Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lancs Se7en on June 03, 2005, 02:58:46 pm

Title: Smell The Coffee And Be A Great Driver
Post by: Lancs Se7en on June 03, 2005, 02:58:46 pm
Just picked this up of Yahoo and it made me smile

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

The smell of fast-food in your car can make you drive faster - but coffee aroma can make you drive better, according to new research.According to a study, different smells can affect how you drive.While a Big Mac may persuade you to put your foot down, the smell of cinnamon may reduce the risk of road rage.

Having the wrong kind of smell in a vehicle can cause speeding, dozing, road rage and even serious accidents, according to the RAC Foundation.

And unsurprisingly, a smelly car exuding stinks like wet dog or child vomit, can be a real turn off when it comes to selling a vehicle, the foundation added.

Harmful smells

:: Camomile, Jasmine, and Lavender - can cause drivers to become over relaxed behind the wheel
:: The smell of fast-food wrappers, fresh bread or pastry - these can cause driver irritability, a preponderance to speed and an increased chance of involvement in road rage
:: Fresh cut grass, pine woods or roadside flowers - can put drivers into a nostalgic frame of mind
:: A combination of leather seats and oil - can make some older drivers unconsciously adopt the risk-taking behaviour of younger drivers
:: Certain perfumes and aftershaves - can make both male and female drivers more interested in carnal matters than motoring matters.

Beneficial smells

:: Peppermint and cinnamon - improves concentration levels as well as making drivers less irritable
:: Lemon and coffee - these smells are good for clear thinking and high concentration levels
:: New car smell (a combination of cleaning products and organic solvents etc) - tends to make people concentrate better and also take more care with their driving
:: Sea ozone - a blast of salty sea air can encourage deep breathing which relaxes the muscles, relieves stress and calms the mind

No mention of burning rubber or the smell of Castrol R or the aroma of last nights curry :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X

LADS to Le Mans and luvin it