Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Snoring Rhino on May 11, 2006, 04:03:51 pm

Title: S...bring Swear Box
Post by: Snoring Rhino on May 11, 2006, 04:03:51 pm
Due to the blatent over use of the S word, I suggest that we have a swear box at the forth coming Planning Meeting and future events such as the Poo bar meeting.
Anybody who mentions the S word should put in £1 (or €2) per S word, also there should be a 5 day back duty for mentioning the S word in postings (yes Mr Brown, we will count up how much you owe  :-X)
All proceeds should go to Doris's Just Giving fund.

Title: Re: S...bring Swear Box
Post by: Doris on May 11, 2006, 04:06:08 pm
Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring, Sebring!!!!!

Did I mention I was there this year?

Oh, crap!  Looks like I owe myself some money.   ;D

Title: Re: S...bring Swear Box
Post by: Snoring Rhino on May 11, 2006, 04:12:35 pm
About £40 just from this post if I counted correctly, keep drinking the Cider  :-\

Title: Re: S...bring Swear Box
Post by: Steve Pyro on May 11, 2006, 04:14:09 pm
I'll bring my cheque book Ian  ::)

Title: Re: S...bring Swear Box
Post by: Doris on May 11, 2006, 04:28:43 pm
About £40 just from this post if I counted correctly, keep drinking the Cider  :-\

Keep drinking?

I like the way you're thinking Ian!   ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: S...bring Swear Box
Post by: Lee Self on May 11, 2006, 05:11:14 pm
Somebody say Sebring?


Title: Re: S...bring Swear Box
Post by: Chris24 on May 11, 2006, 05:21:57 pm
Mention Sebring and look who wakes up ! Hello Lee. Are you coming over to Le Mans to baby sit Randy yet ?

Title: Re: S...bring Swear Box
Post by: MiCarr on May 11, 2006, 05:43:38 pm
Here we are, getting all excited about Le Mans, and I was starting to wonder if people we tired of hearing us rant. But

HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Were did that come from. ??? ??? ???

Title: Re: S...bring Swear Box
Post by: Bob U on May 11, 2006, 06:02:50 pm
Being as we are talking about the S word. I was watching Motors TV and they were talking about the 12 hour and it was pronounced 3 different ways. So which is right ?

Sebring.......... As in Seb Coe

Zebring..........As in Zeb Coe   or

Seabring........As in Seaside

Will someone please clear this up so I know if I have to put in the swearbox

Title: Re: S...bring Swear Box
Post by: Snoring Rhino on May 11, 2006, 06:07:48 pm
Somebody say Sebring?

Clearly we need a $ rate on this  ;D

Title: Re: S...bring Swear Box
Post by: Snoring Rhino on May 11, 2006, 06:30:04 pm
Being as we are talking about the S word. I was watching Motors TV and they were talking about the 12 hour and it was pronounced 3 different ways. So which is right ?

Sebring.......... As in Seb Coe

Zebring..........As in Zeb Coe   or

Seabring........As in Seaside

Will someone please clear this up so I know if I have to put in the swearbox
Dubios use of spellings - double fine, £6  :o

Title: Re: S...bring Swear Box
Post by: Bob U on May 11, 2006, 06:59:26 pm
No No No only one of them can be right so you surely don't expect to pay  for all 3

Title: Re: S...bring Swear Box
Post by: Snoring Rhino on May 11, 2006, 07:22:02 pm

Title: Re: S...bring Swear Box
Post by: rcutler on May 11, 2006, 07:51:00 pm
I'll bring my cheque book Ian  ::)

I am sure we can accept CREDIT CARDS Steve!!!  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: S...bring Swear Box
Post by: smokie on May 11, 2006, 08:14:43 pm
The third is my favourite pronunciation...not sure if I made it up myself or whether I heard it when I was there.

The odd thing is that no-one in Daytona (same state) had heard of it...

Yet when I mentioned I was going there to a work colleague, he got out his PDA and showed me a video clip of some (serious - £12000) model planes being flown there...apparently it's well know for that too.

There, and I didn't mention it once  ;D

Title: Re: S...bring Swear Box
Post by: Snoring Rhino on May 11, 2006, 08:17:02 pm
I'll bring my cheque book Ian  ::)

That woud be the Coutts account would it.  8)

Title: Re: S...bring Swear Box
Post by: Snoring Rhino on May 11, 2006, 08:19:40 pm
The third is my favourite pronunciation...not sure if I made it up myself or whether I heard it when I was there.

The odd thing is that no-one in Daytona (same state) had heard of it...

Yet when I mentioned I was going there to a work colleague, he got out his PDA and showed me a video clip of some (serious - £12000) model planes being flown there...apparently it's well know for that too.

There, and I didn't mention it once  ;D
Blatent aviodence of the S word..... Std fine + smart ass tax £2.

Title: Re: S...bring Swear Box
Post by: Lee Self on May 11, 2006, 09:03:30 pm
Being as we are talking about the S word. I was watching Motors TV and they were talking about the 12 hour and it was pronounced 3 different ways. So which is right ?

Sebring.......... As in Seb Coe

Zebring..........As in Zeb Coe   or

Seabring........As in Seaside

Will someone please clear this up so I know if I have to put in the swearbox

One day, two years back a little plane was flying over the S*bring circuit, we couldn't believe our eyes, they were towing a banner advertising the Runway Cafe (an eatery by the Air control tower) it said, no lie, at Seabring Raceway.  they flew around for at least an hour.  the next time we saw it they had spelled it correctly.  so based on this historical account both S*bring and S**bring  sould both count in the swear competition.



Title: Re: S...bring Swear Box
Post by: MiCarr on May 11, 2006, 09:22:42 pm
Lee, you always take the best shots at Se-----g

Title: Re: S...bring Swear Box
Post by: Snoring Rhino on May 11, 2006, 10:13:45 pm
Being as we are talking about the S word. I was watching Motors TV and they were talking about the 12 hour and it was pronounced 3 different ways. So which is right ?

Sebring.......... As in Seb Coe

Zebring..........As in Zeb Coe   or

Seabring........As in Seaside

Will someone please clear this up so I know if I have to put in the swearbox

One day, two years back a little plane was flying over the S*bring circuit, we couldn't believe our eyes, they were towing a banner advertising the Runway Cafe (an eatery by the Air control tower) it said, no lie, at Seabring Raceway.  they flew around for at least an hour.  the next time we saw it they had spelled it correctly.  so based on this historical account both S*bring and S**bring  sould both count in the swear competition.


Hey guys, if you really want to contribute into Doris's fund raising you can pay your fines directly into her account  ;D

Title: Re: S...bring Swear Box
Post by: atcGreg on May 13, 2006, 03:17:34 pm
Being as we are talking about the S word. I was watching Motors TV and they were talking about the 12 hour and it was pronounced 3 different ways. So which is right ?

Sebring.......... As in Seb Coe

Zebring..........As in Zeb Coe   or

Seabring........As in Seaside

Will someone please clear this up so I know if I have to put in the swearbox

Before race week, I pronounce it-


On Sunday Morning after the race, It's-


Title: Re: S...bring Swear Box
Post by: MiCarr on May 13, 2006, 03:34:48 pm

Before race week, I pronounce it-




Title: Re: S...bring Swear Box
Post by: amazing 1 on May 14, 2006, 02:28:56 am
Has anyone seen MyCarr at Sebring !!! ;D