Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Doris on March 24, 2006, 02:39:56 pm

Title: Hair and Fundraising - An Update
Post by: Doris on March 24, 2006, 02:39:56 pm
As a few of you have expressed an interest...

All in all, from the money raised online (including the two auctions), the money raised in the pub (including a cheque for £1000 that one customer gave me), the money raised in the office (including the company matching staff donations), the money from friends and family in NZ, and the money received at Sebring I am now up to a total of £4916.00.   :o :o :o

The truly great news though is that this is still a running total as it only includes the money I have collected to date.  As I get hold of the stragglers this will continue to rise.   :D

I have to say a huge THANK YOU to all who donated - both time and money - to help me reach this figure.  Your support has been amazing!!!

Let's keep this going and see how much we can smash the £5K target by...

As for the hair...
Re-growth has been affected by two factors:
1:  My hair grows really slowly
2:  I decided I needed a trim before I went on holiday.  Granted, spending the afternoon in the pub before heading home for a couple of bottles of wine and some JD before getting the clippers out was probably not the most sensible way to go about it.  Highly amusing, but not sensible.   ;D

The end result means I am back to about a quarter inch.

Unfortunately I do not have any photos, but I know a man who may.  I'll see what I can do.

Thanks for all your Support!!!

Title: Re: Hair and Fundraising - An Update
Post by: Robspot on March 24, 2006, 03:02:09 pm
Great news Doris!

I reckon you should be able to bump that up quite a lot at Le Mans as well, especially if you start collecting after the Tropicoma comes out  ;D

Title: Re: Hair and Fundraising - An Update
Post by: Ferrari Spider on March 24, 2006, 03:09:05 pm
Oh YES.  I think we can very creative, when encouraging donations to the cause, don't you 8)

Title: Re: Hair and Fundraising - An Update
Post by: Bob U on March 24, 2006, 03:11:32 pm
Well done Doris. I reckon at least another grand after June

Title: Re: Hair and Fundraising - An Update
Post by: Lorry on March 24, 2006, 03:22:11 pm
A quarter of an inch.  You'll still be a skinhead in June.

Assuming that you're planning a collection in June, I'd suggest a levy on Tropicoma and a tax by the case.  See if DfH can get you an advert with RfH, and try Radio Le Mans too.  We would need a flyer and could then just go circuit wide.  A pincer movement between HA & MB would be very effective and could reunite the two factions

Title: Re: Hair and Fundraising - An Update
Post by: LangTall on March 24, 2006, 04:02:51 pm
Great news Doris!

I reckon you should be able to bump that up quite a lot at Le Mans as well, especially if you start collecting after the Tropicoma comes out  ;D
I guess its better to collect between the consuming of the Topicoma and the coming out of the Tropicoma. :D Or did you mean 'coming out of Tropicoma' in another way?

Title: Re: Hair and Fundraising - An Update
Post by: Paddy_NL on March 24, 2006, 04:24:48 pm
Bl00dy 'ell, that's good!!! :o

Doris, can you give me a thumbs up for ordering those collection tins?

Title: Re: Hair and Fundraising - An Update
Post by: Doris on March 24, 2006, 04:36:25 pm
Bl00dy 'ell, that's good!!! :o

Doris, can you give me a thumbs up for ordering those collection tins?

Thumbs up!!!    ;D

Title: Re: Hair and Fundraising - An Update
Post by: Lawnmower Man on March 24, 2006, 05:49:10 pm
Thats great Doris.  Maybe we should set up a both to charge for watching Lawnmowing.  Camera Permits Extra.  ;D


Title: Re: Hair and Fundraising - An Update
Post by: Black Granny on March 24, 2006, 10:50:09 pm

If you like we could raise funds for you this year. We normally do a charity collection in return for "favourable handling" of tax returns.

Let me know if you would like us to extract moneywithout menaces for your cause.

Title: Re: Hair and Fundraising - An Update
Post by: Lorry on March 24, 2006, 11:41:43 pm
Can you do anything for VAT refunds?

And the £8 I was out on my tax return is the tax rebate on the donation to Doris.  Perhaps we could run a system in MB.  I'll do the tax returns, we can over assess a little and give it to Doris.  I'm a wizz with CT600s too.