Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Bionic Tarquin on June 11, 2006, 05:50:46 pm

Title: Wellies
Post by: Bionic Tarquin on June 11, 2006, 05:50:46 pm
Being something of a more 'experienced' Le Manser (oh dear...set  myself up somewhat!), having not missed one since 1992 (I think!) I was wondering whether to pack....the WELLIES! :o ::)
These have been only taken once before and some of you may recall 'The Undertakers', or was it the Blues Bros(?) (complete with Black Granny and wooden box on top) which made a tour of the campsites commonly known as lakes that year (can't remember which...must be age or...something else!). ;D
I was one of the few with dry feet that year, lots had their belongings washed away. :'(
Do you feel that I should pack them again this year and get you all subject to a soaking?  :-\, or take a chance?

Your considered advice would be much appreciated  :-*.

See you all there. :D

Title: Re: Wellies
Post by: Snoring Rhino on June 11, 2006, 06:09:53 pm
You've got to take them now, just temping fate otherwise!  ::)

Title: Re: Wellies
Post by: Bionic Tarquin on June 11, 2006, 06:13:57 pm
Would you suggest the knotted handkercief, as well? :D

Here's hoping for mucho rays!

Title: Re: Wellies
Post by: Ferrari Spider on June 11, 2006, 06:20:21 pm
I always like to travel light.  Wellies are far to heavy, unless you intend to use them for other purposes, like the welsh would i guess!

i would normally pack a stout pair of walking boots and socks, light weight waterproof top and walking gaiters which weigh nothing but convert the boots into wellies effectively.

worth thinking about ;D

Title: Re: Wellies
Post by: Steve Pyro on June 11, 2006, 06:50:13 pm
Dick, my trusty chauffeur this year, always takes his wellies and Goretex jacket to LM.
This ensures good weather.

I wore the jacket and wellies (for about 5 minutes) in the scorcher of 2000 as a test of their durability in the hosepipe challenge.


Title: Re: Wellies
Post by: Bionic Tarquin on June 11, 2006, 07:00:59 pm
Thanks all!,........
I always try to travel 'light', but with all the bowlers, suits, umberellas, cases, and tax collecting 'paraphanalia' the extra odd pair of wellies/gazabo/hanger on/ ;D :-X/etc almost goes unnoticed!
The chance of++++++++rain seems to be increasing and I wondered what you felt of the prospects....It's also peculiar that the only time in 15 'trips' that I have taken Wellies the Heavens have litterally deposited themselves on the Brits.
Co-incidentally we were up at Tetre Rouge that year so the site was quite dry! ;D
Roll on Wednesday!

Title: Re: Wellies
Post by: Snoring Rhino on June 11, 2006, 07:05:51 pm
Would you suggest the knotted handkercief, as well? :D

Here's hoping for mucho rays!
Absolutly, standard kit old boy!  8)

Title: Re: Wellies
Post by: Black Granny on June 11, 2006, 10:37:08 pm
some of you may recall 'The Undertakers', or was it the Blues Bros(?) (complete with Black Granny and wooden box on top) which made a tour of the campsites commonly known as lakes that year (can't remember which...must be age or...something else!). ;D

See you all there. :D
Ito was 1998. It must be the fact you're approaching your 50th B/day this year that TOGdom is setting in

Title: Re: Wellies
Post by: Bionic Tarquin on June 12, 2006, 12:19:29 pm
You can all sleep soundly!......I've decided NOT to do the rain dance so have NOT packed the Wellies.... ;D, Hopefully this will have the desired effect with the Sun God and we'll all get mucho rays (haven't forgotton the sun slurp 8))....though.

Get the pools I come...... ;D!

Title: Re: Wellies
Post by: Bionic Tarquin on June 23, 2006, 12:17:06 am
I don't know what to say........ :o
Having left the WELLIES behind in all good faith I was SHOCKED by Wednesday's weather!
During the latter part of the evening I gave the 'powers that be' a piece of my mind, considering the deep thought that had gone into my packing!
Hey further problems!
I'll try to work the same magic next time if needed.
Hope you all enjoyed the party (race/event???)

Title: Re: Wellies
Post by: neilsie on June 23, 2006, 10:42:46 am
well i took some DM's... but arriving on Thursday, didnt have to use them. 

Title: Re: Wellies
Post by: nopanic - neil on June 23, 2006, 12:15:27 pm
Due to reading the weather reports, I understood that it was going to be a big wet Le Mans - Like 2000 or 01 (which ever).

So I was prepared - took a North Sea oil rig survival suit! Did I use NO.

and guess what  I was as pleased as punch that I did not use it, unfortunately I'm still not as good looking as punch. (got that one before anyone else)