Club Arnage

Club Arnage => Help => Topic started by: Tony260Z on June 10, 2007, 01:14:52 am

Title: French Letters
Post by: Tony260Z on June 10, 2007, 01:14:52 am

I apologise for the content of this thread, but there I was tonight, going through my CA Guide list of "things ye must take", when I saw condoms mentioned not once but twice.

Hang on, I thought, that seems a strange thing to take along. So, either I've missed the point before and Le Mans is in fact the biggest Village People festival in the Northern Hemisphere, or they're for improvised water bombs, or there's naughtiness of an adult nature at LM that I hadn't heard of.

What's the story? Or is it "No story, we're just all optimists"?

Just wondering  ;D


Title: Re: French Letters
Post by: Leftie on June 10, 2007, 02:03:30 am

I apologise for the content of this thread, but there I was tonight, going through my CA Guide list of "things ye must take", when I saw condoms mentioned not once but twice.

Hang on, I thought, that seems a strange thing to take along. So, either I've missed the point before and Le Mans is in fact the biggest Village People festival in the Northern Hemisphere, or they're for improvised water bombs, or there's naughtiness of an adult nature at LM that I hadn't heard of.

What's the story? Or is it "No story, we're just all optimists"?

Just wondering  ;D



I think it's a point of catering for all persuasions.

I'd love to throw 'water bombs' but that gets rather expensive. Then you have the jokers who put them on their heads and inflate them! Personally they look real D*ck Heads.

Rarely have I seen them as water carriers, but no doubt some have. In an emergency. they can be used as Catheters.

I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

BTW, I believe the French are generally Catholic (can anyone correct me on this).


Title: Re: French Letters
Post by: Tony260Z on June 10, 2007, 11:32:38 am

So that means we can takes shedloads with us and flog them to the locals for a monster profit  ;D