Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Robbo SPS on February 11, 2006, 02:06:40 am

Title: Strange One
Post by: Robbo SPS on February 11, 2006, 02:06:40 am
Ok. I know its 1am, but i have a life type question to ask, in no relation to Motorsport or this site, bur some of you know me and i need to guage opinion.

Is life for living today

Or do you prepare for tomorrow ?

A few of you may remember a strnege post a few years back about  wierd drunk ramblings etc, but i am genuinely interested in peoples points of view.

And yes , this did arise from a night in the pub.

Title: Re: Strange One
Post by: Ferrari Spider on February 11, 2006, 10:04:48 am
Robbo, it's a depends answer.  And it depends on what type of person you are.  For me I'm a today rather than tomorrow person.  If the cards are dealt a way that doesn't suit then tough sh*t get on with it and stop winging, change it, don't wait for it to change.

If there is an opportunity today, take it, if you've got a lazy day, do all the mundane things, tomorrow could offer something exciting.

Life's just grand, there's to much to be doing and not a lot of time to do it.

That's my tu'ppence

Hope the hangover is massive ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Strange One
Post by: Piglet on February 11, 2006, 10:09:53 am
OK Robbo I'll start ya on this one...

For me it's "both", live for today because let's face it none of us know if we've got a tomorrow.
BUT plan and prepare for tomorrow otherwise you'd never achieve anything and that allows you to keep living for each today as it comes.

The balance I think depends on us as individuals and how much we need to plan and influence the future and how much we need to be able to go with the flow.

For me in real life this at the moment translates to still doing motorsport although we're skint.  Yes realistically we should be staying home with the lights turned off to avoid incurring more debt.  But for me life is for living and I'm going to do the things I want to do but perhaps we'll do them differently, we'll camp more and eat out less but we're still going!! 

My mum died aged 48 and that has always made me realise that you never know how long you've got on this planet and you should make the most of every day that you have.  This doesn't have to be in a big way - I've never had the urge to travel but some do.  For me it's about appreciating everything to the full, each sunrise you see, each clear frosty morning, the smell of coffee, the sound of the old porsche the guy opposite owns, the sound of the start of a GT race  ;D 

If you've got a dream and it's something that you can achieve then go for it, the reality is that most of us will make it to old age and whilst we need to have made some financial provision to be able to enjoy the last part of our lives as best we can - I'd like to be sat in a chair at 80 remembering the things I did earlier in life - sitting in the trees at Spa above the Bus Stop in the middle of the night of the 24 hour, seeing the sunrise over Dunlop at Le Mans.

I guess I'm lucky, my dreams are quite low level, happiness, health and motorsport!  I achived my ambition of going back to uni as a mature student and studying law, I qualified as a lawyer last year and although I'm carrying shed loads of debt from it the satisfaction I have of having achieved it is great.

Hope this helps  ;D

edited to say...rats beaten to it, must type faster!

Title: Re: Strange One
Post by: Snoring Rhino on February 11, 2006, 10:33:05 am
Enjoy today,  look forward to tomorrow positivly, make the good times happen, remember the good times you've had, dont dwell on the bad ones.

Title: Re: Strange One
Post by: Martini...LB on February 11, 2006, 12:46:33 pm
Carpes Diem - sieze the day

Life is NOT a rehearsal. And, there are no pockets in a shroud.


Title: Re: Strange One
Post by: amazing 1 on February 11, 2006, 02:23:59 pm
I say both,and live each day to its fullest.

How is the head feeling today?

Title: Re: Strange One
Post by: knetter on February 11, 2006, 06:48:06 pm
Take a look at the future, but remember to celebrate a little bit each day!!!

Title: Re: Strange One
Post by: Barry on February 11, 2006, 08:06:15 pm
Don't sit there tomorrow, and regret what you didn't do today.

Title: Re: Strange One
Post by: Fran on February 11, 2006, 08:35:36 pm
regret what you didn't do today.

and on the same theme.........dont look back to the past - for better or worse........its gone - its today and tomorrow you have to enjoy

Title: Re: Strange One
Post by: Robbo SPS on February 11, 2006, 11:20:57 pm

Considering i was a little squiffy ( booked a holiday at the same time !! ) i am impressed on the results.

I was basically trying to argue the point for booking my 6th holiday this year, and was starting to feel guilty, plus i bought a new board for the powder.

Title: Re: Strange One
Post by: Perdu on February 12, 2006, 01:46:09 pm
I reckon this is a good 'un Robbo. New board? exactly right. I use today to make sure that tomorrow gets to be as good as it can be.

Yesterday was a planning session for tomorrow, the real thang is then!
Enjoy the powder, I don't expect to and boy I do wish I could.

Go Robbo!


Title: Re: Strange One
Post by: Andy Zarse on February 13, 2006, 04:20:05 pm
plus i bought a new board for the powder.

Robbo. Mate. A word in your ear. I know living life to the full is important, as are holidays, racing your bike at LM in April and other things you mention. But I really would question if there is any need to have all these thrills hightened by such reliance on narcotics from Colombia. And why do you need to waste money on a new board, you used to manage so nicely with that credit card.

Title: Re: Strange One
Post by: Steve Pyro on February 13, 2006, 04:28:34 pm
I'm very much a "Seize the Day" kind of bloke.  It's also worth considering that, unlike Keith Moon who lived life at 200 mph, you also need time to stop, take stock and think ahead a bit.

This all goes together to ensure that you're able to wake up the following day and start all over again.

Best of luck with the new board, I'll bring my shirts over.


Title: Re: Strange One
Post by: johnevans3 on February 13, 2006, 05:50:28 pm
Like many have stated, I think it's a balance.   Don't wish tomorrow that you had experienced something today but don't mortgage your future by not preparing today. 
It's interesting that you ask this question now because I have been pondering it myself.  I am older than you and am glad that I have put a little away every paycheck to handle my old age.   It is clear if you don't die, you will be old.  ...and old most times, old is not pretty, it's painfully pitiful.  I see it in my 93 year old father-in-law and my just deceased aunt who was 94.  I don't want to be like that.  BUT if I do live that long, I want some fabulous memories....My grandchildren (about to have my first), vacations with the wife and family, family time at Christmas, travel and of course Le Mans, Sebring, Indy, Talladega, Monaco GP and hopefully, others. 
I think you get my point, we have one trip thru life, it's not a rehersal, and you need to make it count.  Wring every bit you can from this old body and slide into home plate at the end--completely spent. 
Good luck, be careful and enjoy the powder but next year get your butt to Sebring!!!!

Title: Re: Strange One
Post by: Robbo SPS on February 14, 2006, 01:05:07 pm
Andy and matt.

thanks for the warning, although shouldnt yoube writing my boss a letter to suggest i'm on drugs ?? Ihavent beenasked that one yet !

But i bought my new board, and its not verygood for ironing on, but its an Option Booter Wideboy 164 !! And looks very retro.

Top replies though.