Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Christopher on April 26, 2007, 09:38:50 am

Title: No bangers.
Post by: Christopher on April 26, 2007, 09:38:50 am

I don't know if these petitions actually do any real good, but if I did'nt sign it and it went ahead I would only have myslef to blame.....and sorry if this has been posted before.

Goverment proposal to ban cars older than 10 years -

So if you own a car P reg or older this could affect you!!

"Several EU proposals across the years are dangerous to the classic car movement. One that has been under consideration is to ban the use of cars older than 10 years. Similarly, Edinburgh City Council is considering the banning of cars over 15 years old from the town centre. These, and similar, proposals directly threaten the classic car movement, and encourage the manufacture of new cars, with the attendent environmental issues of sourcing raw materials, manufacturing, distributing and scrapping the spiralling supply of new vehicles."

You'll be banned from using the roads and only allowed to take the vehicle out having obtained PRIOR consent from your local council.. I.e you'd have to plan your route in advance and inform the council for approval who may then decline the whole thing or certain aspects like perhaps if you wish to pass through a city centre etc...

Sign the petition below if you want to be able to take 'your old banger' out and about on the public roads without restrictions

Title: Re: No bangers.
Post by: Big G on April 26, 2007, 09:50:23 am

Title: Re: No bangers.
Post by: oldtimer on April 26, 2007, 09:57:07 am
Until I actually clicked on the link I thought this was some sort joke!!

Anyway, petition signed.

Title: Re: No bangers.
Post by: Christopher on April 26, 2007, 10:01:51 am

With this sort of logic they will pulling down houses that are more than 30 years old becasue they are not energy efficient.

And why not kill off all the retired they pay no taxes and only boost soup sales and produce methane!

(that last bit was an attemp at humour and not intended to offend anyone before you give me a cyber kicking!)

Title: Re: No bangers.
Post by: oldtimer on April 26, 2007, 10:10:17 am

And why not kill off all the retired they pay no taxes and only boost soup sales and produce methane!

You clearly haven't thought this through... this sort of initiative could decimate the UK soup industry increasing the unemployment figures by a number of dozens  ;)

Title: Re: No bangers.
Post by: Steve Pyro on April 26, 2007, 10:11:02 am
More stupid legislation for the sake of it.

Title: Re: No bangers.
Post by: termietermite on April 26, 2007, 10:13:54 am
I must have a look and see if frog residents can sign.  Could be very amusing if they tried that round here - road use would drop by about 80%.

Title: Re: No bangers.
Post by: vqdave on April 26, 2007, 10:32:05 am
I must have a look and see if frog residents can sign.  Could be very amusing if they tried that round here - road use would drop by about 80%.

Signed can't go banning the Humber that would be a crime!!
There is an ex pat button on the page so guess you can sign.

Title: Re: No bangers.
Post by: Bob U on April 26, 2007, 11:04:47 am
Done. Long live the Commer.

Title: Re: No bangers.
Post by: termietermite on April 26, 2007, 11:11:09 am
I must have a look and see if frog residents can sign.  Could be very amusing if they tried that round here - road use would drop by about 80%.

Signed can't go banning the Humber that would be a crime!!
There is an ex pat button on the page so guess you can sign.
It did indeed work.  Signed.

Title: Re: No bangers.
Post by: Andy Zarse on April 26, 2007, 01:09:36 pm
This legislation is a good idea. All smelly useless old cars should be scrapped. I'm not signing the petition.  >:(

Title: Re: No bangers.
Post by: Lorry on April 26, 2007, 01:40:09 pm

Where is this all going to end

Title: Re: No bangers.
Post by: geoffd on April 26, 2007, 02:04:08 pm
I've signed up.

I don't own a car under 10 years old, so I'd be stuffed!

Title: Re: No bangers.
Post by: Lazy B'stard on April 26, 2007, 02:19:53 pm
If those euro loonies get this through its my living gone as well as my motors. I will be forced to join the le mans pikeys to survive po this involves all of you mot just the old motor brigade! There is more on this subject somewhere on the site

Title: Re: No bangers.
Post by: Dickiex on April 26, 2007, 02:47:14 pm

It about time the Uk government stopped F'ing about with anti car legislation and financed a decent public transport system.  If they want people to stop using cars,  give them a proper alternative.

The older I get and the more I see of politicians,  the more I think we should give the power back to the monarchy.   After all Prince Charles has an old Aston Martin (does the Queen still have that series 1 landrover?).


Title: Re: No bangers.
Post by: Simon (WRC GT4) on April 26, 2007, 09:11:22 pm
How utterly stupid is this? Do people actually get paid to sit on thier arses and think this stuff up.
Oh look my exotic 100k super car is nearly 10 years old, i'd better the the scrap man in  ::) ::)

Title: Re: No bangers.
Post by: Paddy_NL on April 26, 2007, 11:02:29 pm
Oh look my exotic 100k super car is nearly 10 years old, i'd better get the scrap man in  ::) ::)
Indeed, what if you drive a McLaren F1 to work every day! >:(

Title: Re: No bangers.
Post by: Perdu on April 26, 2007, 11:04:58 pm
Did it yesterday! :angel:

But IMO it's a load of "Bobsbumperornamentations"

So unlikely to be enacted anywhere in Europe EXCEPT the UK that any two bob politician should be able to get it stopped at once.

never hurts to watch our backs

Lara, my MG Midget is 41 years young this year.



Title: Re: No bangers.
Post by: Christopher on April 27, 2007, 08:24:05 am

Indeed, what if you drive a McLaren F1 to work every day! >:(

Then you are a very lucky person!


Title: Re: No bangers.
Post by: alibongo on May 01, 2007, 12:25:34 am
This should have been posted On 1/4/07 on behalf of the gov, what ever next >:( might I remind you guys that we pay these idiots their wages imo they should be OFF HIRED !!!)