Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: redstu on August 02, 2006, 09:04:45 pm

Title: UK speed limits too fast?!
Post by: redstu on August 02, 2006, 09:04:45 pm
According to an item on todays 6 o'clock news 75% of drivers think that the 60mph maximum limit on single carriageway roads is too fast!

No doubt a high proportion of these drivers think that 70 mph on the motoways is too slow.
Clearly having to negotiate an intersting stretch of road is more than most people can cope with.

Councils are now to be given 5 years to assess the limits on rural roads.
So presumably the various great stretches of road we have in this country will be emasculated further and provide yet more revenue from those ugly yellow boxes.

The item was ilustrated by showing some stretches of road (a village and a farm i think) that clearly require more caution or perhaps a lowering of the limit.

No doubt this is due to the KSI figure not going in the right direction. A stupid statistic if ever there was one, I suspect that there is a great difference between the two states, and does anyone know where serious injury starts?

(feeling better now.......)

Title: Re: UK speed limits too fast?!
Post by: Lorry on August 02, 2006, 10:26:40 pm
(feeling better now.......)

I'm not.  These bucking funnyhuggers get everywhere.

Have you seen the CancelMansell petition?

Title: Re: UK speed limits too fast?!
Post by: alibongo on August 03, 2006, 10:57:25 pm
if the councils/police have their way we will all be reduced to driving round in Sinclair C5's where did I put my shotgun !!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(