Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: nopanic - neil on October 22, 2005, 11:25:50 pm

Title: Who's Beer mountain?
Post by: nopanic - neil on October 22, 2005, 11:25:50 pm
OK so who's beer mountain was this?


Well it made the web

Title: Re: Who's Beer mountain?
Post by: Lorry on October 23, 2005, 12:27:37 am
The picture isn't working for me, but tracking it from properties, it does seem familiar.  I think this is three quarters of the way down Maison Blanche, and about Thursday.  By Sunday it was a beerwall round two sides of the Gazebo.  Class act

Title: Re: Who's Beer mountain?
Post by: Mr Toad on October 23, 2005, 08:06:24 am
Tally Ho! I inspected this in my official capacity with Mr Disco on Sat am - I cant remember the exact bottle numbers, but in terms of scale to team member ratio, it was a major success - they were describing themselves as "Team Goat Nob" if I remember correctly. The only thing preventing it from being a Class 1 2005 record contender is the use of the tyre wall behind it to prop it up... 

In passing, I would not reccommend this intense a regime combined with BBQ cuisine unless you are very well practiced - the gentleman in back left of this shot apparently woke up the next day after having a rather major accident in the underpants department during the night...


Title: Re: Who's Beer mountain?
Post by: Mr Toad on October 23, 2005, 08:17:16 am
Whilst responsible drinking is on my mind - this looks like a bad idea as well!! Houx Annexe some time around the turn of the century...


Title: Re: Who's Beer mountain?
Post by: Perdu on October 24, 2005, 12:28:35 am
In the interest of responsible drinking and the possibility of fatal collapse this year we didn't build a mountain.

However Stuart and the rest of us decided that a haven for weary travellers might be a better option. (Stu was the man who decided that John's Porker needed a trick rabbit paint job on the road down through the Annexe this year)

So if this damnable link works we present the Beerarmchair...

I hope this works and if someone is feeling helpful tell me how to reduce massive images to post in the shot instead.



Title: Re: Who's Beer mountain?
Post by: Ferrari Spider on October 24, 2005, 10:27:24 am
Bill, unfortunately the link does not work, it will be okay for you as you are the owner, rather than for us guests.

Not sure what application you are using for your images, but, in essence you need to resize them, most of the applications will allow you to do this and you need to select save as or save for web.

Not forgetting to save your original somewhere safe.

Changes that need to be made are resolution for web spaces, 72dpi is ample, then adjust the quality level, something around medium and the last change is the physical dimensions, the width needs to be 500 pixels.  As you are doing this the actually size of the image should be shown and this will reduce as you make changes.

best of luck Peter

Title: Re: Who's Beer mountain?
Post by: Perdu on October 25, 2005, 12:14:57 am
Thanks for that Peter. I searched around in the photos box and found a radio button that says it has opened it up for the public's gaze. Anyone want to tell me if it works now. I am trying to reduce the pixel count in photoshop but can't get the reduced picture to simply pop up in here.

I used to find this fairly easy but just can't hack it anymore...


Title: Re: Who's Beer mountain?
Post by: Steve Pyro on October 25, 2005, 12:25:37 am

Yup, that works Bill.

Yer tis -


Title: Re: Who's Beer mountain?
Post by: Perdu on October 25, 2005, 12:37:17 am
Ta mate, prolly make the settee  next year I suppose...


Title: Re: Who's Beer mountain?
Post by: Ferrari Spider on October 25, 2005, 11:36:44 am

in photoshop select the image you want to adjust, choose IMAGE from the tool bar and then RESIZE, then IMAGE SIZE.

this is where you want to be.  adjust the resoulution to 72 pixels/inch, then adjust the width of the image to a max of 500 pixels, just need to keep an eye on the new file size.

Save this new image.

let me know how you get on.