Club Arnage

Club Arnage => Just To Say Hi => Topic started by: matjones on June 23, 2007, 10:23:26 pm

Title: 'bout time I joined the crew!...
Post by: matjones on June 23, 2007, 10:23:26 pm
Hello to all!

Well, where shall I start?  Thought that I had better jump aboard and start to be sociable!

I hope you will all welcome me into your ever-growing, infamous CA forum!

Have heard a lot about this site, and thought that I should 'check' it out myself!

LM07!  What an experience!  Third time I have the opportunity of travelling out to Le Sarthe!  Lovin' it every time I go.

Just want to say a quick thankyou and a 'cheers mate!' to 'mgmark', for once again, making it possible for me to travel out to Le Mans, providing me with all the information needed i.e. times, costs.....etc

Not sure if any of you read the thread titled "campsite theft -beware" by mgmark...?

If so, you will now learn that I was the unfortunate eldest son who got 'done' over on race night, along with my other two brothers!
 >:(Devastated doesn't even cover how we all felt the morning after....a down-er for such a fantastic week!

So a thanks to all the people who posted their comiserations (right spelling!?) onto mgmark's thread, greatly appreciated.

Well it opened my eyes up further more to the 'Le Mans experience' - you can never be too careful with security and looking after your personal property.  So have taken your solutions/ideas/options on board with regards to personal alarms/safes/motion sensor cheers!

Can confidently report though, that that incident aside, I with my two brothers in agreement, had an absolutely fantastic LM07.  ;D
and it hasn't put either of us off from returning!

Quick 'shout-out' goes to Jordan and James, the two lads that camped with us on BN, who arrived safely, with the help from mgmark and piglet!

That's it for now

Title: Re: 'bout time I joined the crew!...
Post by: Piglet on June 23, 2007, 11:17:19 pm
Hi Mat

Glad to see you finally got here and the aggro of Saturday night/Sunday morning hasn't put you off!  Hope you're going to stick around and join in the fun?

See you next year!


Title: Re: 'bout time I joined the crew!...
Post by: matjones on June 23, 2007, 11:29:51 pm
Hi Piglet!  Ha Ha!
You can't stop me now!
Not letting a minor incident like that put me off!
Seen Jordan's pictures from KK. Look really good...waiting for James' videos!...

Title: Re: 'bout time I joined the crew!...
Post by: Gordonwr on June 24, 2007, 12:21:22 am
Mat, despite what you may have read on here thieving isn't the norm at Le Mans. In 9 yrs we have had no problems nor have I been made aware at the time that any of our camp site mates  have.
So whilst it was a big problem for you and upsetting, don't let it put you off. If you're like me and most of us on here you'll be back every year!!
Glad you enjoyed the experience, and welcome to the site.

Title: Re: 'bout time I joined the crew!...
Post by: Lawnmower Man on June 24, 2007, 08:21:40 am
Welcome aboard Matt.   

I'm glad the incident on Race night has not put you off future visits.   It's really difficult to know if it's getting worse.  Before CA  one would tend to hang about your own pitch more so perhaps there was not he same opportunity.   I'm sure you'll find that the good times far outweigh the bad moments.


Title: Re: 'bout time I joined the crew!...
Post by: mgmark on June 25, 2007, 10:10:15 am
Welcome Matt and do join in! 

Marvellous - now that lad is on board, I can't hide from domestic HQ  ::).  Just remember the old adage, what goes on tour, stays on tour.....even from your mother!!!  ;D

MG Mark

Title: Re: 'bout time I joined the crew!...
Post by: matjones on June 25, 2007, 10:03:28 pm
Hi all!

Thanx for the welcome...
The experience has not put me off one bit!... In the process of arranging next year!...  Too many good points out weigh the bad!

what happens on tour, stays on tour!