oh, it's OK when my mates do it!!

Title: Re: scooters ..what do you all think ??
Post by: nickliv on June 25, 2007, 11:58:26 am

Having ridden bikes, I would never get on these scooters/microbikes without decent clothing because you can get scarred for life. One guy streaked on one! So no protection there then.


I learnt an interesting statistic while working as a radiographer on the Isle Of Man.

At 30 mph, tarmac can wear away unprotected bone at 2 cm per second.

One guy was teasting a sidecar outfit in shorts and T shirt one day. The fairing came off, so did he, there was a lot of gravel in a bin in theatre that night.

I'll never forget the state of one French blokes ar5e after he fell off the pilion of a bike on the prom.
Wearing only a lurid green thong, he landed on a tram track, and had 2 parallel burns on his nipsy cushion, and a broken thumb. Broken thumbs are meant to be excrutiating. He said he didn't notice the thumb until he found he couldn't move it. :o

Title: Re: GIRLS on scooters ..what do you all think ??
Post by: championaudi on June 25, 2007, 09:04:08 pm
must admit i had same thoughts as mr vq,
so to cheer us both up

Title: Re: GIRLS on scooters ..what do you all think ??
Post by: Perdu on June 25, 2007, 10:09:46 pm
I say champ, that's going a bit far dontcha know... :o

Title: Re: scooters ..what do you all think ??
Post by: Chrisgr31 on June 26, 2007, 12:00:51 am
We were on Expo, and had the experience of these racing, not only that a racing midget (not being rude) he was great to talk to. But it seemed all day that these were comming past.

I was on Expo as well as the guys on these doing laps of the campsite were a real pain.  Its noisy and unnecessary.

Must admit I don't like them, don't understand the point etc.  However haven't got one, and if I did maybe I'd change my mind!

However its like everything, as long as you are sensible, don't race round campsites, or just for going to the toilet, then I don;t see a problem.  Doesn't mean I'll start liking them though!

Title: Re: GIRLS on scooters ..what do you all think ??
Post by: vqdave on June 26, 2007, 02:55:53 pm
must admit i had same thoughts as mr vq,
so to cheer us both up

Thats better, i am happy again, thanks  8)

Title: Re: GIRLS on scooters ..what do you all think ??
Post by: Maximum on June 26, 2007, 03:21:21 pm

At MB the biggest problem is the Motor Bikes and cars itself.
Burning rubber on sundag and monday after the race with cars.
Drunk drivers on a 1000cc motorbike during the week.
a 15 year old on a 500cc Quad making laps on the camp site.

If the scooters are not used for patrolling the camp site / toilet visit i don't mind.

I couldn't hear the noise of them because our stereo was to loud all week.
