Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Brad Zarse on July 27, 2006, 12:58:04 am

Title: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: Brad Zarse on July 27, 2006, 12:58:04 am
No sh!t sherlock!

Taken from my bedroom window 10 mins ago.... ;D


Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: jpchenet on July 27, 2006, 12:59:47 am
Brad, Brad, Brad, how many times do we have to tell you??

When you are allowed to take a camera into the bedroom, don't aim it out the window!!!!  8)

Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: Brad Zarse on July 27, 2006, 01:13:02 am
but it was so much more exciting.....

Carolines at home.....your hobby may be photographing yourself.... I can manage with the constant reality  ;D

Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: Bob U on July 27, 2006, 09:24:33 am
That's one to sell to the local rag Brad

Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: Paddy_NL on July 27, 2006, 09:58:49 am
( @ JPC

Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: hgb on July 27, 2006, 11:28:36 am
Naughty, naughty... what have you done Paddy ?

It's still glowing hot overhere, 28° and rising and very humid.  :'( (that's sweat, no tears)

Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: Doris on July 27, 2006, 11:39:56 am
Glad someone got a photo of this storm.  It was a beauty!  Work at the pub practically stopped because we were all outside enjoying the rain and the cool air.

Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: Paddy_NL on July 27, 2006, 11:48:38 am
Naughty, naughty... what have you done Paddy ?
Took the swearing one step too far ;D Believe I've been forgiven though :-\

It's raining here too now, nicely cooling down gradually 8)

Poor picture of my dashboard of last Friday on the Paris ringroad (Périphérique), temp reads 38.5 :(

Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: Bob U on July 27, 2006, 12:00:11 pm
So, you were driving round the Paris ringroad at 80kph whilst taking photos of your dashboard.

I'm glad to see you are doing your bit for road safety Paddy.

Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: Paddy_NL on July 27, 2006, 12:13:19 pm
Photo was even taken in a sharp bend in a tunnel, yiiihar! (

Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: hgb on July 27, 2006, 12:23:18 pm
Ah, that's why it's blurred.  ;D

You need to get to a petrol station soon.

Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: Paddy_NL on July 27, 2006, 12:29:10 pm
it reads 680 kms to go... (

Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: vqdave on July 27, 2006, 12:55:05 pm
twas a cool storm last night but still muggy in the 'ham today.

Off to the Tavern for a cooling lunch me thinks.  8)

Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: Doris on July 27, 2006, 01:13:52 pm
twas a cool storm last night but still muggy in the 'ham today.

Off to the Tavern for a cooling lunch me thinks.  8)

Oh goody.  Another hot, sticky, sweaty night at the pub.   :'(

Dave whilst you're enjoying a few cold ones spare a thought for the bar staff.  If the Tavern is anything like the Stag they'll be roasting.  Mind you if I will work in 14th century building with low ceilings and no air con....

Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: hgb on July 27, 2006, 05:02:42 pm
Doris, I feel for you. We're up to 33° now and it's very humid. Luckily, the sky is dark grey and it looks like a hefty shower is just around the corner.

Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: Matt Harper on July 27, 2006, 08:56:12 pm
Storms? You want to hear about storms?
Central FL is the lightning storm capital of the world. Todays 'boomers' are starting as I punch this out. Yesterday dropped nearly 3" of rain in less than an hour and 9200 lightning strikes were recorded in the WESH2 tv viewing area in under 3 hours. I love it - blasting heat, biblical downpour, blasting heat.
Make the most of your sultry weather and nature's spectacular lightshows, you moaning gits! I dunno - there's no pleasing the British when it comes to the weather. Don't worry, it'll soon be back to grey drizzle for the next 11 months.
Jeeeezus, what are you all like?

Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: Snoring Rhino on July 27, 2006, 09:25:20 pm
Your right Matt your storms are very impressive - we only got about 5 miles out of Orlando Airport last year and had a huge deluge, then later in the week one particular evening was awsome, I think Brad got some pics of that as well. But as you say, 10 mins later back to searing heat.

Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: hgb on July 27, 2006, 09:47:04 pm
It's a bit like Sebring vs. LeMans. Half as long but twice as hard here right now.  ;D

Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: Matt Harper on July 27, 2006, 10:12:07 pm
It's a bit like Sebring vs. LeMans. Half as long but twice as hard here right now.  ;D

That's funny! Although our very own Fax regailed me with a classic sportscar quote - I don't know who's, which was along the lines of, "The trouble with 24 hour races is that they are about 12 hours too long".

Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: Matt Harper on July 27, 2006, 10:20:58 pm
Your right Matt your storms are very impressive - we only got about 5 miles out of Orlando Airport last year and had a huge deluge, then later in the week one particular evening was awsome, I think Brad got some pics of that as well. But as you say, 10 mins later back to searing heat.

Hi Ian - yup summertime is rainy here - but we need it - and it clears the air when it thumps it down on a daily basis. I do like to partake of a little lake fishing when my work schedule allows - trouble is, being out on my boat in the middle of a lake, waving my lightning conductor around, can be somewhat hazardous to the old eyebrows, which sucks, because the fish are much more active when the weather is roiling above.
Death by lightning strike occurs in this state more than anywhere else in continental US - but then again, it may just be God letting Floridians know that he's not right happy about the FEMA fraud that goes on down here.
Now don't get me started on hurricanes. We're moving into the high risk season now - and last year they said '06 was going to be ugly from a 'cane standpoint. Searing heat, colossal rain, humidity off the scale and melting tarmac, I can live and be happy with. Hurricanes ain't funny. 

Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: Brad Zarse on July 28, 2006, 12:34:42 am

You'd NEVER hear me complain about an electric storm.... the spontenaity of the whole thing fascinates me - its awkward to photograph, and highly unpredictable... The spectacle of that much energy building completely naturally is awesome.

Agreed about hurricanes - i was over when Hurricane Jeanne hit...I was fine with the whole situation until the owner called to say  "if you hear a noise that sounds like a train, thats a tornado - hide in the...."  then the line went dead....

Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: Matt Harper on July 28, 2006, 04:10:17 am
Hey Brad
Hope you didn't think I was dissing your pic - no way, no day - fantastic image. Am I on crack or did I read somewhere that the lightning bolt actually travels from ground upwards rather than from the clouds downwards - or am I really on crack?

Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: Dave H on July 28, 2006, 06:31:44 am
I was fine with the whole situation until the owner called to say  "if you hear a noise that sounds like a train, thats a tornado - hide in the...."  then the line went dead....

That's funny!  ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: Fax on July 28, 2006, 08:19:23 am
Growing up in the midwest US your told from a very young age that if the sky goes purple, the wind suddenly stops, your ears pop from a sudden drop in pressure and you hear a train...Something really horrible is about to happen!
On my Grandfathers farm about twenty years ago watched a F2 tornado roll across the horizon from west to east.  f**k*ng Impressive!  The flashes on the horizon were from high tension lines being shredded like knitting wool.

Title: Re: Heatwave to end in storms?
Post by: fagey on July 28, 2006, 09:02:34 am
Hey Brad
Hope you didn't think I was dissing your pic - no way, no day - fantastic image. Am I on crack or did I read somewhere that the lightning bolt actually travels from ground upwards rather than from the clouds downwards - or am I really on crack?

Yup.. it goes upwards ;D

Andy ;D