Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: BigH on May 18, 2005, 05:23:30 pm

Title: Father Hackett?
Post by: BigH on May 18, 2005, 05:23:30 pm
As usual, I received today, amongst the offers to introduce me to single swingers in my area (I already have a 'single swinger' in my area, thank you very much!), boost my love muscle and loan me 3m Nigerian $ for a fortnight, a request from my Bank for me to confirm my account details. No doubt this is so some pimpley herbert can unload it's contents and plunge the local smack market into spiral that would even put the fear of God into the Estate Agents. What was unusual about this one however, was that to grab my attention it had my 'password' at the top. And Lo and Behlold, it was the password I use on this forum! Now, I'm firewalled up to the eyebrows, and haven't noticed any plundering, what's going on here? Can we trust Club Arnage with our Nigerian Dollars or not?

I've never been trapped inside a mans body, but I know a few who have, and it has to be said there's not a lot to recommend it. But I came across someone the other day who reckoned she was a man trapped inside a womans body, and done nothing but moan about it. I mean, if I was trapped inside a womans body, I'd be having a whale of a time, wouldn't you? there'd be no need bothering with a televsion license, that's for sure. Mind you, my circle of friends might be a little diminished, but it's not a bad price to pay, those long winter evenings would simply fly by!

I've gotten off the point again, haven't I?

Title: Re:Father Hackett?
Post by: Andy Zarse on May 18, 2005, 05:56:11 pm
H, I can't assist you with the password thingy but surely someone on here can. It's all rather worrying if you ask me. Next we'll have the Liver Donor people knocking on our doors at three in the morning, demanding our offal with menaces.

I can however make a helpful suggestion about being trapped inside a woman's body. Chris, who as you know had a solitary hobby,  has taken up a new passtime, namely "curing lesbians". It's been a huge sucess apparently and he's been invited to a specialist party on friday night, it's being held in a nightclub in Brighton. I can't help thinking talking to him on MB over a pint of Creme de Coconut Shandy Lime (topped with three marachino cherries and a stick of celery) might be a wise investment of your time?

Hope this helps.

PS I was looking earlier at the photo of the Poo Bar party that Smokie posted earlier and made an observation. It's easy to spot Chris, just look for the bloke with the palest complexion. I am pleased he's given it up, I fear he would be dead by the time he's thirty five otherwise. (BTW Chris is the bloke on the right behind the England flag with the prescription sunglasses on his hat).


Title: Re:Father Hackett?
Post by: Chris (Liverpool Boys) on May 19, 2005, 09:04:28 am
There is also another Chris behind said england flag although slightly out of focus  ;D

Title: Re:Father Hackett?
Post by: jpchenet on May 19, 2005, 09:40:43 am
Chris Zarse does look rather pasty doesn't he. Had he been drained (or drianed himself) of all his bodily fluids??

I notice that Mr A Zarse managed to squeeze in next to Kate SPS  ;) Looks like you have your head on her shoulder!!

Title: Re:Father Hackett?
Post by: DelBoy on May 19, 2005, 09:52:54 am
Smokie - you were wrong in your post on the other (now locked) thread.  It is ME with JP Chenet!!

Ah..., sorry - you were talking about the person, I'm referrring to the wine!!!


Title: Re:Father Hackett?
Post by: jpchenet on May 19, 2005, 09:55:04 am
So Smokie, you are in fact between Delboy with a bottle of JP Chenet, and JP Chenet!

Title: Re:Father Hackett?
Post by: Stu on May 19, 2005, 10:29:37 am
So Smokie, you are in fact between Delboy with a bottle of JP Chenet, and JP Chenet!

I have to say that when I walk by the JP Chenet in the supermarket, I always get the missus saying, 'What you laughing at? The memories, the memories.

Anyway H, back to the subject. I'm sure that bulliten boards are eaisly hacked. I've had this happen on a couple of boards. So its best to have a password for fun and one for your serious stuff.