Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Martyn on July 07, 2006, 12:28:17 am

Title: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: Martyn on July 07, 2006, 12:28:17 am
Right so firstly, you may remember my video from last year, and I really must apologise for the distribution of the high quality copies that was going to happen, not actually going anywhere. My harddrive that contained the full quality video had a hissy fit and I don't seem to be able to get it back. I still haven't formatted it, in the hope that I may be able to retrieve it!

Anyway, onto 2006!

This video's quite different to last years (well, obviously, I'm not just going to recreate the same video am I?)
It's shorter, quicker, punchier, better edited, but unfortunately not quite as... "epic", and doesn't have as many cars...
It was hard to film stuff that was different to last year's stuff, to try and get an original video, as last year I got nearly 6 hours of footage!

Download link is here:

That render is slightly the wrong ratio I think, but I can't fix it quickly, and if I could, I still can't be arsed, you'll have to make do!
I'll fix it next week when I get back from holiday!

And your comments/criticisms are always welcome!

PS, thanks to the T.W.A.T.S for all the stickers, that was great fun!  ;D

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: Stu on July 07, 2006, 12:39:40 am
Quality. As for your drive, take it out and try putting it into someone elses computer as a second drive. If it still works, you'll get all your stuff off it. I've done this a few times and its saved my bacon.

Also nice site as well mate.

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: Paddy_NL on July 07, 2006, 12:43:23 am
enjoyed it again, as last year. Keep up the good work (

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: Bob U on July 07, 2006, 10:39:30 am
Excellent  again Martyn, thanks ;D

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: hgb on July 07, 2006, 10:53:37 am
Cool video, thanks for posting.

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: gab on July 07, 2006, 12:34:02 pm
Another "Well done" Martyn, although less than 3 weeks have passed, your film brings back good memories of LM 2006.

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: turkish.sps on July 07, 2006, 03:15:58 pm
Great vid Martyn....and great pics on the site too.

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: knetter on July 07, 2006, 03:43:37 pm
Nice video, tells the story like it is! Good info for virgins to grasp the atmosphere at Le Mans

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: Matt Harper on July 07, 2006, 05:11:43 pm
Very creative, atmospheric and amusing - you are a talented editor and really have projected the fun of the event - music made it even better - congratulations.
I didn't care much for the sticker lark, though. Call me a sour-puss, but I feel that gobbing that crap onto people's cars (presumably without their agreement) is not right - and would have been met with an unpleasant response, had it happened to me. Apologies to Vincent Vega in Pulp Fiction, "You don't f*ck with another guys wheels, it's plain wrong". This may be a slight mis-quote, but the sentiment is plain.
Otherwise - really, really good.

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: Neil on July 07, 2006, 05:27:57 pm
Great video guys, still enjoy watching last year one you made. Didn't go this year :'(, but man, what happened to the weather over there, not a bit like last year.
  God do I miss those cars, the smells, the girls, the BEER ;D

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: smokie on July 07, 2006, 06:02:46 pm
Good Stuff, thanks.

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: DelBoy on July 07, 2006, 06:03:14 pm

...but man, what happened to the weather over there, not a bit like last year.

Only rained on the Wednesday, just like last year.

On monday it was 34.5 degrees, cooled down a bit on tues, wed was the wet day, then warmed up again to 32 on Sunday.

So not a great deal different from last year.


Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: ricardo-T on July 07, 2006, 09:23:18 pm
Great video! The 'classic' Le Mans start was genius.

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: Dave H on July 07, 2006, 09:28:41 pm
Great video! The 'classic' Le Mans start was genius.

Nice Avatar Rich - good to see you active!

Martyn, your video is as excellent as last year, but don't be a twaite.

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: ricardo-T on July 07, 2006, 09:47:10 pm
Hi Dave - my Avatar appeared a little larger than I had planned! However, it pretty much sums up our motor race 'experiences' over the years...

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: DickieAttwood on July 07, 2006, 10:10:26 pm

Thanks, nice vid [as usual] link forwarded to my mate in Canada and my son will forward it to his mates. Worldwide by Sunday probably ;D


Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: powermite on July 07, 2006, 11:32:26 pm
well done Martyn,a great effort

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: pretzel on July 08, 2006, 01:26:34 am
Once again a great effort - if you don't already, you should make a career in TV or film production. Was that Smokie I saw being 'Twatted' in amongst the others?

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: smokie on July 08, 2006, 09:44:02 am
Nah - twasn't me - the CA shirt had additional writing on which mine doesn't.

There was one really great shot of a car going under the Dunlop bridge and the helicopter coming over the horizon. Very unusual, but powerful image.

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: nopanic - neil on July 08, 2006, 10:05:51 am
What a fantastic video!

Le Mans 2006 was great, but the video makes me want to do it again - RIGHT NOW.

How do you put it an a DVD to play on the tele?

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: Ferrari Spider on July 08, 2006, 10:10:57 am
most excellent video, the helicopter taking off behind the dunlop bridge and the race car coming through, epic.  And Peter aka pretzel many thanks for getting the video duped for us all.  FS

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: LangTall on July 08, 2006, 02:20:45 pm
Very cool video, thanks for making and sharing it with us.

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: Bob U on July 08, 2006, 07:18:43 pm
Nah - twasn't me - the CA shirt had additional writing on which mine doesn't.

It was last years shirt, cheapskate,whoever it was

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: htbast on July 09, 2006, 05:00:58 pm
Great Video.

Did you have the video camera surgically grafted to your hand for the entire weekend??

Good work.

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: Steve Pyro on July 11, 2006, 01:16:21 pm
Great video again Martyn.

btw - the CA man being 'twaited' is Gibberish.

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: Andy Zarse on July 11, 2006, 03:47:36 pm
Top quality footage Martyn.

I agree with Matt Harper about the Thwaites stickers though. The way the Thwait slapped one on the yellow Caterham's fibreglass bonnet sent shivvers down my spine. No one has the right to do that to someone elses pride and joy. Stupid Thwaits. >:(

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: johnevans3 on July 13, 2006, 05:15:56 pm
Thanks for the video.  It was well done and really captured the essence of Le Mans.  I couldn't make it this year but felt a taste of the real thing thru your videography talent.  Thanks again.

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: Bob U on July 13, 2006, 05:50:11 pm

btw - the CA man being 'twaited' is Gibberish.

Aha, that makes sense of the old shirt. I met Gibberish and had a chat with him at the services north of Rouen on Monday morning and I noticed he had  printed at least 3 extra years on his shirt. It had seen a fair bit of action by the look of it, maybe he could be coersed into buying a new one next year

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: Steve Pyro on July 13, 2006, 06:10:13 pm

btw - the CA man being 'twaited' is Gibberish.

Aha, that makes sense of the old shirt. I met Gibberish and had a chat with him at the services north of Rouen on Monday morning and I noticed he had  printed at least 3 extra years on his shirt. It had seen a fair bit of action by the look of it, maybe he could be coersed into buying a new one next year

I think Gibberish has seen a fair bit of action too  :o

Title: Re: Le Mans 2006 Video
Post by: Perdu on July 13, 2006, 10:31:00 pm
Maybe the Tw@ts stickers were less strong gluey this year, some wearers of these stickers needed constant attention to stop 'em falling off...

Always happy to oblige of course.
