Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: jpchenet on March 07, 2006, 11:22:00 am

Title: Did anyone take a helicopter flight last year
Post by: jpchenet on March 07, 2006, 11:22:00 am
Did any do the helicopter flight over the circuit last year? If so did they get any pictures of Maison Blanche. Wondered if we had any pictures available of the various encampments and signs?

Title: Re: Did anyone take a helicopter flight last year
Post by: BigH on March 07, 2006, 11:34:57 am
Did any do the helicopter flight over the circuit last year?

JPC, I very nearly did. A friend of ours, who is a big supplier to Audi in NZ, came over for the race on the 'Audi Hospitality' ticket, - a nice number if you can get it. Anyway, him and his mate decided on Sunday morning they were going to go into Paris for a look around, and they had two complimentary tickets for the Audi sponsored helicopter ride. He first checked with the girl on the Audi desk that it would be ok to pass these tickets onto me and one of the lads, handed them over and shot off to Paris. Dave and I went along to the pick up point, and I have to say here and now that I have never been so rudely addressed by anyone in my life than I was by the Audi team. The chief guy seemed to take the greatest pleasure in being the most insulting obnoxious twat I have ever come across at LM (totally unprovoked I have to say). Needless to say we didn't get the chopper ride, and needless to say neither Dave nor I would ever buy an Audi. (This years money went to Subaru, so you can stick that up your ar*se, Audi)

Title: Re: Did anyone take a helicopter flight last year
Post by: Paddy_NL on March 07, 2006, 12:08:13 pm
Riert and Swans from our team did the helicopter flight, but never got near enough to take a proper shot of Maison Blanche. Apparently Swans video'd the whole trip and has MB on zoom, but he said the piece of film was all rather shaken and very brief :-\

Title: Re: Did anyone take a helicopter flight last year
Post by: Mr. Rick on March 07, 2006, 04:18:49 pm
Ooh, forgotten about the heli flights!

Given that it's my 25th year this year, need to mark it with something a bit spesh so this might just do the job ... can anyone vouch for the enjoyment factor?


Title: Re: Did anyone take a helicopter flight last year
Post by: Paddy_NL on March 07, 2006, 05:29:08 pm
can anyone vouch for the enjoyment factor?
I did a Silverstone roundtrip by helicopter back in '03, I think any circuit looks great from a helicopter 8)

Title: Re: Did anyone take a helicopter flight last year
Post by: Kpy on March 07, 2006, 05:43:04 pm
The chief guy seemed to take the greatest pleasure in being the most insulting obnoxious tw**t I have ever come across at LM (totally unprovoked I have to say). Needless to say we didn't get the chopper ride, and needless to say neither Dave nor I would ever buy an Audi. (This years money went to Subaru, so you can stick that up your ar*se, Audi)

That's a shame H, only because in 1997 I found a great deal for a week in a hotel near LM including travel, entry & parking tickets and a barbie with unlimited booze at the circuit, for a couple of hundred quid a head - was in the small ads in Autosport before ebay got going. One of the fellow guests was a guy called Smith or Brown, who turned out to be Managing Director of Audi UK. He'd turned down all VIP invitations just so he could see the race as one of the lads. You couldn't meet a nicer more modest guy.
Just shows what happens when you let the PR c@nts loose.
Take care leaving the pub  :)

Title: Re: Did anyone take a helicopter flight last year
Post by: Fran on March 07, 2006, 09:58:48 pm
I finally got round to a heli flight in 2004 (so no assistance as far as pics of MB 05 goes) but I would certainly recommend it.   

Seems like no matter how often you go, there is still something that you havent done yet - so you have to go just one more time....!  ;D

Title: Re: Did anyone take a helicopter flight last year
Post by: redstu on March 07, 2006, 11:18:51 pm
I'm planning on a trip this year, thinking of about 5 -6 pm Saturday when most of the cars should still be on the track and the light should be good.
Anyone know what the queus are like?

Title: Re: Did anyone take a helicopter flight last year
Post by: Barry on March 07, 2006, 11:36:54 pm
Anyone know what the queus are like?

Fairly certain that you can book your flight, remember Radio LM publicising a phone number. Not sure whether you can turn up on speck.

Title: Re: Did anyone take a helicopter flight last year
Post by: Paddy_NL on March 07, 2006, 11:48:17 pm
here's MB completely deserted  :'(

Title: Re: Did anyone take a helicopter flight last year
Post by: Ferrari Spider on March 08, 2006, 12:20:44 am
here's MB completely deserted  :'(

If you look closely you can just about make out the 7X5 pitches ::)

Title: Re: Did anyone take a helicopter flight last year
Post by: knetter on March 08, 2006, 05:01:46 pm
Ahhh yes, you can still see the white lines in that run-off area  ;D

Title: Re: Did anyone take a helicopter flight last year
Post by: hgb on March 08, 2006, 09:57:29 pm
Thought about this last year, maybe doing it this year. Any more info appreciated from my end.

Title: Re: Did anyone take a helicopter flight last year
Post by: jpchenet on March 09, 2006, 08:36:26 am
As far as the flights are concerned, I believe they are about €75/€80.

Don't book them through the tour operators (MRI etc) who charge you £100  :o

Title: Re: Did anyone take a helicopter flight last year
Post by: Andy Zarse on March 09, 2006, 05:35:34 pm
Did any do the helicopter flight over the circuit last year?

JPC, I very nearly did. A friend of ours, who is a big supplier to Audi in NZ, came over for the race on the 'Audi Hospitality' ticket, - a nice number if you can get it. Anyway, him and his mate decided on Sunday morning they were going to go into Paris for a look around, and they had two complimentary tickets for the Audi sponsored helicopter ride. He first checked with the girl on the Audi desk that it would be ok to pass these tickets onto me and one of the lads, handed them over and shot off to Paris. Dave and I went along to the pick up point, and I have to say here and now that I have never been so rudely addressed by anyone in my life than I was by the Audi team. The chief guy seemed to take the greatest pleasure in being the most insulting obnoxious tw**t I have ever come across at LM (totally unprovoked I have to say). Needless to say we didn't get the chopper ride, and needless to say neither Dave nor I would ever buy an Audi. (This years money went to Subaru, so you can stick that up your ar*se, Audi)

We had a similar experience with Audi at the Go-Kart track in 2001 when we were camped on Karting Nord. Having to suffer the noisy little feckers whizzing round the track night and day we reckonned we ought to have a go at karting too. On venturing over to the track we were told by a very rude Audi PR twat that the track was not open to the public as Audi had booked it up for three consecutive days for corporate entertainment purposes. Of course I pointed out that I considered this to be a somewhat greedy and ill-mannered stunt on behalf of Audi but that were they to allow us in we'd behave ourselves.

Despite my very reasonable offer, I was advised that if I knew what was good for me I should clear off post-haste before they had me ejected from the curcuit. I pointed out the Karting track wasn't actually in the curcuit, and being under the influence of strong drink, I invited him to go f*ck himself in pretty unequivocal terms. On reflection I simply couldn't understand his stance. I admit we were looking a bit dishevelled, 2001 was the wet year to end all wet years,  I was wearing a knee-length yellow rain poncho which had some sick down the back of it, oh and a blond frizzy wig for some reason, but even so I still can't see what harm it would have done to let us in. We hung around outside the gate for a bit and gratuitously insulted a coachload of Audi dealers from Dortmund with some internationally recognised hand gestures. I  too vowed never to buy an Audi and I never have.

Harry, my money (again) went to Subaru this year. Trust you've got a turbo model? Great traction eh? But if you manage to work out why it's deemed necessary to have a "Bright" switch that size, do let me know.

Title: Re: Did anyone take a helicopter flight last year
Post by: BigH on March 09, 2006, 06:50:29 pm
I'm afraid I'm still a turbo virgin Andy, my wastegate has yet to be blown. I went for the Legacy, I know - age and all that, but don't forget I need that room for hitchhikers and rolled up carpets. I ticked every box I could find though, and it's a lot of fun to drive. Which is more than I can say for most Audis, which rank pretty high on my Hit Parade of boring drives.
Talking about still getting a thrill when the chopper goes up, it sounds like you may have had the same Audi git we had. I can still see him now, sneering down his multilingual nose and spitting Swiss? Dutch? English? at us. After he gave us the big finger we watched the Chopper take off with two empty seats, - now what exactly was the point of that???
I never let the twats out of junctions now....

Title: Re: Did anyone take a helicopter flight last year
Post by: Andy Zarse on March 09, 2006, 06:58:37 pm
The Lego's a great car H, was nearly tempted with the 3 litre estate myself. I'd take it over a bog standard 3 series every time. The A4 does not even show up on my radar. Can anyone name an Audi built in the last five years that has decent ride quality? I wouldn't mind the bone-jarring ride but they're not overly keen on going round corners either. And the four-pot engine is crap. And the aspirational bastards who drive them tail-gate you on the motorway. And and and...

Title: Re: Did anyone take a helicopter flight last year
Post by: Robspot on March 09, 2006, 09:58:56 pm
Hey, it's CA's very own grumpy old men  ;D

Title: Re: Did anyone take a helicopter flight last year
Post by: Bob U on March 12, 2006, 10:26:21 am
Ooh, forgotten about the heli flights!

Given that it's my 25th year this year, need to mark it with something a bit spesh so this might just do the job ... can anyone vouch for the enjoyment factor?

I thougherly reccomend it, great value at £50. First time I did it was 2 years ago. The pilot picked up a Vette at Tetre Rouge and stuck with it the length of the Mulsanne, bloody awsome. One complete lap and then cut accros from the first chicane to Porsche curves on the second. Go for it Rick

Title: Re: Did anyone take a helicopter flight last year
Post by: Martini...LB on March 12, 2006, 10:49:30 am
The Lego's a great car H, was nearly tempted with the 3 litre estate myself. I'd take it over a bog standard 3 series every time. The A4 does not even show up on my radar. Can anyone name an Audi built in the last five years that has decent ride quality? I wouldn't mind the bone-jarring ride but they're not overly keen on going round corners either. And the four-pot engine is crap. And the aspirational bastards who drive them tail-gate you on the motorway. And and and...

My car...oops, is an Audi my fourth, the wife has one too.


Title: Re: Did anyone take a helicopter flight last year
Post by: redstu on March 12, 2006, 09:54:50 pm

Did you have to book in advance - or turn up and wait?



Title: Re: Did anyone take a helicopter flight last year
Post by: Stu on March 13, 2006, 12:18:57 am
I've been going to do this for a few years now but the beer fairy always stops me. This year its a definate maybe.

Title: Re: Did anyone take a helicopter flight last year
Post by: Bob U on March 13, 2006, 09:57:50 am

Did you have to book in advance - or turn up and wait?


Stu.  Both times I have been it was about 11ish on Sunday. No booking just turn up and it was about a 15 minute wait.
A tip ----  Don't mess about when you are told it is your turn, be the first out to the chopper then you can grab the seat in the front beside the pilot, the best place to get photos