Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Felix on June 01, 2006, 05:24:31 pm

Title: It's Battered Sausage time again
Post by: Felix on June 01, 2006, 05:24:31 pm
Highdely ho, ship mates.

You may have noticed I've been away a bit recently.  That's because I've been on a Japanese whaling ship, learning the finer arts of sushi.

I can now even do those little bits of raw fish with the crumbly rice piled up on top.  :o

Any road up, if I have my menu this year as mainly raw stuff, I won't need the fryer.  However, I'm not sure whether my french punters will go for that kind of thing, seeing as they predominantley only eat bits of frog and goose livers.

So, I understand there may be an opportunity to ponce some good old 240 volts from the Dutch chaps (do they eat sushi?).  That way, I can bring the van with the fryer (remind me to do an oil change) and not have to worry about a generator.

I dropped into Office World a couple of days ago and have managed to knock up some flyers (not low ones though) and have my trusty MB pass from 1978.

Therefore, can Ricky and his pals make some space for me in the Hairy Triangle (I think I've got that right), as I intend to arrive on Sunday afternoon.

This year, I'll be joined by Captain Haddock.

Don't forget to splice the mainbrace.



Title: Re: It's Battered Sausage time again
Post by: Ferrari Spider on June 01, 2006, 05:38:12 pm
Purrrrrrrrrfect to see you back on the forum, me ole' shipmate.  Thought you were around the cod pieces off Iceland.

Here's to a purfect le Mans.

フォーラム、私で会うPurrrrrrrrrfect オーレ' shipmate 。アイスランドの沖にタラの地面のまわりに考えられた。 ここにpurfect le Mans にある。

As us swabby's say, 'low decks.

Title: Re: It's Battered Sausage time again
Post by: Felix on June 01, 2006, 05:45:11 pm
... and a hearty yo ho ho to you, Mr Spider.

Yes, I found Iceland to be too damn cold, it was never like that when they used to be Bejam.  I tried Aldi but the place just didn't have any atmosphere ...... a bit like Mars apparently!

I've been looking all over for that bloody cat, turn my back for 5 minutes and he's in the fish box, looking for fur fish pie.

I've had him microchipped now, I think that means he has an inbuilt GPS system and will be able to navigate me to Le Mans.

Left turn at Le Havre and down the Seine if I remember correctly?

Title: Re: It's Battered Sausage time again
Post by: Nobby Diesel on June 01, 2006, 05:50:11 pm

Will Captain Haddock be helping with the food prep'?
Always handy to have someone helping out with the filleting. I'm sure you'll make sure Capt Haddock brings his boner with him.

Toodle pip!

Title: Re: It's Battered Sausage time again
Post by: Felix on June 01, 2006, 05:59:50 pm
Yes yes yes.

That old stereotype of salty sea dogs being a bit lonely and without female company and having to make do with a "Fisherman's Friend".

I'm sure Captain Haddock's boner is in tip top condition, however, I was a bit worried when he sent me this picture ..... what should I do, I don't even know Captain Birds Eye!

Title: Re: It's Battered Sausage time again
Post by: Nobby Diesel on June 01, 2006, 06:02:31 pm

Title: Re: It's Battered Sausage time again
Post by: Ferrari Spider on June 01, 2006, 06:12:31 pm
... and a hearty yo ho ho to you, Mr Spider.

I've had him microchipped now, I think that means he has an inbuilt GPS system and will be able to navigate me to Le Mans.

Left turn at Le Havre and down the Seine if I remember correctly?

Not wishing to teach my grand-fisherman how to blow eggs!!  don't go up the Seine on the flood, it might be difficult.

Stand-by to repel boarders.

Title: Re: It's Battered Sausage time again
Post by: Ferrari Spider on June 01, 2006, 06:13:36 pm
does he give reach-arounds too!!!

Title: Re: It's Battered Sausage time again
Post by: knetter on June 01, 2006, 08:52:52 pm
Well Felix, I guess when you are parked close enough to us, you could get some juice from our genny, just provide us with how many Watts you might need. We have a 30 KW genny running power for at least 6 groups now, some large (like us and the brethren) and some small(er) (JPC and the flying baquettes).


Title: Re: It's Battered Sausage time again
Post by: Paddy_NL on June 01, 2006, 09:16:53 pm
Battered sausage, yummie! ;D

Do you do breakfast too? Bacon on toast w red sauce, my favorite hangover food! (