Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: hgb on June 18, 2006, 08:12:14 pm

Title: Back home...
Post by: hgb on June 18, 2006, 08:12:14 pm
What a phantastic weekend...  ;D Oh, I seem to be the first one. That doesn't happen too often.  ;)

I just returned home and will now have the four Esses (sh!t, shave, shower and sleep).

Congratulation to Marco Werner, Frank Biela und Emanuele Pirro (and of course Audi) for winning the race.

Save return for those who could stay until the end.  :)

More tomorrow... good night. 

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: smokie on June 19, 2006, 01:41:02 am
I'm back too.

I always say "That was The Best Yet".

So again, That was The Best Yet.

Thanks to everyone who had a hand in making it such a Good One.

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: president on June 19, 2006, 10:16:01 am
it was the BEST yet - I repeat BEST

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: Barry on June 19, 2006, 06:07:17 pm
Just got back safe and sound, new motorway really makes a difference, Bleu Nord to Windsor in just 8 hours 45 minutes, including ferry Dover/Calais, without risking the licence. :)

Now to recover from a brilliant weekend, probably take about 2 weeks, just in time for the Classic ;D

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: redstu on June 19, 2006, 09:09:52 pm
Arrived back to Newcastle about an hour ago. We left Bleu Nord at shortly after 7 this morning.

No problems on route and even Rouen caused no troubles (by following the signs rather than listening to the Satnav!)

Only saw one set of Police in France who seemed to have stopped a Corvette for some number plate infingement.

A great time as always and thanks to Barry for the Germolene for the "self inflicted" razor wire injury!

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: TobyAnscombe on June 19, 2006, 09:20:46 pm
Nah - I have a feeling that next year will be the best yet :P

Food, sleep and shower time now whilst I wait for everyone else to appear.

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: Fran on June 19, 2006, 09:39:36 pm
Back home and safe in a cold drizzly Manchester!  ::)

Big thanks to all CA'ers for their contribution to another great week at Le Mans - obviously seeing the Saleen was just an added bonus!  ;D

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: Lurker2004 on June 19, 2006, 09:41:27 pm
Got back home this evening...............god doesn't feel good to be back,  i had a fantastic time with very little sleep and burnt to a crisp :P.What a historic victory for the Audi diesel team :o, an 'oil burner' winning it's class at LeMans!Amazed how quiet the diesel cars were,what ever next eh, an electric car to win?
Hope all you guys return safe with no dramas/fines etc.

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: nickliv on June 19, 2006, 09:57:04 pm
Arnage corner to Aberdeen in 26 hours including ferry and a stop off and a kip in Cumbria.

17 hrs behind the wheel, and I'd do it again tomorrow. Can't go next year, but I'll be there in 08

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: wishy on June 19, 2006, 10:02:04 pm
Got back at 3am this morning.

Bloody all I can say.Apart from thanks to DFH<JPC,The Bretheren and the Flying Baugettes for Friday night ;D


Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: Dirk3D_NL on June 19, 2006, 11:13:55 pm
again an excellent weekend, loved it from beginning to the very end!

thanks goes out to all who contributed to the excellent atmosphere (and the cork-throw session at the poo-bar :D )

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: Jay (Team Cannonball) on June 19, 2006, 11:20:48 pm
Just back what an amazing weekend. Fifth year and that one was the best.

A big well done to Lawrence and the boys at Panoz, I spent the last 45 minutes biting my nails.

Apologies to anyone who heard us singing in town on Friday, strangled cats could have done better.

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: Chris24 on June 19, 2006, 11:29:07 pm
Great weekend, thanks to DFH, Team JPC, flying bagettes etc. Great to see so many friends from Sebring and hope they had a safe journey home. Also hope Jupiter has recovered from his trek to Terte Rouge which ended at 4 am !

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: powermite on June 19, 2006, 11:43:56 pm
The WANCs returned ok.I wasnt too thrilled the diesel audis won and how quiet they were.Within a few years all cars may have to be that quiet and instead of a race to see how far they can travel in 24 hours ,it could be who can use the least fuel in 24 hours.Bring out the solar panels!!

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: garyfrogeye on June 20, 2006, 01:21:36 am
Also back home safe and sound,
Congratulations to TWATS for spending so much of Saturday night falling over.
Race Weekend was Brilliant again but agree with the others that the whispering Audis take a bit of getting used to.
Came back most of the way on the B roads so missed out on the stationary joy of Rouen.
See you next year.

P.s. Both of my (very light blue) Club Arnage flags were stolen from HA on Saturday night. Barstards >:(
I had them in my possesion for no more than six hours!

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: Andy on June 20, 2006, 01:40:53 am
Just got home safe and wet. Good ride home without having to melt in the bike gear.
thanks to Barry for for a great weekend.
Good to see so many Friends of CA, old and new this year.

Cheers Brethren, Paddy & all of DFH, JP,  Fugitive Rick Redstu and the the liverpool boys for there hospitality as usual.

Read You all soon after some ssss' (Sh*t, shower shave & empty my bag!!)

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: turkish.sps on June 20, 2006, 01:55:10 am
SPS crew all back safe and incidents...although left the 'Rhinos' to travel back up to Woking.

Third time this year and getting better every time I go.

thanks goes out to all who contributed to the excellent atmosphere (and the cork-throw session at the poo-bar  )
........what was the guy with axe all about lol.

Thanks again to Drinking for Holland and their usual hospitality, Rick Cutler for help with Gazebos in Wednesday's rain, Team Zarse for early morning help apprehending a theiving pikey and everyone else we ran into over the weekend.

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: chrisbeatty on June 20, 2006, 03:53:11 am
Back safe & sound, another excellent year, surely it can't be another 360~ days until next year??

I feel a longer post tomorrow when I've sobered up & remember the names of at least some of the people I got chatting to at the poo bar!! ;D

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: chop456 on June 20, 2006, 04:56:53 am
Just home.  Great time.  Thanks to all who helped and cheers to those I met.  More later. 

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: JonFATBOYwarner on June 20, 2006, 09:47:55 am

Still knackered, covered in bruises and managed to miss the sound of the Audis all weekend - what race?

My 7th Le Mans was the best - my 8th will be better.

Good to meet up with everyone again.  We should really do it more often.


Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: Cissie on June 20, 2006, 09:56:01 am
Well I am almost home, made it as far as Croydon so far, needed two "S".  Off up North later this morning.
Great week! it just gets better each time I go.
A BIG thanks to the Liverpool Boys and everyone else I met on MB, can't wait till next year, talk again when I finally get home. ;D

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: NorwayNick on June 20, 2006, 09:57:38 am
We have returned from after 23 hours sat in the car, its a long Drive Le-mans to Norway, never doing that again, well not until next year. ;D
Great week down there and impressed with the effort put into some of the set ups, never camped in MB before and will definatly be my first choice in future.
Did not get much chance to meet to many of you this year as i seemed to be in a very friendly part of the camp site and never got far before getting a beer in my hand and a conversation going on.

excellent weekend, missed last year not doing that again.


Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: Stu on June 20, 2006, 10:02:42 am
Back at 12:30 am this morning. What a week, what a show. I love the race and the cars but its you people that make it a memorable event. Thanks to the Liverpool Boys for the usual hospitality, Team DfH for the hospitality and Paddy for the help to get home. (Nice one mate). Big H and his lot and especially to our in house butler, Uncle Albert and nice to meet everyone. Roll on 2007. The planning started this morning.

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: Cissie on June 20, 2006, 10:03:40 am
Allan has just reminded me that you guys are missing an "S" which was one of my two and I do not shave! ;)

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: Rusty on June 20, 2006, 10:08:30 am
Finally got back early evening after a 5 hour delay at the eurotunnel having missed our slot. Bollarks. Never mind, gave us plenty of time to load every available space left in the van with totally unnecessary purchases.

Paddy, Langtall and everyone at DFH, what can I say guys that I haven't already. Just superb.
You did yourselves proud and all of our crew are eternally grateful for your never ending hospitality. T'Baguettes were superb unfazed by the power cuts, true professionals.

Great to meet some old friends, Smokie, Mark JPC, H, AndyZ and crew, MG Mark, Rick, Andy, Powermite and crew, Canada Phil, Lawnmower Man, Robspot, Robbo, Barry to name a few and put names and faces to many others. Andy, I hope the Gimp wasn't to badly injured by Mrs. Pig Pen, she handled that whip like a pro. Even Trayboy had a look of horror on his face as leather met skin.

Apologies to Rick and those that were looking forward to entering a world of pain for not bringing out the Chili Challenge on Friday evening , the place was just too packed to get the best out of it. Next year for sure though once I have developed a safer delivery system to ensure Trayboy doesn't get it all in his eyes as he did the previous year should there be a lot of people.

Anyway, a fantastic year and the change of venue for us was well worth it.

See you all next year.


Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: termietermite on June 20, 2006, 11:44:53 am
We were the smug lot who were home 40 minutes after leaving the campsite.  Have been watching the recording I made of the race since we got home - good coverage by Motors TV.

Making plans for the Classic now - hope to see some of you there soon.

Great to meet all of you at the Poo Bar gathering and put some faces to the names. 

Fab race, particularly the usual nail-biting finishes in the other 3 classes - made up for yet another tedious Audi win and Pirro's awful "Puff" speech after the race.  2 British wins at Le Mans - b*gger the world cup! ;D ;D

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: 20vmk2_dub on June 20, 2006, 12:02:40 pm
Got home at 11pm on sunday night after leaving le mans airport at 7.30 pm...

by far the easiest way to go and most VIP'ish with champange etc.

... but I still plan to drive next year!

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: Lawnmower Man on June 20, 2006, 12:21:51 pm
I'm back.

I've recovered from the Tropicomas ;D ;D ;D ;D  Thanks Mark.

Had a quick fix of CA.  BBL


Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: knetter on June 20, 2006, 12:23:53 pm
Got back early last night, what a great time!! Thanks to all the teams that made our party a night to remember. Specially Team JPC, The Brethren ( the fireworks were awesome), SPS, Rick Cutler, Flying B's and everyone else I am forgetting.

See you all next year!!!

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: Barry on June 20, 2006, 12:40:55 pm

 I hope the Gimp wasn't to badly injured by Mrs. Pig Pen, she handled that whip like a pro. Even Trayboy had a look of horror on his face as leather met skin.

Saw Mrs Pig Pen wielding the whip and the resulting weals  OUCH!  :o :o :o

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: rcutler on June 20, 2006, 12:49:36 pm
Thanks to all we met over the week, especially DfH, JPC, SPS, Brethren, Beermountain, Team KGB, Flying B's, and everyone else that I have forgotten.

Also thanks to all who offered to help on hearing of our braking down. On return this morning the fault was traced to a worn cable to one of the glow plugs that was shorting to ground. Cable is now repaired. Sod was that while we were down in La Sarthe we thought the fault was caused by the aircon, result of which meant we had none for the drive home.

See you all at either Donnington, Sebring or in 355 days or so.

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: Snoring Rhino on June 20, 2006, 01:04:25 pm
We're back, Awsome weekend, the main entertainers and faciliators know who you are - THANK YOU.
Lost my Snoring Rhino title to the boy after he disturbed half the ship on the way back!

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: il Cavallino on June 20, 2006, 01:15:29 pm
Got home yesterday evening at around 9, dropped my things in a corner of my room and went a sleep untill 12 this morning.

My first Le Mans was my best motorracing experience by far. And that wasn't because of the racing. I just want to thank everyone for being so welcome.

A special thanks tough to the DFH-organisation, who made my trip possible, and to the other DFH-members, Team JPC, Team Impala/the Sebring Turn 10 club, The Bretheren, the Flying Baguettes, Beermountain, Team Zarse, all the other people at Club Arnage that came by and everyone I forgot that made my week one to never forget.

It really was an overwhelming experience and I think we all will be seeing eachother at Le Mans and beyond for a long long time. Thanks everyone.

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: championaudi on June 20, 2006, 01:41:32 pm
made it back yest 10am.long soak n sleep followed!!
8th lm for me ,1st sat night poo bar visit, was most fun, pics are a laugh,
glad i could put  faces to names,
thanks all for a bloody good stress free weekend,
hope to be able to do it all again next year!!!!

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: alibongo on June 20, 2006, 02:03:57 pm
Got back yesterday afternoon .....What a weekend!!!!!!!!!!! big shout out to Team Spanner who I camped with on H/A especially the two traffic cops in the Cobra who I went out with on friday for a tour of the circuit and Arnage, made me laugh did anybody get any pictures of them (and me,I was in the focus RS behind them) one of the highlights for me appart from corvette doing the bizz was getting Sterling Moss's autograph and my picture with cool is that? It was nice to meet Werner on the Houx roundabout, great outfit guy! and team Skorpio on H/A, and Paddy and the guys over at the DFH site what a set up!!!! must have required a removal firm to get it all there!! shame I could not have spent some more time with you little time so much to do, did not get to the poo bar either!!!!!!!! look out next year ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: TonyT on June 20, 2006, 02:15:46 pm
Returned safely and survived another year on Musee. Good to meet up briefly with the 7’s from Lancashire.

Looking forward to next year already.


Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: Steve Pyro on June 20, 2006, 09:15:29 pm
Safety home and clean again - now starting on the post race Leffe purchases.

Many thanks to Mr and Mrs Skorpio for fencing off a slab of Houx Annexe, Bob U and crowd for their curry night (they even had Henri Pescarollo as honoured guest), Perdu / Gary and team for shampoo, DfH / Team JPC for the outstanding Friday night bash and hi ho again to everyone at the Poo Bar.

I ran into Felix (the old bluffer) in the Stella Bar but he didn't buy me a Leffe!

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: Martini...LB on June 20, 2006, 09:30:22 pm
So I left LM after the race and drove to Rennes, booked into a hotel and hathe obligatory shower etc. Went to the old town and everywhere had a multitude of tv's showing the France game so wathched it and had something to eat. I then had arelatively early night and in the morning went for breakfast and then shopping in northern Rennes.

Anyway to cut a long story short thought ita good time to leave for St Malo and some more shopping... tootling along quite happily when 30 miles from LM I thought 'I am going the wrong ferkin way"! I should be going to St Malo it then took another 7-8 miles before I could turn around and trundle back another 70 miles to Rennes before going up to St Malo!!! Luckily I had plenty of time, got home at 10.15 and had a few large ones.

Come on the Classic, Sat Nav for sale anyone??


Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: Gordonwr on June 20, 2006, 09:50:44 pm
Made it back to Chester for 6am Monday after a mad dash to Dunkirk for the midnight ferry, kept awake with loads of Black Coke!!
 Big thanks to Rusty and Mark for the tickets, enjoyed MB so much that we will try to end up there next year. The firework show was ace and I must say that Beermountain were superb in the parade on Friday but could do with mixing some Castrol R in with the smoke canisters!!!

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: Perdu on June 20, 2006, 11:47:20 pm
Another great year, time to plan for another great year. Great to meet you all. Again in some cases, others for the first time. People make the event don't they?

Home 2130 Monday night still hearing the earbuzz from a loud Midge.

Woke this morning and felt like bedtime again.

Le Mans? Can't beat it!


Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: mgmark on June 21, 2006, 09:56:07 am
Got back safe and sound in the early hours of Monday morning (packing away and then the work thing has prevented an earlier post).   A good (if hot) trip back in the MGA, which performed as reliably as ever by suffering from fuel vapour lock in traffic jams, but that only happened once approaching Rouen.   Otherwise an uneventful run back.

Awesome week as ever, and brilliant to meet up with many CA friends and meet new ones too.   Our usual haunt of Karting Nord was the quieter and culturally poorer from the Brethren's absence on MB, but that brought us across to MB for the Friday night, which brought a whole new dimension to our enjoyment of the week.   Paddy NL and the DFH team, what can I say - fantastic party, augmented by the live music and The Brethren's usual excellent pyrotechnic feast.   Many thanks.   Didn't make it to the Poo bar on Saturday night, but the choice was going there or being inside the Intersport Racing pit garage - the latter won.   

MG Mark

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: Douglas on June 21, 2006, 10:22:43 am
Back on Hayling Island 2330 Monday night after LD Ferries thought they would save some gas on the sail home.

The LADWACACC team had a magnificent Le Mans and will be back in increasing numbers next year.

Wishy deserves the sobriquet 'God', his hospitality and that of his posse was outstanding. Thanks Andy, especially for the erection (of a tent)  before we arrived.

Further thanks to all involved in the DFH entertainment on Friday night, it was an outstanding party, by the way who's got 'that' video?

We had two exciting incidents over the weekend; the first involved being chased in some woods by some cheesed off Frenchies who didn't want us to have our own unique view of the race, all turned very 'Dad's Army' have the wounds to prove it, and Roy was attacked by bunnies in his tent on Sunday night, he had the bunnie's trainers to prove it!

Again thanks to all CAer's for making this The Event

Until we meet agin


Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: vqdave on June 21, 2006, 10:39:22 am
Got back Monday night, cracking weekend topped with a great night in Roeun with a magic Vietnamese meal where the old bloke who owned it entertained with card tricks, then off to a bar with hot and cold running whores  :o

LM was great, village was better than i thought, at least the loos were clean and working. Charlatens were great. Wallet stolen by some scrote from my pocket, many attempted transactions on my cards starting in arnage about 2.30 am through Le Mans 3.30 and some over french town i do not know an hour later. They got about £500, recovered £300 so far and getting the remaining £200 from the bank fraud people.

Despite the theiving b*stards i had a brilliant weekend, one of the best.

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: Bob U on June 21, 2006, 11:03:26 am
Back home at 5 pm Monday. Great run back, the new m/way took 1 1/2 hours off the journey.

Great to have space saved for us when we got there on Friday morning, many thanks to Steve, Bill and Skorpio, it was much appreciated.

A good night at the Poo Bar meeting faces old and new. Thanks Fran for the beer runs into the ACO bar.

Didn't get a speeding ticket or get my wallet nicked.

Same again next year?    stupid question.

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: nopanic - neil on June 21, 2006, 11:42:56 am
Got home to the Wirral at 7.00am Monday, not bad as only close one when I nearly run up the back of a truck parked at the services near Oxford ( and that was after my first sleep of two).

Not saying it has taken me a while to recover, but I'm about to go out and unload the car now, or in the next hour or after another sleep!

Thanks to all,

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: Andy Zarse on June 21, 2006, 12:35:16 pm
Our tired crew and the Commer rattled down the drive of Zarse Towers at midnight on monday. What a great time! Further reflections and photos to be posted later...

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: Doris on June 21, 2006, 01:10:21 pm
It would appear my body has returned to Blighty but I have a very real  suspicion that my brain has done a runner.

Back later once I've found it.

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: pretzel on June 21, 2006, 06:00:44 pm
Got back in the early hours of Tuesday morning and then, after a quick drink (still in Le Mans mode) slept for ages. Back to work today.

Special thanks to Wishy for his hospitality as usual and great to meet the others staying on the same pitch - Douglas and the LADWACACC crew, Damien, Hugh and Neil. Good company one and all, with the proper spirit of Le Mans in them (in more ways than one ;))

Pete B.

P.S. Hope the scars heal quickly Douglas, and Neil - any chance of a copy of the photos on CD? I'll PM my details.

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: BigH on June 21, 2006, 06:40:56 pm
Finally made it, and what a week, once again there seems to be many hours unaccounted for.
Great fun as usual to see oldies and meet newies. Time just goes sooo quick, each meeting and conversation seemed to go by in a blur. An unusual one this year in that there was no great mishaps for us, apart from me accidentally setting my hair alight, which I suppose could have happened anywhere.
Respect and undoubted patience to Matt Harper who had to listen to the ramblings of a drunken man on what was presumably his phone bill, - good to speak to you Matt.
I'm not sure I could live like that all year though...

50 Euros a bottle for that sh*te!!!!

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: Nordic on June 21, 2006, 07:35:18 pm
Got home early afternoon Monday. A good time was had by all, even if the race was not a classic. No problems but we had a few things nicked, some chairs and our awning all vanished togeather with a few beers sometime sunday afternoon.

Thanks to Martini for the fizzy wine and sorry for nicking your usual camping spot!

It was good to put a few more names to faces at the poo bar.

Title: Re: Back home...
Post by: nopanic - neil on June 21, 2006, 07:42:57 pm
 ;D  Still not unpacked the car, sod it - may do it tomorrow. ;D