Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Fax on September 22, 2006, 08:11:58 am

Title: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: Fax on September 22, 2006, 08:11:58 am
Call me a grumpy old f*&*er, but enough with the "what car do you think is cool, who do you think will win" garbage!
Jesus H Christ! How many mindless school boy threads do we need?  Lets get back to calling each other names, sniping over the how pathetic big hillbilly US thumpers are vs flashy Euro hairdresser mobiles, and what c**nts Senna & Schu-boy are.
Viper Boy? Give it up! It was a cool car ten years ago! Its dinosaur pooh now.

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: fagey on September 22, 2006, 09:11:32 am
I concur ;D

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: oldtimer on September 22, 2006, 09:40:09 am
I pretty much agree too - though I wonder whether there may be somewhere within the CA site where a 'juniour' forum could be set-up... we shouldn't behave in a way that might encourage the next generation of sports-car fans to turn their backs on the sport because they have been made to feel unwelcome by the old gits like you and I who patronise this particualr forum.

As I said in another thread, I have no idea whether this is a feasible option or not as I do not profess to know how one would create such a thing but some of the more technical minded among our number could probably say..?

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: Steve Pyro on September 22, 2006, 09:52:25 am
Yes, new discussion boards can be added to this forum.

However, I'm a bit reticent as I can imagine a whole load of petty nonsense going on in there (and not from the junior members) that will require more moderation from myself and the Smoking One.  :police:

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: Paddy_NL on September 22, 2006, 10:01:36 am
Yes, the 'quality' of the topics isn't really that exciting. On the other hand I barely open a topic on this forum, so who am I to judge that. My objection would be that the 'normal' topics dissapear to page two very rapidly...

For the rest, I let Steve and Smokie be the judge on this. It's part of their 'job'.

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: Steve Pyro on September 22, 2006, 10:06:15 am
Thanks Paddy
To keep the interesting topics on page one, people need to continue posting in them - to continue lively and interesting debate.
If the 'uninspiring' topics are not viewed and not posted to, they will quickly disappear down the toilet that is page 2.

(now where's that Girls Girls Girls topic?)  ;)

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: Steve Pyro on September 22, 2006, 10:11:39 am

... My objection would be that the 'normal' topics dissapear to page two very rapidly...

As an aside, the number of diplayed threads / topics per page can be changed from the current 20.
If increased, it would mean a bit more keyboard activity.


Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: Snoring Rhino on September 22, 2006, 10:12:21 am
I dont see the issue, most postings are of an acceptable nature to be posted and accessed on the www. with out causing offense (some extream posts are the exception though(but mostly down to the passion of their motorsport), but then they get moderated directly or indirectly by the feed back). Many take their kids and wives to races for them mix with the forum members directly so where the difference, just because its via a keyboard doesnt mean we fall into foul mouth abuse to each other, if we did CA would last about 2 weeks.
A jounior thread might be good but like Steve says somebody needs to put more time than they've got to moderate it.
If you dont want to reply to a youngster then dont or just ignor their replies YOU GRUMPY GITS.
(you havent spotted the windup value from Viper kid then).

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: monkey on September 22, 2006, 10:54:09 am
Never thought it would happen  ;D but I 100% agree with...............Fax. Sorry to be such a grump.

Did someone mention Senna?

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: garyfrogeye on September 22, 2006, 11:00:43 am
I think a "yooff" section of CA would be a good idea, sort of Creche Arnage :D
Perhaps a CA Hoody for next years race?
A Radio Le Mans drum and Bass album.

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: oldtimer on September 22, 2006, 11:16:29 am
Yes, new discussion boards can be added to this forum.

However, I'm a bit reticent as I can imagine a whole load of petty nonsense going on in there (and not from the junior members) that will require more moderation from myself and the Smoking One.  :police:

Steve I understand and expected your reticence.  I was thinking though of an area where the likes of Viper Boy could post  the sorts of topics that would appeal to other younger site users rather than simply creating a discussion board for petty nonsense.

Like Monkey I do not find myself agreeing with Fax very often ;D but on this one I do.

But let us not discourage younger users.  Is there not an area of the forum they could go straight to so that the grumpies don't have to filter through the sorts of topics/threads that really are not going to interest us?

If an area were to be found for and used by younger site visitors I am not sure whether it would increase the level of moderation required... without a 'junior' area the posts would still be made wouldn't they?

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: Paddy_NL on September 22, 2006, 11:39:26 am
But let us not discourage younger users. 
Absolutely agree on that.

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: smokie on September 22, 2006, 11:39:50 am
I think a "yooff" section of CA would be a good idea, sort of Creche Arnage :D
Perhaps a CA Hoody for next years race?
A Radio Le Mans drum and Bass album.

 ;D ;D ;D

My feeling is that 1) there are not enough youngsters to warrant their own forum 2) moderating could be a real pain 3) we only get visits when they have time on their hands (viper900 is safely back in school today) 4) if they just wanted to chat with other kids then there are better places 5) we should cut them some slack as actually some are quite knowledgable (well, comparesd to me anyway!!), or want to become so.

Just FYI I did PM viper yesterday to suggest some restraint. I would suggest that this is the best method. If anyone, young or old, doesn't want to play by our rules then I now have vast experience of the Ban User button, and I'm not afraid to use it! But that would be harsh one someone like viper. He still in his learning curve...irritating though it may be to some of us.

While I'm nattering - thanks to those who continue to report Spammers, we are dealing with them as quickly as we can. I'd point out that it's a waste of breath replying to their posts as they almost undoubtedly use auto-posters and don't ever come back to see what they've stirred up...

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: Fran on September 22, 2006, 11:57:31 am
I must say that once Viper went to bed the forum was pretty much dead for the rest of the night.  Fair play to the lil fella for livening up the winter months.


Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: fagey on September 22, 2006, 12:30:10 pm
just wait for half term ;)

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: garyfrogeye on September 22, 2006, 03:17:31 pm
just wait for half term ;)

Just wait for every Tuesday and Thursday's I.T. lesson at school when they get Club Arnage as the class project  :-\

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: Perdu on September 22, 2006, 04:01:17 pm
Gary, I don't have you down as such a moody old beggar.

Normandy pole dancing star as y'are!* ;D ;D ;D

If the kid can be persuaded that going to English lessons and using the resulting knowlege in here will result in fewer upset responders, well, he could be a "good thing"!

*No sorry, the photographs are securely locked up in my hard drive.

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: Fax on September 22, 2006, 05:37:33 pm
Afternoon all,
Holy crap!  I logged on expecting to be hit with a volley of insults for picking on a little kid but wonders never cease...Monkey and Oldtimer agree with me!  :D
Sorry if I was bit OTT on the rant, returned from a late session at the pub with some mates, logged on to find virtually the entire first page clogged with Viper Boy
threads.  Had a Stella fueled tantrum.

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: Robspot on September 22, 2006, 05:45:53 pm
And with perfect timing he's back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: oldtimer on September 22, 2006, 06:32:47 pm
Afternoon all,
wonders never cease...Monkey and Oldtimer agree with me!  :D


Maybe we have more in common with each other than originally we thought!! ;D

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: Jay (Team Cannonball) on September 22, 2006, 06:47:10 pm

Cut the grumpy git bit and give the guy some slack. The average age on this forum is well into the 30+ region. I should know I'm one of the younger members at the tender age of 25. But you should start to face facts that since the CA guide to Le Mans was such a hit and was distributed quite amazingly all over the net that fans of sportscar racing , young and old are going to be logging in looking for info on the great race and other sportscar related info. And so what if the thread is immature, just take a look back through some of the posts and threads that have been started by senior members of the forum, that can only be classified as childish drivel.

Over on another forum that I view on a regular basis, an under 25 section was set up and has proved a huge hit and has removed quite a lot of the sort of posts that Fax was referring to from the general discussion area. And with regards to moderation you just need to let a little more slide, (within reason of course -anything truly offensive or illegal should result in a ban), but some teenage type discussion about motorracing should be allowed. Otherwise where will the next generation of sportscar fans come from, will they all be seduced by the glitzy world of NASCAR and F1. God lets hope not.

Jay Representing the Yoof.

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: oldtimer on September 22, 2006, 07:31:56 pm
Jay - I agree (and refer you to my earlier posts - well some of them anyway) in this thread

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: Dave H on September 22, 2006, 07:57:51 pm
I don't think anyone is saying not to have younger participants - but there's a difference between a young person's naive posts etc. and childish behavior of making 80 posts in 2 days, starting way too many threads just for the novelty of it, and generally being a forum liability.

Sounds like Smokester's got it in hand with the fatherly hand on the shoulder PMs.  Having said that, take into account that Viper could grow up to be a serial killer if you scar him with a banning at this delicate point in his ego maturation!

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: RS2 Babe on September 22, 2006, 10:28:22 pm
 :-* :-* :-*


This thread is upsetting - next you will be saying that women can't post - or just certain women.

Somebody just discovering a forum that is exciting and they feel they can make a contribution to and they get jumped on.

The thread starter has posted his usual 'back from the pub' apology/excuse so it's all ok now  ::)

I actually think twice about posting sometimes because of this element - takes all the fun away from it.



Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: Fax on September 23, 2006, 12:46:24 am
Lisa, don't get me wrong, I wasn't apologozing for the premise of my original posting on this thread, just that it came out a bit rough (dropping the F-Bomb, using the C-word,etc).  I stick by what I said, a bunch of banal, nonsensical threads (about the same subject, how many Dodge Viper threads did we need this week?) in the space of two or three days is a bit much.  I remember what it was like to be a enthusiastic thirteen year old racing fan, easy to get carried away.  However this is largely an adult forum and if youngsters want to join in great, just have something relevent to say.  Don't just start threads for the sake of it.

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: jpchenet on September 23, 2006, 12:55:04 am
I remember what it was like to be a enthusiastic thirteen year old racing fan, easy to get carried away. 

Even more proof that Fax has an excellent knowledge and VERY long term memory!!  ;) ;D

Hope you're well John. See you in March!!

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: Fax on September 23, 2006, 01:00:32 am
Hey Mark, big thanks for the well wishes.  All's well on this side. Hope the same for you. See you at the old bomber base in March :D

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: Paddy_NL on September 23, 2006, 01:03:55 am
OMG, does every American called John live in FLA?? ???


Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: LangTall on September 23, 2006, 01:18:56 am
Question is, does everybody called John live in the US of A. ::)

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: johnny waring on September 23, 2006, 11:33:12 am
are you talking about me or viper

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: Nordic on September 23, 2006, 02:06:17 pm
are you talking about me or viper

I don't think either you or Viper boy have much to worry about. You are both very welcome here, i was 15 when I went to LM for the first time and have not missed one since. I know if a fourm like this was around in 1980, I would have been posting about the merits of a 935 vs M1. This I am sure would have annoyed some of the older people on the thread who could recal the D types vs the Merc's!

Sure it is annoying when a forum has many new treads all based around the same theme, it does then get tedious, but I expect Viper is now aware of this and will be a bit more cautious when starting threads.

Remember this fourm is made up many different people with a divsrse range of ages, likes and dislikes, sometimes  passions will come to the surface and it is easy to get hurt or hurt someone elses feeling, I suspect this is rarely the intention.

What unites us is a love of Sportscar racing and Le mans is a focal point of this. Most treads don't get beyond 10 posts on theme, but you will have the delight of reading BigH's postings, the internet banter between dave, matt and that wonder of Sussex Mr Zarse plus the many others who make this a most varied forum.

Title: Re: Enough with the kiddie crap already!
Post by: amazing 1 on September 23, 2006, 03:22:03 pm
I remember what it was like to be a enthusiastic thirteen year old racing fan, easy to get carried away. 

 See you in March!!
