Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Bobblehat on August 14, 2005, 12:19:18 pm

Title: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Bobblehat on August 14, 2005, 12:19:18 pm
Great to meet up with every one a few thank yous are need

BOB U great curry on Friday ;D
A Zarse for the use of Commer and use of chopping board :D
Ric I hope the finger gets better,
Doris, Hi :-*
Keith and da Boyz ::)
Paddy for the great shelter ;D
Balast, for pointing out that I should go to bed on Friday, rather than hold on to table. :o

Hope everyone as dryed out - I am just about sober, I think, shoulder is giving me hell. :'(

Been to the hospital, had x-ray, shoulder not broken, just ripped ligaments and a slight discolation, so I am now all straped up, it is going to make the drive to Italy on Monday fun.........bloody guy ropes, bloody weather bloody wine...............

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: fidget on August 14, 2005, 01:58:05 pm
Shame i missed it, but the Middlesex 7's were ace and the Cherry and Whites won. Plus it was under cover.

Did you get wet ?

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Bob U on August 14, 2005, 05:02:44 pm
Just back, what a great weekend, wet but great. Good to see you all and put some more faces to names.
 The overiding memory?----- Saturday night sitting on a grass bank in the pissing rain watching Bobblehat give a masterclass in air guitar techniques.  Priceless. ;D  We must do it again sometime.

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Ballast on August 14, 2005, 07:27:05 pm
What an outstanding weekend!!

As Bob has alreadu said, it's great to put names to faces.

Bobblehat - Dude! sorry to hear about the shoulder. If I'd known there was no way I'd have helped you lift that fridge into the back of your van this morning ;)

Bob_U - Many thanks for your generous hospitality and a wonderful curry. It helped sustain Dark Warrior, Doris and I through the wee hours of the morning.

Doris - I was glad to see that you gave up on the orange health drink shi*t and returned to a more sensible breakfast drink ....... Smirnoff Ice!

Dark Warrior - Outstanding company sir! and many thanks for the continued offers of the use of your clothing  ;D And whhen do I get the spin in the Lotus you promised me?

Keith - Great to meet you and many thanks for the lifesaving cup of coffee this morning. Without it I'm sure that Deliah would not have made it!

Mr Zarse - As always, a pleasure sir! I felt that your "call to prayer" alarm clock was befitting such an auspicious accasion  :)

Steve Zarse - Get that footage posted!

Fran - I would like to cangratulate you on being "moist"  ;D

Steve Brown - Who thoroughly enjoyed himself taking pictures of us in various stages of drenchedness!

Rick Cutler - Congratulations on your record for the quickest Club Arnage member to need hospital treatment. 45 seconds after arrival is pretty impressive stuff. Would also like to congratulate you on maintaining your sense of humour despite being in obvious pain and the relentless piss taking from the other 10 pissed idiots  :)

Paddy - Great to see you again!! I think the "outstanding achievment award" for services beyond the call of duty goes to you this weekend, for managing to create an improvised (and effetive) shelter so that we could watch the racing in relative comfort from the contents of your glove box! Cheers chap!

Best memory? There are loads, but I think it has to be the look on everyones faces when a guy came over to us about 23:30 and asked us if we could "keep it down, I'm trying to sleep" The look of complete incomprehension (is was that bad that Bobblehat forgot to hold the table up)on our faces along with a few sniggers and a few polite comments indicated to the gentleman that he was fighting a loosing battle at which point he retreated never to be seen again.

Once again thanks to you all for making it such a great weekend! Take care and hope to see you again soon!!

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Fran on August 14, 2005, 08:17:24 pm
yes, yes and yes!  i agree with everything that has already been said.

i didnt get there till saturday morning but had a blimmin' good drenching in excellent company - a select but hardy bunch.  always nice to put a few more faces to names, including some of the ones i had previously met and misplaced names/faces to!

Special thanks for:

BobU for completing my Autosport Le Mans Supplement collection;
Steve Brown for merkin assistance - if ever CA put a team into University Challenge, he must be captain;
Bobblehat for showing me that air guitar can also be played by women (with the right kind of tuition of course);
Doris for being another woman who disproves the "women and motor racing" knockers;
Paddy for rescuing us just before we all drowned;
Dark Warrior for allowing me to tell the "bum bag" story yet again;
Delia for intellectual conversation (and  looking at his watch while holding a glass of wine!);
Rick for the CD - nice one!;
Mr Zarse for allowing me to fondle his bears leg and starting my Sunday with some spiritual uplift;
Gimp for leaving the mask at home and not frightening the bejezus out of anyone;
Not sure of his name, but special mention to the young air horn operator - someone's gotta do it;
Ballast for stopping drinking and going to bed even earlier than me so i didnt appear to be the lightweight of the group!

Apologies if i have missed anyone... but the reduced line of vision in a kagool may have been to blame ......

The GT race at 1 p.m. today was good fun too - glad i stayed for another moisture laden hour or two. 

 ;D -  :-* - hugs!

P.S.  i look forward the bubblecar song lyrics!

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Stranger on August 14, 2005, 10:13:00 pm
Came back at noon today after my short stop at Silverstone.
Here are the non-racing pictures I made yesterday.

The "pack" as seen from the nearest grandstand!
( (
The young horn operator!
( (
Fran after seeing food and beer ;)
( (

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Fran on August 14, 2005, 10:38:32 pm
Umm - thanks for two of those pictures, Stranger!!  :-\  Shame we didnt get one of you in the wet t-shirt competition   ;D

Good to see you got home safely, i hope you enjoyed your 3 hours of luxury hotel accommodation.....

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: RichUK on August 14, 2005, 10:40:09 pm
Well we had a great, albeit very wet time.

My only solace was that it was wetter and colder at Spa :)

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Stranger on August 14, 2005, 10:54:22 pm
Shame we didnt get one of you in the wet t-shirt competition   ;D
The wet shirt can be seen on the first picture :D

And those Hilton beds are very comfy :)

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: smokie on August 15, 2005, 01:18:52 am
I really hoped to be there, except I was on holiday...booked to return on Monday (i.e. now)

Mrs S and I took the caravan to Cornwall - reliving old times - and when the weather was crap earlier in the week she said let's leave on Friday. I smiled inside, thinking the gods had thrown me a lifeline...

So as the weather improved (yes, I have yet another tan, she reckons it's my sixth holiday this year but I can only count four, plus some "work" trips) and I casually said "are we still going home on Friday", the ensuing Spanish Inquistion managed to winkle out my plan...

Suffice to say I didn't make it - but then you know that already - and, despite the inclement weather, I am really regretting it.

So, what's the next date in the calendar?

btw in case you care - the caravan is now on eBay. I can't afford to store it just for  1 week a year, and the bottom is falling out (damp). So next year I will be in a tent (any volunteers??? ;) ) but the pool will be at the top of my packing list...

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Canada Phil on August 15, 2005, 06:01:58 am

btw in case you care - the caravan is now on eBay. I can't afford to store it just for  1 week a year, and the bottom is falling out (damp). So next year I will be in a tent (any volunteers??? ;) ) but the pool will be at the top of my packing list...
Hi Smokie,
                I'd share a Commer with you ::)

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: hgb on August 15, 2005, 07:39:27 am
I was at the camping ground on sunday morning at 9:00 and there was a chap packing up his Vauxhal. I first thought it was Smokie. When aproaching I asked whether he was from CA and he said "No, no, no !!! They're just mad !!!" ;D He then added "Yes, mad... but in a very friendly way." I didn't want to wake anyone and went away to help packing up at RC.  Thanks for the lift on saturday, Paddy. What a great weekend. I'm certainly up for it again next year.  :D

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Fran on August 15, 2005, 08:18:42 am
and the bottom is falling out (damp)....

How not to sell your caravan! - Chapter 1  ::)

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Steve Pyro on August 15, 2005, 11:54:40 am
Yes yes yes - an excellant weekend and we actually managed to watch a bit of racing as well.

Thanks to -
Bob U for his wonderful curry - the chef was suitably attired also.

Andy Z for putting up with my snoring and providing breakfast fit for a king. 
The Commer really is a confortable (and dry) place.

Bob(blehat) - luuurvley wine.

Steve Z - late night entertainment.

Fran, Doris, Rick, JPC crew, Paddy, everyone else - providing plenty entertainment.

British Petroleum - lots and lots of premium unleaded for the cobra.

Incriminating photographs to follow  ;D

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Andy Zarse on August 15, 2005, 12:27:06 pm
Got home in good time having taken a detour to pick a friend up from Heathrow, which was still in chaos. Can only echo what has been said so far.

Great weekend, foul weather, nice to see the cars, plenty to drink and eat, loads of laughs, a very exiting unplanned high-speed "journey" on saturday night and finished off with a great big headache on sunday. Nice to see you all and thanks to all for making it worth the trip.

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Paddy_NL on August 15, 2005, 02:24:41 pm
Despite the rain I had a good time. It was a nice bunch of people together.
I think we all had a great time, would definitely try for next year again (maybe some scaffolding to hide under ;D)

I hope Robspot, Dark Warrior and Bobblehat got through the Sunday okay ;)
When will the night time video be launched?
Thanks to Rick for the DVD, I'll watch it tonight.

We Dutch did our duty, here's the flag on the Grandstand>>


Fran and Bobblehat practised some Air Guitar, to warm up a little.

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Nobby Diesel on August 15, 2005, 02:37:25 pm
At the risk of going off the subject.......does anyone know what happened in the race?

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Steve Pyro on August 15, 2005, 02:39:34 pm
At the risk of going off the subject.......does anyone know what happened in the race?

Audi, nuff said  ::)

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: SmithA on August 15, 2005, 02:41:14 pm
it rained  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Fran on August 15, 2005, 02:43:13 pm
1)  A wheel fell off the Saleen, but they put another one on
2)  Racing for Holland got rear ended (oohh err Mrs!)

... but not necessarily in that order.

3)  The safety car made 5 stops for refuelling and new tyres.

I think thats about it.

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Paddy_NL on August 15, 2005, 02:47:46 pm
3)  The safety car made 5 stops for refuelling and new tyres.

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Fran on August 15, 2005, 02:53:32 pm
Re:  Air guitar pics

I cant help thinking that you would get a better tune outta my air guitar than Bobble's on that second pic  (unless of course he had gone on to play air drums at that point in the proceedings!). 

Note also how much shorter Bill Wyman wears his guitar strap in the first demonstration pic ....  ::)

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Steve Pyro on August 15, 2005, 03:00:01 pm
I still think Bobblehat dislocated his shoulder on the Pete Townshend windmill demonstration.

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: hgb on August 15, 2005, 03:01:39 pm
3)  The safety car made 5 stops for refuelling and new tyres.

I think they actually won, didn't they. At least they were leading for the best part of the race. ;D

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: pretzel on August 15, 2005, 03:11:08 pm
Judging by Paddy's pictures and descriptions of the race so far I'm sort of half glad I couldn't make it on the Saturday - Silverstone can be really sh*t in poor weather.

Top marks to Paddy for the DFH flag in the grandstand though. How thoughtful of all those in the grandstand to move up to the coverered area to make way for it, or was the rain REALLY bad?

And what exactly happened to Rick C's finger that necessitated a hospital visit?

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Kpy on August 15, 2005, 03:18:52 pm
At the risk of going off the subject.......does anyone know what happened in the race?

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Steve Pyro on August 15, 2005, 03:27:30 pm

... - Silverstone can be really sh*t in poor weather.

Yes, but we made light of the weather, had plenty to drink and had a bloody good time.  The live band in the Paddock Bar were pretty good too.


And what exactly happened to Rick C's finger that necessitated a hospital visit?

We had an extra sausage on the BBQ  :-\

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: hgb on August 15, 2005, 03:32:47 pm
They were thinking of actually stopping the race after 20:30 or something. All team managers were called in by the clerk of the course for a discussion. By then the sky cleared a bit. So the race was continued. Allan McNish was intervied and said “It was totally unacceptable, you could not see a thing. The Pescarolo spun on the straight. I was shocked, I have never been put in so much danger in my life.” (DSC). During the heavier showers Martin Short asked the clerk to bring out the SC because at some parts of the track there was standing water and Joao was cruising at not more then 20 mph.  :o

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Bob U on August 15, 2005, 03:33:43 pm

And what exactly happened to Rick C's finger that necessitated a hospital visit?
Serrated knife hidden in box, rummaging through box whilst looking elsewhere, need I say more.  :o
He reckons he almost cut half his finger off. Damn sight better than cutting your hole finger off I say;D

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: pretzel on August 15, 2005, 05:23:21 pm
Quote from: BOB U link=topic=4114.msg48308#msg48308  Damn sight better than cutting your hole finger off I say

Now, which one is the hole finger then.......

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: smokie on August 15, 2005, 07:02:21 pm
...and what's it for, exactly?  ???

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Doris on August 16, 2005, 02:51:24 am
Just want to say thanks to all for a top weekend! 

Ballast - the orange health drink sh*t is a good way to line the stomach.  Shame about the side effects though...Is Deliah ok?

Mr Zarse - I am still amused that I woke up with Allah, but amazed that he didn't wake me when he went off a few inches from my head!  Thanks for the cider...yummy!!!

Fran - Were you as distressed as I was when you went to the toilets to find they smelt like a whore's handbag and there were women putting on make-up in there? 

Paddy - As Ballast said you must wear your pants on the outside of your trousers from time to time.  Beers and a make shift shelter.  Both much appreciated.

Everyone else....great to meet you all / see you again.  Did someone mention a beer festival or was I halucinating after drinking orange health drink sh*t?   ;D

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Fran on August 16, 2005, 08:34:22 am
Doris - how would I know what a whore's handbag smells like?  8)

Those women were putting on make up?????  I thought they were just poking their eyes in disbelief at seeing  the comfort and luxury of our shelter?  ;D

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Ballast on August 16, 2005, 12:02:44 pm
Your recollection is spot on Doris. There is indeed a beer festival. It will be held at the Hatch Warren Community Centre in Basingstoke on the 9th, 10th & 11th September 2005. JPChenet, Deliah and I are on the commitee.

A few Club Arnagers came along last year and a good time was had by all!

Stick it in the diary  ;D


Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Piglet on August 16, 2005, 12:17:18 pm
Fran - Were you as distressed as I was when you went to the toilets to find they smelt like a whore's handbag and there were women putting on make-up in there? 

Lol!!!  I'm glad it wasn't just me.  I staggered down there around midnight on the Saturday night, absolutely knackered after marshalling, looking like I'd been dragged through a hedge backwards, bottle of beer in hand, several more in my stomach already to find lots of "girlies" in crop tops etc., taking their make up off and beautifying themselves!! 

I went to the loo, made a token gesture towards hygeine by washing my hands, went to bed and passed out - never did finish the beer!!! 

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Bob U on August 16, 2005, 01:04:24 pm

  I staggered down there around midnight on the Saturday night, absolutely knackered after marshalling, looking like I'd been dragged through a hedge backwards, bottle of beer in hand, 

I went to the loo, made a token gesture towards hygeine by washing my hands, went to bed and passed out - never did finish the beer!!! 

I think a big thank you to all the marshalls is called for. That must have been hard workin those conditions, even the amount of time that was spent waving yellow flags must have been tiring. You really did deserve that beer Piglet.

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Piglet on August 16, 2005, 01:28:07 pm
Thanks for that Bob - I'm only the lightweight model I have an "inside" job and although we did some long old days and I was absolutely brain dead at the end of it at least I was out of the weather.

The real heros are the boys and girls who were out on the bank and in the pit lane for the entire duration having done a long day on Friday and Saturday in most cases and then having to turn up again on Sunday.  Waving a soaking wet yellow flag during all the safety car periods and being out on track trying to clear vehicles must have been hell. 

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Dark Warrior on August 16, 2005, 01:46:08 pm

Would also like to take the opportunity to pass on my thanks and regards to everybody for a great weekend...  A couple of mentions

Bob U : Thanks for your help on Friday sir...
Paddy : What we would have done without your tarpaulin I have no idea...
Rick : Hope that finger mends
Bobblehat : Sorry to hear about the drinking injury... Loved the air guitar...
To everybody else : Top bunch of people... Your company was a pleasure....

All the very best...


Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Andy Zarse on August 16, 2005, 02:39:08 pm

Would also like to take the opportunity to pass on my thanks and regards to everybody for a great weekend...  A couple of mentions

Bob U : Thanks for your help on Friday sir...
Paddy : What we would have done without your tarpaulin I have no idea...
Rick : Hope that finger mends
Bobblehat : Sorry to hear about the drinking injury... Loved the air guitar...
To everybody else : Top bunch of people... Your company was a pleasure....

All the very best...


Hi DW, great to see you again. Hope you've recovered!! Don't forget to let me know about the tent I ruinned, I still feel terrible about it.


Andy Z

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: rcutler on August 16, 2005, 02:58:37 pm
Really good to meet up with you all.

Will probably see you at the track day.

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: rcutler on August 16, 2005, 04:54:39 pm
Some Pics

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: rcutler on August 16, 2005, 04:55:40 pm
Some more pics

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: rcutler on August 16, 2005, 04:56:39 pm
Some more

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: fidget on August 16, 2005, 06:13:30 pm
Well we had a great, albeit very wet time.

My only solace was that it was wetter and colder at Spa :)

Really. I was at Spa in my MG F and thought it was miserable but not really wet, just foggy ?

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: SteveZarse on August 16, 2005, 08:55:13 pm
 ;D ;D ;D
What a thoroughly bloody nice weekend!

Thanks to A Zarse for driving my bed to silverstone (the commer - She's a beauty!), DW for heaping all that praise my way, Steve Brown for snoring in my ear and sticking his bony elbow into my ribs all night (call that foreplay!?!) and Doris for being just as excited as I was about the late night motoring escapades.

Footage Ballast?? not quite sure it exists, but I'm working on an artist's impression...

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Perdu on August 16, 2005, 11:03:38 pm
Rained a bit didn't it?

I had thought about going but without an income these days I thought the better of it.

Then I watched the afternoon bit on MotorsTV with my missus and she said "If you are THAT interested why didn't you go?"

As it was piissing down fit to flatten Silverstone into the ground at the time, what was she up to?

Answers on the back of a fiver would be appreciated to go into next year's fund of course. No way can she keep me away now!!!

Glad you all had a cracking time, wish I had been there...


next time!

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: fidget on August 19, 2005, 10:46:25 am
Just watched the repays on motorTV and what a down pour. Most cars even on Monsson tyres seemed to struggle.

Shame, but oh well.

Anyone thinking about the Turkey race ?

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: Fran on August 19, 2005, 10:53:34 am
Anyone thinking about the Turkey race ?

I am def keen on the Turkey race, but havent had much luck getting info on the practicalities -  transport to/from circuit, local accommodation, etc.  Havent tried looking for package trips yet tho, that may be easier.   Would be a nice way to end the year tho!  ;D 

Title: Re: Back from 1000ks
Post by: fidget on August 19, 2005, 10:55:53 am
Me and the fella are looking at it with some of his motor racing pals.

The idea was to fly out the day before, hotel, race, another night in Turkey then fly back on a low cost route.