Club Arnage

Club Arnage => Help => Topic started by: JHarber on March 20, 2007, 11:00:02 pm

Title: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: JHarber on March 20, 2007, 11:00:02 pm
Hi Lads and Ladies,

          this is a strange request but here goes.
My name is James im 17 years old and have been going to Le Mans for 6 years with my dad and younger brother, this year would be my 7th, my brother is 14 and he has been going for the same amount of time.
2 and a half years ago my dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer and unfortunately lost his battle early this year.
Now one thing he would have wanted us to do is go on our annual pilgrimage to Le Mans. I can only ask if someone will take us under there wing for those few days.
Its a strange and wierd request but i know all you Le Mans old timers understand how much Le Mans meens when youve been going for quite a time.
My uncle has offered to take me, but with my uncle nothing is deffinate so cant rely on it, it meens so much if we could go this year.
Thanks for reading,
James   :)

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: Mr. Rick on March 20, 2007, 11:24:30 pm
Hi James

Firstly very sorry to hear of your loss but can totally understand your Dad's wishes!

Guess the next step is to establish where you are based and what days you were thinking of going and coming back.

For example I'm going on Tuesday 12th from Lincolnshire, returning Monday 18th.



Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: Bob U on March 21, 2007, 09:30:00 am
Hi James.

I sure your father would be proud to know that you are carrying on the tradition.

If it is of any help I will be leaving on Thursday 17th evening from the South Bucks area and returning on Monday 21st. You are most welcome to join us.


Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: Piglet on March 21, 2007, 09:47:56 am
Hi James

This sounds like a fab tribute to your dad and I'm sure it's something we can acomplish. 

As said - when can you go - presumably late in the week if you're brother is in school? and where would you be travelling from?

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: Nobby Diesel on March 21, 2007, 09:53:03 am

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: Nobby Diesel on March 21, 2007, 09:57:06 am

That last post didn't quite go as expected!

It seems as though you are trying to do something your dad would be proud of - well done.

As previously stated, I'm sure that the good people on here will help all they can.

At present, I'm going on Thursday and coming back on Monday. I will be leaving south Bucks EARLY on Thursday morning and heading for Dover.
Let us know a little more about your situation and I'm sure something will be sorted.

I too will be pleased to help - once I've sorted a new car to be going in!

I'll keep an eye on this thread.

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: Piglet on March 21, 2007, 10:05:27 am
On a practical point ( sorry I can't help being grown up!) how does your Mum feel about the two of your going with people you've met on a website? 

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: mgmark on March 21, 2007, 10:06:40 am
Hi James,

            Sad events and I am sorry to hear of them - you are, though, fortunate to have a legacy that cannot be bought, namely having had a father with the foresight to take you and your brother to Le Mans every year from the age of 11, with the good memories that will always remain of those trips.  And what a great tribute to go this year.  

I'm sorry that I can't help personally, as my MGA only has room for 2 people including the driver.  A couple of thoughts that might help the process of making sure that the pair of you get to La Sarthe and back in June:

1)  It would help people to know where you are located, when you can and cannot travel, and when you need to be back.
2)  I understand your concern that your uncle might not appear to be the most reliable solution, but as the scheme you propose involves what would effectively be a complete stranger to your family taking the pair of you (at age 17 and 14) to a foreign country for up to a week, unless you are going to do a sneaky runner from home and then appear on the front page of the newspapers a week or so later having returned "safe and sound", I suspect that, at some point, a little more formal family approval of the scheme will be needed for the peace of mind of both your family and those offering to take you - best involve them early, probably only once you have a string of positive replies to this thread to show them.

The second point is pretty vital - it is meant in the best way, to help sort it properly, so that everyone involved is happy with whatever scheme is concocted and a great and memorable trip ensues.  As well as bringing offers of lifts - there are three offers on the thread already - the replies to the thread could also be a very powerful persuader to the family that they need to allow you to go and guarantee your trip, rather than "offer".  The replies can also provide some reassurance to them that there are a whole bunch of good-natured people on CA who genuinely want to help for all the right reasons.  

Of course next year you will be 18, hopefully driving and owning a car of your own (or borrowing one), and can take off at will!  I do wish both of you the very best for getting there this year, and hopefully we'll see you at one of the CA gatherings.

Do keep us up to speed with what is going on via the thread

MG Mark

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: Snoring Rhino on March 21, 2007, 11:45:39 am
James, you have my PM, as Piglet and Mark say, you should ensure your Mum is OK with this, its a tough time for her as well. However it works out, I'm sure we can give her the peace of mind she would need, you should hook up with a group rather than indeviduals, we have pre LM planning meetings, where she could meet them, all the best.   

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: JHarber on March 21, 2007, 01:00:52 pm
Hi again guys,

  im overwhelmed by the response from this thread so far.
Sorry i didnt put alot of detail into the first thread, i was just seeing if there was a possibility of this happening before getting my hopes up.
I live in Norwich in Norfolk, we have good train links to almost anywhere, and also a good national flight network.
We normally went on the wednesday, and came back on sunday after the race but on a couple of occasions we stayed the sunday night and drove to the ferry monday morning.
Taking my brother out of schoool is no problem, they expect the absense form every year without fail  :)
Myself, im working at the minute, but working towards going to college and Uni and studying motorsport engineering  :), thought id slip that in.
I have spoken to mum about it and we both agree that it would be great to be able to get down to Le Mans, and if there was a trustworthy group, then she is happy to see us go, prior to meeting you guys obviously.
We have our own tent(s) and we also have alot of camping gear.
Thanks for the replies so far, for any other questions, just post them and i will get back to you asap.
Thanks again,

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: Piglet on March 21, 2007, 01:22:08 pm
We're off out on the Sunday before the race so won't be any good to you unless you fancy leaving from Brands on the Sunday night before (you can get in a camping trip to DTM if you go that way!). 

We may have a little campsite space to spare but we might be getting a bit tight if the ACO are clamping down (we've got Trevor & his son from Canada with us already) so someone else might be better to deal with that aspect. 

We have a pretty good kitchen set up though so can help out with providing food etc. if you aren't planning to take much down. 

Hopefully someone will be in the right location that your Mum can meet them ahead of the trip.  I'm just waiting for someone to use the words "responsible adult" in connection with CA and Le Mans!!   ;D

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: oldtimer on March 21, 2007, 02:27:27 pm

I am absolutely delighted that you and your brother are determined to carry on the tradition established by your father of visiting Le Mans each year... It only seems like yesterday that I started my annual pilgramage under the same circumstances that you did.

It is difficult to explain exactly why - perhaps it is because I used to travel to Le Mans with my father or perhaps it is because I now travel with my young son (and other family members) - but I feel very moved by your gesture.  I am absolutely sure your father would be proud of you.

Although I am unable to assist with your search for a lift I am sure you will find one from someone on this site.

Well done to all of you who have already offered to help James and his brother.  You should be proud of yourselves too.

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: Andy Zarse on March 21, 2007, 06:30:03 pm
I can only echo what has been so well said above.

This year we have a Le Mans newby with us, he's the 20 year old son of an old friend of ours who died at the end of last year. He loved his motor sport and was quite knowlegeable about fifties racing and encouraged his son to take an interest. I know he'd be delighted that we were taking his son with us to Le mans this year. James, I can only assume your father would be equally pleased.

Sounds like you've got the School and your Mum squared away ok,  ;) but it might be worth showing her this page on CA so she can see precisely who is involved. Also, I know there are several CAers from the Norwich area, so I'm quite sure something can be arranged.

Further, I do think you'd be well advised to heed all the good advice here, in my opinion it's wonderfully encapsulated by MG Mark.

Good luck!

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: Jay (Team Cannonball) on March 21, 2007, 08:49:17 pm
Its a pity I've just moved from Norwich, otherwise I'm sure I could have found you a few seats in our convoy. And with me and my girlfriend both becoming Dr's in the next month, I'm sure we would have fitted the responsible adult banner to put your mums mind at rest regarding CA.

Good luck and I hope we can manage to sort you out some travel.

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: nickliv on March 22, 2007, 12:36:09 am

If I was going this year, I'd drive by Norwich to pick you both up, it would be an honour, but to my shame and discredit I'm not going this year due to work commitments. I wish you every success in finding a lift. I'm certain that you'll have no problems finding an adult shaped child on here who will help out.

I took my Dad last year, first time for both of us, but we're both itching for 2008.

Have a great LM 07, make sure you do your old man proud. :)

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: JHarber on March 22, 2007, 11:07:42 am
Hi guys,

   thanks for all the response so far.
I have just had a word with mum and she does fully understand the proposed idea. I will be showing her this page when she gets back later on today.
In answer to other questions, the dates we would go do not matter, neither my brother or i have any major exams and the school will allow up to 2 weeks off so it should be ok.
As ive explained, ive spoken to mum and prior to meeting the group we would go with, she is happy to see us go this year.
I have spoken to my uncle and he is saying he is unsure but i will speak to him about this idea and see what he says. I think after the events he felt like he had to take us but i think hed appreciate me taking that pressure off his shoulders.
As i have said before, we live in Norwich and we can almost get a train or plane anywhere in the country if it helps you guys out.
If anyone wants my phone number or e-mail address then PM me and il get back to you asap.
Thanks again,

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: Piglet on March 22, 2007, 12:02:12 pm
OK, let's try to move this forward....

There are two main issues that I can see....

Lift out and space on a campsite

I'd need to discuss with KK but we might be able to take you if you are happy and able to go from Brands (or more likely Dover is easier) on the Sunday afternoon/Evening.   The slight problem is that we'll need to do a stopover somewhere around Le Mans so you'd need to be able to stump up for a F1 room or similar.  We've got a huge big trailer this year so car space for us is less of an issue than in previous years.    You'd also need to be able to get yourselves home from Dover around 7pm on the Monday afterwards as we will be travelling back to Bristol. 

BUT - I'm concerned that we won't have enough campsite space if the ACO really are going to enforce 35 msq per pass on MB.  We've got four passes but have me, KK, Jason, Trevor and Sean already and I think we'll struggle to get anything else on without being on top of each other. 

How is everyone else fixed for space? 

Can anyone else take the lads later in the week? 

The given if we (and i guess anyone else) take you is that you'd need to be responsible for your own and your brothers behaviour out there!!  Maternal instinct passed me by! 

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: mgmark on March 22, 2007, 02:10:37 pm

The ideal of course would be a party that could transport you there and back and include you on their campsite in one go, and someone may well be able to come up with that offer. 

However, whilst I can't offer any space in a car to get out there and back, our crew are on Bleu Nord this year, arriving from the Tuesday evening, and then striking camp and returning home on the Sunday evening.  As well as the normal crew of responsible adults numbering around a dozen this year, three of my sons are also going (aged 22, 18 and 17) in a Vectra.  There will be space in their car once it is unloaded to get you and your brother out and around with them to Arnage, Mulsanne, the town, shops etc, during the time there, so you wouldn't be totally stuck on the campsite or reliant on walking.

You're welcome to join us on Bleu Nord if you wish, assuming that between you and others on the thread the travel bit gets sorted.  You don't need to decide here and now, as the arrangement can be taken up at a moment's notice right up to when we're all out there if needs be!  That way you can see what others may be able to offer on the thread.  Needless to say, quite happy to talk things through with you, your mum and your brother beforehand.

All the best for now,

MG Mark

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: JHarber on March 22, 2007, 02:20:40 pm
Hi Piglet,

     First of all i would lke to say thanks for your help so far, mum has now seen this page and just from reading a few postings seems happy to meet you all and/or discuss further plans.
I will take full responsibility for myself and my brother, having been to Le Mans for many years we know wht goes on and Dad taught us the rights and wrongs from day one. We had been going with a large group for the lst 3 years but unfortunately they are not going this year. Everything seems to be against us on this trip.
Myself and my brother are not shy and arnt just another couple of lads. We have been brought up in the best way posible, we have always been introduced to Dads friends, always polite and so on. This will show instantly and I hope its something that helps us in our search for a hero CA'er that can take us this year.

As I said before, we are pretty much free when it omes to timing, we can go from whenever until whenever within reason. If anyone can offer any part of this trip, we are more than grateful.
I can send my mobile number and e-mail through PM so just give me a quick call as i check this thread daily and i will get back to you asap.
If there are any questions that are bugging anyone then please ask as i am happy to explain anything to you.
Thanks again,

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: Jason on March 22, 2007, 02:31:40 pm
Hi James,

Just catching up with CA, and have come across your thread. I think what you are doing is great, and I would like to help if I can, obviously from the above you can gather I'm camping with Piglet, Keith etc.

I live in Essex, so can certainly assist somewhere along the way. I'm going out via the Normandy Beaches for a slight side trip on the Monday/Tuesday beforehand, not sure about going out as I'm on a silly PM ferry to Le Harve on the Sunday night, but I can certainly assist assist you getting home on the Monday after the race.

It looks like you are chatting with Piglet, so if you wish to take up my offer, just drop me a PM and we can sort something.


Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: Piglet on March 22, 2007, 02:42:03 pm
Sounds like we might be getting a plan together!  

Jason isn't arriving until tuesday/wednesday so space on the pitch won't be a problem until then.  Mark's offer of camping is probably better as there are a bigger group of them and they'll be a bit more company of your own age and some transport.  You could pitch with us until Mark's crew arrives and then we can move you across to Bleu Nord and we can take you back again the following Monday.  

I have to say James you sound very mature and sensible, the fact that your Mum is willing to let the two of you go is clearly evidence of that - your Dad clearly did a good job and it would be a pleasure to help you out.  

I need to talk to Keith before I can agree anything further but I'll do that tonight and as long as he can't see any issues then you can take us up on the offer whenever you sort out with your uncle whether he wants to make the trip.  

I haven't of course in this mentioned my liking of Abba and the tradition of playing Waterloo at full volume when arriving in France - singing is compulsory!!  

Sorry Jase - posted while you were posting (it took me a while) - we'll need to take your pass anyway to make sure we can keep the space and the lads can use the space until you/Mark arrives.

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: Jason on March 22, 2007, 02:56:48 pm
Sounds like a plan is forming indeed.

Sounds like we might be getting a plan together!  

I haven't of course in this mentioned my liking of Abba and the tradition of playing Waterloo at full volume when arriving in France - singing is compulsory!!  

James, I have to stress, the Abba thing is a tradition going WAAAAaaaayyyyyyyyy back, but at least it's only 1 song. And the quicker it's done with the quicker you can get onto other music ;)

Sorry Jase - posted while you were posting (it took me a while) - we'll need to take your pass anyway to make sure we can keep the space and the lads can use the space until you/Mark arrives.

Not to worry, makes sense to do that. I'll probably be arriving Tuesday night, LM is only 2 hours from Caen.

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: mgmark on March 24, 2007, 12:28:27 am
I've Pm'd James - like Piglet, I do I need to talk to the lads to make sure they are OK with it, although I don't anticipate any particular problems there. 

However, for anyone else reading, I'm sure you will have picked up that this, at the moment is, at best, a cobbled together solution making what we can of what we've got -it will work, but if anyone has anything to help, please feel free to contribute.

MG Mark

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: termietermite on March 24, 2007, 07:32:01 am
Just catching up but if there's anything we can supply (tents etc) just let us know.  Hopefully I'll have the Landy going by the time LM arrives so will have loads of room for extra gear.

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: Papa Lazarou on March 25, 2007, 08:46:24 pm
Wow guys - top effort!  :)

James, I'd love to help out but am coming from Ireland, so may be a wee bit out of the way for the journey!

However, I'm on my own on Camping Bleu this year (except for the few thousand others there, obviously), so if you need some tent-space, let me know.  Looking at this thread though, I doubt this will be a problem!

See you at LM, and welcome to Club Arnage!


Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: mgmark on March 26, 2007, 02:14:52 pm

        Just to let you know that I have posted a link to this thread on the East Anglia forum of Pistonheads (which I also frequent) to see if anyone there can help as well 

We will continue working on the current plan, but there's a good bunch of people there too and, as many of them will be more local to you, they might be able to offer better possibilities. 

MG Mark

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: Piglet on April 12, 2007, 02:10:34 pm
By way of update we appear to be sorted  ;D

James and his brother are going to travel down with KK and I on Sunday, stay on our pitch on MB until Tuesday and then head off over to join Mark and his lads on Bleu on Tuesday night. 

I'm not sure what the score will be on gear - I'm guess James and his bro have what they need and hopefully space in the car won't be a huge problem (as we now have a huge trailer!).  We're all meeting up in May to "do detail" and we will have done a test pack of the trailer by then so will know what the space situation is like. 

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: Fran on April 12, 2007, 02:15:09 pm
Excellent news for the guys.  Yet another testament (as if we needed one) of the generosity etc of the CA members!  ;D

Well done to all involved.


Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: Piglet on April 12, 2007, 02:47:11 pm
Of course what they don't have is Club Arnage (or DfH?) T-shirts so if anyone has some spares they might like to donate.....

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: termietermite on April 12, 2007, 02:54:21 pm
Good stuff Piglet and co.  Post planning meeting, just let me know if there is any extra gear you need.

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: LangTall on April 12, 2007, 03:31:32 pm
I have 'some' DfH-shirts of this year lying around....

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: Bob U on April 12, 2007, 07:12:20 pm
James, you and your brother are welcome to join us for an evening meal on Saturday. This will comprise of a magnificent curry fest and afterwards a wander up to The Poo Bar whilst the serfs clear up. I'm afraid this will mean you both coming over to HA, which, understandibly will mean that you will be reluctant to return to a lesser campsite. My son will be there, who is 21,and the rest of us have a mental age of about 15, so you should feel at home. Let me know if you are interested.


Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: Dirk3D_NL on April 12, 2007, 08:01:32 pm
looks like arrangements have been dealt with in a very decent way :)

I must say that everybody at LeMans acts with the mental age of 15, especially when we are playing Table Soccer at the DFH Dome of Café sports this year ;D

Title: Re: Need a lift to Le Mans this year....
Post by: LangTall on April 12, 2007, 10:50:17 pm
Don't forget the other game(s) we bring this year Dirk. ;D