Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lord Steve on November 09, 2006, 05:22:50 pm

Title: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Lord Steve on November 09, 2006, 05:22:50 pm
The new DVD just arrived today - Thank you Amazon!
I know what I'm doing tonight - folding chair in the lounge, few cans of beer, appropriate CA t shirt.
I'll let you know tomorrow!


Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Steve Pyro on November 09, 2006, 05:34:04 pm
Steve, you really do need to log on here more often  ;)

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Lord Steve on November 09, 2006, 06:00:59 pm
Oh, fair point.......

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Ferrari Spider on November 09, 2006, 07:01:22 pm
Steve, you really do need to log on here more often  ;)

LOOK, what's going on 'ere, first we get bollocked for writing what we think when Johnny Newbie turns up trying to flog some overpriced film to us, then a regular comes back on the scene and gets shot down for putting his nose over the parapet.  It just seems a bit inequitable, that's all ;D

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: mgmark on November 09, 2006, 11:42:07 pm

           I think it's a mixture of semi-benevolent autocracy and the privilege of rank going to the youngster's head old boy - y'know the top brass are never wrong and all that.... ;)

MG Mark

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Ferrari Spider on November 10, 2006, 12:08:29 am

           I think it's a mixture of semi-benevolent autocracy and the privilege of rank going to the youngster's head old boy - y'know the top brass are never wrong and all that.... ;)
MG Mark

Damn right, Mark.  AND Rank hath its Privilege Too.  The higher you rise the bigger the  fall fool.

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Steve Pyro on November 10, 2006, 12:20:23 am

           ...  youngster's head ...

MG Mark

I'll take that as a compliment Mark  ;D.

Oh, and I'll put the 4 stripes with the Royal purple back on my sleeve too.  ;)

Following the Titanic sinking, and loss of life of all marine engineers, King George V degreed that British Marine Engineers should, henceforth, show a purple background on their rank insignia.


Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Ferrari Spider on November 10, 2006, 12:30:29 am
Whats that steve, Cap'n 't 'eads ;D

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: mgmark on November 10, 2006, 09:30:26 am

           ...  youngster's head ...

MG Mark

I'll take that as a compliment Mark  ;D.

Oh, and I'll put the 4 stripes with the Royal purple back on my sleeve too.  ;)

Wow  :o - I'm so jealous.   Those are really pretty patterns.   We just have to put up with plain old rings......... ;D ;D.   

I am, of course standing rigidly to attention and saluting at this time, in deference to a service whose roots grew from piracy, and in case you start trotting out that standard bollox about senior services and ruling the waves....... ;).  Just remember to be worried when you hear any of the following:

A Third Officer saying, "I learned this in training..."
A Second Officer saying, "Trust me, Sir..."
A Chief Officer saying, "Based on my experience..."
A Captain saying, "I was just thinking..."
A Chief Engineer chuckling, "Just watch this sh*t..."

 ;D ;D

MG Mark

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Ferrari Spider on November 10, 2006, 10:13:05 am
Mark, often wondered about the crabs calling rings, stripes?  All seems very odd.  Just a beeeezarre set-up, chief petty officers! What a mouthful, have a row of three buttons on each sleeve, its not decorative you know, oh no, its to stop them wiping their dripping noses on their sleeve, yuuuck, what a service.

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: mgmark on November 10, 2006, 10:28:26 am
Mark, often wondered about the crabs calling rings, stripes?  All seems very odd.  Just a beeeezarre set-up, chief petty officers! What a mouthful, have a row of three buttons on each sleeve, its not decorative you know, oh no, its to stop them wiping their dripping noses on their sleeve, yuuuck, what a service.

Indeed, thoroughly uncultured really, but probably something to do with small boys and powder monkeys.   Difficult to work it out when simple phrases with common meanings seem to be completely lost on them.  Like when you ask politely where the nearest toilet is and they start laughing and talking about "heads".  The only time I'm interested in a combination of head and toilet is when needing to dispose rapidly of a part-digested curry.  Or you suggest cutting across some grass and get told you're getting your wet.  Or you ask where someone's bedroom is.   Or you ask for the dining room and they start banging on about ward rooms.  I mean, what have wards got to do with food ???   Probably something to do with tea, bromide and ancient mariners I suppose.

MG Mark

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Ferrari Spider on November 10, 2006, 10:46:33 am
I know just what you mean, galley for kitchen, below for downstairs, deck for floor.  Once, a very long time ago, I had the experience; we will call it that, of being billeted in/on a RN shore establishment, I believe they call them ships!!  Anyway, it was knock off time for us, the delights of the local pub beckoned,  we were all in our finest running ashore rig, whooops, Andrew slang creeping in, just to exit the base when some screaming bod comes tearing after us, you can't go out there!  The liberty boat's left, you'll drown!!  I rest my case.  Mad, the lot of them.

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: termietermite on November 10, 2006, 10:50:48 am
This is all helping to explain why my neither of myparents ever understood what the other was talking about, one being airforce and the other navy.  Funny the things you discover on this site!

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Steve Pyro on November 10, 2006, 11:14:21 am
This is all helping to explain why my neither of myparents ever understood what the other was talking about, one being airforce and the other navy.  Funny the things you discover on this site!

It's all part of the rich and varied history and heritage of the UK.

I'm afraid, having been part of the Merchant Navy, rather than those part time sailors of the RN, I went to sea to do a job.  We had no time for bullshit, spit and polish and 'yes sir, no sir'.

The merchant navy is like any other haulage business, you get a contract to take cargo X from loading port A to discharge port B.  You do it in the required timescale, the company gets paid, you go to port C for cargo Y - and so on.

Various parts of my floating home were called proper names and attitudes were left at home.

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: mgmark on November 10, 2006, 11:26:44 am
This is all helping to explain why my neither of myparents ever understood what the other was talking about, one being airforce and the other navy.  Funny the things you discover on this site!

It's all part of the rich and varied history and heritage of the UK.

I'm afraid, having been part of the Merchant Navy, rather than those part time sailors of the RN, I went to sea to do a job.  We had no time for bullsh**t, spit and polish and 'yes sir, no sir'.

The merchant navy is like any other haulage business, you get a contract to take cargo X from loading port A to discharge port B.  You do it in the required timescale, the company gets paid, you go to port C for cargo Y - and so on.

Various parts of my floating home were called proper names and attitudes were left at home.


        And there was me thinking that your absence from the thread had been because you had either fallen asleep or just couldn't take the withering onslaught of air-minded banter from the cabbage crates over the briny squadron.   And all the time it was because you call things by their proper name.  Like front and back.  Or Left and Right...... ;D   

And you're being far too modest about the Red Ensign brigade being a haulage business.  When we do our job and people shoot at us, we have stuff to shoot back with - utmost admiration for those who do their stuff hauling what we need around without that benefit.

MG Mark

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Steve Pyro on November 10, 2006, 11:36:54 am

.... And you're being far too modest about the Red Ensign brigade being a haulage business.  When we do our job and people shoot at us, we have stuff to shoot back with - utmost admiration for those who do their stuff hauling what we need around without that benefit.

MG Mark

Thanks Mark, all we had on the VLCCs in the Persian Gulf during the Iran / Iraq war was a 10 bar fire pump and 4 fire monitors on the deck - could spray a nice plume of water  ::)
Oh, and the captain had a revolver in the ship's safe!

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: mgmark on November 10, 2006, 11:52:26 am
Oh, and the captain had a revolver in the ship's safe!

Heartening to know that you had such a extensive defensive array at your beck and command, even if its original purpose was to quell mutiny by insubordinate crew, rather than repelling the enemy or shooting down appproaching missiles.  We've got a brilliant joint Navy/Air approach to maximise flexibility and cost-effectiveness now..........

MG Mark

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Ferrari Spider on November 10, 2006, 12:09:15 pm
The Red Duster did sterling work during recent conflicts, who can we turn too in the next, with less and less UK Maritime ships on the register.  No doubt 'Tone has an answer.

But, in all reality the red duster must have a common language, esprit de corps, etc, so c'mon Steve, tell us some of the tales.  Did you ever take you turn in the barrel as midshipman easy or the chief stoker show the gleaming golden rivet or the bitter end!!

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Andy Zarse on November 10, 2006, 12:16:02 pm
To be fair, it said on the news today that this one is coming on line today with the Fleet Auxillary.


Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: mgmark on November 10, 2006, 12:17:42 pm
But, in all reality the red duster must have a common language, esprit de corps, etc, so c'mon Steve, tell us some of the tales.  Did you ever take you turn in the barrel as midshipman easy or the chief stoker show the gleaming golden rivet or the bitter end!!

You'll be asking him if Master Bates ran up the Jolly Roger to inspect Seaman Stains next........

MG Mark

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: mgmark on November 10, 2006, 12:20:20 pm
To be fair, it said on the news today that this one is coming on line today with the Fleet Auxillary.

Along with the new generation aircraft carrier............

MG Mark

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Ferrari Spider on November 10, 2006, 12:26:12 pm
To be fair, it said on the news today that this one is coming on line today with the Fleet Auxiliary.

Along with the new generation aircraft carrier............

MG Mark

would that be one of the last Tomcat movements?  can you believe 36 years of operation, i can remember seeing the first ones here in the UK it doesn't seem that long ago ???

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Andy Zarse on November 10, 2006, 12:34:13 pm
To be fair, it said on the news today that this one is coming on line today with the Fleet Auxillary.

Along with the new generation aircraft carrier............

MG Mark

I like the way they've got it coned off yet there is seemingly no guard rail on the barge. Madness.

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: mgmark on November 10, 2006, 12:35:56 pm
would that be one of the last Tomcat movements?  can you believe 36 years of operation, i can remember seeing the first ones here in the UK it doesn't seem that long ago ???

Not sure when it was taken, but it has indeed been a few sad years recently with types going out of service - SR-71, F-14,  Canberra, Sea Harrier and even the retirement of the prototype F-117s now ,to name but a few, with Jaguar on its way out next year.  And no it really doesn't seem that long ago when they all first came into service. :(

MG Mark  

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Steve Pyro on November 10, 2006, 12:47:56 pm

But, in all reality the red duster must have a common language, esprit de corps, etc, so c'mon Steve, tell us some of the tales.  Did you ever take you turn in the barrel as midshipman easy or the chief stoker show the gleaming golden rivet or the bitter end!!

You've been reading those war comics again Peter.

Midshipman - WTFs that - I was a marine engineer, I hit things with really big hammers.

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Ferrari Spider on November 10, 2006, 01:00:49 pm
To be fair, it said on the news today that this one is coming on line today with the Fleet Auxillary.

Along with the new generation aircraft carrier............

MG Mark

I like the way they've got it coned off yet there is seemingly no guard rail on the barge. Madness.

and another thing, how's the driver supposed to steer the bloody thing with that plane in the way ;D

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Ferrari Spider on November 10, 2006, 01:03:53 pm

But, in all reality the red duster must have a common language, esprit de corps, etc, so c'mon Steve, tell us some of the tales.  Did you ever take you turn in the barrel as midshipman easy or the chief stoker show the gleaming golden rivet or the bitter end!!

You've been reading those war comics again Peter.

Midshipman - WTFs that - I was a marine engineer, I hit things with really big hammers.

sounds like some of the engineering I went through, didn't like all that dirty stuff, crawling into boilers with the chipping hammer, oil line heaters going US on a 3500 sec grade oil, such fun, how we look back on it and larf, like f**k we do. ;D

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Steve Pyro on November 10, 2006, 01:07:38 pm

... oil line heaters going US on a 3500 sec grade oil, ...

Break out the shovels  ::)

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Ferrari Spider on November 10, 2006, 01:13:31 pm
always entertaining when the delivery lorry arrived, keeping it hot enough until it reached the tank!!  High pressure steam boilers, always loved doing the blow down!!

Have you ever seen the boiler lining after it has run dry and a numpty opens up the fill valve and pours in cold water into a hot boiler.  TWISTED ;D

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Lord Steve on November 10, 2006, 09:10:13 pm
I only said I was going to watch a DVD for crying out loud.
This forum gets more cliquey every time I dip back in. It's not for me anymore. Goodbye everyone.

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: termietermite on November 11, 2006, 10:00:53 am
I only said I was going to watch a DVD for crying out loud.
This forum gets more cliquey every time I dip back in. It's not for me anymore. Goodbye everyone.
Yeah, this thread has got seriously off topic (for a change!) but do forgive 'em Steve, it is the off season after all.
Amazon finally sent off my copy of the DVD today so with Anglo-French snail mail in operation, I guess I should get it in time for Christmas.

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: smokie on November 11, 2006, 01:29:05 pm
Oh!! Steve!! Now look what you lot have done!! :police:

Tricky one, this.  Kind of echoes the issues a few weeks back when the "kids" were being flamed.

The other forum I moderate on would immediately stop any off topic chit chat. The rules are that it is a motoring forum and not a playground for everybody. Having said that, in the last couple of weeks it has lost a couple of established members, one due to "excessive mdoerating" and the other due to him getting fed up with the sniping and backbiting. We can't win there...

However those aren't the rules here, and shouldn't be, either. As Termie says, it's off season. If we restricted chat to just Le Mans, what a dull time it would be. And, for me, this thread was really quite entertaining and to some degree educational, despite being way OT.

I really really hope Steve will be back, as he goes back a long long time, to the previous format forum IIRC, and as well as being welcoming to new members we must be careful not to alienate existing ones. I'm not really sure why Steve took offence, there was nothing particularly exclusive or offensive about any cliqueyness in this thread, for us regulars it was just a regular hijack...

Still, please take note of what happened here and let's collectively take care that CA doesn't end up with a reputation for cliqueyness.

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Perdu on November 11, 2006, 03:11:25 pm
I really cant see the problem here for Steve. I kept out of this 'cos I was enjoying it. Tomcats on minicarriers and the obsoletenessness of same. Blarry mah'vellous. Naval types (and Merchants) against jet jockeys in Brylcreem.

Like conversations between my bro' in law and his son, down the pub.

In fact the thread was just like a natter in the pub, so informative too.

Had many of us realised that you need high presssure steam to keep it flowing?

I know I hadn't.

Bring it on, there is so much sense within the esoterics on this forum which makes it one of the best in cyberspace.

Feels like home to me.

And we also have our ladies to keep us civilised, mahvellous!


Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: termietermite on November 11, 2006, 08:07:47 pm
Civilised, Perdu?  Not normally associated with me!  Personally I love the chit-chat (although the esoteric stuff goes way over my head at times, but hell, I can just read another post). As you say, it's like an evening in the pub which is something I miss. Pity when people leave, though

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: mgmark on November 13, 2006, 09:53:28 am
No offence intended to anyone at any point.  Please Please don't take it too seriously and ban it. :'(  One of the greatest joys of this forum is that the bundle of people who make it up have a common underlying intrerest in Le Mans and motorsport, as well as being interested in other stuff, and are allowed to chit-chat and banter as well.   Some of the threads stay on topic (mostly), some creep off topic and some just plunge straight off at a wild tangent.   Top hole jolly banter is all that it is and, if it gives a modicum of pleasure and enlightenment, then surely it must be a good thing too.    ;D ;D. 

MG Mark

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Ferrari Spider on November 13, 2006, 11:07:42 am
Please Please don't take it too seriously and ban it. :'( 
MG Mark

Mark, if the banter were to banned, what would happen to this site?  Most, a good 80% is either off topic or nothing to do with motor racing in any case.  To prove the point just look at the stats page, the top ten subjects have NOTHING to do with LM, as we all know the top subject is about a Commer campervan!!  AND long may it be so ;D

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: termietermite on November 13, 2006, 11:25:39 am
Sadly, if he has gone off in a huff, Steve is missing all this.  What else do you do in the winter but chat off topic 'cos it's not June yet? (Sorry, March - how could I forget Sebring?)

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Lord Steve on November 13, 2006, 06:28:09 pm
Sorry folks, have come to my senses. Have to admit that when i said bye I was completely ratarsed. Still, I usually am when I'm on this forum!
Enjoyed the DVD though.........
See you all in June as I won't be able to go to the CA Cristmas piss up after I disgraced myself last weekend in Dover Street. Apparently (according to she who must be obeyed) I was dacing like a complete pratt and ogling other women.
Always the same Steve........................

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: termietermite on November 13, 2006, 06:33:20 pm
Sorry folks, have come to my senses. Have to admit that when i said bye I was completely ratarsed. Still, I usually am when I'm on this forum!
Enjoyed the DVD though.........
See you all in June as I won't be able to go to the CA Cristmas piss up after I disgraced myself last weekend in Dover Street. Apparently (according to she who must be obeyed) I was dacing like a complete pratt and ogling other women.
Always the same Steve........................
Do you need to get ratted to ogle women? - a rare chap indeed!
Glad you've got un-huffed. :)

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Perdu on November 14, 2006, 12:14:13 am
Sorry folks, have come to my senses. Have to admit that when i said bye I was completely ratarsed. Still, I usually am when I'm on this forum!
Enjoyed the DVD though.........
See you all in June as I won't be able to go to the CA Cristmas piss up after I disgraced myself last weekend in Dover Street. Apparently (according to she who must be obeyed) I was dacing like a complete pratt and ogling other women.
Always the same Steve........................
Do you need to get ratted to ogle women? - a rare chap indeed!
Glad you've got un-huffed. :)

hear hear! :D

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: mgmark on November 15, 2006, 06:57:08 pm
Glad you've got un-huffed. 

Seconded!  Bally top hole gen.  Sounds like Dover Street was a bit of a hairy show though, with a high potential prang factor.  And in the company of SWMBO.  Did any of it involve poles though?   

MG Mark

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Nordic on November 18, 2006, 01:59:39 pm
Bravo 2 (Sky 123) is showing "The lap of the Gods" for one hour on Saturday 4pm, with a repeat at 11.00 on Sunday and various other times I expect.

I have just watched the noon showing and its good. Quite easy to see why Short was pretty keen to be rid of the Radical at the the end! 

Looking forward to the 2nd part

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: Piglet on November 18, 2006, 03:17:40 pm
I'll keep out of the politics... ::)

I watched most of the first part of this today, it was good.  A nice insight into the background of getting to a race.

Anyone know when the second part is being shown?

Title: Re: In The Lap Of The Gods
Post by: keithk on November 19, 2006, 01:07:57 pm
And they used my picture of Martin spaying Champagne in 99 or 98 when he won at Spa...