Club Arnage

Club Arnage => Help => Topic started by: donati on June 08, 2006, 12:40:20 pm

Title: Wich sites are available upon Friday arrival?
Post by: donati on June 08, 2006, 12:40:20 pm

When arriving on the Friday before noon, in previous years we have allways
chosen blue-nord, and found it not even half full.. so plenty of spaces left :)
Im wondering what other options (if any) we will have, if we'd like to try
something else than blue?

Title: Re: Wich sites are available upon Friday arrival?
Post by: Jay (Team Cannonball) on June 08, 2006, 02:33:25 pm
There will be probably still be space on BSJ. Tickets available on the gate may'be. Alternatively park your car in one of the car parks and hike into any of the campsites with your tents under your arms.

Title: Re: Wich sites are available upon Friday arrival?
Post by: Kpy on June 08, 2006, 02:40:08 pm
Beausejour is the only site you can turn up at without a ticket.
Bleu Nord is the old Bleu bivouac site, which expanded as people turned up. The ACO cottoned on to the idea of selling it in advance. It's been sold out for ages.
If you want a Bleu pass I have a spare. PM me for details - you'll have to pick it up on arrival.  :)

Title: Re: Wich sites are available upon Friday arrival?
Post by: donati on June 09, 2006, 12:08:19 pm
Beausejour is the only site you can turn up at without a ticket.
Bleu Nord is the old Bleu bivouac site, which expanded as people turned up. The ACO cottoned on to the idea of selling it in advance. It's been sold out for ages.
If you want a Bleu pass I have a spare. PM me for details - you'll have to pick it up on arrival.  :)

Thanks for the advice..
I ended up buying a Houx Annexe camp ticket from a member here..
This campsite is un-numbered, right?
Hoping this will reduce my walking distance for the weekend :)

Kpy; I think you are mistaken somehow.. i have been in blue nord for the last 5-6 years.. and allways just turned up friday, and bought the camp-ticket at the gates.. no way it is sold out before saturday..

Title: Re: Wich sites are available upon Friday arrival?
Post by: Kpy on June 09, 2006, 01:05:32 pm
Beausejour is the only site you can turn up at without a ticket.
Bleu Nord is the old Bleu bivouac site, which expanded as people turned up. The ACO cottoned on to the idea of selling it in advance. It's been sold out for ages.
If you want a Bleu pass I have a spare. PM me for details - you'll have to pick it up on arrival.  :)

Kpy; I think you are mistaken somehow.. i have been in blue nord for the last 5-6 years.. and allways just turned up friday, and bought the camp-ticket at the gates.. no way it is sold out before saturday..

It was just some friendly advice about what has changed this year, not last year, or the year before that! Have a look at the ACO booking form
but suit yourself.

Title: Re: Wich sites are available upon Friday arrival?
Post by: donati on June 09, 2006, 04:05:50 pm

It was just some friendly advice about what has changed this year, not last year, or the year before that! Have a look at the ACO booking form
but suit yourself.

Dont have a cow man..

It was not an attack on your person.. rather a simple question on camp-sites :)

Have a great day..

Title: Re: Wich sites are available upon Friday arrival?
Post by: Andy Zarse on June 09, 2006, 04:36:12 pm
The point being that this is the first year you have been able to pre-book the tix and also the first year where it is no longer possible to just turn up, pay and camp as you have in previous years,. The bivouac area is dead.  :( So KPY is right.

Title: Re: Wich sites are available upon Friday arrival?
Post by: donati on June 19, 2006, 04:52:16 pm
The point being that this is the first year you have been able to pre-book the tix and also the first year where it is no longer possible to just turn up, pay and camp as you have in previous years,. The bivouac area is dead.  :( So KPY is right.

Anyone know exactly how it works now? (i'm getting confused  ::))

I was in Houx Annexe this time, but some of my friends arrived wedensday, and went to Blue and bought their camping ticket there.. and they saw people arriving Friday, also buying their camp-tickets on the spot..

Could it be that some tickets are presold, and some is saved for those that arrive without one?

Title: Re: Wich sites are available upon Friday arrival?
Post by: redstu on June 19, 2006, 09:51:22 pm
I was on Bleu Nord, people were arriving at abou 9am and having to tour to find space. Some guys in a mini with a single tent managed it, a larger group would have had more difficulty.

Possibly the tickets on the gate are essentially returns which I believe the ACO will take back and sell if they can. I doubt that any are held back, no business would hold back something that could be sold easily in advance.
What if the weather was bad, people wouldn't bother turning up late and they would lose money.

I was offered a Maison Blanche ticket on friday night at the DFH enclosure so I refered the owner to the ACO office, don't know if they took it or if it was sold.