Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Jem on June 04, 2006, 09:23:44 pm

Title: Jeremy Clarkson
Post by: Jem on June 04, 2006, 09:23:44 pm
I would normally bend over backwards to defend Mr C, ........... but after he has just sat there like some smug tw***t defending the german tw***ts actions last weekend  I've switched the c**t off and won't be watching ever again.

I actually thought the Mr C was a proper car person but now realise that he is a self publicising tosspot.

God am I pissed off.


Title: Re: Jeremy Clarkson
Post by: termietermite on June 04, 2006, 09:32:18 pm

I actually thought the Mr C was a proper car person but now realise that he is a self publicising tosspot.

Just surprised it's taken you this long to realise this.

Title: Re: Jeremy Clarkson
Post by: Perdu on June 04, 2006, 09:40:47 pm

You mean you actually waste good breathing time watching old pillockbrains?

TG could be entertaining if it wasnt for the smuggest most selfimportant toss*r on tv spoiling it.

just think, if they ditched him and took on Nigel Mansell they could have Nige do the Stig's job too!


(Bill quietly backs off into a safe corner, 'cos he knows just how many JC fans there are out there...)

Title: Re: Jeremy Clarkson
Post by: Rhino on June 04, 2006, 10:32:48 pm
Has he not given up smoking. And didn't one CAer when they went have a cig with JC. He said people who give up smoking are cowards.

Title: Re: Jeremy Clarkson
Post by: nopanic - neil on June 04, 2006, 11:55:52 pm
Clarkson - good motoring  reporter?

I think not!, in Borders yesterday, I have not seen so much cr*p writen on cars and other subjects!   by JC

He is there to make a quick buck, and thats all!!!!!

As he has to pay for his GT40 and other cars, wot a waste of time...........

Title: Re: Jeremy Clarkson
Post by: Paddy_NL on June 05, 2006, 01:55:05 am
Clarkson was good/funny at the time with Wilson, Needell and that bike bloke.
Must have all gone wrong when Vicky HB appeared :-\

Title: Re: Jeremy Clarkson
Post by: Rob on June 05, 2006, 10:52:49 am
i thought the schumacher incident an monaco was just plain funny!!! and if i was in his situation, i would be pretty damn happy too, for the reasons that i had a)just caused some controversy, and b) that it is causing so much discussion!!

as they say 'no publicity is bad publicity'!!

and the fact that you are boycotting a person because he gave an opinion that you didnt like is really quite amazing!

im not saying that he isnt arrogant or smug, because hes always been like that, and always will

Title: Re: Jeremy Clarkson
Post by: shaunv156 on June 05, 2006, 11:00:12 am
Gambon made me laugh though like to see him at a party taking the mick out of some poor unsuspecting to##er very dry

Title: Re: Jeremy Clarkson
Post by: Andy Zarse on June 05, 2006, 01:07:35 pm
I'm surprised anyone thinks he was being serious. All the TG motoring chat and news is trying to do is to replicate the proverbial "pub conversation".

Clarkson has now given up smoking; yes, he did say non-smokers are cowards, a piece of bravado in which I 'm fairly sure was not to be taken at face value. I had a fag with him last year at the studio and he is indeed a bloody good laugh. He writes great stuff for the Sunday Times (motoring and non-motoring and I for one enjoy his non-politically correct alternative take on life.

Title: Re: Jeremy Clarkson
Post by: Bob U on June 05, 2006, 01:15:58 pm
Your right Andy his column in The Sunday Times is well worth a read every week.
His book, The World According to Clarkson, is a collection of his articles.
Very funny and very un PC

I reccomend it

Title: Re: Jeremy Clarkson
Post by: Steve TTTD on June 05, 2006, 01:17:07 pm
Perhaps someone should look up the word Irony in a dictionary..

Title: Re: Jeremy Clarkson
Post by: Neal on June 05, 2006, 02:04:44 pm
Got to agree with you Bob, read the book last year V Funny and V un PC

Title: Re: Jeremy Clarkson
Post by: SmithA on June 05, 2006, 02:21:38 pm
I like the bloke, his column in the financial sun on a saturday always brings a smile to my hungover face. i think he says a lot of what we all think sometimes with his non pc speaches.


Title: Re: Jeremy Clarkson
Post by: BryanC on June 05, 2006, 11:28:18 pm
Top Gear - Top Bloke !
We need people like him to remind us that we love motors, machines and engines. I'm reading his new book - its already 1/2 price in WHS, but still a great read.
I've seen threads on here about fast cars, fast planes, fast bikes and of course fast birds and JC has well observed views on them all.
Just loved the comment last night about the only person to look cool in a 4-seat convertible was Adolf Hitler - just in time to stop my mate buying a new SAAB in that slime green colour.
Bryan C.

PS Tiff is still a better wheelman.
PPS In less than 7 days I will be leading the advance party into Caen late evening arrival. Can't wait.........

Title: Re: Jeremy Clarkson
Post by: Rhino on June 05, 2006, 11:33:54 pm
I must say i would never take him seriously but fair play to him that he supports British Industry, and the show he did on Victoria Cross heroes was to short.