Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: redstu on February 26, 2006, 11:51:48 am

Title: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: redstu on February 26, 2006, 11:51:48 am
The E111 has now been superseded.

You now need an EHIC - its easy to apply online at (

So you can now through out the moldy e111 at the bottom of your travel bag (covered in moldy banana) or stop making the annual trip to the PO for another one.

Get one now before it becomes part of a compulsory ID card!

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Mr Toad on February 26, 2006, 01:13:12 pm
Got mine - although it looks about as official and unfakeable as my I Spy members badge, or possibly my Warlord Secret Agent know, the one that comes with a special secret code book and plastic dog tags - but you all knew that because you are secret agents too, right?! ;D :o

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Steve Pyro on February 26, 2006, 02:03:11 pm
Good grief Toad, I used to have a subscription to Warlord when I was a young un! 
That takes me back.  ;D

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Fran on February 26, 2006, 02:15:17 pm
- but you all knew that because you are secret agents too, right?!

Cant help thinking you should have given the password or sommat before blowing your cover like that Agent Toad!  8)

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: amazing 1 on February 26, 2006, 02:47:52 pm
Dont worry about a thing Mr.Toad,your secret is safe with us. ;D

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Mr Toad on February 26, 2006, 03:12:53 pm
Oh dear! - top priority mission - rendevous in my attic in 15 mins - objective - find the Warlord secret members manual and review protocol for swapping secret messages with other agents.

I may be some time...Agent T

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: amazing 1 on February 26, 2006, 03:30:04 pm
Remember to  check under"Foriegn Agents".

By the way I really admire  you and your comrades attire for Lemans.
Especialy the Raleigh Choppers. ;D

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Fran on February 26, 2006, 03:33:28 pm
your secret is safe with us.

Hmm - makes you wonder about all the lurkers (sorry i mean "guests") that have been hanging back in the shadows recently tho...... :-X

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Steve Pyro on February 26, 2006, 03:51:20 pm
Here's the cover of the first edition.  I remember saving my pocket money for this - 5p.

1974 .....   :o   sh*t!


Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Mr Toad on February 26, 2006, 05:00:37 pm
As you can hopefully see, I've recovered the secret papers from the attic, including a letter from Peter Flint. He wishes me good luck and says "Its your special task to find out other Agents to communicate with in your school or area, they will be identified by the Winged "W" Badge"

Not sure if schools in my area would look too kindly upon that, but I do have the codes now if any other CA/Warlord agents want to communicate in code! ;) ;) (

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Mr Toad on February 26, 2006, 05:02:43 pm
Just a as test I'm using code 2 this week..

zh swiw zh uormg = as hard as stone

memorise and destroy

Warlord Secret Agent T

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Nordic on February 26, 2006, 05:27:38 pm

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Fran on February 26, 2006, 06:27:32 pm
"memorise and destroy" - thank goodness you failed on your first mission !!! 

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Mr Toad on February 26, 2006, 06:55:05 pm
Ahh - but I could always change to code 3!  8)

Nordic - is that coded post in another language or is my code book a bit older than yours?!

I feel I should also add, slightly off topic, that I also have the first edition of 2000AD with coloured badge that changes colour in event of nuclear attack - or possibly the toilets being emptied on MB. I will pack it along with the Warlord dogtags and wear them with pride this year!

Back to my other "job"..

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Lorry on February 26, 2006, 07:04:35 pm
Mr Toad, that medal on the left looks suspicious.  The only black cross I know of is the Iron Cross.

Are you perhaps a double agent?

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Lawnmower Man on February 26, 2006, 07:41:40 pm
Mi Tlzw,

Ylfi xlwv rh gl vzhrob yilpvm.  I kivuvi gsv ilg13 xlwv.
Tslf vevm gszg rh yvxlnvrmt gl vzhb gl xizxp hrmxv gsv rmgilwfxgrlm lu
tlltov gsvhv wzbh.

Ou xfihv dv hslfow ivzoob yv fhrmt ktk.


Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Fran on February 26, 2006, 07:44:06 pm
Tom, I havent heard you talk like that since the night you were on the tropicoma and sat next to me for the Le Mans filmshow.... ;)

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Lawnmower Man on February 26, 2006, 07:47:21 pm
Tom, I havent heard you talk like that since the night you were on the tropicoma and sat next to me for the Le Mans filmshow.... ;)


Vs lbh haqrefgbbq gung gung dhvpxyl V'yy zbj lbhe ynja sb lbh.


Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Fran on February 26, 2006, 07:48:55 pm
Ohhh you lil tease....  :-*

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Mr Toad on February 26, 2006, 08:04:00 pm
I'll skip code 2 and switch to English in case there are any CA members who are not Warlord agents out there (doubtful)  8)

Lorry - you may not be familiar with that decoration, because its not awarded to many in real life. The Victoria Cross I believe is made from the guns at Balaclava, hence the dark brown metal.

There are only 12 living recipients. I met one once -

More recently in the press was Johnsson Beharry, the only living person to recieve the award since Rambahadur.

I did have moral issues about if we should wear medals, but its part of the image we try to portray. Mine is of course a replica for the purposes of military reenactment, and I make no claim to it. Actually, I'm not sure if the Wild Choppers are classified as military or not, now I think of it. Anyway, we celebrate and salute the memory of those who gave everything for our Country.

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: redstu on February 26, 2006, 08:54:23 pm
I actually received 2 cards!  The first one didnt arrive so my mum wrote and complained and then 2 turned up - but I don't think that made me  a double agent.

However I did later join another youth organisation that had a red wallet but I can't remember the name of the esteemed publication?

Oh happy days

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Lawnmower Man on February 26, 2006, 08:55:33 pm
Anyway, we celebrate and salute the memory of those who gave everything for our Country.

With you 100% there Mr Toad.    From what I've understood of those brave souls. The had a sense of humour and would have no problem with  your  efforts.   It saddens me that there are to be no more "official" commemerations of D-Day or other WWII events after 60 years.

Lest we Forget,


Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Mr Toad on February 26, 2006, 09:18:30 pm
Red wallet eh? - sounds like it might be a communist version of the YHA? Or maybe Bunty?

As they say in code 6 "tiyu trogjyls vjrolnskth"!  8)

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Papa Lazarou on February 26, 2006, 09:28:11 pm
As you can hopefully see, I've recovered the secret papers from the attic, including a letter from Peter Flint. He wishes me good luck and says "Its your special task to find out other Agents to communicate with in your school or area, they will be identified by the Winged "W" Badge"

Not sure if schools in my area would look too kindly upon that, but I do have the codes now if any other CA/Warlord agents want to communicate in code! ;) ;) (




What a flashback...  I remember when they gave away a free mini cap-gun the week before I subscribed!  I was GUTTED!!

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Fran on February 26, 2006, 09:35:31 pm
I was GUTTED!! 

There are some childhood traumas you never get over.... :-\

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: redstu on February 26, 2006, 10:05:50 pm
Still can't remember the name of the other organisation.

I'll have to search the attic now - shan't be getting much sleep until this memory is exorcised!

Did find plenty places to find first issues of warlord though!

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: redstu on February 26, 2006, 10:12:11 pm
Could it have been BULLET - seem to remember something about fireball.

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Lorry on February 27, 2006, 12:32:10 am
Red wallet eh? - sounds like it might be a communist version of the YHA? Or maybe Bunty?

As they say in code 6 "tiyu trogjyls vjrolnskth"!  8)
Tiyu Trogjyls is a nice Estonian girl and doesn't vjrolnskth in public

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Canada Phil on February 27, 2006, 06:30:03 am

Lorry - you may not be familiar with that decoration, because its not awarded to many in real life. The Victoria Cross I believe is made from the guns at Balaclava, hence the dark brown metal.

There are only 12 living recipients. I met one once -

More recently in the press was Johnsson Beharry, the only living person to recieve the award since Rambahadur.

I did have moral issues about if we should wear medals, but its part of the image we try to portray. Mine is of course a replica for the purposes of military reenactment, and I make no claim to it. Actually, I'm not sure if the Wild Choppers are classified as military or not, now I think of it. Anyway, we celebrate and salute the memory of those who gave everything for our Country.

Hi Mr Toad,
                 I thought I read some where it was the Guns at Sebastipol ? defintely back dated by Queen Victoria to include the Crimea war. Awarded  "For Valor"
more info here
Canada Phil

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Andy Zarse on February 27, 2006, 06:29:58 pm
Good grief Toad, I used to have a subscription to Warlord when I was a young un! 
That takes me back.  ;D

Steve, that's my childhood that is!

My, what a blood-thirsty lot we were. If we weren't out killing Germans (who used to say "Teuffel! Eugghh!" when killed), it was the Japs (who used to say "Aieee!" when being slotted, usually by having their throats slit by a Commando knife from behind). I wonder what our Grandparents, who must have seen some terible things in the war, thought about the whole warbook culture prevailing at the time?

What with riding around on Choppers or watching the Double Deckers (as mentioned elsewhere today) it's a suprise any of us survived and became the responsible and broad-minded adults we are today... erm,,, ohh!

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Andy Zarse on February 27, 2006, 06:43:53 pm

There are only 12 living recipients. I met one once -

I did too; Captain Philip Gardner was a client. What an amazingly modest and wonderful gentleman. He never spoke about the war. See Wikipedia here for the full story:

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Mr Toad on February 27, 2006, 08:09:53 pm
Small world - I know The Doctor in our team has also met another of the an aside he also used to hang out with a famous Major from the Arnhem battle, who sadly died last year

I guess if they relaunched Warlord today it would have to be in brown paper bag with a parental advisory warning. Or maybe they would sell it in licensed violence shops with darkened windows full of men in overcoats  ;)

As they say in Warlord  code 3 "tyirg tyglpeud hjtusn".. 8)

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Martini...LB on February 27, 2006, 09:02:50 pm
I got in touch with them and got this...

I regret that the Channel Islands are not included in the EHIC




Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Fran on February 27, 2006, 09:14:26 pm
They arent included in our income tax robbery either, so dont expect much sympathy ya lucky sod !!  :P

(ex resident of St P P!)

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Andy Zarse on February 28, 2006, 06:09:38 pm
They arent included in our income tax robbery either, so dont expect much sympathy ya lucky sod !!  :P

(ex resident of St P P!)

Or indeed our corporation tax, inheritance tax, capital gains tax, car tax, road tax, council tax, air tax, value added tax, fuel tax, domestic heating fuel tax, national insurance tax, alcohol tax, cigarette tax, land fill tax, environmental tax, pension fund (dividend tax credit) tax, life assurance fund tax, air travel tax and many other sneaky underhand methods of fleecing us blind. Bastards. They take pretty much half of what you earn in a year in tax. And what do you get in return? f**ck all apart from the bins emptied, no NHS dentists, a three year waiting list for a hip op and a police station which is never open.

Incidentally, a stupid woman in a Fiesta ran into the back of Paul Zarse's Porsche at 40mph yesterday morning. There were not even any skidmarks as she'd failed to even touch the brakes. The police were on the scene like a shot and even before he'd recieved any medical assessment, the Police dragged him from the car, injured knee and all, and breathalysed him. It's for first class public services like that we pay our taxes I guess. Paul hadn't touched a drop by the way.

Title: Re: Don't forget your EHIC !!
Post by: Steve Pyro on February 28, 2006, 06:22:41 pm
Same stereotypical assumption by the police Andy?  Wide boy in a fast sports car.  Probably speeding, probably pissed  ::)