Club Arnage

Club Arnage => It Happened To Me => Topic started by: Steve Pyro on June 21, 2005, 05:38:21 pm

Title: You're nicked 2005
Post by: Steve Pyro on June 21, 2005, 05:38:21 pm
We didn't see a single speed trap on the N138 on Wednesday.  Did the rain put the rozzers off?

Title: Re:You're nicked 2005
Post by: Nordic on June 21, 2005, 05:53:01 pm
Must of, however they made up for it a bit on Sunday and Monday. We past at least 5 traps on the N138 and the Autoroute between Alencon and LM.

for some reason they also had plenty of takers on Friday on the circuit, how you get done for speeding in a traffic jam is beyond me.

Saw some Cobras's at a garage just past Rouen on Wed, was that you?

Title: Re:You're nicked 2005
Post by: Chrisgr31 on June 21, 2005, 07:27:57 pm
There were some on the Motorway between Calais and Rouen on Wednesday.  I was making progress when I came up behind a police van, road was wet, but not raining so wasn;t sure if it was a wet or dry track!

Played safe and stayed behind the police van who appeared to be at the wet limit.  However as we went up a hill he slowed, so I passed, stayed at limit as he was still in sight behind me.  At crest of hill, were two police men on bikes!  Was suddenly very grateful for the van!

On the Sunday we went up to Chatres and oddly the police were breathelising all drivers getting on the Peage there!  Would have done better doing those leaving!

Title: Re:You're nicked 2005
Post by: Steve Pyro on June 21, 2005, 07:38:04 pm

Saw some Cobras's at a garage just past Rouen on Wed, was that you?

I'm guessing you mean the garage on the right off the motorway slip road at the top of the N138 about 2pm ish.  If so, then Yes.

Title: Re:You're nicked 2005
Post by: Robbo SPS on June 22, 2005, 01:56:24 am
And before we had got to Le Mans this year

We got rozzered .

Pics included, most of you heard the story from me, on the grape vine or will get it later.

Dippy Merc Driver didnt realise the 6 car convoy would turn against him after doing silly things to the rear guard !!

Road Block in a village. The rest is history.

Title: Re:You're nicked 2005
Post by: dicky69 on June 22, 2005, 11:58:52 am
750 euro fine for driving in excess of the speed limit- forgot the limit was in kilometres! good cop bad cop routine with no sense of humour. nearly got nicked for having a fridge plugged in. copper with the attitude was convinced it was a radar detector until i pulled a cold bottle of posh out of it!!!
no pictures im afraid as the tetchy one showed me his handcuffs when we tried to take a photo..
happy days.

Title: Re:You're nicked 2005
Post by: chrisbeatty on June 22, 2005, 05:40:02 pm
First time anyone I've travelled with got pulled this year,

Driving slowly in a queue through Alencon the N138 a gendarme on a bike sailed by 10 cars & pulled over on the roundabout. He beckoned the Vectra in front of me to stop, our other 2 cars carried on.

It turned out he'd spotted the co-pilot on the phone/walkie talkie & thought he was driving, to daft to notice the lack of a steering wheel!! Tapped on the window & realised the mistake he'd made, walked round the car & asked the driver for his license before sending them back off!! ;D

We all pi$$ed ourselves laughing when we opened our first beer!!

Title: Re:You're nicked 2005
Post by: Arnie on June 22, 2005, 10:52:29 pm
N138 about 10 clicks north of Sees - 135 Euros for allegedly crossing a white line; only the one their spotter pointed out was the car behind!

After the rozzer cochons conversed in fluent English to tell me that I had to pay up or leave the car with them, they suddenly lost their linguistic ability when I tried to point out the error of their ways.  My suspicions arose as they had pulled in another guy in front of me for the same thing, who told me that his was also questionable and in their eagerness to grab money they hadn't even bothered looking closely enough at the paperwork he'd given them which would have showed it was someone else's!  Lucky for him and me that my mate was carrying currency.

As my camping mates will vouch, this really made my holiday and had me spitting blood for most of it.  135 Euros?  Darren Turner only got a 3 minute stop/go penalty for the same offence (Darren, if you're reading this, I bet you gladly would have swapped!)

I'd particularly like to hear from others who feel that they may have been stitched up on jumped up charges.  If there's a case for publicity and 'outing' these Brit-haters with inflated egos and their ridiculous fines (750 Euros for speeding??!!) then I for one would be keen to lead a lobby. >:(

Title: Re:You're nicked 2005
Post by: Steve Pyro on June 22, 2005, 11:01:59 pm
It sounds like they put the prices up then.  One of our group got a 90 euro 'fine' for the white line offence in 2004.  That's inflation for you!

Did you receive a receipt or any official paperwork or did they just trouser the money?

Title: Re:You're nicked 2005
Post by: Arnie on June 22, 2005, 11:23:56 pm
50% inflation?  Hopefully our government have their heads buried so far up their rear ends that they're all too preoccupied to be reading this thread and get some ideas!

I did get a receipt, and I'm going to look into the possibility of appealing.

Title: Re:You're nicked 2005
Post by: patcollier on June 23, 2005, 01:43:40 pm
One of our lot got the 750 fine and his lincense taken, as he was on his own at the time it was a bit of a problem. Luckily a bunch of guys in a citroen ds also getting done helped out with a spare driver..thanks to them.

However on the flip side entering France on the Tuesday morning one of our cars got breathalised at the port all of them over the limit, lots of nons and ques going on... end result let them off as we provided a just sober alternative driver from a different car... so not all of them are tossers just most of them...

Title: Re:You're nicked 2005
Post by: W21SBY on June 24, 2005, 08:47:04 pm
Got caught doing 134kmh in a 90kmh on the way back near Deauville and was asked for a fine of €600  :'(

As I didn't have €600, I made the decision to befriend the officer and after a little negotiation got the fine down to €90 (an 85% discount)  ;D

Title: Re:You're nicked 2005
Post by: Steve Pyro on June 24, 2005, 09:09:44 pm
Where the hell do they get these fine amounts from? 90, 135, 600, 750.

They're making it up as they go along!

Title: Re:You're nicked 2005
Post by: RS2 Babe on June 25, 2005, 09:27:02 am
 :-* :-* :-*

I am certain that the French Police do not make up their fines.  They must love Le Mans as they can then achieve their quotas.

Everybody speeds, so do not be upset by the French reaction over the Le Mans weekend.

Every week at home in France I see a speed check so I do not think it is particular to Le Mans.

By the way and if you are at all impressed/interested I got some good speed (160kph) out of my little French registered 205 automatic when eventually clearing the traffic back to MB on Saturday morning. I only went out for bread and beer and it took me two hours!!!

love RS2 Babe
 :-* :-*

Title: Re:You're nicked 2005
Post by: Arnie on June 28, 2005, 10:00:50 pm
Sounds like you wandered onto the track by accident...

Title: Re:You're nicked 2005
Post by: Radar on July 08, 2005, 02:20:16 am
There is a structure to the fines: Up to 30kmh over the limit, slap on the wrists and fine of about 150 euros. 30-55 kmh over the limit, bigger fine and possible ban; more than 55kmh over the limit, 750 euro fine, confiscation of licence and a ban. Game over.

The answer? Swap the Porsche for an old MG.

Still much easier to speed in France than the UK, despite the clampdown. And if you steer clear of the popular routes to Le Mans, you don't see les rozzeurs.

Title: Re:You're nicked 2005
Post by: Rusty on July 08, 2005, 03:05:45 am
Our pal Danny got banged up over night for his infraction of the rules.
All rest got monster fines except for Palmer who broke his Zondas 5th and 6th gears and had to followed a day behind in a diesel pug rentashite, ha ha ha .l