Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: IanS on June 07, 2006, 07:32:53 pm

Title: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: IanS on June 07, 2006, 07:32:53 pm
Does any one know if/when it comes out or have I missed it?

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Bob U on June 07, 2006, 07:35:26 pm
Out tomorrow, but if it is any thing like last years you would be better off downloading our own guide

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: neilsie on June 08, 2006, 12:32:54 am
yeah, last years Autosport "guide" certainly wasn't. 

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Andy on June 08, 2006, 12:37:40 am
It's a Guide, It's in English, and the other dross is a killer for the ferry for a an hour or so if ......... Interesting aticle appears

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Nobby Diesel on June 08, 2006, 10:12:07 am
Just print off Werners Bible, it's far more informative than the Autosport tosh will ever be.

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: monkey on June 08, 2006, 10:27:31 am
Look I know it is always pretty much the same, but going to the news agents on the Thursday before to pick Autosport (the only issue I buy during the year) is very much part of the ritual - its tradition, and marks the official launch of the Team Monkey trip.  ;D

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Barry on June 08, 2006, 02:40:30 pm
Look I know it is always pretty much the same, but going to the news agents on the Thursday before to pick Autosport (the only issue I buy during the year) is very much part of the ritual - its tradition, and marks the official launch of the Team Monkey trip.  ;D

Agreed, it's part of the week before LM ritual, like cutting the grass before you go, and getting the 'stay cooler' haircut.

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Dan Lowe on June 08, 2006, 03:28:20 pm
Just picked up my copy. Again the same old stuff, all the usefull stuff is at the back now with autosport ads plastered in between.  The spotters guide is always helpful though.  It is indeed part of le mans.

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: jpchenet on June 08, 2006, 03:30:09 pm
Yep, biught mine today, it just seemed like one of those things that had to be done. However, it isn't a touch on the CA Le Mans (not only) For Dummies Guide!!  ;D

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: hgb on June 08, 2006, 03:38:49 pm
I picked this up at Pistonheads and don't know if it's true. Somebody claimed that Autosport don't support Radio LM any longer. If that's true then it's a good reason not to buy the mag this year. Some of the content seems to be wrong (driver mix up) and old anyway.

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Kpy on June 08, 2006, 03:46:42 pm
Autosport no longer sponsors Radio Le Mans. True.
Autosport is not worth buying. True.

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Fax on June 08, 2006, 03:56:26 pm
Autosport only gives a rats-ass about F1 anymore so its no surprise to see them make a mess of the LM guide.  KPY, the magazine that always had a great LM guide was Sport Auto.  I've still got a bunch of the them from the late seventies and early eighties.

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: neilsie on June 08, 2006, 03:57:07 pm
I picked this up at Pistonheads and don't know if it's true. Somebody claimed that Autosport don't support Radio LM any longer. If that's true then it's a good reason not to buy the mag this year. Some of the content seems to be wrong (driver mix up) and old anyway.

is the "old" content recent?  ie one or two weeks old?  it's likely the autosport advertising guide was printed sometime ago

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: hgb on June 08, 2006, 04:26:19 pm
No idea. You have to buy it to find out and tell us.  ;D
Go on then...

I'll stick to the CA guide.

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: nickliv on June 08, 2006, 09:12:42 pm
I bought it, and concur. The Autosport guide is a big pile of j arthur rank.

Or sherman tank

Or anything else that rhymes with anchor without the hor at the end, and a w at the beginning.

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Steve Pyro on June 08, 2006, 09:42:19 pm
Yes, I bought it (annual tradition) and agree it's a pile of regurgitated, out of date nonsense.
There's far more up to date, relevant and worthwhile information in our very own publication.

Maybe we could rattle off some and make available to RLM people?

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: DelBoy on June 08, 2006, 09:51:02 pm
I also agree - bought it as so many of you have as a 'tradition' - and it is cr*p.

I will break with that tradition next year and save myself £2.90.

Notice you couldn't have a peek at it first - all wrapped up in sealed plastic bag.


Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: rcutler on June 08, 2006, 10:30:55 pm
The quide is not worth it, but last weekends motorsport action was actually worth a read for a change!!

Not too much F* for also!!!!

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Perdu on June 08, 2006, 10:45:38 pm
Well I looked at the cover of its plastic bag, couldn't make out any reference to Le Mans in full view and threw it back on the shelf...

"Full guide to the British Grand Prix"! Are they serious?

Guidance for inserting the mag into Bern the Werm might be good, otherwise last year was the end of that particular ritual...


Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Jay (Team Cannonball) on June 08, 2006, 10:48:10 pm
That was last weeks Bill.

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: rcutler on June 08, 2006, 10:48:54 pm
That was last weeks Bill.

lol, I was just about to post that the bag has LM all over the front and back!!

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Chris24 on June 08, 2006, 11:13:04 pm
Yes, I bought it (annual tradition) and agree it's a pile of regurgitated, out of date nonsense.
There's far more up to date, relevant and worthwhile information in our very own publication.

Maybe we could rattle off some and make available to RLM people?
Agreed, I think this is an excellent idea. Give a couple of copies to Radio Le Mans and say that they derserved something decent to read since the Autosport one is a pile of crap, and mention that they have Club Arnages support in spirit if not financially.

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: pretzel on June 08, 2006, 11:42:47 pm
Yes, I bought it (annual tradition) and agree it's a pile of regurgitated, out of date nonsense.
There's far more up to date, relevant and worthwhile information in our very own publication.

Maybe we could rattle off some and make available to RLM people?
Agreed, I think this is an excellent idea. Give a couple of copies to Radio Le Mans and say that they derserved something decent to read since the Autosport one is a pile of crap, and mention that they have Club Arnages support in spirit if not financially.

I'll second that.

Just a thought - does anyone know if the ACO has seen this masterpiece yet? It would be interesting to know what their reaction is if they have.

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Perdu on June 08, 2006, 11:49:16 pm
That was last weeks Bill.

lol, I was just about to post that the bag has LM all over the front and back!!

Well that is typical of my local TESCO Local... Thursday! You'd expect a thursday publication to mean that wuntcha?

So, is this the year to break the tradition??????

Soytenly sounds like it.

S*d'em, I just think I have!


Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Kpy on June 08, 2006, 11:57:57 pm
Autosport only gives a rats-ass about F1 anymore so its no surprise to see them make a mess of the LM guide.  KPY, the magazine that always had a great LM guide was Sport Auto.  I've still got a bunch of the them from the late seventies and early eighties.
Sport Auto was the late and much missed Jabby Crombac's creation. These days it's just unreconstructed doggy droppings, as is Auto Hebdo.

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: jpchenet on June 09, 2006, 12:50:08 am
Page 23 of the magazine itself has an interesting article about teh test weekend.

Under a big red banner stating "Leading LMP2 Times" it reads

1 T Enge   Aston Martin
2 S Sarrazin Aston Martin
3 O gavin  Chevrolet
4 M Papis Chevrolet
5 P Goueslard Chevrolet
6 J Bergmeister Porsche

So not only the wrong heading in the GT1 category, but also a GT2 car listed amongst them!

QUALITY!!  :-\

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Fax on June 09, 2006, 04:54:56 am
Agreed KPY,
Its all gone to crap these days.  Guys like Jabby and Jenks just don't exist anymore.  Jabby was Jim Clark's Paris flatmate and trusted by EVERYONE in the paddock.
Also integral to the ELF selection program.  Could you imagine any of today's punks sharing a flat with a motor sports journalist? Didn't think so...RIP Jabby

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Fran on June 09, 2006, 10:02:32 am
Agreed KPY,
Its all gone to crap these days. 

its good to see that even if i only check in every 2 days i can still find fax having a good belly ache about how crap it all is nowadays in the 10 most reent posts!   ;D

plus ca change!

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Chrisgr31 on June 09, 2006, 10:54:17 am
Agreed, I think this is an excellent idea. Give a couple of copies to Radio Le Mans and say that they derserved something decent to read since the Autosport one is a pile of crap, and mention that they have Club Arnages support in spirit if not financially.

Perhaps we could look at financially investing in Radio Le Mans?  I admit it wouldn't be thousands but the sale items that have been produced on this site have gone down well, perhaps a price hike with profits to Radio Le Mans, or even voluntary contributions?

Mind you a lot of work and probably wouldn't generate enough money anyway!

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: termietermite on June 09, 2006, 10:59:22 am
Here, here guys.  My mate's just arrived from the UK with my annual copy and the three of us have been moaning about what (inaccurate) rubbish it is this year.  Werner's guide for us every time.

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Fax on June 09, 2006, 01:55:23 pm
Morning Fran,
I'm fully aware that sometimes I go way OTT with the rose tinted glasses bit.  However Autosport is complete garbage now.  The local newstand stopped carrying it simply because it wasn't selling anymore.  Said he would be lucky to sell one copy a week.  I remember when you would have to reserve a copy becuase they would be sold out they day they arrived.  Things change, but not always for the better.

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Perdu on June 09, 2006, 09:30:33 pm
Well, in case you weren't sure, I definitely aint bothering with it now.

Tesco can stuffemselves!

As can Autospurt...

Werner rules!

Must go and re-ink me printer, got to page 39 and ran out of colour and black.


Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: rcutler on June 09, 2006, 09:37:34 pm
Well, in case you weren't sure, I definitely aint bothering with it now.

Tesco can stuffemselves!

As can Autospurt...

Werner rules!

Must go and re-ink me printer, got to page 39 and ran out of colour and black.


haha I had to replace two of the colour cartridges at work!! Red faced when it was pointed out that it had nothing to do with work!  :-X

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Barry on June 10, 2006, 12:09:49 am
Having downloaded and printed Werner's excellent guide, the LM tradition has now changed.
No longer will we buy Autosport on the hope of an in depth guide, it will be download and print Werners definative guide 8) 8) 8) 8)

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Nobby Diesel on June 10, 2006, 12:49:02 am
We have a couple of Le Mans virgins with us this year. I've printed off the guide and will give it to these LMV's to read as a very complete insight.
Auto Sport has had it's day.
Hail! Werner

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Bob U on June 10, 2006, 12:49:36 am
Do you all agree that Werner should drink as much as any one man can at the Poo Bar and never have to put his hand in his pocket.

The CA guide has, by now winged its way around the world and has put CA well and truly on the Motorsport map. We all know it blew the "profesional" effort well and truly out of the water. This is all thanks to Werner and we shoud show our appreciation in the time honoured fashion by buying him as many beers as he cares to get down his neck.

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Nobby Diesel on June 10, 2006, 01:14:41 am

A beer or 2 from our gang will be forthcoming. Or even a glass of pop.

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Martini...LB on June 10, 2006, 01:26:44 am

haha I had to replace two of the colour cartridges at work!! Red faced when it was pointed out that it had nothing to do with work!  :-X

I printed mine out at work, cartridges cost £220 each, but it is good and I control it

I am not going to buy the inferior version


Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Nobby Diesel on June 10, 2006, 01:33:02 am
£220 - WTF!
Can I get the contract to supply please?
And I don't even do this stuff!

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: jpchenet on June 10, 2006, 11:04:14 am
Do you all agree that Werner should drink as much as any one man can at the Poo Bar and never have to put his hand in his pocket.

Indeed!!!!!!  :)

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: termietermite on June 10, 2006, 11:48:12 am
Do you all agree that Werner should drink as much as any one man can at the Poo Bar and never have to put his hand in his pocket.
Sounds right to me.  My mate (who writes for a living) is most impressed as are all three of us here.  Autosport guide to be ceremonially burnt on the bbq tonight.

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: alibongo on June 10, 2006, 01:11:14 pm
Have just come back from WHS with a copy of that rag opened it.... swiftly discarded it into the bin not worth the fuel carting it to L/M !!! Have to agree the C/A guide by far superior .......well done the team !!!!!

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Papa Lazarou on June 10, 2006, 08:38:36 pm
I feel robbed - I bought it yesterday and wonder why I bothered...

Glad to see Werners guide is getting a bit of exposure elsewhere too (Pistonheads, etc...)

Well done Werner!  :)

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Rhino on June 10, 2006, 09:34:40 pm
Went into tescos before work on thursday, where they still had the previous weeks on the shelf. Popped in after work and still no copy. Decided sod them, knew it would be crap but it is tradition.
Not now, Werners guide was always going to be better, even down to last minute driver changes.
Superb, and have probably spent less in ink and paper than it would cost to buy the ghost of it's former self Autosport.
Thankyou Werner, now for more beer.

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Lawnmower Man on June 10, 2006, 10:23:44 pm
Haven't bought the Autosport thing.  Not going to bother. 

Downloaded Werner's guide.   
Cost me €0.

Any one want ot pay me to get AutoSport. 


Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Andy Zarse on June 12, 2006, 04:58:38 pm
Someone on the 10/10ths forum has found 21 (twenty one)  :o mistakes in the driver line up! I know they are not going to be totally up to date, but ye Gods and little green apples, that is really very shoddy work.

Autosport also states that Jaguar won their last Le Mans in 1998. Funny really, I'm sure it was 1990. I was there both of those years and I'm absolutely certain Porsche won in 98. But hell, who am I to argue with the Great Publication, the font of all motorsport knowledge?

Money-grabbing cretins and morons, all.

Title: Re: Autosport Le Mans Guide
Post by: Lawnmower Man on June 12, 2006, 05:10:59 pm
You've ovbiously been drinking the same stuff as me Andy Cos I thought that too.
