Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: MIKE C (Liverpool Boys) on August 30, 2006, 10:41:49 pm

Post by: MIKE C (Liverpool Boys) on August 30, 2006, 10:41:49 pm
Does any one know the dates for next year. My sister is a Biker and is going to the 100th TT, in the family mobile home, or thinks she is. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. DO they clash?

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: rcutler on August 30, 2006, 10:55:55 pm
Paddy is also going to the TT, The TT is most likely to be the weekend before. I suspect that LM will be on the 16th and 17th.

The dates are usually confirmed in early November.

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: knetter on August 31, 2006, 10:32:37 am
So that Discovery channel is broadcasting another road to lemans, but then 2007 and also saw a date which said the weekend of the 9th for the 24 hours on that channel!

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Nobby Diesel on September 01, 2006, 12:04:44 am
Surely that's too early?

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: MIKE C (Liverpool Boys) on September 01, 2006, 01:45:31 am
I hope Rick is right, or the sh-t will hit the fan. One Bike Babe is in a f---ing tent.

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: rcutler on September 05, 2006, 07:01:43 pm
Grand Prix Tours are selling tickets for 2007

The good news 15th-18th June!!!!!!

Great Ormond Street are running a charity to Le Mans also for the 15-18th of June, the idea is to get to Le Mans over the shortest mileage, via checkpoints announced on the day.

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Piglet on September 05, 2006, 07:20:42 pm
You may be entirely correct but I wouldn't believe the date is correct just because the ticket sellers are going with that one at the moment.  They have been wrong before!   ;D

In 2004 race sunday was I think the 12th so it's not always the third weekend. 

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: DelBoy on September 05, 2006, 07:25:46 pm

In 2004 race sunday was I think the 12th so it's not always the third weekend. 

Nearly right Piglet - race was on 12/13th.  I remember it well 'cos I got married (again) on the Saturday after LM on 19th.


Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Paddy_NL on September 05, 2006, 08:15:19 pm
hasn't it got something to do with the 24th weekend?

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: hgb on September 05, 2006, 08:37:33 pm
Yehh, I think from what I remember it started on one day and ended on the next one. I may be wrong, though.

Silly joke - I know, but the opportunity was there.  ;D

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Ferrari Spider on September 05, 2006, 09:21:41 pm
its a bit like in which Julian calendar year did new years day and christmas day fall in the same year. ;) it doesn't happen often so think carefully.

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Piglet on September 05, 2006, 10:51:11 pm

In 2004 race sunday was I think the 12th so it's not always the third weekend. 

Nearly right Piglet - race was on 12/13th.  I remember it well 'cos I got married (again) on the Saturday after LM on 19th.


so hang on chose to get married on a date that was likely to clash with LM in most years  ::)  How do you get away with that one  ;D

Happy Snapper and I "got together" on that weekend in 2004 at Le Mans - you'd have thought I'd have done a bit better with the date wouldn't you - I was close!!   ;D ;D

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: DelBoy on September 05, 2006, 11:17:20 pm hang on chose to get married on a date that was likely to clash with LM in most years  ::)  How do you get away with that one  ;D

Just superb planning, Anita.   ;) ;) ;)

Get to celebrate my 'first' anniversary next year, 3 years after getting spliced.


Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: mal on September 06, 2006, 09:46:56 am
hasn't it got something to do with the 24th weekend?

Thats what I always work on Paddy and it always seems to work. If its not I will have to change 13 ferry booking and 25 hotels rooms!

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Bob U on September 06, 2006, 11:25:08 am
I reckon on 16th/17th.

Booked the ferry this morning.

Out on the 13th   Back on the 18th.

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: MIKE C (Liverpool Boys) on September 06, 2006, 01:26:22 pm
I hope you are right Bob.

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: IanB on September 06, 2006, 02:39:54 pm
 Dont want to upset you Mike,but I am having a sort out and came across an old ticket, Have a look at the DATE!!

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: rcutler on September 06, 2006, 02:42:33 pm
That was indeed the 24th weekend though!!! Never worked that out before, Thanks Paddy!

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: rcutler on September 06, 2006, 02:45:11 pm
And the 24th weekend is again the 16-17th of June in 2007!!!!

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: fagey on September 06, 2006, 02:51:57 pm
ooooohhhh!! that brings back vaugue (drunken) memories.. my first le mans!! ;D ;D

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: monkey on September 06, 2006, 02:57:26 pm
I have to admit that I always felt the race was most likely to take place around the second weekend of June - 11th 12th 13th that sort of time (making the 9th and 10th next year a very real contender.) It is only recently that it seems to be the week later, which I think was influenced by the timing of some races in the American Le Mans series?? And for what it is worth, I remember going one year and it was the end of May (31st to 1st June) Think it might have been 1986?? I will not be booking the ferry quite yet. ;D

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: termietermite on September 06, 2006, 03:08:15 pm
And for what it is worth, I remember going one year and it was the end of May (31st to 1st June) Think it might have been 1986??
Do I remember this was an election year and the usual date clashed.  Summat like that. :-\

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: rcutler on September 06, 2006, 03:10:02 pm
I someone got the time to see how long ago and if it did not happen on the 24th weekend??

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: termietermite on September 06, 2006, 03:19:43 pm
In 1911 it was held on 23rd July!  Now seriously, mate... And does anybody have calendars going back that far? ???

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: rcutler on September 06, 2006, 03:23:30 pm
In 1911 it was held on 23rd July!  Now seriously, mate... And does anybody have calendars going back that far? ???

Try here:-


Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Robspot on September 06, 2006, 03:24:37 pm
I take it you mean 22nd/23rd. The 23rd was a Sunday  ;D

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: rcutler on September 06, 2006, 03:24:51 pm
That was indeed the 25th weekend though!

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: termietermite on September 06, 2006, 03:33:28 pm
In 1911 it was held on 23rd July!  Now seriously, mate... And does anybody have calendars going back that far? ???

Try here:-


Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Robspot on September 06, 2006, 03:37:02 pm
My Outlook calendar goes back that far, I've just been scrolling back through the years.

It was actually quite weird watching the years roll back and either remembering or imagining what was going on at the time, especially around the wars!

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: rcutler on September 06, 2006, 03:45:55 pm
My Outlook calendar goes back that far, I've just been scrolling back through the years.

It was actually quite weird watching the years roll back and either remembering or imagining what was going on at the time, especially around the wars!

It goes back to the 1700's before the car! bloody hell!!!

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Lorry on September 06, 2006, 06:42:41 pm
Good grief I was born on a Tuesday.

Now is the smart money agreed that its 9 & 10th?, It was 16 & 17th in 2001 & 17 &18th in 2000, jumping from 12 & 13th in 1999.

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: termietermite on September 06, 2006, 07:31:58 pm
26th/27th May in 1923; 14th/15th June 1924; 20th/21st June 1925;12/13th June '26;18/9 June '27; 16/7 June '28;15/16 June '29;21/2 June '30;13/4 June 1931; 18/19 Jun '32; 17/18 June '33;16/17 Jun '34;15/16 Jun '35;13/14 Jun '36;19/20 jun '37; 18/9 Jun '38; 17/8 Jun '39; 25/6 Jun '4924/25 Jun '50; 23/4 Jun '51
Now you lot can match those up with the calendar and see if it's the bleedin' 24th weekend or not! ;D
There is no truth in the rumour that I know this because I was there.

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: smokie on September 06, 2006, 07:38:15 pm
Anyone asked the ACO???  ??? ::)

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: termietermite on September 06, 2006, 07:44:55 pm
The ACO can't confirm any dates because they rely totally on the co-operation of the mayor and the council 'cos public roads are involved.  The meeting at which the dates are agreed seems to take place in late November - hence the fact that they do not formally sell any tickets or confirm reservations/bookings until the end of the year.  There is just a slim chance that no agreement will be reached - as far as I know this hasn't ever happened but I guess they just like to be cautious.

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: smokie on September 07, 2006, 08:17:48 pm
OK. Maybe we should simply tell them which weekend we are turning up and that fixes the date...  :-\

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Bob U on September 07, 2006, 08:20:01 pm
Now come on, do you really think they would listen?

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Paddy_NL on September 07, 2006, 08:30:45 pm
What do we care, we'll go to the poobar without cars flying by on the circuit ;D

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: alibongo on September 07, 2006, 09:53:38 pm
hey all, will have to see if I can get to the poo bar next year and catch up with all you much to see,do, little time !! do you think the ACO could make the race last all week??????  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: DelBoy on September 07, 2006, 10:17:42 pm you think the ACO could make the race last all week??????  ;D ;D ;D

It does already, Chris.  Scrutineering on monday and tuesday; practice on wed and thurs; race on sat and sunday.

And there's PLENTY to do on Friday!! (Okay, drivers parade if you want!)


Drinking monday through sunday.


Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: DelBoy on September 07, 2006, 10:23:05 pm

What do we care, we'll go to the poobar without cars flying by on the circuit ;D

I have a sneaking suspicion that the poo bar won't be open under those circumstances, Paddy - however many of us there are.

What the hell, I don't drink the warm, overpriced cr*p anyway. 


Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: LangTall on September 07, 2006, 11:17:48 pm
That'S why we bring our on bottles Del. ;D

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: MIKE C (Liverpool Boys) on September 08, 2006, 09:29:50 am
OK, Guys I know we are not sure of the dates for next year, but do you think that the 100th TT will clash with the 75th LM. If so some of you might be in a bit of a fix, as to were to go.

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Paddy_NL on September 08, 2006, 10:13:02 am you think that the 100th TT will clash with the 75th LM.
Would be a shame. Means I'm gonna skip LM for a year :-\

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Tubs on September 08, 2006, 11:03:25 am
This is the acid test which I always use to determine the correct weekend, try booking a hotel room for the Saturday night in Le Mans. I've published the results below:

1) "A hotel room in Le Mans for the 9th June 2007? No problem at all, Monsieur........."

2) "A hotel room in Le Mans for the 16th June 2007? Hahahahahahaha!!!!! Hey, Genevieve, we have a real 'joker anglais' here!! Wants to book a room for the 16th June next year. Hahahahahahahaha............"

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Barry on September 08, 2006, 01:15:02 pm
I'd gamble on the 16th/17th, as the race weekend seems to be a bit later now, due to the recent changes to the test weekend.

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: johnevans3 on September 11, 2006, 05:30:54 pm
....and something called soccer impacted the 24 with a late start this year.

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: steveaich on September 15, 2006, 02:25:51 pm
Personally I'm hoping for the 10th/11th foolishly signed up to do a half ironman competition on the w/e of the 17th, and surely a w/e at le mans would be great training! (Plus I will have to sell the tickets I've pre-ordered from JT)

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: chrisbeatty on September 15, 2006, 03:42:52 pm
Hey all, long time no post!!

Latest info from the ACO...55 car grid & it should be the weekend of the 16-17 June

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Lawnmower Man on September 15, 2006, 04:31:34 pm
Just recieved the E-Mail from the ACO.

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Ferrari Spider on September 15, 2006, 04:48:10 pm
Yes but no Tom, the clincher for me is the starred portion, "subject to the administrative authorisations" 

so does that mean, the date is agreed in principal only and can moved once has been agreed not in principle ;)

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Nordic on September 15, 2006, 04:55:00 pm
I wonder how long the ferry companies take to wack up there prices for the weekend. :police:

The dates are subject to confirmation, and can therefore change should a conflict arise.

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Bob U on September 15, 2006, 04:55:56 pm
5 extra pit garages, but will they still bung a box on the end for WR ;D

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: DelBoy on September 15, 2006, 04:56:37 pm
Quote from Autosport:

"The entry list for the 24 Hours of Le Mans is set to grow to 55 cars next year from the traditional 50, the organisers said today."

It's only been 'traditional' since the new pits were opened in '91.  For many years before that, there were 55+ cars on the grid!!

Regarding the dates, although not set in concrete, I'm going for them and will book the ferries etc.  Good news for me - doesn't clash with my son's wedding on the 10th.


Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Lawnmower Man on September 15, 2006, 07:58:32 pm
Yes but no Tom, the clincher for me is the starred portion, "subject to the administrative authorisations" 
Yes but No but.  :)
Let's just say it's a definite "may be" .


Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: csitops on September 16, 2006, 07:40:42 pm
I have to say, my mind was fairly well made up on the most likely dates after I couldn't get my first choice of either ferry crossing for the weekend of the 16/17th and that was 2 weeks ago.

Damned ferry companies!!!!

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Paddy_NL on September 16, 2006, 09:31:07 pm
Quote from Autosport:

"The entry list for the 24 Hours of Le Mans is set to grow to 55 cars next year from the traditional 50, the organisers said today."
Great. So we have a fair chance to still be able to hear about 50 cars, the rest will be diesels :-\

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: neilsie on September 17, 2006, 07:18:16 pm

16/17th it is then.

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Piglet on September 17, 2006, 07:47:42 pm

16/17th it is then.

Sous réserve de confirmation de dates des fédérations de tutelle

As said above, yes, maybe, probably but lots of water under lots of bridges first  ;D  Chill boys it's still only September  ;D

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Perdu on September 17, 2006, 10:32:57 pm
Club Motorsport are of the same opinion, just had an email about it:

"Clubmotorsport Le Mans 2007 - A.C.O. announce provisional dates.
The Race Authority have now announced provision dates as follows:
2007 Le Mans 24 hour - 16/17 June
French Moto GP, Le Mans - 30th May"

This is direct from their email to me.

Only, I am not sure why these nice people have told me...

I suppose the ACO need a fortnight or so to get up all the bits of dropped Motorcycles and allow for practice sessions too.



Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Martini...LB on September 18, 2006, 08:57:38 pm
Club Motorsport are of the same opinion, just had an email about it:

"Clubmotorsport Le Mans 2007 - A.C.O. announce provisional dates.
The Race Authority have now announced provision dates as follows:
2007 Le Mans 24 hour - 16/17 June
French Moto GP, Le Mans - 30th May"

This is direct from their email to me.

Only, I am not sure why these nice people have told me...

I suppose the ACO need a fortnight or so to get up all the bits of dropped Motorcycles and allow for practice sessions too.



I also had a mail from Club Motorsport but have never had any contact with them... perhaps this company is one of the trawlers of email addresses from the site!!


Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: fagey on September 19, 2006, 09:09:20 am
well children... who can see the mistake in the dates ??? since when has the moto gp run on a wednesday ::)

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: rcutler on September 19, 2006, 02:34:30 pm
I was wondering that too. and how are they going to clear and refill the pit lane and paddock that fast!

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Lorry on September 19, 2006, 02:59:51 pm
I suppose the ACO need a fortnight or so to get up all the bits of dropped Motorcycles and allow for practice sessions too.
Practice weekend is the 3rd June, so they only have 3 (yes count them) days to sweep up the bits.  Hmmmmmmmmmm ::)

The trouble is that they need a couple of weeks to mend all the smashed bogs, and replace anything wooden thats been burnt.

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: geoffd on September 19, 2006, 03:17:43 pm
Just checked the LD ferry price - Car +2 out on the wednesday before back on the monday after, with a cabin all for £134!  Get booking guys before they realise..... (

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: fagey on September 19, 2006, 04:17:47 pm


The trouble is that they need a couple of weeks to mend all the smashed bogs, and replace anything wooden thats been burnt.

you mean like these pics.. before...

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: fagey on September 19, 2006, 04:20:20 pm
and after :o :o :o

mid you.. the pykies steam through this.. half had been whisked away by foot/peugeot 405 or tranny van when i took this pic ;)

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: fagey on September 19, 2006, 04:29:50 pm
and talk of the devil.. here's one of the pesky varmints that lurked around my little piece of Jersey on the sat night! 10 mins after this pic was taken it all kicked off with this lot... BIG ding dong with even my missus laying into them!! and we had to get the so called security to carry them away :police:

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: neilsie on September 19, 2006, 04:30:11 pm
Just checked the LD ferry price - Car +2 out on the wednesday before back on the monday after, with a cabin all for £134!  Get booking guys before they realise..... (

thats strange,  ldlines told me yesterday they are not accepting booking for next year yet.   

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Robspot on September 19, 2006, 08:15:33 pm
Go to and you can book it!!!!!!!

I got a quote of £120 for wednesday to monday with a double cabin

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: smokie on September 19, 2006, 08:48:15 pm

Will we get on MB on the Sunday next year?

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: rcutler on September 19, 2006, 09:08:54 pm
We shall just turn up on Monday like last year, we stopped in an Air Du Service on Sunday night to save on the hassle of a night boat. Unfortunatly we broke down so no time saving.

Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: Perdu on September 19, 2006, 11:54:41 pm
Today I had another message from Club Motorsport...

Apologies:  A.C.O. gave incorrect provisional date for French Moto GP 2007

The provisional date for the French Moto GP should be 20th May 2007
Provisional date for 2007 Le Mans 24 hour remains 16/17 June

So now we/they/somebugger  knows who to blame eh?

I registered with somebody a few years ago about cars for the Great British Welcome or summat, p'raps that's where they trawled me from. Oh well, it's a worry isn't it?



Title: Re: NEXT YEARS DATES 2007
Post by: SteveB on October 02, 2006, 08:57:41 pm
Go to and you can book it!!!!!!!

I got a quote of £120 for wednesday to monday with a double cabin

Checked last night - £123 , Tuesday to Monday , twin cabin , Booked it today , its gone up to £143 !  Book now before it goes up anymore ... Still cheaper than Brittany Ferries - Plymouth (where I live ) to Roscoff £425 !!! They must be flying the Skull & Crossbones