Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lord Steve on June 16, 2003, 07:50:54 pm

Title: Thanks to everyone from Les Tres Hombres
Post by: Lord Steve on June 16, 2003, 07:50:54 pm
Just got back after spending last night in Calais.
On behalf of all of us I just want to thank all of our friends old and new for making this year's trip so fantastic. Best wishes to Powermite and the Welsh boys, Canada Phil, The Rickmeister, The Real Up North Crew, Jem, The Twats, Smokie (passed you on the M20 this afternoon), Gilles, Kpy, Rusty, RS2 Babe, Mr RS2 Babe, Andy Zarse and Team Zarse, and all the others. If I've left anyone out forgive me - I'm knackered.

Next year is our 10th anniversary tour so keep an eye open for our plans - you're all invited!!

Lord Steve

Title: Re:Thanks to everyone from Les Tres Hombres
Post by: Mr. Rick on June 17, 2003, 12:06:42 pm
It was an honour to see you again your Lordship!

Should have the scans (just under 1400 of them!!!!) back some time tomorrow, so will forward evidence of high jinks pre-race asap!



Title: Re:Thanks to everyone from Les Tres Hombres
Post by: Lord Steve on June 17, 2003, 02:20:07 pm
Merci muchly your hugeness, look forward to seeing them!

Title: Re:Thanks to everyone from Les Tres Hombres
Post by: Mr. Rick on June 17, 2003, 02:28:14 pm
With reference to your 10th anniversary tour, assuming the provisional race dates the ACO gave us are correct (12th/13th), then the race Sunday is my 40th birthday!!!

Current plans are for Mrs. and small Rickmeisters to come too but I fear that will mean an absence from MB for the first time in donkeys years with an eye to renting a house close to the circuit.  :o

Title: Re:Thanks to everyone from Les Tres Hombres
Post by: jpchenet on June 17, 2003, 05:53:10 pm
Interesting.... because I was told the race was always timed to coincide on the third Sunday of June so I was guessing the dates would be 19th/20th next year  ???

Did you get that direct from the ACO Rick??

Title: Re:Thanks to everyone from Les Tres Hombres
Post by: Liszt on June 17, 2003, 05:56:33 pm
Acording to Outlook the 12 is the second Sunday in June 2004

Title: Re:Thanks to everyone from Les Tres Hombres
Post by: jpchenet on June 17, 2003, 05:59:20 pm
My mistake, it was the third. Original post amended

Must still be in recovery mode!!   ;D

Title: Re:Thanks to everyone from Les Tres Hombres
Post by: MrRS2babe on June 17, 2003, 06:51:48 pm
Cheers your Lordship

Likewise it was great to meet everyone on MB and at Shampoo Bar for the RS2's - can't wait until next year.

By the way - did you manage to eat all that Polyfilla???? :P

Title: Re:Thanks to everyone from Les Tres Hombres
Post by: Mr. Rick on June 17, 2003, 08:20:08 pm
Yep I agree about the 3rd Sunday in June bit which is why I was surprised to see the provisional date in the press handout book as being the 12th/13th.

In fact I would prefer it to be the 19th/20th. Would solve a few problems all round!

Title: Re:Thanks to everyone from Les Tres Hombres
Post by: Gilles on June 17, 2003, 11:50:04 pm

Current plans are for Mrs. and small Rickmeisters to come too but I fear that will mean an absence from MB for the first time in donkeys years with an eye to renting a house close to the circuit.  :o

Booking for next year has already begun and some local people offer me theirs properties or just houses to rent for the week...

... send me a mail for more details about what you need and want !!!

Title: Re:Thanks to everyone from Les Tres Hombres
Post by: nopanic - neil on June 18, 2003, 01:03:04 am
So what is the date next year?

Already booked my campsite - I'm sure the ACO won't let me down  :-X

Need to book the ferry - before they hike their rates.......................

As I BL***Y going next year, the only thing that will stop me is my maker!

Title: Re:Thanks to everyone from Les Tres Hombres
Post by: Mr. Rick on June 18, 2003, 09:45:45 am
Thanks for that Gilles. Once the date is confirmed either way I will need to book fairly quickly I guess. If it is the 12th/13th then a house it is. Preferably within a mile of the circuit but away from the busy top end. A bit of garden for run around for the kids would be good.

Much as my five year old (future Le Mans winner?) son loves me telling him about the race for hours on end, I feel he will need to have some good old energy dissipation time at some point (full of energy these small people!).

Would need at least three, but preferably four bedrooms too.

If it is the 19th/20th, we will either camp on MB as usual or maybe need a smaller house (wife and kids not coming if it is not on my birthday!), say two bedrooms.

Cheers muchly in advance Gilles!


Title: Re:Thanks to everyone from Les Tres Hombres
Post by: jpchenet on June 18, 2003, 11:19:07 am
We'd prefer the 19th/20th too as two of our guys have got wives who's birthday falls onthe 12th!! Not that it stopped them from coming this year. One simply got the first Chunnel crossing on Friday morning whilst the other phoned his wife from Houx Annexe on the day  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:Thanks to everyone from Les Tres Hombres
Post by: Mr. Rick on June 18, 2003, 11:57:48 am
two of our guys have got wives who's birthday falls onthe 12th

Crikey, very understanding, not sure my wife would be too happy if it was her birthday I was away for every year.

At the back end of 2001, the ACO did their annual race launch for the press at the French Embassy in London (where they announced the opening of a London ACO office - never heard any more about that!), the launch was on the good lady's b'day and she very kindly let me go to that. Much "political correctness" was needed!

Title: Re:Thanks to everyone from Les Tres Hombres
Post by: jpchenet on June 18, 2003, 12:14:57 pm
I know. I get a hard enough time because I am away for fathers day, and that's supposed to be a day for me!!   ;)

And anyway, I take my dad to Le Mans with me.

Title: Re:Thanks to everyone from Les Tres Hombres
Post by: Mr. Rick on June 18, 2003, 12:36:27 pm
I get a hard enough time because I am away for fathers day, and that's supposed to be a day for me!!   ;)

I get had for that one too, so with the birthday it's double trouble! As you so rightly say, it's our day, so what's the prob? (Get severe aggy when I come out with that attitude!!)

It's all about priorities I say!!

Title: Re:Thanks to everyone from Les Tres Hombres
Post by: jpchenet on June 18, 2003, 12:52:33 pm
Precisely Rick. That's why I feel it's a poor show from the ACO that they don't confirm the dates for next year until later in the year. My whole family agenda has to fit around the weekend   ;D

If (and only if) you want to get away on your own, you could always ask her why she would want to spend your 40th birthday cleaning and cooking for 300+ people on the CA camp site   :o :-X :o

Title: Re:Thanks to everyone from Les Tres Hombres
Post by: Mr. Rick on June 18, 2003, 01:35:03 pm
LOL!!!  :D

Might not go down too well that one! Hopefully our dear friends at the ACO will let us know soon. Will post dates the very nanosecond I hear for sure!

Title: Re:Thanks to everyone from Les Tres Hombres
Post by: jpchenet on June 18, 2003, 02:23:34 pm
BTW, Mrs Rickmeister never reads this forum does she??  8)

Title: Re:Thanks to everyone from Les Tres Hombres
Post by: Mr. Rick on June 18, 2003, 03:09:35 pm
Not unless she happens to glance over my shoulder (I work from home). Thankfully (!) she is out spending my hard-earned in Peterborough with a friend right now, so we're safe for now!!!  ;D