Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Doris on April 11, 2006, 10:28:58 am

Title: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Doris on April 11, 2006, 10:28:58 am
Like they're not famous enough already.......

Whilst working hard at the pub last night I was flicking through the bosses Top Gear mag and found their write up about this year's Floridian Race. 

They have Turn 10 down as 'terrible Turn Ten, the epicentre of race-day debauchery'. 

Also lurking in the pages of the race report is a pic of the YFDS sign along with a caption reading 'Hero-worship not stomached in Sebring's freakish infield'.

See you next year for more debauchery.   ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: chop456 on April 11, 2006, 12:08:04 pm
Cool!  ;D 

Any chance of someone posting or e-mailing me a scan of said page? wants $160+ for 12 months and you can't buy a single issue.  I've never seen it on newstands, though we can get F1 Racing for $8.  ::)

Thanks Doris!

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: amazing 1 on April 11, 2006, 05:18:20 pm
Terrible Turn 10 ? Are you kidding me? Well I guess bad ink is better than no ink.

I would like to see a copy also.

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Chris24 on April 14, 2006, 09:52:35 pm
If anyone has this magazine, please can they scan it for us. I read some of the article in ASDA but decided against paying nearly £4 just for a 4 page article as I wouldn't have read anything else in there.

I know Elvis too that they spoke of, so would like to e mail the scans to him.


Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Lee Self on April 15, 2006, 03:43:56 pm
I know Elvis too!


Had drinks with him at Petit last year, even found his home camp base...

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Pieter on April 15, 2006, 04:44:57 pm
I had the issue in my hand today in a car nut store in Rotterdam. Since I have a subscribtion on the Dutch version, I didn't buy it, because I think it will be in the Dutch issue as well.

Bought a book on Sebring instead and spent half an hour talking about cars and races with the shop owner. Nice guy, I'll be back.

BTW, Lee: are you going to Petit this year as well?

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Flobee1kenobi on April 15, 2006, 06:54:07 pm
I got a big kick out of watching people walk by our camp with a look of disgusted astonishment on their face ;D(

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Fran on April 15, 2006, 07:14:27 pm
a look of disgusted astonishment on their face

Why would they be looking disgusted - apart from seeing a bloke in  those inexcusable 3/4 trousers (and white ankle socks - eek)  ?  :-X

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Flobee1kenobi on April 15, 2006, 07:24:12 pm
Because it only took just over 24 hours to build that beeramid-and we were just gettin warmed up ;D

kind of like the look you would get on your face when you're walking by the lion cage at the zoo and notice the door is standing wide open ;D

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Lee Self on April 15, 2006, 11:00:42 pm
BTW, Lee: are you going to Petit this year as well?

Pieter, I plan to be there. Hurricaine season permiting of course...



Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Fax on April 16, 2006, 07:07:02 am
By all means, if you can do the Petit and Sebring in one year...go for it!
The best money you'll ever spend.  If someone said to me, "You can go to Le Mans but will have to skip Sebring & the Petit....Or?  have Sebring & the Petit and pass on the Sarthe?....Its a no  brainer!  Give me the Florida sun and Georgia hills any day!

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Steve Pyro on April 16, 2006, 09:39:28 am
Living in the same continent helps, John.  ;)

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Pieter on April 16, 2006, 10:50:48 am
Well, not having a wife or girldfriend does make life easier and cheaper. And a higher year bonus than expected doesn't get in the way either, so this year I might do all three. Although Petit is on the same day as the A1GP in Zandvoort, it's hurricane season in September and I'm also interested in the Bathurst 1000 in Australia in November. I've read a story on that in Top Gear magazine and the party over there is pretty wild. And the track is nothing like you've ever seen before, really great! It's just bloody far away (and therefore bloody expensive!), but it's definitely on my "to do in life list".

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Chris24 on April 16, 2006, 12:11:55 pm
I'm also interested in the Bathurst 1000 in Australia in November. I've read a story on that in Top Gear magazine and the party over there is pretty wild. And the track is nothing like you've ever seen before, really great! It's just bloody far away (and therefore bloody expensive!), but it's definitely on my "to do in life list".

Your not the only one with that on their "To Do" list, its on mine too, but I can never save up enough dosh to do it though.

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Fran on April 16, 2006, 12:39:34 pm
I have been to Bathurst, but not when the racing was on!... just went to the ATM and got back on the train!  :-\

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Pieter on April 16, 2006, 09:39:44 pm
Was it any good, that ATM?

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Fran on April 16, 2006, 11:12:18 pm
Was it any good, that ATM?

Well it was a very welcome sight.

I was on a 4 day long train journey and had run outta cash for food n drink.. so had to get off at the front of the train, leg it up the high street to the ATM and get back to station before train left again... otherwise i woulda been totally bu**ered and lost my luggage and everything i possessed on that continent and a 3/4 day wait for the next train!

So on a scale of 1 - 10 it was certainly right up there at the top of ATMs I have visited!  If you get to the races go n visit it Pieter.....


Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Fax on April 17, 2006, 02:17:17 pm
Fair point Steve, does help to be living on the same chunk of real estate.
A little bit of venting at the ACO with my remark too for what they've done to the circut at Le Mans.
Pieter, the 'Canes don't really impact Georgia much unless they get some rain from them once they head north over land and fizzle out, but we've been fortunate over the years, never been a wet Petit yet.  That said, Rita threw a big wrench into Matt's Petit plans a couple of years ago.

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Pieter on April 17, 2006, 07:00:51 pm
Ik know there's a story coming....Come on Fax, tell us!

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Fax on April 17, 2006, 08:50:06 pm
I wish it was a funny story, but it isn't. A couple of years ago when Matt drove his Vette all the way from Orlando to Road Atlanta for the Petit, he got a call from the Missus saying that Hurricane Rita (or whatever it's name was) had turned toward Orlando, this being on the heels of Charlie, which bullseyed O-Town.  So as a result, one hour into the Petit, Matt had to pack up and head back home.

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Pieter on April 17, 2006, 09:58:06 pm
That clears things up. I thought Rita was an aggresive member I hadn't met yet.

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Canada Phil on April 21, 2006, 03:48:13 am
That clears things up. I thought Rita was an aggresive member I hadn't met yet.
Hi Pieter,
            Petit is well worth a visit more racing crowd but still a good party. it's only 18 hours from my house
a mere walk in the park for the week end ::)
Hope to make it too this year.
Canada Phil

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: chop456 on April 21, 2006, 07:40:10 am
^ I already bought my plane ticket and rented my car for the Petit.  ;D

BTW - I now have the scans of the Top Gear article, but I can't find my copy of .PDF maker and the .JPG scans are 3mb each (x4).  If someone has the ability to resize them while retaining most of the quality, I can e-mail them to you.  I can host them once they're resized.

(I tried it using Irfanview and they look like *****.)

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Pieter on April 21, 2006, 08:57:08 am
Off topic: how do you resize images anyway?

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: chop456 on April 21, 2006, 08:59:10 am
Off topic: how do you resize images anyway?

I use Irfanview.  It's small, free, and extremely easy to use.

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Pieter on April 21, 2006, 09:27:30 am
(I tried it using Irfanview and they look like *****.)
That's hardly a recommendation, is it?

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: chop456 on April 21, 2006, 10:00:03 am
(I tried it using Irfanview and they look like *****.)
That's hardly a recommendation, is it?

The scans I was given are crap.  Irfanview can't correct a poor quality image, nor can it sample/filter it to a smaller byte count while keeping the physical size the way Adobe seems to be able to.

For resizing photos, Irfanview is fine.  And did I mention that it's FREE?

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Lee Self on April 21, 2006, 01:39:00 pm
Chop - resize with photoshop.
If you email them to me I'll resize and mail back
send to:

at 3Mb each, send each image in its own email (1 of 4) (2 of 4)
so no issues for mail host.

look forward to seeing them.


and see you at Petit! The storm he left for was Jeanne. She meandered around the bahamas for a week then did a 180 and headed straight for florida. I headed out Friday night... One of our crew is a firechief in Ocala and he was recalled earlier that day as well. and Ronnie busted out with him to make it back to West Palm.

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Fax on April 21, 2006, 02:23:38 pm
Thats the one Lee, Rita was last year right after Kat.
After a while they begin to all run together.
Highly recommend the Petit to anyone who's never been before, like Phil said more of a racing crowd but still a great party, and the best spectating venue anywhere.

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: amazing 1 on April 21, 2006, 03:51:09 pm
I stayed for the race.Ikept calling my wife,and she was not even aware the
storm was headed that way.Whenever I called to check she kept saying its on the other coast,so dont worry about coming back.That was Sat. afternoon.By that time she must have started actually watching the weather and her mood had quickly changed.Now it was why are you not home or headed home.It was about 4:00 pm and I was getting pretty hammered by then,and there was no way Iwas driving  9 hours after Ihave been drinking.
So I left Sun. morning at 6:00am headed home.I drove directly through the HURRICANE  all the way home.Had to have been one of the scariest things I have ever done in my life.I-75 was deserted, it was only me and three other travelers that were in the same boat I was where they HAD to get home.We convoyed in case something happened to one of us,we would pull over at every rest area[pickle park] develope enough courage to continue and drive on.Quite a hair raising experience that I will not ever do again. ;D

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: chop456 on April 22, 2006, 02:30:44 am
Thanks to Lee for the resize, and to my innerweb friend in Scotland for the scans.



Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: amazing 1 on April 22, 2006, 03:59:21 am
The heart of darkness?Terrible Turn Ten?

Who the f**k is this ARSEHOLE?

Richard Whoever you can kiss my  ASS !

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Pieter on April 22, 2006, 05:30:50 pm
This week I got the Dutch issue and the same article was in it (in Dutch of course). The author totally missed the point and should have got involved. He would have told a different story.

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: MiCarr on April 23, 2006, 03:35:05 pm
To Richard Whoever; From Terrible Turn Ten.  :P

           "Two Beers Please"

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Hardpoint on April 23, 2006, 04:27:00 pm
That's pretty cool.  ;D

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: gab on April 24, 2006, 05:49:42 pm
That's pretty cool.  ;D

...that`s Turn 10 for you Hardpoint, they are all pretty cool. Why not join them next year at Sebring 2007?

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: jupiterjohn on April 26, 2006, 05:02:34 pm
I've been watching this thread for a few days now, and I can't seem to put the article by this guy  Richard out of my mind.  Is he talking about MY Turn 10?  At Sebring?  He can't possibly be.  A little journalistic integrity Richard if you please.  It's quite obvious you have never been to Turn 10 to enjoy our great enjoy the best view of the track from our meet and enjoy the company of other dedicated race fans from around the world who make Turn 10 their preferred destination when coming to the greatest sports car race in North America.
It's not just that you missed the point took a hard left.  To call Turn 10 the "Heart of Darkness"..."Terrible Turn 10"..."The Epicenter of Race Day Debauchery"...and Turn 10 having a "Black Heart" smacks of slander at its highest level.  Over the years, Turn 10 has been praised by drivers, crews, and visitors from all over the world as a family friendly, welcome respite from the Florida heat, a place where I can and DO bring my kids and grandkids.  Yes Grandkids.  If you had ever visited Turn other world famous journalists have...John Brooks and Brian Labin come to would not be calling us names.  Rather, you would ask if you could come back next year.Over the years, Turn 10 has worked at being a fun place to visit.  No debauchery.  No black heart.  Just a Great slide show on Friday nite hosted by author and famed artist Lee Self. 
Richard, I'm offering you an invitation to join us at Teriffic Turn 10 next year(since it's obvious by your column you were never there).  Tip one or two with us...enjoy the view and great racing at the best corner on the track, and let us change your mind about Turn 10.  And then print a retraction (if you believe in journalistic integrity).

GOVERNOR - Turn 10


Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Chris24 on April 26, 2006, 05:59:20 pm
Great reply John, have you sent it to top gear magazine ?


Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Andy Zarse on April 26, 2006, 06:05:03 pm
Quite right! As a recipient of the legendary Turn 10 hospitality in '05, I can only echo what John says. Maybe it's just sloppy use of English, maybe we're reading into it things that weren't intended and being a bit touchy. Maybe it's jouralistic licence or maybe the guy was genuinely pissed off by someone from Turn 10. Who knows? But either we're all missing the point here or somebody from Top Gear really ought to be making a bloody good case for the defence.

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: jupiterjohn on April 26, 2006, 07:47:51 pm
Chris and A Zarse esq....Thanks for agreeing with me.  I don't think I'm being just a little too picky.  Turn 10 has worked hard over the years to develop a good reputation.  To have that good reputation blown away by some journalistic wannabe just struck me the wrong way.  Would love to contact Top Gear and at least turn them on to this thread. Would like to know what issue that was in, and what is Richard's last name.

GOVERNOR - Turn 10


Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Fax on April 26, 2006, 08:02:55 pm
Got to consider the source, when I read something in a motoring publication any more, I do knowing damn well that the motor racing knowledge of ninety percent of the hacks out there wouldn't fill a thimble.  The guy probably spent most of his weekend sipping free booze in someone's
hospitality tent or in the air conditioned press box.  Someone probably told him he should go out to the Green Park and take in the sights and he probably assumed there were human sacrifices and pagan rituals taking place at Turn 10.  Seriously doubt if this dude ever made out there.  Probably couldn't wait to get back to his F1 butt-buddies and gossip about Jensen Button's latest hairstyle.

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on April 26, 2006, 08:27:22 pm
here you go guys, he is a motoring journilist for The Independent, go get him boys

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: jpchenet on April 27, 2006, 01:15:58 am
Someone needs to show the guys at Top Gear the article from The Telegraph last year (available here if anyone missed it  )

And I quote:  "Sebring is a breath of fresh air in a sport that's all-too-publicly losing its way, and proof positive that top-level racing and un-selfconscious, hair-down fun can exist in the same universe. "

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: amazing 1 on April 27, 2006, 02:14:02 am
Blah Blah Blah ! I say we go to Lemans hunt this pig down and whoop his ARSE !!

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: amazing 1 on April 27, 2006, 02:17:49 am
Blah Blah Blah ! I say we go to Lemans hunt this pig down and whoop his ARSE !!

  " ARSE "

Look guys my "English " improving !

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: MiCarr on April 27, 2006, 03:26:38 am
You ready lets go man!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: gab on April 27, 2006, 07:21:24 am
...excellent response Jupiter and I can verify that your statements are all fact and not bullshit like what this guy is trying to pass on to the reading public  8)
...100% behind your idea Randy, now where did I leave that baseball of mine  ???

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: jpchenet on April 27, 2006, 08:14:18 am
...excellent response Jupiter and I can verify that your statements are all fact and not bullsh**t like what this guy is trying to pass on to the reading public  8)
...100% behind your idea Randy, now where did I leave that baseball of mine  ???

I hope you carry a ball as well Gab!!

In a previous job, I had to drive around areas collecting monies. I used t carry a baseball bat in the car in case of "problems". I got stopped by the police one day and they asked why I had the bat. I was honest, told them what I did and why I carried it. Their reply was "I fully understand where you are coming from sir and that it is only for self protection, but make sure you carry a ball as well. On it's own, it's an offensive weapon. With a ball, it's a piece of sporting equipment. Be Safe!"  ;)

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Piglet on April 27, 2006, 09:09:46 am
Blah Blah Blah ! I say we go to Lemans hunt this pig down and whoop his ARSE !!

  " ARSE "

Look guys my "English " improving !

You guys are great - you really brighten my day  ;D

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Pieter on April 27, 2006, 09:19:18 am
Blah Blah Blah ! I say we go to Lemans hunt this pig down and whoop his ARSE !!
Do I hear somebody saying that he's coming to Le Mans?

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Piglet on April 27, 2006, 09:40:20 am
Cheers for the link to the Telegraph article, I'd forgotten about that!   ;D

I really hope we can make it out next year....

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: LangTall on April 27, 2006, 10:09:37 am
Blah Blah Blah ! I say we go to Lemans hunt this pig down and whoop his ARSE !!
Do I hear somebody saying that he's coming to Le Mans?
He's is more then welcome on our pitch, we even have a scaffold to make him feel at home. ;)

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: MiCarr on April 27, 2006, 01:39:28 pm
I think someone from Turn Ten needs to be at Le Mans this year,and hunt him down!!!! But who?

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: amazing 1 on April 27, 2006, 01:57:51 pm

Pick me,Pick me ! ;D

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: MiCarr on April 27, 2006, 02:02:09 pm
0.K Randy you win but you may need supervision!!! ;D

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: knetter on April 27, 2006, 02:23:27 pm
I think both of you should come over, so one of you can bend him over, while the other put his shoe up his arse!!!

Question remains, who has the biggest feet?? ;D

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: MiCarr on April 27, 2006, 03:04:00 pm
Well Randy definately has me beat in the belly department :D
I don't know about the feet. ;)

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: atcGreg on April 28, 2006, 04:10:27 pm
0.K Randy you win but you may need supervision!!! ;D

Randy needs the supervision of a monkey- not just N.E. Monkey Willdeau!

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: amazing 1 on April 28, 2006, 04:18:51 pm
Supervision ,lots of supervision.I am prone to wander.

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: MiCarr on April 28, 2006, 04:44:50 pm
Bringing the monkey suit N.E.?

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: atcGreg on April 29, 2006, 04:13:16 am
Bringing the monkey suit N.E.?

Mrs. Deau said, after speaking with Amazing Randy, "Get your Hairy Arse across the pond and stop your whining".

Will LeSarthe accomodate an additional drivers autograph table?

With all due respect,


Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: amazing 1 on April 29, 2006, 04:22:06 am
How cool is that ! ;D

No woman can refuse The Amazing Randy. lol lol lol ::) ::) ::)

Greg tell her I owe her one.OR two maybe! Her choice.

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Chris24 on April 29, 2006, 11:01:02 am
There isn't an autograph session as such but some teams set up a table for a while during the all day friday open pitlane walkabout. Perhaps someone like corvette wouldn't mind if you set up a table at the front of their area and did a signing session. I will ask .

Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: atcGreg on April 30, 2006, 07:16:55 pm
There isn't an autograph session as such but some teams set up a table for a while during the all day friday open pitlane walkabout. Perhaps someone like corvette wouldn't mind if you set up a table at the front of their area and did a signing session. I will ask .
Thanks Chris. P.M. Randy, Mike our myself with any info you can find. If it would be offensive we will bag the idea.


Title: Re: More Fame For Turn 10 & YFDS - Don't read if Sick of Sebring
Post by: Chris24 on April 30, 2006, 07:21:21 pm
Hey what would be offensive about Team Impala doing an autograph session in the  pitlane. If its set up behind the pit barriers in a team area with the teams permission, then theres nothing the ACO can say really.

I will enquire with our contacts at Pratt and Miller if they would mind if you set up for an autograph session on the Friday.