Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Bob U on December 18, 2005, 02:14:54 pm

Title: Potential problem
Post by: Bob U on December 18, 2005, 02:14:54 pm
Last week I recieved my allocation from the ACO and duelly faxed them my credit card details as in previous years.

Every thing tikketyboo so far.

Yesterday I lost my wallet containing said credit card. Here comes the problem, having given the ACO my details I have had to cancel the credit card. As the transaction hasn't gone through yet and I won't get my new card details until after Xmas my order may well be cancelled once they find the out the card will bounce. I'm afraid this may piss them off and I won't get what I order in future.

Has anyone ever had to notify the ACO of card number changes in the past. I have had the same customer number for the last 5 years so being a regular customer this may prompt them to call me when the card bounces.

I maybe scrounging for tickets later on

Title: Re: Potential problem
Post by: Fran on December 18, 2005, 02:58:01 pm
i have had to notify ACO of a change of card details (after having sent in a booking form with credit card details on it) in the past and had no problems with it.... I would think if you give them your booking reference, ticket allocation details (and ACO membership number if you have one) they should be able to cope with that!

Alternatively you could try contacting the credit card company and asking them to accept this particular transaction when it comes through.

Good luck anyway.

Title: Re: Potential problem
Post by: DelBoy on December 18, 2005, 05:59:40 pm
This time last year, I emailed the ACO with my card details.  Sometime in January, I checked with the cc company, and realised the ACO still hadn't taken the money.  I emailed them again and got a response this time saying the card was invalid.  When I checked the original email, I had made a mistake in one character of the card number.  I immediately sent off another email with the correct details and it was accepted - this being some 6 weeks after the invoice, and my allocation was intact

So I think is you email the ACO and tell them you will be paying as soon as you get another card, everything will be OK.

Title: Re: Potential problem
Post by: Bob U on December 18, 2005, 08:05:12 pm
Thanks, sounds like it shouldn't be a problem. No dodgy transactions on the cards either :)

Title: Re: Potential problem
Post by: Bob U on January 03, 2006, 01:03:54 pm
I finally got my new credit card number through.First job was to ring the ACO. I spoke to a very pleasent girl called Collette who was very helpful and changed my details with no problems. Everything is now back on track, God, I love the ACO. See you on HA.

Title: Re: Potential problem
Post by: Robbo SPS on January 06, 2006, 01:52:24 pm
Ironically, just a few weks from the event, i have managed to order and secure 6 tickets for camping at the 24 hour event. Camping in MB....

Unfrtunatly its the bike 24 hour, but amazed at the differnece to easily get tickets and ferry's!!

Title: Re: Potential problem
Post by: Bob U on January 06, 2006, 02:36:10 pm
A bit early in the year for camping, I hope you've got a warm sleeping bag.

Never been to the 24 hour bikes, must try it one year. Is any part of the Bugatti circuit completely dark or is it all lit?

Title: Re: Potential problem
Post by: Robbo SPS on January 06, 2006, 03:23:02 pm
A bit early in the year for camping, I hope you've got a warm sleeping bag.

Never been to the 24 hour bikes, must try it one year. Is any part of the Bugatti circuit completely dark or is it all lit?
i've never been, but guess most is lit.

and yes i have a very warm sleeping bag.