Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Fax on September 03, 2005, 06:08:54 am

Title: This is embarrassing!
Post by: Fax on September 03, 2005, 06:08:54 am
So much for the most powerful nation on the planet!  This is f**k*ng ridiculous,  we can get troops into combat within minutes but we've got hundreds of thousands of people living in human waste and dying of dehydration and starvation on the Gulf Coast, and Dubbya gets up there and says things are getting better?  f**k him!  Must be getting better for the white & wealthy in the Crescent City because from ABC's Nightline tonight it looks like things really suck!  Would probably help if most of the Louisiana National Guard wasn't sitting in the desert a half a world away. Once again I'm f**k*ng embarrased to be an American.

Title: Re: This is embarrassing!
Post by: Snoring Rhino on September 03, 2005, 08:01:22 am
From the news coverage it does seem to be a predominatly Black problem, very few whites, stories of UK students (there to help disabled kids at camp america) getting hassled by crackheads in the superdrome, why arnt there waves of Chinook helicopters swooping in with basic water and food and taking the sick out?
It's OK now though, since Dubbya's photo call, everybody gets a free blanket with the stars and stripes on it - temp doesnt drop below 65-70 even at night!
Roll on the hero's.

Title: Re: This is embarrassing!
Post by: Ferrari Spider on September 03, 2005, 12:13:41 pm
Just as a personal observation and thinking about how people/nations react to difficult and challenging situations. 

During the Tsunami hit last year in Phuket the locals, government staff and tourists all pulled together to get the essential life fabric back in place in short order, this  is a stark contrast to the rape, street gangs, looting etc we are seeing in the USA.

It could be the different life values that we have here in the west, more materialistic and self centred.

Lots hope the situation improves from now on for the poor folk stranded.

Title: Re: This is embarrassing!
Post by: mgmark on September 03, 2005, 09:55:17 pm
Not just embarassing.   Really feel for the people out there and have some difficulty understanding (although I know the sheer size of the country is a factor).   We got the first aircraft laden with aid airborne out of UK 12 hours after the Tsunami wave hit, yet it seemed to take days then for the US to respond and the same now - just seems astonishing to me and I don't even pretend to understand it.       

MG Mark

Title: Re: This is embarrassing!
Post by: Lorry on September 04, 2005, 04:01:39 pm
- just seems astonishing to me and I don't even pretend to understand it.   
To me too, and what I can't understand is why 70% of the place was under normal river level (I come from somewhere under sea level, and it does flood, but the sea goes away a few hours later, the Mississippi doesn't)