Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Bob U on March 19, 2007, 12:44:51 pm

Title: Hello boys and girls, we're back
Post by: Bob U on March 19, 2007, 12:44:51 pm
Well, what can you say about a weekend like that? Apart from fantastic that is.

Just got back to work. Late, tired, suntanned and possibly suffering from over consumption. It was well worth the journey even for the short time I was there, only Andy did it in a shorter time. As usual it was great to put faces to names.

A big thanks to all at Turn 10 and Camp Pidge. Your hostpitality and friendlyness was amazing. I had never met Pidge before but he introduced me to his family and they were all genuinly pleased to have me over there. I can reccomend the breakfast he provides, top stuff, sets you up for the day.

Although I wasn't sleeping at Turn 10 but every time I passed through a beer was pushed into my hand and I was told to help myself to anything. What a nice bunch of people.

Had a great chat with Matt Harper about Le Mans of old and how it had changed, and not for the good. I look forward to you coming over to La Sarthe again Matt.

I have really got to go back there again. The closeness of the track to the spectaters is unbelievable and even with a PHD camera like mine I managed to take some great shots.

Title: Re: Hello boys and girls, we're back
Post by: jpchenet on March 19, 2007, 01:07:00 pm
A HUGE Thank You to everyone, new friends and old, who helped make this such a great trip.

I'll post more when I've had chance to sleep some of it off and the brain cells might start to come back to life.

I don't think I have a Liver left to punish!

Title: Re: Hello boys and girls, we're back
Post by: Andy Zarse on March 19, 2007, 01:09:06 pm
And it's me checking in on CA too...

Wow what a blast we had this weekend. Went out on friday morning with my pal Andy who was able to arrange stand-by tix as he's a pilot. Got to Orlando and upgraded the Taurus for a Corvette Convertible and we eventually reached Sebring at 9pm on friday night. I was overwhelmed by all the CA folk slapping me on the back, and it was a genuine pleasure to see faces I'd not seen for two years. Also need to say a monumental thank you from both of us for the warmth and hospitality of the Turn 10 band of brothers. I though Mr R Prewett was gonna squeeze the life out of me, such was the hug he gave me. Anyway thanks guys and gals!

Nice also to renew my acquaintance with Mr M Harper, who I am delighted to report is fatter and jollier than ever. We spent some time with him and Seth and can confirm he's nothing but a drunkard. Anyway, he tried to trick us into what he described as "running from the law" in the Vette. He told us it was all the rage in Florida to bate the police and charge off headed for the Carolina border where apparently you are immune from prosecution; a sort of reworking of Thelma and Louise but with a CA twist. Seeing as we didn't have our head scarves with us, we gave that one a miss but took Matt's other advice and found some quieter backroad for a full-on Vette hoon. Ended up on Cocoa Beach for some agreeable surf and turf in the sunshine then we visited the carpark of the Kennedy Space Centre. Deciding that the hour we had spare didn't justify the $38 enrty, we went for another hoon and forunately came across an airshow at a nearby USAF base. We saw various dispalys, the highlight being an Invader and a Liberator displaying together.

Back at the airport we met up with JPC, Bob U, Rick and Doris and I'm delighted to say Andy was able to pull rank and get us checked in immediately without the ghastly hour of queuing the other four had to endure. He also secured us a Premium upgrade. The flight was 99% full so the journey was pretty terrible up the front. What it must have been like for the miserable wretches and peasants down the back in cattle class one can only surmise.

Anyway I've dragged my freshly-bathed corpse into the office and writing this has made me wish I was back there on Turn 10 with some of the finest folk it's possible to meet.

Title: Re: Hello boys and girls, we're back
Post by: Nobby Diesel on March 19, 2007, 02:34:55 pm
Good to hear you all made it home safely and had a tremendous time.

In all honesty though, I hate you all. With a passion ;)

Title: Re: Hello boys and girls, we're back
Post by: Werner on March 19, 2007, 02:42:13 pm
Baaaah, what a sh*tty thread... stop reading!

Title: Re: Hello boys and girls, we're back
Post by: nopanic - neil on March 19, 2007, 03:04:26 pm
Sorry Lads, Were not back yet, at Hotel, just booked online.

Great Sunshine  ;D just about to go out in shorts and enjoy the last few hours of Orlando

hello from the following- who are still here

died_laughing,knetter,jc_nl,schizo,paddy,langtall,martini,QV,wishy and nopanic
see you'll soon

Title: Re: Hello boys and girls, we're back
Post by: Boorish Grobian on March 19, 2007, 04:16:51 pm
Glad to hear everyone had a great time.  Hope the Sebring newbies enjoyed their first trip to the old bomber base.  It pained me a great deal to miss the race this year, it pained me far worse to miss the opportunity to catch up with some old friends, and make some new ones.  Hope to see all of you soon, Road Atlanta in the autumn perhaps?

Title: Re: Hello boys and girls, we're back
Post by: wishy on March 20, 2007, 01:45:17 pm
Just walked in the door.....had my first decent cuppa in a week!!!!

And all I can say is wow.What a weekend of 4 tornado,drinking moonshine and other concoctions whatever they were.real southern cooking.....and on Friday night at F-Troop our one and only Mr.J.P.Clapton singing  his usual partypiece.....Mustang Sally to the locals who gave their appreciation for a Limey taking centre stage.

And thanks to all the Turn 10 guys and gals for making the weekend memorable ;D,also thanks Matt for booking the hotel...getting us completelky wrecked on our arrival in Oralando  at The Fish on Fire and the invaluable advice on do's and don'ts while in Florida

And I hope Lee has replaced his golf club that Nopanic destroyed  on the driving range!!!! 8)


Title: Re: Hello boys and girls, we're back
Post by: Doris on March 20, 2007, 02:00:00 pm
Well I'm not doing that again.  Not for at least 51 weeks...   ;D ;D ;D


Title: Re: Hello boys and girls, we're back
Post by: chop456 on March 20, 2007, 05:35:29 pm
Good to see some familiar faces and meet some new ones, also.  I wish I could have met everyone but each time we stopped by the compound it seemed people were off watching race cars or some such nonsense.  ;D

Sorry again for the crap weather.

More than that - I'm sorry for only having cold Miller to offer when you stopped by.  :-[

Title: Re: Hello boys and girls, we're back
Post by: mgmark on March 20, 2007, 09:51:39 pm
Welcome back one and all - look forward to hearing more tales of derring-do across the pond.  The Taurus to Vette transformation gives a whole new meaning to "hire car"... ;D In the immortal lines from the Life of Brian I can only say "you lucky, lucky b*ast*rds....."

I know its a lot to ask with all that PG Tips and cold Miller swilling around getting in the way, but did anyone see anything of the old Sebring MGAs racing/parading?

Who knows, next year maybe......

MG Mark

Title: Re: Hello boys and girls, we're back
Post by: vettefan on March 20, 2007, 11:48:26 pm
Hello!  It was great to meet those of you that made it to Turn 10.  Sorry we got rained out and didn't get to camp and know you better.  Oh well, next year!

Title: Re: Hello boys and girls, we're back
Post by: Andy on March 21, 2007, 12:11:16 am
In the immortal lines from the Life of Brian I can only say "you lucky, lucky b*ast*rds....."

MG Mark
welcome back you mottly crew, glad to hear you are all save and hung over.
 I trust you hated every bit of it

Title: Re: Hello boys and girls, we're back
Post by: Canada Phil on March 21, 2007, 03:25:37 am
The moose arrived home all in one piece. Nice to meet so many old friends and a few new ones. Weather was not up to Sebring's usual standard but we did OK despite some strong winds and rain. Thanks Bob for my 'milk"
I did see the MG's race and looked at them in the paddock. various models of MGA all in good shape. You would have liked it Mark. Chop good to see you again and I was proud to down a Miller in order to provide the snow cap to your mountain which was the best at Sebring 2007 ( as I did not see any others no contest really ;D) DfH were out in force. adding new meaning to the term PARTY ::) No Panic pulled off mission impossible and arrived with nnot only Old Thumper but a whole selection of fine ale. Well done that man 8)
Thank you very much. Wishy we could have brewed you a cup of tea over at Pidge land if you had mentioned it :angel:

Title: Re: Hello boys and girls, we're back
Post by: wishy on March 21, 2007, 08:12:26 am

Nopanic and I managed to get up to the show in Old Sebring and took a few pictures of the cars up there. I will put some up when I have worked out how to reduces the size of pictutres.


Title: Re: Hello boys and girls, we're back
Post by: badgered1 on March 21, 2007, 12:50:50 pm
I got back home Monday night and still having a hard time walking from the blisters on my feet from walking all over the circuit multiple times. This was my first trip to Sebring. I am looking forward to Lime Rock and Petite Lemans 10th anniversary. It was great to meet some of the faces on this board and have such a warm welcome. The Drinking For Holland group was as crazy as a I had expected, but very enthusiastic race fans as well. The set up at turn 10 was perfect for viewing and just down a few sites was someone keeping track of the race positions for each hour. The slide show was some of the best laughs all week. Lee you did a great job on the comentary! Spot on mate. It was great talking to  all the Chris', Lee, the Amazing Randy,Paddy, Langtall, and to get some Drinking For Holland T's. I have a great photo of the Dutch and Team Impala taking a ride on La Bomba. Those drinks were really tasty. What are they called again? Wishy thank you for telling not to drink too many of them. Wow! We were camped with the La Bomba crew at turn 11 and had a great view of the track. I actually was watching the #1 Audi go by and saw the entire accident into the tire barrier. Wholly s**t!!!! The accident was louder than the car. I can still hear those sounds of the body exploding off the car and the chassis skidding across the track. I am picking up my photos today on CD and hope that there are some great action shots. I'll post some as soon as I can. What a great time and thanks goes out to all of the people at Turn 10! I am telling my friends that I spent a weeks vacation at airports. :)

Title: Re: Hello boys and girls, we're back
Post by: nopanic - neil on March 22, 2007, 05:01:48 pm
Home now, well I got back, my body Tue, my mind Thursday.

What a great week at Sebring, great hosts, thanks to everyone at Turn 10. Sorry about the golf club Lee, not sure it’s an event for Le Mans; French have no sense of humour.

I know Sebring was an old bomber airfield, but after the rain/hail/wind on Thursday it looked like it at been well and truly bombed!

But as said before, Spongebob was still standing, in fact at times it looked Bob was riding the waves – no wipe out for him.

Again, a BIG thanks you to everyone at Turn 10, great food, great beer, great atmosphere and more important great hosts.

The only casualty of the week, my camera. Dried it out, new battery, new SD card, still dead. I’ll post my pics (the few I have) later

Title: Re: Hello boys and girls, we're back
Post by: Steve Pyro on March 25, 2007, 03:53:56 pm
Yes yes, now back on UK time after a great Sebring, an outstanding visit to the drag racing ....... and then home and a trip to Bolton!

I'm currently sorting my photos from the trip.  There's some excellent ones there, including the sportscars and drag cars .... plus some very interesting ones of the Kumho girls  :P

I'll upload them very soon.

Title: Re: Hello boys and girls, we're back
Post by: Bob U on March 25, 2007, 05:25:51 pm
ooking forward to the Kumho girls :P