Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Bob U on August 24, 2005, 11:43:19 am

Title: Petrol Prices
Post by: Bob U on August 24, 2005, 11:43:19 am
I got this e-mail this morning and maybe the idea could work. See what you think and pass it on if you agree with it.

With petrol hitting 95p a litre in some areas how soon will we be faced with paying £1 per litre? This campaign could have more affect than "Don't buy petrol on certain days" that we tried last April and May. The oil companies just laughed at us because thy knew that we wouldn't continue to hurt ourselves by refusing to buy petrol. It was more of an inconvienience to us than a problem to them.

BUT, whoever thought of that idea has come up with a plan that can really work. Please read it and join in! Now that the oilcompanies and OPEC have conditioned us to think that the cost of a litre is cheap, we need to take aggressive actin to teach them that buyers control the marketplace not sellers. With the price of petrol going up each day, we consumers need to take action.

The only way we are going to see the price come down is if we hit someone in the pocket and we can do this without hurting ourselves. Here is the idea.

For the rest of the year Don't buy Any petrol from the 2 biggest oil companies (which are now one), ESSO & BP.

If they are not selling petrol they will be inclined to reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit. But to have an impact we need to reach millions of ESSO & BP customers.

It is really simple to reach millions of people, by sending this message to everyone in your address book and asking them to do the same in a few days it is possible to get the whole country to take part in this protest.

Acting together we can make a difference. If this makes sense to you please pass this message on. Please hold out till they lower their prices to the 69p a liter range. It's easy to make this happen, just forward this e-mail and buy your petrol at Shell, Asda , tesco, Sainsburys Morrisons, Jet etc. i.e. BOYCOTT BP & ESSO

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: smokie on August 24, 2005, 11:49:35 am
Variations of this have been doing the rounds for some time.

I don't understand the petrol market but my own view is that this would be a waste of time. Most of the cost of petrol is tax anyway... And the companies supply each other anyway "behind the scenes".

Petrol is bound to get more expensive anyway as as reserves dry up, the cost of discovering new reserves and mining those reserves will go up, as the easy stuff has already been had.

Also I think we'll see a drop in prices after the US holidays...

I think we are just stuck with what we have to pay. I read somewhere recently that petrol is as cheap in real terms as it was in the 80s.

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: Bob U on August 24, 2005, 11:57:24 am
Aw, come on Smokie don' kill it of already, that has just taken me ages to type out with my slow two finger technique.

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: Paddy_NL on August 24, 2005, 11:59:27 am
Well, you Brits are better off than we are.
Prices in Holland are even higher. Converted to pounds it works out 1,03 a litre here :(

Doesn't take away the fact that the prices are getting beyond a joke now :-\

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: SmithA on August 24, 2005, 12:12:03 pm
And the companies supply each other anyway "behind the scenes".

I know that Tesco Express is supplied by Esso, so i would imaging the superstores are as well.

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: Ron Jeremy on August 24, 2005, 01:28:54 pm
smokie is correct, though your're welcome to come to cheshire anbd stand outside stanlow oil depot and protest

what also drives up the cost is traders, often a tanker will change hands three, four, five times on its way from the gulf as it is traded between the twats in the city, many in opec have said that to remove them would take up to $20 a barrell off the price

i hope it goes higher so those oaps who drive at forty five every where are forced off the road as their pensions, to which i am paying towards, fail to meet the rising cost.

fuel is cheaper but you just got to but loads of it, i got a flyer offering it me at 67 p a litre but i need to use several 1ooo litres a week, as i don't run a haulage company there isn't much chance


Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: fidget on August 24, 2005, 02:27:25 pm
At Fawley and surrounding refineries, the distribution centre is owned and run by Esso.

Tesco, Total, Asda, Morrisons and BP lorries all use this centre, so it really wont make any difference stopping at certain places.

Sounds like a marketing guru is playing again, so that Shell can increase their market share ?

Waste of time, sorry Bob U

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: smokie on August 24, 2005, 02:46:05 pm

fuel is cheaper but you just got to but loads of it, i got a flyer offering it me at 67 p a litre but i need to use several 1ooo litres a week, as i don't run a haulage company there isn't much chance


You could always start up a petrol station and resell it! I'm sure that the wholesale cost is much higher than 67p so I smell a rat.

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: Bob U on August 24, 2005, 03:37:29 pm

Waste of time, sorry Bob U
No need to appologise Fidget. I was only passing it on out of interest. But it looks like the theory has been well and truly shot down in flames.  :(

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: wishy on August 24, 2005, 06:50:25 pm
Having just returned from 2 weeks sun in south west France.

Based on the exchange rate of !.36E to the pound, sans plomb is £1 per litre.

Makes travelling around the Charente a lot more expensive than travelling around Surrey,Hants and Berks

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: Steve Pyro on August 24, 2005, 07:35:57 pm
Alternatively, you could become a gentleman farmer and install a tractor diesel tank.

Buy some of this from 'Fuel Theft Solutions' and you're away................apparently.

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: fidget on August 24, 2005, 08:43:30 pm
Alternatively, you could become a gentleman farmer and install a tractor diesel tank.

Buy some of this from 'Fuel Theft Solutions' and you're away................apparently.

your link doesnt work.

Try this then. Smokie

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: Lorry on August 24, 2005, 08:53:49 pm
The link works for me, but don't we want something that removes the dye from tractor derv (other than distillation which can be a bit explosive).

Yesterdays tankfull was £54.  I can remember when it was thirty bob

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: hgb on August 24, 2005, 09:23:19 pm
After about 5.000 KMs I refuelled last weekend and was shocked when I was asked for a full 50 EURs for just a tank full of go-juice by the smiling face behind the counter (what a w*nker). Yes, 50 EUROS !!! I have to add that most of the 5.000 KMs was done on gas. My daily driver is running on GPL/LPG and it's done it's job nicely for more than 100.000 KMs now. To invest another 2.500 EURs into a GPL/LPG installations seems to have been the best idea I ever had (if any). Running cost dropped considerably since the switch. BTW, WR (I know you don't like them) were testing a GPL/LPG racer and reached the GPL/LPG speed world record. 

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: Chris (Liverpool Boys) on August 25, 2005, 11:06:29 am
Most of the supermarkets and no discript petrol stations buy there fuel on the spot market so it could be texaco one day bp the other and shell the next. They just go to the cheapest supplier

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: Abs on August 25, 2005, 11:26:09 am
One of my Directors has just converted his wifes car to run on veggie oil, all seems to be going well with it at the mo.

Alot cheaper if you don't mind driving around in something that smells like a chippy.

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: smokie on August 25, 2005, 11:53:58 am
I understood that all fuel comes from the same refineries and is the same until it reaches the point of sale, where additives are added. Different retailers use different quantities & qualities of additives. This is the only differentiator.

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: DelBoy on August 25, 2005, 02:43:34 pm
Having just returned from 2 weeks sun in south west France.

Based on the exchange rate of !.36E to the pound, sans plomb is £1 per litre.

Makes travelling around the Charente a lot more expensive than travelling around Surrey,Hants and Berks

Hi Wishy

If you only got 1.36 euro to the £, you were done. 

I've just done nearly 4000k around France, and with gasoil at an average price of 1.04 euros per litre, it was a hell of a lot cheaper than the UK.

My daily driver is running on GPL/LPG and it's done it's job nicely for more than 100.000 KMs now. To invest another 2.500 EURs into a GPL/LPG installations seems to have been the best idea I ever had (if any).

I ran on LPG for several years and agree that it is much cheaper.  I opted for the oil-burner this time because of the cheaper price of gasoil in France, and the double downside of LPG - space required for the extra tank and the (relatively) poor re-fuelling infrastructure.  It's OK if you happen to live near an LPG pump, but down in the Dordogne, I noticed they were few and far between.  Incidentally, I also noticed GPL in France is now about the same price as in the UK - used to be a lot cheaper.


Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: Lorry on August 25, 2005, 03:32:49 pm
I have some friends that run on "veggiepower".  You can run on neat vegatable oil, which is in Macro at under a pound a litre, but its a bit too thick when cold.  ALternatively, you mix it with methanol (also about a pound  a litre), add a catalyst and it turns into something very similar to derv plus a layer of soap, which you have to seperate off.  The trick is that the local chip shop will have loads of old oil that they want to get rid of and as this is now industrial waste, they have to pay to get rid, so you'll get it for free.

I too have heard that each tanker driver has a selection of additive bottles in the cab

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: wishy on August 25, 2005, 04:52:44 pm
Hi Del Boy,

The euro's we bought were at the post office,and generally their rates are as good as anyones.

the fule price quoted was for "asns plomb" and not "gasoil".
Mind you in Mansle where we were staying gasoil was 1.04e for a litre.

Did you find a suitable property to move to in your round trip.

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: DelBoy on August 25, 2005, 07:18:02 pm

Mind you in Mansle where we were staying gasoil was 1.04e for a litre.

Did you find a suitable property to move to in your round trip.

Hey Wishy

We stayed about 4k away from Mansle last year at Aunac.  Nice area.

Regarding property search, yes - see


Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: Black Granny on August 25, 2005, 08:54:40 pm
I understood that all fuel comes from the same refineries and is the same until it reaches the point of sale, where additives are added. Different retailers use different quantities & qualities of additives. This is the only differentiator.

Having inspected Petrol stations during deliveries, as part of my job, nothing is added at the retail end.

Unless the refineries can alter the mix between tanker fills my opinion is that they are all very similar. round this way they all come from the Esso refinery at Fawley and they line up to be filled with a good mix of brands, one after the other.

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: Paddy_NL on August 25, 2005, 09:52:41 pm
I understood that all fuel comes from the same refineries and is the same until it reaches the point of sale, where additives are added. Different retailers use different quantities & qualities of additives. This is the only differentiator.
Sounds like Interbrew to me ::)

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: Paddy_NL on September 01, 2005, 12:58:33 pm
So what is it like in the UK now?

Car driving Netherlands lives today a historical depth point. For the first time the price for a litre petrol went through the one point five euro.
Total and Texaco raise the price of a litre euro unleaded with 4 cents and calculate to the pump respectively €1.505 and €1.504. :o
BP forces up the litre price with 3.4 cents up to €1,499 and market LEADER Shell remains with €1,479 something under the one and a half euro.

above is through babelfish, feel lazy today :-\

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: mgmark on September 02, 2005, 09:22:28 pm
A few random thoughts:

Car driving Netherlands lives today a historical depth point
- Babel fish is marvellous - what a marvellous phrase!

Unless the refineries can alter the mix between tanker fills my opinion is that they are all very similar. round this way they all come from the Esso refinery at Fawley and they line up to be filled with a good mix of brands, one after the other.
   Probably very true - not the same as oil, which is a case that the different additives make significant differences.

Driving home from work today, I passed a Jet garage that now has its diesel price up to 99.9p per litre - nearly past the magic ton!   

MG Mark

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: Ron Jeremy on September 02, 2005, 10:36:15 pm
yep and me both near coningsby probably to do with a rural location and wasn't the usual brand names thye all wanted 95.9

though did get filled up for 92.9 at asda in grantham

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: Bobblehat on September 05, 2005, 09:36:47 am
Had to get Optimax on Sat for Micheals Kart

101.9p per ltr  :o :'(

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: Lorry on September 05, 2005, 11:38:15 am
Why aren't they rioting in the streets this time?  Anyone doing serious mileage must be well out of pocket

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: redstu on September 05, 2005, 01:25:13 pm

Anyone know what % of the total price is made up from raw material costs?

It does seem that the price rise has been higher that expected, considering that about 70% of the pump price is duty & tax.
Clearly the 30% is made up of refining costs, transport and profits as well as oil costs, so I would say that these costs have all increased along with the oil price, VAT increases in line with the rise as well.

On the theme of forcing prices down - oil prices have risen due to a number of factors - increasing demand being one - China in particular has increasing demand, so if we stop buying cheap imports from China then their economy will go into reverse ,oil demand will drop and lresult in lower oil prices - sorted!

Or we could all take up cycling - we could cheaply import the bikes that they used to use in China! :)

Title: Re: Petrol Prices
Post by: mgmark on September 05, 2005, 02:18:21 pm
Driving home from work today, I passed a Jet garage that now has its diesel price up to 99.9p per litre - nearly past the magic ton!

That was a couple of days ago, when unleaded was sat at 95.9p.  This morning driving past the same  garage, both unleaded and diesel are now both sat at 99.9p per litre - a couple of months ago, diesel was around 82.9p.   In good old imperial volumes, that is now the equivalent rise from £3.76 to £4.53 per gallon.   Damn right it's more expensive doing signiifcant mileages!

MG Mark