Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: johnny waring on June 06, 2006, 04:41:09 pm

Title: what are you listining to?
Post by: johnny waring on June 06, 2006, 04:41:09 pm
kasabain-u boat

Title: Re: what are you listining to?
Post by: DelBoy on June 06, 2006, 05:04:26 pm
kasabain-u boat that a 'who' or 'what'??

(I know - showing my age here)


Title: Re: what are you listining to?
Post by: Rob on June 06, 2006, 05:10:46 pm
Kasabian are an average indie band, im guessing their album is called U-boat

Title: Re: what are you listining to?
Post by: Rob on June 06, 2006, 05:11:44 pm
ok, after a small amount of research, U-boat is a song on their epominous album

Title: Re: what are you listining to?
Post by: Fax on June 06, 2006, 05:17:52 pm
Kid your sending way too much time on the internet. And please, no useless, banal

Title: Re: what are you listining to?
Post by: Nobby Diesel on June 06, 2006, 05:43:43 pm

give the 12 year old lad a break. He's off to Le Mans, is getting excited and wants to join in. I'm sure you were young once. Fortunately, there was no internet then ;)

Title: Re: what are you listining to?
Post by: Rob on June 06, 2006, 05:48:59 pm

give the 12 year old lad a break. He's off to Le Mans, is getting excited and wants to join in. I'm sure you were young once. Fortunately, there was no internet then ;)

i thought he was refering to me ::)

Title: Re: what are you listining to?
Post by: Nobby Diesel on June 06, 2006, 05:53:37 pm
Could have been - I didn't even consider that!

Title: Re: what are you listining to?
Post by: Fax on June 06, 2006, 06:34:27 pm
No sweat Nobby, we'll just turn this into a kiddie chat room.  Oh don't you think X-tina's new look is just fab?  Personally I think the her lipstick shade is just too red, what do you think? ::)
Funny, I thought this was a motor racing forum.
Old f**k*r Fax

Title: Re: what are you listining to?
Post by: ricardo-T on June 06, 2006, 06:43:56 pm
Glad to see the old 'Fighting Fax' spirit is still alive and well! Shame you can't make it over for the race this year - get your arse here in 2007! - Rich

Title: Re: what are you listining to?
Post by: Fax on June 06, 2006, 06:49:44 pm
Hi Rich,
Hope you guys have a great time, down a few Nigerians  for me and give my best to the gang.  Sorry Nobby, just having a sh**tty day at work and in a foul mood because I won't be making the trip over next week.  Always next year right.

Title: Re: what are you listining to?
Post by: Andy Zarse on June 06, 2006, 07:12:35 pm
Oooh, that Fax, he's a one isn't he???

Enjoy your foul mood Fax, I'm really sorry I won't be seeing you or that other great curmugeon Harper M. Next time huh?

Title: Re: what are you listining to?
Post by: Stu on June 06, 2006, 08:15:04 pm
This is reminding me of Moped Boy last year.

Title: Re: what are you listining to?
Post by: nickliv on June 06, 2006, 10:17:21 pm
I'm listening to my wife, who is asking

'Are you still on that F"£$%&$%^ computer?'

Think I may be in trouble :'(

Title: Re: what are you listining to?
Post by: Dirk3D_NL on June 06, 2006, 10:28:46 pm
better pop a cool beer then  8)

Title: Re: what are you listining to?
Post by: neilsie on June 07, 2006, 10:36:50 am
am listening to the other half "discussing" with me how long the hay meadow that used to be her lawn has grown since it was last cut  bla bla, been away for 4 weeks, bla bla...

in the meantime, just turning on radio6.

Title: Re: what are you listining to?
Post by: LangTall on June 07, 2006, 03:14:44 pm
Listening to 3FM, dutch popstation. Just heared the Peppers.

Title: Re: what are you listining to?
Post by: amazing 1 on June 07, 2006, 03:20:38 pm
The only thing I can hear is the clock ticking.Very,Very Slowly. :'(

Title: Re: what are you listining to?
Post by: shaunv156 on June 07, 2006, 07:11:21 pm
Charlatans Simpatico