Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Paddy_NL on October 30, 2006, 01:05:58 pm

Title: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Paddy_NL on October 30, 2006, 01:05:58 pm
It seems that time of year again. Lots of people online, but apparently nothing interesting enough going on worth a reply.

So here's a rubbish topic...
• How was your weekend?
• What's the weather like in the UK?
• What are you having for diner tonight?

I do see Steve Brown has finally checked out for the weekend though ;)

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: rcutler on October 30, 2006, 01:09:49 pm
Weekend:- was spent working, overtime to pay for Seb**ng
Weather:- It is raining! It is England you know!
Dinner:- Don't know I can't cook! Will have to see what is cooked for me ;D

This time next month we will be getting over the weekend in Rotterdam!

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Paddy_NL on October 30, 2006, 01:11:58 pm
This time next month we will be getting over the weekend in Rotterdam!
Ah, yeah. Easier to talk about nothing than getting nothing onto a keyboard ;D

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Bob U on October 30, 2006, 01:20:09 pm

Dinner:- Don't know I can't cook! Will have to see what is cooked for me ;D

That's typical of the youth of today, take take take ::). Maybe you should learn to cook Rick, you don't know what you are missing.

 Wouldn't it be nice just for once to say " You sit down and relax Mum I will cook for you tonight"

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Robbo on October 30, 2006, 01:20:29 pm
Weekend was great, found superb venue for my wedding next December! so it doesn't interfere with Motorsport season!

Weather overcast but then hey its Monday!!

I believe I have some Cauliflower Cheese left over from yesterday!!

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: rcutler on October 30, 2006, 01:24:15 pm

Dinner:- Don't know I can't cook! Will have to see what is cooked for me ;D

That's typical of the youth of today, take take take ::). Maybe you should learn to cook Rick, you don't know what you are missing.

 Wouldn't it be nice just for once to say " You sit down and relax Mum I will cook for you tonight"

I would but then I work until 5pm then commute home for 2 hours, when I get home everyone is starving so they would hardly want to wait another hour for food! Mum gets in at 4.10 so it is usally ready when I get home. BTW i do want a job closer to home!

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Fran on October 30, 2006, 01:32:58 pm
• How was your weekend?
• What's the weather like in the UK?
• What are you having for diner tonight?

1.  Very nice thank you!  Few beers Friday night, bit of shopping Saturday, household chores and Moto GP on telly Sunday.  Didnt go to the gym tho which should have been on my "To Do" list.  :D

2. Unbelievably - its bright and sunny in Manchester, blue skies!

3.  Chilli chicken from the Sainsburys "just cook" range with a medley of steamed vegetables.  Fresh pineapple for dessert. 

Got to do 30 mins treadmill and 30 mins swimming first tho (provided the bloke with the unbelieveably splashy swimming technique isnt there - I think its the swimming equivalent to the "I've got unfeasibly large gonads so I have to sit with legs wide apart on the bus" phenomenon!).  >:(


Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Muzorewa on October 30, 2006, 01:37:40 pm
• How was your weekend?
• What's the weather like in the UK?
• What are you having for diner tonight?

Weekend excellent, not much to do on Saturday except drink large quantities of red wine.  Sunday, as there is a lack of motorsport on at the moment (winter or something) I took the kids to a youth motorcycle trial:


Kids as young as 6 (they had bikes with centrifugal clutches & no gears) but the 8-9 year olds were on proper bikes with clutches & gearboxes.  A wide range of skill on offer (from hopeless to 'Dad, how did he manage that?') - even girls having a go as well!

Weather dry & sunny but forecast for rain later  :(

Dinner - various tapas plus the ubiquitous tortilla española.  And more red wine  ;D

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: rcutler on October 30, 2006, 01:41:42 pm
The kid three doors down from me is the current under 18 UK champion in trials biking. As we have no private land round here he practices on a mountain bike then turns up at the trials with the motorbike and seems to win every time!

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Pieter on October 30, 2006, 01:47:32 pm
• How was your weekend?
Pretty good! Saturday I did some shopping (trousers, pans, Japanese kitchen knife) and did some work on the book. Sunday I wanted to do that as well, but I was too pissed from all the wine I got for my birthday, so basically I was a couch potato yesterday.

• What's the weather like in the UK?
Wet, I presume

• What are you having for diner tonight?
I'm having a stew for dinner and yes, I made it myself  :P

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Muzorewa on October 30, 2006, 01:53:50 pm
The kid three doors down from me is the current under 18 UK champion in trials biking. As we have no private land round here he practices on a mountain bike then turns up at the trials with the motorbike and seems to win every time!
Some of these kids were really good, amazing balance and fearless - some of the obstacles would do you a serious injury if you got it wrong.  One of the girls was the British schoolgirl champ.

See if your neighbour was at Cowdale near Buxton (Derbyshire) yesterday.  If so he was probably one of the few who knew what he was doing, the rest were no-hopers

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: LangTall on October 30, 2006, 02:00:14 pm
Had a fair weekend, went to a tryout fridaynight, grocery shopping on saturday afternoon, and a pissup with friends during the evening/night. yesterday used for regenerating from the pissup....

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Lorry on October 30, 2006, 02:06:23 pm
Well Friday night the cat had gone missing, and after the usual interrogation, I discovered the cause.  It had been to the Vets, so Saturday morning was spent hoovering up fleas and defumigating the house and then the cat.  The afternoon was mainly sat upside down in the wifes car looking for a water leak under the dashboard, whilst a friend hosed it down.  It took ages to start dribbling, with more and more dashboard and trim being removed.  Finally the mastic gun was applied to a plastic grommet.  So a successful day all in all, till dinner.  I think that the lasagne was made out of cornflake packets.

Sunday was the Machine Mart sale, but the aluminium trolley jack I wanted isn't in stock yet, so it was back for early drinks, roast beef and too much Cotes du Rhone.

Last week was far more interesting.  I went to Orange.  Anyone know where that is?

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Fran on October 30, 2006, 02:11:51 pm
Orange.  Anyone know where that is?

If you mean the one in France I do!  Lovely little town.

 I spent a week near there in September - lots of nice wineries thereabouts and the Dentelles for walking up n down to clear the head.

I imagine that is where this week's Cote du Rhone came from!


Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Pieter on October 30, 2006, 02:14:07 pm
If you mean the one in France I do!  Lovely little town
Actually, that place is responsible for the dutch wearing orange.

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Fran on October 30, 2006, 02:17:37 pm
If you mean the one in France I do!  Lovely little town
Actually, that place is responsible for the dutch wearing orange.

Gotta blame someone!!  :P

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Paddy_NL on October 30, 2006, 02:28:07 pm
Maybe only fair if I answer myself as well :)

• How was your weekend?
Saturday morning: work. Large print job, preparing for Sunday work.
Saterday afternoon / evening: Niece's birthday party. Stayed 'till late (Midnight is very late for my six year old son, but he wanted to stay as long as possible...).
Sunday: Work, made 32 large signs for a delivery this morning.
• What's the weather like in the UK?
Dunno, but here in Holland it's all bright skies, excellent for doggy walk :)
• What are you having for diner tonight?
Probably some meat/vegetables/potatoes, not that unhealthy :P

Well, at least I got you guys posting again! ;)

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Steve Pyro on October 30, 2006, 02:37:40 pm

• How was your weekend?

Very good thanks, wired up the lighting ring main for the upstairs loft conversion, fitted shower tray / enclosure in 3rd bathroom, painted the landing and stairwell, obligatory trip to B&Q / plumbers merchant, plumbed in cold feed from loft header tank to bathrooms, entertained friends for dinner Saturday evening, better half cooked excellent meal, dranks lots of Leffe and red wine, relaxed in our hot tub.

• What's the weather like in the UK?

In loft, B&Q / plumbers merchant - mostly dry with flourescent lighting.
In hot tub, overcast but dry.

• What are you having for diner tonight?

Left overs of excellent meal cooked by better half.

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Gate 7 on October 30, 2006, 02:38:08 pm
It seems that time of year again. Lots of people online, but apparently nothing interesting enough going on worth a reply.

So here's a rubbish topic...
• How was your weekend?
• What's the weather like in the UK?
• What are you having for diner tonight?

I do see Steve Brown has finally checked out for the weekend though ;)

• How was your weekend?
good ;) in Perth and caught the end of the Rally Australia there.

• What's the weather like in the UK?
Raining I guess and most Poms whinging ;D Here in Sydney its cool, cloudy and 24 deg C

• What are you having for diner tonight?
out to Watson's Bay, Doyle's Fish Restaurant, yummy 8)

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Doris on October 30, 2006, 02:41:53 pm
Ooh, something I can finally comment on.   ;D

Weekend:  Sooo long.  It all started on Thursday with our sales conference when I got somewhat over refreshed.  
Friday day I went to catch up with an old friend.  
Friday night I had a 40th party to go to.  
Saturday I was working at the pub.  
Sunday I was studying.  The Human Skeletal System is truly fascinating.....Honest.  
Weather:  No idea as I work in an office that has no windows.  It was quite nice on the way to work this morning though.
Dinner:  None for me tonight as I have to go and learn even more about bones.   I believe we're doing legs tonight.   8)

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Fran on October 30, 2006, 03:05:03 pm
3rd bathroom......excellent meal........lots of Leffe ...... red tub.

Blimey - Its a whole other universe down south!!  8)


Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: termietermite on October 30, 2006, 03:15:38 pm
1.  Weekend great thanks.  Watched racing of the 4-legged hay-burner variety; continued the never-ending process of clearing out the barn; watched rally Sunday.  Good old Seb, can even win a championship from his home in Switzerland!  Great first rally win for Mikko Hervenen - great to see some new blood in this championship, although it could do with some more top manufacturers.  Mr Termite comes in from time to time to proudly show off the water tower he's been building for his model railway (crank - but it keeps him out of my hair). Two or three bottles of fizz from local supermarket.
2.  Haven't got a clue.
3. Pork chops, baked spuds and ratatouille.  Bottle of cheep fizz from local supermarket to wash it down.

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Andy Zarse on October 30, 2006, 04:03:24 pm
Friday night was spent in an ever-so trendy bar in Brighton for the launch party of a friend's new business. Some jolly nice peopel there and in the charity raffle I won a years subscription to a gym. Not just an ordinary gym you understand, but a gym that specialises in combat. I've got my first lesson in Total Fighting on thursday and they've promised to kick the ever-loving sh*t out of me. Saturday was spent out with the dog in the countryside chasing peasants, sorry pheasants. Having worked up a goodly thist, this was followed by giddiness in the local pub with Chris Z. I also waved away the golden opportunity of an invitation to a halloween party at the local gay bar. Sunday was spent tidying up the garden and cutting the lawn hopefully for the last time this year. I can see the mower coming out on Xmas day at this rate. This morning I've been at the bloody House of bleeding Commons listening to a speech by the Minister for Pension and Welfare Reform; dull as ditchwater sounds exiting in comparision. Frankly, I'd rather have my piles lanced whilst watching Eastenders.

Weather: dry and warm - am I alone in still not putting the central heating on yet?

Tonights meal: Sausages.

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Doris on October 30, 2006, 04:44:39 pm

Weather: dry and warm - am I alone in still not putting the central heating on yet?

Not at all Andy.  Mine is still off and I don't see it being turned on for some time yet. 

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: MIKE C (Liverpool Boys) on October 30, 2006, 04:54:34 pm
Had a weekend away with the wife (No Kids),the food was great. ;D.

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Nordic on October 30, 2006, 06:34:28 pm
Sunday - watched the motoGP, took my daughters to a birthday party so we had the afternoon to ourselves.
Today been on various building sites across the south of england
and I think we are having some gammon tonite.

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: amazing 1 on October 30, 2006, 09:16:40 pm
If you mean the one in France I do!  Lovely little town
Actually, that place is responsible for the dutch wearing orange.

A brief explanation please?

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: termietermite on October 30, 2006, 09:29:26 pm
If you mean the one in France I do!  Lovely little town
Actually, that place is responsible for the dutch wearing orange.

A brief explanation please?

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Jason on October 30, 2006, 09:49:31 pm
Hmm, the weekend? CellPhone died on Saturday, so made meeting friends in the pub hard, but I made it. Spent a few hours in the company of a few lovely ladies :D no complaints there...  Sunday was a slow boring day.

Whether is ok-ish, nice and dry.

Dinner tonight is plain hot dogs, just spent time baking, so not in the mood for much.

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: alibongo on October 30, 2006, 10:54:00 pm
w/e spent playing around with our new demountable camper getting tv in etc, weather sh-te as it was all last week (weeks fishing holiday in uk, rain southerly gales, pounding sea not very good for fishing on chesil beach!) back to work today yuck !!!
came home to some sort of food .........not sure what it was probably find out later...........
                         whinging pom :'(

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: smokie on October 31, 2006, 12:10:19 am
I'm late to this one but the weekend was spent getting the TV system working again following an upgrade to digital NTL cable. I have a complex system which I assembled and whichw roked perfectly before the upgrade, but not any more... It's easy work but someone's gotta do it... I reckon there are quite a few moure hours work on it yet,,,

Can't even remember what I ate at the weekend, but tonight was a few Ryvita's before going out to play crib in my local league where we got about the worst food ever - some Mrs Wotsit's ready baked potatoes, pork pie, onions, scotch egg, then after everyone had left, some sausages arrived.

We lost 5-4 so remain at the bottom of the league...  ::)

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: mgmark on October 31, 2006, 09:11:28 am

• How was your weekend?
• What's the weather like in the UK?
• What are you having for diner tonight?

1)  Great - spent most of the weekend at Driffield for the last round of the Off-road Championship - report coming on the Off Road thread, but here's a link to a nice couple of pictures of us at the weekend.

2) Weather was great - sunshine and T-shirt hot - just a shame had to spend much of it in waterproof overalls.

3)  Had the best the Blyth Services could offer on the way back home - nothing inspiring!

Recovering at work now......
MG Mark

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: alibongo on October 31, 2006, 10:55:23 pm
looks like you forgot to mention a good bath dude after seeing those piccys !

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Dave H on October 31, 2006, 11:23:29 pm
Had the last of the decent weather on Sunday for Indiana - mid 70s and sunny.

Locked the kids in a garage storage cabinet for a few hours, cleaned then subsequently thrashed my car around.

Had a great shite and played with my pumpkins.

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: vqdave on November 01, 2006, 12:30:30 pm
• How was your weekend?

Pretty good, got the keys to my new office in town and moved some stuff in there.

• What's the weather like in the UK?

Don't remember so probably overcast.

• What are you having for dinner tonight?

Something bland probably, the wife has deceided to do the GI diet, so chips & egg it will not be.

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Piglet on November 01, 2006, 09:43:54 pm
Ok, I'm late to the party as ever....

• How was your weekend?

Very good thanks - Brands Hatch for the Junior Festival on Saturday (I'm sure most of them were 12 years old!  Mainly the fathers were quite cute though  ;D)

Sunday morning spent queuing outside Ikea - there should be a law against it!   The rest of Sunday was spent eating pizza, drinking beer and wondering why Rossi couldn't stay on his bloody bike round a corner  :o

• What's the weather like in the UK?

Beautiful today very sunny but blooming cold

• What are you having for diner tonight?

We've had salmon, prawns & price, beautifully cooked by Keith K

 ;D ;D

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Martini...LB on November 01, 2006, 11:16:36 pm

• What are you having for diner tonight?

We've had salmon, prawns & price, beautifully cooked by Keith K

 ;D ;D

What's a price?????


Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Nordic on November 02, 2006, 08:41:11 am
Had quite a suprise yesterday when I went up to London, with a while to fill before my meeting I wandered round Regents park and I came upon this.....

Stirling Moss and a pair of D Type jag's doing some laps of the inner circle. It seems Coys are selling the car and had arranged a photo shoot.

Rest of the day was pretty normal!

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Piglet on November 02, 2006, 10:32:29 am

• What are you having for diner tonight?

We've had salmon, prawns & price, beautifully cooked by Keith K

 ;D ;D

What's a price?????


Bugger....should have been "rice" - we also had wine - could you tell?  ;D

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Jason on November 02, 2006, 03:08:31 pm

• What are you having for diner tonight?

We've had salmon, prawns & price, beautifully cooked by Keith K

 ;D ;D

What's a price?????


Bugger....should have been "rice" - we also had wine - could you tell?  ;D
You and Keith K drinking? I just can't believe it! :p

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: amazing 1 on November 02, 2006, 04:05:38 pm
Friday:Left work early.Went to Jupiter Fl.with MiCarr.Started drinking.Got drunk.Passed out about Mid Night. ;D
Saturday:Woke up early and MiCarr and I started helping Greg and Carolyn get ready for the BIG birthday party.Started drinking about 10:30 am.Drunk by 2:00pm.Drunker yet by 6:00 pm.Passed out 1:00 am. ;D
Sunday:Woke up with a wonderful hangover.Gregs beautiful wife Carolyn cooked terrific Red Neck breakfast.[biscuits and sausage gravy]YEEHAW!
Said our good byes and then headed home nice and early.In order to recover at home. ;D

What a great weekend!
Thanks everyone !

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: amazing 1 on November 03, 2006, 06:01:21 pm
How about this weekend.

What YOUR plans?

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Paddy_NL on November 03, 2006, 06:20:42 pm
How about this weekend.

What YOUR plans?
Worked both Sat and Sun last weekend, so hoping to differ this time :-\
Tomorrow morning to football with my son, he's got a match on at 10.30. Afternoon biffing about, probably a bit of PS2 with my son (let him win), internetting and domestic obligations. Evening is back to the office again for preps for Monday.
Sunday lie in, be lazy, drink a few... 8)

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: rcutler on November 03, 2006, 06:24:51 pm
How about this weekend.

What YOUR plans?

Watching 1000Bhp+ 5.5 Tonne Lorries lap Brands Hatch!

 Video on You Tube Brands Hatch from a open wheeled thingy!

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: termietermite on November 03, 2006, 10:10:18 pm
Helping two more Brits move into La Sarthe.

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Paddy_NL on November 03, 2006, 10:36:35 pm
Now that's a good charity! 8)

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: LangTall on November 04, 2006, 12:00:55 pm
Chill a bit, entertain the kids. Hang around on IRC.

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: DelBoy on November 04, 2006, 01:18:19 pm
Carnival time in this part of the world.  Very impressive floats - some are over 100ft long and have over 20,000 lights on them - but when you've seen them a couple of times, it's enough.

Still, family affair so I'll just have to go and sit in the warmth of the pub across the road to watch the procession, especially as it is bloody cold here at night - had a sharp frost the last 3 nights.


Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Fran on November 04, 2006, 01:28:51 pm
I used to work for a solicitor who had a branch office on the route of the bridgewater carnival - could watch the floats and stay toasty warm with a nice little buffect laid on too!  Its a good show.


Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: DelBoy on November 04, 2006, 02:26:32 pm
I used to work for a solicitor who had a branch office on the route of the bridgewater carnival - could watch the floats and stay toasty warm with a nice little buffect laid on too!  Its a good show.


Sorry Fran - only 8 out of 10 for spelling.  Bridgewater is in the US, Bridgwater is in Somerset - and I won't mention the buffect  :-\ :-\ :-\

And you are right - it is a good show if you have never seen it before.  Will post a couple of photos here tomorrow.


Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Fran on November 04, 2006, 02:50:47 pm
 :P - have been using "Bridgewater" a lot at work recently (correct spelling in this instance) - no excuse for the buffet tho!  Will try harder next time.   :-[


Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Nobby Diesel on November 05, 2006, 12:58:49 am
Great weekend so far....

7 year old daughter got her 800m swimming badge, 2.5 year old son thinks rugby is "fighting". I hope he plays.

Bought and iPod docking station & amp that uses valve good does that sound!!!!!!!

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Tricky on November 17, 2006, 02:44:16 pm
as the thread says:
new to the site so im just saying hello but not posting yet, still trawling through all the other threads/posts. ;D

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: termietermite on November 17, 2006, 02:45:40 pm
as the thread says:
new to the site so im just saying hello but not posting yet, still trawling through all the other threads/posts. ;D
Welcome, indeed - a sense of humour is a prerequisite, as no doubt you are currently discovering. :)

Title: Re: the Great "Hello, I'm online, but don't post anything" - topic
Post by: Tricky on November 17, 2006, 02:47:20 pm
as the thread says:
new to the site so im just saying hello but not posting yet, still trawling through all the other threads/posts. ;D
Welcome, indeed - a sense of humour is a prerequisite, as no doubt you are currently discovering. :)

i am, i have, and thank you.