Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: nickliv on May 19, 2007, 10:26:14 pm

Title: Refrigeration
Post by: nickliv on May 19, 2007, 10:26:14 pm
I was wondering if anyone's tried this?

Next year I plan on getting hold of a s/h chest freezer, (not a massive one, about the same size as a washing machine) and running the thing up in the weeks before LM to make lots and lots of carrier bags full of ice, and taking the freezer full of ice, and a genny to LM. If I am lucky, this should let me have / make enough ice to supply the beer / poo containing coolboxes for the duration of our stay.

Does this work? Or am I barking up the wrong dog?

Title: Re: Refrigeration
Post by: rcutler on May 19, 2007, 10:29:01 pm
It works!

We Freeze packs of orange juice (which are drank at breakfast). These are frozen before we leave and put in Coolboxes. The better coolboxes we had last year were still containing frozen orange juice on Saturday morning. (we left on Sunday morning)

Title: Re: Refrigeration
Post by: Steve Pyro on May 19, 2007, 10:30:34 pm
One word of caution, 1000 litres of water weights 1000 kg = 1 tonne.

So bare in mid the increased weight you'll have to transport.

Title: Re: Refrigeration
Post by: Lazy B'stard on May 20, 2007, 10:07:06 am
It works!

We Freeze packs of orange juice (which are drank at breakfast). These are frozen before we leave and put in Coolboxes. The better coolboxes we had last year were still containing frozen orange juice on Saturday morning. (we left on Sunday morning)

A member of our group tried freezing cans of Stella before departing...... not a good idea! expansion can be tricky :o

Title: Re: Refrigeration
Post by: Lawnmower Man on May 20, 2007, 10:28:26 am

We Freeze packs of orange juice (which are drank at breakfast).

Rick you should know by now.  Beer is the only breakfast drink.


Title: Re: Refrigeration
Post by: jpchenet on May 20, 2007, 12:28:19 pm

We Freeze packs of orange juice (which are drank at breakfast).

Rick you should know by now.  Beer is the only breakfast drink.


I'm sorry Tom but I will have to stop you right there!

Everyone should know by now that "Breakfast Cider" is the premier choice for an early morning lubrication at Le Mans!  ;D

Title: Re: Refrigeration
Post by: Lawnmower Man on May 20, 2007, 12:45:10 pm

We Freeze packs of orange juice (which are drank at breakfast).

Rick you should know by now.  Beer is the only breakfast drink.


I'm sorry Tom but I will have to stop you right there!

Everyone should know by now that "Breakfast Cider" is the premier choice for an early morning lubrication at Le Mans!  ;D

Whatever floats your boat.  IMNSHO Cider is awful very awful  stuff.   I'll stick to Beer thank you.  But look on the Bright side thats more Cider fo you.   Anyway Mr JPC I thought you would be advocating Tropicoma. for Breakfast.   Though you omitted to tell me that was what was required after a night visiting your little encampment.  I only found that out five days later on return to Blighty.


Title: Re: Refrigeration
Post by: jpchenet on May 20, 2007, 07:06:34 pm
Well Tom, you are partially correct.

Tropicoma is indeed a perfect Breakfast Pick-Me-Up, but normally only when you are trying to recover from a Tropicoma induced Hangover/Coma!  ;)

Title: Re: Refrigeration
Post by: Lawnmower Man on May 20, 2007, 08:48:18 pm
Well Tom, you are partially correct.

Tropicoma is indeed a perfect Breakfast Pick-Me-Up, but normally only when you are trying to recover from a Tropicoma induced Hangover/Coma!  ;)

Well there in lies the whole problem.  I specifically asked you "If I drink this will I wake up in a coma" and you said "no!'"  That was a bit of a Porkie to say the least.   Now I know and understand that the Tropicoma is a closely guarded secret and only disclosed to on a "Need to know" basis and the I don't need to know I just have to drink it.  I think I needed to know that more Tropicoma would be required the next day.  You didn't tell me that did you?    Then to top it all you flogged me a exclusive "Tropicoma VIP"  pass to last years event on the cheap.  (I  have to admit it was a bargain price IMNSVHO).  But having spent Wedbesday Thursday and Friday getting me nicely hooked on it where were you when I needed you?  OK Sat /Sun there were other things to atend to. But where were you Monday morning?  Back in good old Blighty no doubt!   JPC your not my friend!.

BTW will my VIP Pass work this year as well.   :angel: :angel: