Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: oldtimer on June 21, 2006, 09:56:03 am

Title: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: oldtimer on June 21, 2006, 09:56:03 am
Ever since its inception I have listened to RLM and with each passing year become increasingly frustrated with the ever more banal coverage it provides.  Over the years it seems to have become more interested in cow-towing to its American TV audience than its trackside core of listeners

This year, by mistake, I left my radio at the hotel before the race - what a relief that turned out to be.  I no longer had to fume with rage as I listened to some pointless waffle about who cares what (usually nothing to do with racing let alone the race) when they should be giving a race order review.

Instead I listened to the English language hourly summary over the PA.  Clear, concise, punctual.  It is true that I did listen to some RLM when driving from place to place around the circuit, but at no point did I learn anything useful about the race that I did not already know.

So next yeaar if you want to keep up to date with events on the track (rather than in the commentary box) get rid of the radio and let the PA do the talking

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: termietermite on June 21, 2006, 10:29:03 am
On the other hand, Motors TV did a splendid job. Recorded the entire race and have just finished wathcing it - splendid from start to finish.  Even Tony Delahunty (?) was just chipping in with useful up-to-date info.  Pity they don't have broader access for non-satelite subscribers though 'cos I'm sure their coverage would bring more people to the circuit on subsequent years.  Great job guys!  Next year let's just have their commentry on radio and forget RLM.

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on June 21, 2006, 11:17:02 am
Ever since its inception I have listened to RLM and with each passing year become increasingly frustrated with the ever more banal coverage it provides.  Over the years it seems to have become more interested in cow-towing to its American TV audience than its trackside core of listeners

This year, by mistake, I left my radio at the hotel before the race - what a relief that turned out to be.  I no longer had to fume with rage as I listened to some pointless waffle about who cares what (usually nothing to do with racing let alone the race) when they should be giving a race order review.

Instead I listened to the English language hourly summary over the PA.  Clear, concise, punctual.  It is true that I did listen to some RLM when driving from place to place around the circuit, but at no point did I learn anything useful about the race that I did not already know.

So next yeaar if you want to keep up to date with events on the track (rather than in the commentary box) get rid of the radio and let the PA do the talking

The only problem with letting the PA do the talking, was  sitting in the ACO stand it was not wired to the speakers and you could not hear a dam thing, sitting next to Debs, was great for me as she was tranlating the French, commetary for me. Come on ACO, sort your wiring out.

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: monkey on June 21, 2006, 11:28:56 am
Old timer, I have to agree with you. This year, it was like listening to an American broadcast, I can only assume that it is now being financed by the them. Trust me, you missed nothing it was tedious in the extreme and provided little or no useful or for that matter accurate information. It does however have one useful side effect. A couple of the people that I was with didn't listen to the transmissions and they got a lot of dust in their ears. So next year I will take the headphones, but leave the receiver at home. I wonder if there is a way that we can persuade the ACO to re install the brilliant monitors that they used to have at the main viewing points. Simple black and white screens that automatically updated every lap to provide the precise details of the race as it unfolded, they were all you needed.

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: Stu on June 21, 2006, 11:35:59 am
I have to say I enjoy RLM and think they do a good job. Would be worse with out them in my opinion. If you don't like it, don't listen, as my wife always says.

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: monkey on June 21, 2006, 11:38:28 am
Stu fair comment, I won't. ;)

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: RichUK on June 21, 2006, 12:02:14 pm
I think RLM is one of those aspects of the weekend that makes it what it is.

I guess you either like it or don't like it!

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: Kpy on June 21, 2006, 12:10:30 pm
I have to say I enjoy RLM and think they do a good job. Would be worse with out them in my opinion. If you don't like it, don't listen, as my wife always says.
I must say I shan't be bothering with RLM again. Before the race that  Hindhaugh fellow said that he "thought" that reliability "might" have some influence on the result. Profound, huh? During the race he told us that temperatures on the Sunday would reach 85 degrees "Centigrade, of course", and then repeated this error several times. Obviously a technical wizard.
I really miss Ian Titchmarsh on RTM. He was my one reason for listening. He used to manage a 24 hour commentary stint each year. I have an idea he fell out with the idiot element at RLM a few years ago. Anyway my earphone lead self-destructed on Saturday evening and I realised that I don't need RLM any more.

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: nopanic - neil on June 21, 2006, 12:15:05 pm
I wondered who listened to RLM, when on Thurs morning they played a record and a report on the Mini Cooper car and then the same record and the same report and then a record and..........

So that proves it , they don't even listen to it.

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: Andy Zarse on June 21, 2006, 01:25:19 pm
RLM was invented to cater for fans who didn't wish to crown around a crackly loud speaker once an hour. You should try to work out what's going on at the Classic when there's no RLM. It's hopeless!

On the other hand, this year was beset by many woeful technical problems. Did anyone else hear the laughable attempts to contact Dr Bez of Aston Martin who was driving at the 24 Hour race at the Ring? Did they ever suceed in getting through? 

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: geoffd on June 21, 2006, 02:30:29 pm
RLM was a real let down for me this year.  When we were away from the circuit it was impossible to find out what was going on,  and what was with the "Hourly Update"?  They announced the top 10 then the leaders in GT2!  So if you wanted to know about a car/team who wasn't in the top 10 or top 3 of GT2 then you had no chance.  We were following the exploits of our friends at Rollcentre and once they had dropped out of the top 10 it was a nightmare, still at least the big screens dotted about kept displayed the full list. Which begs the question as to why the RLM guys couldn't have got their info from a screen.... 

And if I ever hear the words "Corvette Moment" again I'm gonna screeeeaaammm.......

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: monkey on June 21, 2006, 02:48:19 pm
RLM was invented to cater for fans who didn't wish to crown around a crackly loud speaker once an hour.

I agree Andy and in the early days it really delivered. Now, I am not so sure. Does anyone else remember the screens in the bars at the Tribunes, Mulsanne and Arnage that updated automatically?? Last seen in about 1987/88. They were perfect, if you wanted an update, you simply checked those for 100% up to date accurate info.

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: termietermite on June 21, 2006, 02:49:25 pm
Corvette moment, CORVETTE MOMENT, CORVETTE MOMENT  ... yeah, I can hear you screeming from here.

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: termietermite on June 21, 2006, 02:51:52 pm
RLM was invented to cater for fans who didn't wish to crown around a crackly loud speaker once an hour.

I agree Andy and in the early days it really delivered. Now, I am not so sure. Does anyone else remember the screens in the bars at the Tribunes, Mulsanne and Arnage that updated automatically?? Last seen in about 1987/88. They were perfect, if you wanted an update, you simply checked those for 100% up to date accurate info.
These are still around in the ACO members' enclosures.  Reasons for joining the ACO part....  Oh, yeah, and don't forget the ACO post printed copies of the hourly times in the window of their offices behind the grandstand on  a regular basis (usually about 20 minutes after each hour).

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: monkey on June 21, 2006, 03:02:53 pm
RLM was invented to cater for fans who didn't wish to crown around a crackly loud speaker once an hour.

I agree Andy and in the early days it really delivered. Now, I am not so sure. Does anyone else remember the screens in the bars at the Tribunes, Mulsanne and Arnage that updated automatically?? Last seen in about 1987/88. They were perfect, if you wanted an update, you simply checked those for 100% up to date accurate info.
These are still around in the ACO members' enclosures.  Reasons for joining the ACO part....  Oh, yeah, and don't forget the ACO post printed copies of the hourly times in the window of their offices behind the grandstand on  a regular basis (usually about 20 minutes after each hour).

Thanks for the info. I suppose my point is it would be great to see them all round the track again, like in the old days ;D

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: oldtimer on June 21, 2006, 03:04:33 pm
The screens were fantastic.  Exactly what was needed and available - in the good old days - just about everywhere.  How about lobbying the ACO to have them reinstated around the rest of the circuit..?

When it started RLM was great - but now it just winds me up (and I am not alone by the sounds of things)

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: termietermite on June 21, 2006, 03:31:29 pm
Well, here she goes again, but yeah, I agree.  If we want something changed we should let the ACO know.  I can post on their forum but don't know who reads it.  Anybody here got an in with any of the officials?   Do anything of the things we get hot under the collar about (rubbish, race info, lack of temporary stands at some viewing points etc) ever get back to the ACO management?  Apart from whingeing to one another, isn't there something positive we can do about it?

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: 24hourman on June 21, 2006, 04:10:08 pm
When Radio Le Mans went on the air for the first time it was like a  breath of fresh you could follow the race and all that what was happening for the very first time. I normally would have to wait for Autosport and Motoring news to come out the following week just to find out what had happened. It  was of course set up for that very reason to reach the 50,000 or so Brits at the track and of course to make a profit which it has always struggled to do. Anyone remember the ressurection raffle to raise much needed funds? The format  was always great  fun even the adverts were hilarious remember the Jiffy condom ads? The content was always superb and very informative and I for one would have been lost without it. However in my humble  opinion it has being going down hill for a number of years for many reasons, saying that though I probably would be lost without it and I am sure that the majority of those Brits that go to the great race would also mourn its passing.

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: Werner on June 21, 2006, 04:15:56 pm
If we want something changed we should let the ACO know. 

Fully agree to this and I made twice the experience that my e-mails were read and I received personal answers. May be I was just lucky, but dozens of mails from us to might move something...

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: oldtimer on June 21, 2006, 04:19:42 pm
Let's give it a go...

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: Barry on June 21, 2006, 04:19:57 pm
I think RLM has gone downhill for about the last 3 years, the first 2 years I went, 2002/3 I switched it on when I arrived and off when I left. Funny when the racing wasn't on, informative when it was. Now seems to be one corporate arse licking episode after another.

What's the link to the ACO forum? Can't seem to find it.
Is there an English section, as I am, unfortunatly, not bilingual?

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: Kpy on June 21, 2006, 04:24:38 pm
Well, here she goes again, but yeah, I agree.  If we want something changed we should let the ACO know.  I can post on their forum but don't know who reads it.  Anybody here got an in with any of the officials?   Do anything of the things we get hot under the collar about (rubbish, race info, lack of temporary stands at some viewing points etc) ever get back to the ACO management?  Apart from whingeing to one another, isn't there something positive we can do about it?
Yes, bloody amazing. You can witter on and no-one in the ACO will even read it I fear. I have an idea that it's a facility we can use to chat to each other, but not to the ACO.
Until I'm proved wrong I'll just lurk there.
Barry - In French, but you can post in English.

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: Barry on June 21, 2006, 04:30:49 pm
Thanks Chris, see you at the Classic hopefully

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: termietermite on June 21, 2006, 04:38:12 pm
I think RLM has gone downhill for about the last 3 years, the first 2 years I went, 2002/3 I switched it on when I arrived and off when I left. Funny when the racing wasn't on, informative when it was. Now seems to be one corporate arse licking episode after another.

What's the link to the ACO forum? Can't seem to find it.
Is there an English section, as I am, unfortunatly, not bilingual?
Go to the ACO website, click on 24 heures du Mans, then click on forum.  You have to join up - as on here - but don't pay, have to give personal info etc.  Works in English too, I think, but will check.

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: monkey on June 21, 2006, 04:45:39 pm
If we want something changed we should let the ACO know. 

Fully agree to this and I made twice the experience that my e-mails were read and I received personal answers. May be I was just lucky, but dozens of mails from us to might move something...

Just sent my request, I will let you know what happens. :D

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: termietermite on June 21, 2006, 04:47:40 pm
I think RLM has gone downhill for about the last 3 years, the first 2 years I went, 2002/3 I switched it on when I arrived and off when I left. Funny when the racing wasn't on, informative when it was. Now seems to be one corporate arse licking episode after another.

What's the link to the ACO forum? Can't seem to find it.
Is there an English section, as I am, unfortunatly, not bilingual?
Go to the ACO website, click on 24 heures du Mans, then click on forum.  You have to join up - as on here - but don't pay, have to give personal info etc.  Works in English too, I think, but will check.
The whole forum part of the site is indeed in French but I have posted asking it to be put in both languages.  Will see if anything happens.  E-mails on other touchy subjects on the way.  Thanks for the address.

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: 20vmk2_dub on June 21, 2006, 05:01:01 pm
Only at the end of the race did I realise that after listening to all the pit talk and interviews etc....

I had no idea who had come where in the classes and where they had been before then!

Useful now and again but more coverage of the actual cars and their positions needed.

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: Nordic on June 21, 2006, 05:40:00 pm
RLM has gone downhill without a shadow of a doubt, it was slightly better this year I thought without Chuck from the USA babbling away, (I understand he has had a heart transplant, so get well soon).

The best I heard was John Hindhaugh read an email asking why F1 cars where not in the race. Pointless or what.

It would also have been much better to have at least some coverage of the support races, rather than the extended Aston Martin advert.

6/10 for effort, but cover the race for the fans who are there, not some clown stuck in there bedroom listening on the net.

We also wondered what happened to the campsite tours, these where good to listen to, I suspect they are busy now on Fridays doing other stuff with team PR's.

The Jiffy condom ad was great 'your can come in a jiffy' was the tag line i think.

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: Steve Pyro on June 21, 2006, 06:38:00 pm
I was listening on Friday afternoon and RLM did, indeed, do some sort of campsite tour.

I have to admit that the coverage was better than last year, simply because there were less advertisement breaks - but I suppose they pay the bills.

I found the best way to keep in touch with the race positions was to pick up a copy of the hourly standings from the ACO member area.

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: nice_person1 on June 21, 2006, 06:47:23 pm
It would also have been much better to have at least some coverage of the support races, rather than the extended Aston Martin advert.

Beat me to it !

That was an utter shambles.  Over one hour given over (presumably paid for by Ford ?) to meaningless tripe from the design director of Aston Martin cars answering sychophantic pre-planned questions from the Geordie RLM bloke (shame on him). ::)

We "turned over" to some lovely accordian music !

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: Nordic on June 21, 2006, 06:56:59 pm
I was listening on Friday afternoon and RLM did, indeed, do some sort of campsite tour.

Must of missed that, did not see them on the Houx annexe did they make it that far?

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: Dewcrew on June 21, 2006, 10:09:03 pm
For someone stuck on the wrong side of the Atlantic, I enjoyed the broadcast all week.  I did not listen to it during the race so I can not comment about that. I was watching th TV broadcast.  Just hearing the noise of the cars in the background was great.  As well as the info on practice and qualif.  The interviews in the camping area was a riot as well.  You Brit fans are a hoot.

The best part of the weekend?  Trying to talk the bartender at the bar I was at to switch off the NASCAR Busch race and put on Le Mans.   :o

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: Chrisgr31 on June 21, 2006, 11:26:10 pm
Personally I wouldn't be without RLM and find it offers an excellent service although mujst admit I thought last years coverage was very poor, but this years slightly better.

Wouldn't it be better to email Radio Le Mans with constructive comments about their coverage?

Part of the problem I suspect is the need to fund the broadcast and it would be interesting to know what the costs are and who gets paid for it.

But if you want a full hourly update why not email them and tell them?  Alternatively see if we could raise the money to sponsor it!

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: Rhino on June 22, 2006, 12:11:42 am

I know they probably get a lot of revenue from the web, but a shorter run down of the field on the hour would be good. In a slight coma on sunday, i would concentrate on trying to listen to the hourly update, but would soon tune out.

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: Matt Harper on June 22, 2006, 02:13:33 am
Wow, how times change. I haven't really figured out how to use the search facility - but there have been a few threads on the pro's and cons of Radio Le Mans. I have to say I was a critic of the medium - and was roundly chastised for my view that John Hindh.... you know, that mackem twat, didn't know sh*t from shinola and just waffled unadulterated bollocks for 4 days. I know feel somewhat smug.
His classic quote, "I think the Porsche may be in trouble - the mechanics are looking at... you know... that metal thingy...."
As it turned out, this year the RLM webcast was my only live info source, when Speed Channel wasn't broadcasting. It was better than nowt.
You don't have to listen to it for chrissakes.     

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: oldtimer on June 22, 2006, 09:24:27 am
When RLM first broadcast it provided a refreshing alternative to the PA and info screens and did give interesting additional information and quickly became part of the whole 'Le Mans weekend'.  The problem is its continuing general decline in standards and their apparrent disregard for the needs of the trackside fans.

Unfortunatley this seemed to coincide (more or less) with the removal from the remoter parts of the circuit of said info screens so many of us were 'forced' to rely on RLM for race info.  This resulted more in a captive audience rather than an audience of people choosing to listen.  I suspect this drove the change to tedious, sychophantic corporate flag waving broadcasting.

But Matt you are right we don't have to continue to listen.  I won't. RLM is cr*p

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: garyfrogeye on June 22, 2006, 09:45:44 am
Not having any past experience other that the last three years at LM, I found the hourly updates usefull as they don't have handouts/TV monitors or PA systems in the camp sites.
Does anyone here have the technology to compete with Radio Le Mans.

Judging by DFH and Werners efforts and with all of us as potential trackside correspondants how does "Radio Club Arnage" sound as an idea?
I wouldn't have the slightest idea about the logistics though.

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: termietermite on June 22, 2006, 09:51:42 am
I am pretty sure that John H is a Pistonhead and that his e-mail address is on the site.  Calls himself "the voice of LM" I believe!!  Maybe we should e-mail him and get him to read some of the comments on this site.  (maybe he already does?)
Radio CA sounds a great idea to me. 

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: Kpy on June 22, 2006, 11:40:24 am

You don't have to listen to it for chrissakes.     
Exactly. RLM used to give accurate information and we tended to put up with the twaddle from Hindhaugh and chums. Now only the twaddle remains.
Today RLM belongs with the Autosport LM guide - excess baggage.

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: Andy Zarse on June 22, 2006, 11:51:47 am
Today RLM belongs with the Autosport LM guide - excess baggage.

I would add that RLM is a free-to-user service and has to be paid for by the advertising. I'd be surprised if it even breaks even. The commentators get paid precisely jack sh*t. On the other hand, the Autosport LM guide is done specifically to make money by the lazy, greedy, publishers.

On that basis, I'm much more inclined to forgive RLM it's erring ways. Some of the criticism here is way OTT. RLM do their best with limited resourses. Some people will complain about anything, even an optional free service; I'd like to see them do better!  >:(  For God's sake, as has been said already, if you don't like it then don't bloody well listen.

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: Bob U on June 22, 2006, 12:13:07 pm
Agree Andy. A fair job on limited rescourse, what do people expect of RLM, a horse race type commentary?

I agree that the content could be a whole lot better but without walking up to the ACO building every hour where else would we get the hourly updates.

One thing, I did get pissed off with "She sells sanctuary", Change the bloody record

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: Kpy on June 22, 2006, 12:54:55 pm
Today RLM belongs with the Autosport LM guide - excess baggage.

I would add that RLM is a free-to-user service and has to be paid for by the advertising. I'd be surprised if it even breaks even. The commentators get paid precisely jack sh*t. On the other hand, the Autosport LM guide is done specifically to make money by the lazy, greedy, publishers.

On that basis, I'm much more inclined to forgive RLM it's erring ways. Some of the criticism here is way OTT. RLM do their best with limited resourses. Some people will complain about anything, even an optional free service; I'd like to see them do better!  >:(  For God's sake, as has been said already, if you don't like it then don't bloody well listen.
Andy, the point is that RLM once provided a superb service. They don't anymore. Neither does the Autosport guide. End of story.

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: Chrisgr31 on June 22, 2006, 01:01:42 pm
Today RLM belongs with the Autosport LM guide - excess baggage.

I would add that RLM is a free-to-user service and has to be paid for by the advertising. I'd be surprised if it even breaks even. The commentators get paid precisely jack sh*t. On the other hand, the Autosport LM guide is done specifically to make money by the lazy, greedy, publishers.

On that basis, I'm much more inclined to forgive RLM it's erring ways. Some of the criticism here is way OTT. RLM do their best with limited resourses. Some people will complain about anything, even an optional free service; I'd like to see them do better!  >:(  For God's sake, as has been said already, if you don't like it then don't bloody well listen.

I won't stop listening to Radio Le Mans however thats not to say I wouldn't say there were aspects that could be improved.  Having said that those posting here are presumably only a small selection of the listeners.

The advertisers will want the widest possible take up of the boradcast, to maximise their exposure and the better the broadcast the more listeners and in theory the greater the advertising revenue.

There is no point though stating that "Radio Le Mas is crap" without adding additional information as to why, or what would make it better.

If everyones views were collated to show what people don;t like, and what they do like, and what they would like as well or instead of the existing broadcast then this information could be sent to RLM, and who knows may be taken on-board.

Perhaps I should compile something and sent it off to them!

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: termietermite on June 22, 2006, 01:06:16 pm
I have e-mailed them and suggested they look at some of the comments on this site.
For me please : Roundup of who's where, right from the leaders to the end, including at least top 3 class positions, and who's out and why, every half hour.  No interuptions from other people in the studio while this is going on.  The rest of the time, they can do and say whatever they like as far as I am concerned.
Will no doubt continue to listen when I'm out of contact with the race (eating, driving out to Mulsanne, etc) but certainly do so less and less these days as they chat to each other so much about things that are not related to the action on track.
Things I like : pit lane reports.

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: geoffd on June 22, 2006, 01:59:22 pm
Well said termietermite,  the lack of info on who is doing what in the race was the bggest disappointment for me, with regular info updates the rest is sorta acceptable to me.

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: delaney64 on June 25, 2006, 12:44:28 pm
Some of you lot need to go away and check you facts before sounding off and making yourselves sound like ar**s.

Someone has to pay for the radio station now it's not funded by Haymarket and that means the RLM guys have to go out and find sponsors.  You guys need to Get real! It must cost a fortune to get all those people out to France to work (and they do get paid)  and the technology won't be cheap either.

Instead of bleating on like a bunch of old women get up off your rear ends (from where you seem to be talking) and CONTRIBUTE some constructive criticism.

And think for a moment...why is it that the teams and people who really do know about sportscars think that the RLM guys did a pretty good job this year??? Because they did.  Yeah, sure they had some tech problems but the web stream never went down  - like it kept doing last year - and the quality was way way better

So give credit where it's due, lay off the personal jibes (I think that Hindhof bloke is OK actually and I don't think I've ever heard him refer to himself as the Voice of le mans though other people have) and take part. Otherwise this stuff is just self indulgent nonsense

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: RichUK on June 25, 2006, 12:58:57 pm

One thing, I did get pissed off with "She sells sanctuary", Change the bloody record

Now to me, this song is the epitomy on Le Mans, when I hear it on RLM, I know that I'm there.

Constructive criticism is good and should be fed back to them, hopefully they'll take some of it on board.

I'd love to hear hourly updates on who is out. Half hourly updates on leaders in the classes etc. The pit lane reports I think are excellent.

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: Robbo SPS on June 25, 2006, 02:11:19 pm
Finally caught up on the "thread"

I personally think some peoples commetns are a little over stated.

It wasnt 3 years ago that people on this forum were worried at the possible demise of the service.

I for one think its a god send, and have already invested in a better set of radio head phones to 1) look a gimp, 2 ) listen to the race updates.

Icant hear a thing on the ACO PA system, even in english, and even when i do, the french lad bleatts out over the old ebnglish fella.

What do we expect from Radio LM should be a better question -

1) Updates on the race
2) An idea about whats going on
3 ) A little about the atmosphere in the sites
4 ) Some British interviews.

Do we all pan Radio 1 / 2 , Local FM stations for their technical fowl ups.

I dont know of the set up at LM, but i was under the impression they were at the circuit, camping / motorhoming etc and probably a lot more sober than US.

Come on, lets be sensible, its a huge effort for some and for one would be gutted at returning home after a really heavy week's work for it to be panned like we have.

WHy dont we all staert e-mailing Audi and pan their "quiet " car that everyone seems to be at odds with.

Radio LM for me, every year, and its still saved in the car radio ready for the arrival .

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: skid solo on June 25, 2006, 02:19:24 pm
I would like to add my congratulatuions to RLM for continued coverage of the race. They may have made mistakes from time to time but I think without their coverage alot of people would get extremely lost in during the race.
We had some first timers with us this year and they needed the coverage to work out what was going on and info that may seem trivial to LM experts was very useful to them (not everyone who goes have detailed knowledge of rules/regs etc).

I think earlier posts about telling them your constructive comments, rather than personnally slagging the people providing the service, would be a better way to go. That way they might take comments on board to change things for you next year, rather than getting the ar5e and doing nought

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: RichUK on June 25, 2006, 02:45:47 pm

Radio LM for me, every year, and its still saved in the car radio ready for the arrival .

It's always good to see just when the car will pick RLM up on the way down :)

Missed Holly Samos this year though :(

Title: Re: Radio Le Mans - who needs it
Post by: smokie on June 25, 2006, 03:05:47 pm
Locked in favour of this thread which starts with Hindy's reply to the criticisms above.