Club Arnage

Club Arnage => Help => Topic started by: wishy on June 17, 2003, 08:42:23 pm

Title: robbers!!!!!!!
Post by: wishy on June 17, 2003, 08:42:23 pm
Sometime on Sunday afternoon during the final hours of the race our campsite was raided by a group of "thieves"

Goods in the region of £400 in value were taken.

We believe that the ACO attendants at the gates do a "bunk" before the end of the race,therefore leaving any of our pitches open for all to pilfer at will.

If anyone has had the same experience this year regardless of which campsite was "raided" please leave you comments on this string. :'( :'(


The Shed Crew

Title: Re:robbers!!!!!!!
Post by: president on June 17, 2003, 09:14:06 pm
F.U.C.K.1.N.G. PIKIES, I hate F.U.C.K.1.N.G. PIKIES

They raided Karting Nord on Sunday, robbing all the tents on top of the banked section near the road.

After being robbe last year in Bleu, we always lock everything away on Sunday afternoon before we go to the track.

Title: Re:robbers!!!!!!!
Post by: Stu on June 17, 2003, 09:47:33 pm
Sometime on Sunday afternoon during the final hours of the race our campsite was raided by a group of "thieves"

Goods in the region of £400 in value were taken.

We believe that the ACO attendants at the gates do a "bunk" before the end of the race,therefore leaving any of our pitches open for all to pilfer at will.

If anyone has had the same experience this year regardless of which campsite was "raided" please leave you comments on this string. :'( :'(


The Shed Crew

Sorry to hear you got robbed Andy. Was this on Expo as I believe that was where you were camping this year. Also how did Olly enjoy it?.


Title: Re:robbers!!!!!!!
Post by: wishy on June 17, 2003, 09:54:53 pm
Thanks Pres! :)

All the same the ACO should make sure that their staff on the gates stay "at their posts" until at least 1 hour after the event for secruity's sake.

After all they are there to protect intrusions into the campsites,and obviously shirk their responsibiliteswhich is unfair to those of us who camp!

We all know that they probably "reserve the right" and  all that.

But .it is irresponsilbe of the organisers to allow this to continue in the future.

Any more comments???????

Title: Re:robbers!!!!!!!
Post by: Liszt on June 17, 2003, 10:55:20 pm
I too was robbed.  Someone stole several hours from Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights  ;D

Sorry to hear about the thefts though.

Although we didn't have anything nicked a couple of cars near ours had a bit of minor vandalism and one of our group had the valve inserts from his tyres nicked.

Title: Re:robbers!!!!!!!
Post by: wishy on June 17, 2003, 11:18:25 pm
Hi stu

Yes.We were on expo.

As far as the theft goes "S**t happens"and I know it is a regular occurence on the campsites,which nobody can do anything to stop it

Although tihs is the first time it has happened to me in the six years I have been goin to le mans. >:(

On a lighter note ,if you have a look at my posting on "thankyou all" you will see olly was suitably impressed with the weekend.


Title: Re:robbers!!!!!!!
Post by: Chrisgr31 on June 18, 2003, 01:33:50 am
I was on Expo this year, but had packed the car before heading to the circuit on Sunday

Title: Re:robbers!!!!!!!
Post by: MikeH on June 18, 2003, 03:10:16 am
I was on Expo aswell, fortunately I padlocked my tent (OK, no great security measure, someone could obviously cut through, but thats a bit obvious...), and packed it onto the coach before leaving for the track on Sunday.

HOWEVER.... my brother is convinced he was pick-pocketed. This being due to the fact he had a wallet type thing attached to his belt with his money in. Although to open it you would have to unclip it, unfold it, unzip it and remove the cash, and then zip it up, fold it, and clip it again, all without being noticed (he didn't realise he'd lost all his cash till he opened it :( ). I'm sure it would take a pretty determined pickpocket to do this, which makes me think he may have dropped it somewhere, though he insists he counted his money on the way to the track on the coach, and put it away safely...

Fortunately I had enough money to see him through for food and stuff, but sadly he last over £100, however the tour company we went with may be able to get it back on the insurance.

I made sure of keeping my money in several places, which worked fine...

Title: Re:robbers!!!!!!!
Post by: Spidey on June 18, 2003, 01:55:38 pm
 >:( One mobile disappeared on Chapelle Saturday night, probably from the tent - difficult to remember though through the haze, so it might just have been lost ???

Title: Re:robbers!!!!!!!
Post by: jpchenet on June 18, 2003, 02:26:19 pm
Unfortunatley it's not just the pikies. On the ferry on the way over, one of our lads fell asleep. Fortunately on of our other guys was just coming back from the bar when he saw two oiks eyeing up the wallet that was half hanging out of his pocket and discussing the best way to remove it without waking him.  >:(

Title: Re:robbers!!!!!!!
Post by: Stu on June 18, 2003, 02:31:40 pm
Unfortunatley it's not just the pikies. On the ferry on the way over, one of our lads fell asleep. Fortunately on of our other guys was just coming back from the bar when he saw two oiks eyeing up the wallet that was half hanging out of his pocket and discussing the best way to remove it without waking him.  >:(
I find that a bit steep coming from you Mark. I heard you were always pinching.

Girls arses that is.


Title: Re:robbers!!!!!!!
Post by: jpchenet on June 18, 2003, 03:21:54 pm
Shhh Stu, the missus might glance over my shoulder.   ;)

Anyway, the least said about arses the better!! :-X

Title: Re:robbers!!!!!!!
Post by: 24hourman on June 18, 2003, 04:44:19 pm
There was some guys who got onto radio le mans talking about the thief who stole the water from outside their tent in the night. The great thing was that the thief had dropped his wallet whilst in the act. They shamed him by reading his name out on air and inviting him to collect the wallet from the radio le mans studio, incidentally it was a Dutchman.Whether he collected it I do not Know. Oh! the shame of it.

Title: Re:robbers!!!!!!!
Post by: fugitive4000 on June 18, 2003, 05:43:29 pm
assuming it was the thief's wallett and not that of a previous victim...

left nine folding chairs under a tarp outside our tents on saturday (Maison Blanche), when we got back somebody had removed 3 of them, including my nice high backed one which has been to Le Mans for the passed 5 years - would recognise it 100 yards away!

Don't know if I was more gutted about that or the Audi Sport UK entry running out of gas - would love to have seen Pel on the podium.

Title: Re:robbers!!!!!!!
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on July 01, 2003, 09:52:23 pm
I lost about 4 days whilst at LM, I dont mind, whoever has them can keep them  ;D

Title: Re:robbers!!!!!!!
Post by: Bobblehat on July 08, 2003, 11:52:46 pm
Just seen on the box, about a couple who were robbed, they were in their caravan, asleep. They were in a deeper sleep than they were uesd to. The thieving Bast***ds pumbed in sleeping gas throu the waste pipe! :o

The report whent on to say that it is not uncommon in France...............

Title: Re:robbers!!!!!!!
Post by: Rhino on July 09, 2003, 09:42:59 pm
Police said it would be wise to fit a gas alarm in your caravan! Have to take the batteries out for Le Mans!