Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: termietermite on December 15, 2006, 02:19:06 pm

Title: T2M LMP2 Dome
Post by: termietermite on December 15, 2006, 02:19:06 pm
Sorry, French again, but you'll get the gist. T2M have bought a  Dome which they will run at LM as an LMP2 car. 

Title: Re: T2M LMP2 Dome
Post by: Paddy_NL on December 15, 2006, 02:24:23 pm
Don't know if it was RfH's Dome - but if it was, it will give a nice cashflow for Lammers :)

How about the rules? Will it just be a matter of taking out some weight and get a smaller air restrictor?
I do believe it will be very confusing for the audiance if different classes will run the same cars :-\

Title: Re: T2M LMP2 Dome
Post by: termietermite on December 15, 2006, 02:45:08 pm
A rough - but I hope faithful - translation.
Ietoshi Kenedo's T2M Motorsport will once again be around the European circuits in '07.
Yet, '07 will be something of a novelty as Kaneko has abandoned his valliant Porsche (sold to a Japanese collector) to try a new challenge in prototypes.
"I considered both LMP1 & 2 but in LMP1 you have Audi, Peugeot and others... It's difficult to be a contender. I thought that LMP2 would be more fun.  For two years now I have enjoyed good relations with Dome and have great confidence in their potential,  I asked them if they could produce an LMP2 and they accepted [the challenge].
This LMP2 will be constructed starting with the shell of the S101.5 which is similarly equipped to the LMP1 which will be run by Jan Lammers's RfH. This new shell has been built by dome to conform precisely to the regulations.  The LMP1 will run in Dutch colours and the LMP2 in Japanese colours.  The cost of the Dome is right there with other cars in the category.
The choice of engine is yet to be decided, Kaneko told us he is negotiating with several manufacturers.  The car should arrive in March and Ietoshi already has contracts with several sponsors.  The choice of drivers will be decided soon.
T2M's programme is quite clear : LMS.  Kaneko will also be after a place in the 24 hours.
Other changes: T2M will move to the South of France.  The team will locate to Cevennes, inside the Alez circuit.  Welcome to Dome - but in LMP2.  Here are some other LMP2 entrants : Lola BO5/40;Courage LC75, the new Pilbeam, WR and perhaps Radical SR9.

Title: Re: T2M LMP2 Dome
Post by: termietermite on December 15, 2006, 02:50:28 pm
Don't know if it was RfH's Dome - but if it was, it will give a nice cashflow for Lammers :)

How about the rules? Will it just be a matter of taking out some weight and get a smaller air restrictor?
I do believe it will be very confusing for the audiance if different classes will run the same cars :-\
I need to re-read the rules but aren't the major differences in engine sizes/restrictors etc? - not chassis construction?

Title: Re: T2M LMP2 Dome
Post by: Werner on December 15, 2006, 03:15:42 pm
I need to re-read the rules but aren't the major differences in engine sizes/restrictors etc? - not chassis construction?

Yes, differences are weight and engines basically
LMP1: 925 kg, 6 ltr. aspirated, 4ltr. Turbo or 5.5 ltr Diesel
LMP2: 775 kg, 3.4 ltr aspirated, 2 ltr. Turbo

height, width and length of the cars are equal for both classes, so I guess the chassis don't need to differ very much

Title: Re: T2M LMP2 Dome
Post by: LangTall on December 15, 2006, 03:31:28 pm
So when you translated it correctly Termie, they bought a new chassis from Dome which is similar to the one that will be driven by RfH next year, only complying to LMP2 rules instead of LMP1 rules. So it is not the old RfH chassis.

Title: Re: T2M LMP2 Dome
Post by: knetter on December 15, 2006, 04:45:19 pm
That is the message I am getting from the translation as well. Good to see two Domes, even if they are in two different classes.

Title: Re: T2M LMP2 Dome
Post by: termietermite on December 15, 2006, 06:02:24 pm
So when you translated it correctly Termie, they bought a new chassis from Dome which is similar to the one that will be driven by RfH next year, only complying to LMP2 rules instead of LMP1 rules. So it is not the old RfH chassis.
Yup, sorry I mislead you in the first place!  I picked the thing up and posted before I read it properly.  Ooops.