Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: DelBoy on January 20, 2007, 04:50:14 pm

Title: T Shirt & Sticker 'Profits'
Post by: DelBoy on January 20, 2007, 04:50:14 pm
Some time ago, the owners/administrators of the Club Arnage web site announced that they were going to re-vamp the site, and add various items of mechandise.  We are also very much aware that the server is or has been upgraded recently to counter the appalling response times being experienced.  All this costs someone a fair chunk of money.

I have had some talks with Chris Considine - he's somewhat easier to get hold of than Dave (Grand Fromage - the owner of the site).  One way of raising funds that was under consideration was to sell advertising space on the site.  This has been mentioned on here before, and the general consensus was that the site would be better off without such advertising.  Dave has, for the moment at least, dropped any thoughts about taking this route.

When they get their own merchandise together, the proceeds from this will go towards the ever increasing admin costs.  Our own T shirts that we have for the last 3 years, and for next year, could be classed as CA merchandise, and , especially in the future, could divert 'profits' that would normally go towards those costs.

I am aware of, and agreed with, the proposal that all 'profits' from this year's shirt and sticker sales would go to a charity organised by Doris.  What I would like people to consider now is that some of those profits be put towards the running of the site - a site that we all use at no cost to ourselves.

I am thinking of pricing this year's shirt at £11, which is only slightly higher that it has been for the last three years.  This would not provide massive 'profits', but would bring in a small sum that we could split (at an agreed percentage) between the charity and admin.

What say you??


Title: Re: T Shirt & Sticker 'Profits'
Post by: Nordic on January 20, 2007, 05:41:57 pm
Sounds like a good idea. It would be good to give something back to the site.

Title: Re: T Shirt & Sticker 'Profits'
Post by: Steve Pyro on January 20, 2007, 06:07:21 pm
I agree.
God alone knows what this site costs in hosting and hardware.

Title: Re: T Shirt & Sticker 'Profits'
Post by: Werner on January 20, 2007, 06:14:35 pm
definitely OK. Keeping the site up and running has top priority!

Title: Re: T Shirt & Sticker 'Profits'
Post by: Bob U on January 20, 2007, 07:39:45 pm
I agree wholeheartidly with a payment towards admin. A collection at the Poo Bar to donate to Dave is an option that I would be happy to support

Title: Re: T Shirt & Sticker 'Profits'
Post by: garyfrogeye on January 20, 2007, 08:54:39 pm
I agree that some funds should be redistributed back to the running of the site.

Title: Re: T Shirt & Sticker 'Profits'
Post by: Werner on January 20, 2007, 09:14:21 pm
A suggestion to make money distribution between the charity and the CA-Maintenance easier:

1. All profit from the T-Shirt and car-sticker sale go to the CA-site for the server costs, a surcharge should be calculated to ensure, that a reasonable amount will be collected, e.g. 2 Euros per Shirt and 50 cents per sticker above costs

2. For Doris charity: A call for donations on the download-page of the guide as well as in the guide itself + a collection on site at the Poo bar.

(@Doris: Could you prepare a 1-pager for the guide giving some background information about the charity plus details for people willing to donate, e.g. Paypal, bank account number with info for international transfers - ICAN, BIC Swift and all that stuff?)

What do you think about it?

Title: Re: T Shirt & Sticker 'Profits'
Post by: il Cavallino on January 20, 2007, 10:40:02 pm
You can also use paypal for transfers. Maybe you can arrange some charge free account with them since it's for charity.

Title: Re: T Shirt & Sticker 'Profits'
Post by: Perdu on January 21, 2007, 09:08:43 pm
I agree that some funds should be redistributed back to the running of the site.


yes really, "it's good, it's free!"

doesnt really add up.


Title: Re: T Shirt & Sticker 'Profits'
Post by: Dirk3D_NL on January 21, 2007, 09:13:48 pm
I don't mind paying a bit extra for the shirts to support this site, it is all peanuts if you compare with what you spend at La Sarthe anyways :D

and this site needs stability and an open character I think

Title: Re: T Shirt & Sticker 'Profits'
Post by: Martini...LB on January 21, 2007, 10:59:20 pm
You can also use paypal for transfers. Maybe you can arrange some charge free account with them since it's for charity.

If this is possible it would be good because they normally deduct 3-4%. OK ebxxy is very hand but they do rip you.


Title: Re: T Shirt & Sticker 'Profits'
Post by: Jay (Team Cannonball) on January 21, 2007, 11:47:12 pm
Can't you use the "just giving" website to setup payment for charitable donations. I don't have any details but I have seen ebay charity auctions where they offer paypal but request you use the just giving service as the proceeds go to cure cancer/save the whales/etc etc.

Title: Re: T Shirt & Sticker 'Profits'
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 21, 2007, 11:57:05 pm
Just to say I will charge the minimum required for the stickers, "production costs" seem to be the correct words ;D

Title: Re: T Shirt & Sticker 'Profits'
Post by: Christopher on January 22, 2007, 08:39:10 am

I agree.

Don't mind paying a bit extra to support the site and any nominated charity.

Considering the number of downloads the guide had last year, that would be a good place to advertise the charity of choice.

As suggested, setting up a just giving site might be the easiest for the charity.

Has it never been considered to make CA a subscription site? Or is that even more work and effort? (Please don't hit me for suggesting that.....I don't know the full history of the site).

Title: Re: T Shirt & Sticker 'Profits'
Post by: Papa Lazarou on January 23, 2007, 10:51:58 am
I agree with the general concensus here that a small sum added to the t-shirt/stickers sales and a whip-round at the poo bar/stella bar meets split between the site and the nominated charity is probably the way to go.

No membership fees to worry about means no financial nightmare of who's paid what, expiry dates, membership numbers, etc, which has to be a good thing.  The fact that Club Arnage is open to all, without a membership fee, is one of the great things about it.  It encourages people to come in, have alook around, see what's happening and leave as many or as few posts as they like on as regular or irregular basis as they like.  Just because I don't post all year round, doesn't mean I don't take an interest all year round.  The fact that this is a free-to-join club (or community even?) is one of it's greatest assets.

So there.   :P


Title: Re: T Shirt & Sticker 'Profits'
Post by: Doris on January 23, 2007, 02:59:50 pm
A suggestion to make money distribution between the charity and the CA-Maintenance easier:

1. All profit from the T-Shirt and car-sticker sale go to the CA-site for the server costs, a surcharge should be calculated to ensure, that a reasonable amount will be collected, e.g. 2 Euros per Shirt and 50 cents per sticker above costs

2. For Doris charity: A call for donations on the download-page of the guide as well as in the guide itself + a collection on site at the Poo bar.

(@Doris: Could you prepare a 1-pager for the guide giving some background information about the charity plus details for people willing to donate, e.g. Paypal, bank account number with info for international transfers - ICAN, BIC Swift and all that stuff?)

What do you think about it?

Ok guys.  Let's get one thing straight.  I am not championing a charity this year.  Any funds from charitable activities I may choose to undertake at LM this year will all be going towards the CA charities.

As I understood it we, as Club Arnage, were going to champion three charities this year.  We even had a poll to see which charities people thought would be good ones to champion - results can be found here:

Now we are talking about t-shirt and sticker profits going towards upkeep of this site I think we would be best to champion two other charities with funds raised from the guide downloads donations.  Per the results of the poll I believe one of these should permanently be the AIRC, with the second changing yearly and being voted on in the Spring - March time say.

If anyone has any comments regarding this proposal please let me know. 


PS: Werner you have a PM