Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: fagey on January 25, 2007, 04:59:20 pm

Title: Deleted picture - mod'ed
Post by: fagey on January 25, 2007, 04:59:20 pm

<deleted following 'report to moderator' requests - Steve>

Title: Re: steve irwins last pics
Post by: Andy Zarse on January 25, 2007, 05:48:21 pm
And that's funny?  :(

Bad taste is only ok if it's genuinely funny and that's bad taste bereft of any perceivable humour.

Title: Re: steve irwins last pics
Post by: Dave H on January 25, 2007, 10:03:50 pm
I'm not really getting it either.  I went to a Halloween party in 2001 when a couple came as the Trade Center with planes sticking out of them.  Needless to say their attempt at funny was greeted with a response the temperature of Pluto. 

On a lighter note, I stood in a bank here in Indianapolis yesterday as small South American woman with an English vocab of about 5 words tried to communicate something repeatedly to the bank teller who was just not getting it.

After the teller asked if "anyone in the bank spoke Spanish", she called-up her manager and was finally given the advice to call the customer service number and request a Spanish-speaking rep.

This accomplished, she handed the phone to the little old lady telling the rep that she'd let her talk to the customer and then take the phone back and ask what she wanted.

I had to bite through my face to stop from suggesting to the teller that the translation was going to be "I've got a gun, hand over the cash or I'll blow your f*$#king face off Seņora!"

Title: Re: steve irwins last pics
Post by: mgmark on January 26, 2007, 09:04:34 am
Appears to be a worthy candidate for thread deletion to me......

MG Mark

Title: Re: steve irwins last pics
Post by: fagey on January 26, 2007, 09:32:12 am
well I seem to have hit a raw nerve here!

if the mods want it off then delete away.. but dont forget that the british have for years laughed at adversity, remember all the african/space shuttle/diana/twin towers jokes & cartoons that spawned just hours after the happenings etc..
smacks a bit of double standards to me, but if i have offended anyone i apologise..

Title: Re: steve irwins last pics
Post by: mgmark on January 26, 2007, 09:41:02 am
Hi fagey,

               Aside from any taste issues, for me it's that the whole subject is quite a while after the event, and was covered well at the time.  This just resurrects what was a sad accident to an apparently very nice bloke.

No offence taken.

MG Mark

Title: Re: steve irwins last pics
Post by: Andy Zarse on January 26, 2007, 11:50:43 am
Likewise, no offence taken. However, I must disagree with your comment Fagey. I don't think this is double standards. Of course I've laughed at many of the "tradgedy" jokes over the years, but only ones which contained some inventive and clever humour or a perhaps a wry perspective. You're correct in implying it's how we help deal with these issues, however, this one just isn't even in the slightest bit witty, amusing or chuckle inducing. It's just a badly made mpeg cartoon which seems to be the work of a nine year old.  As such IMO it cannot justify itself it's place in the pantheon of acceptable "sick" jokes. I'd laugh if Dave's old woman really had been holding up the bank though.