Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Robspot on May 18, 2005, 11:47:16 am

Title: Le Mans Guide
Post by: Robspot on May 18, 2005, 11:47:16 am
As there is so much going on during the week, how about some sort of guide leaflet that tells newbies and short-timers (like me) what's going on and when.

If people can add info and suggestions on this thread (apart from p*ss off rob) I can put something together.

For example

Directions and times for Stella Bar
Directions for Shampoo Bar (surely everyone knows it's 9pm)
What's the best time to visit the Cobras on Houx Annexe
Is anyone having an open camp (ie when are people most welcome to pop round for a beer)
Directions to Carrefour
Where do you watch the driver's parade from
Any footie tournaments planned
Poker nights
Drinking competitions
Organised Pikey bashing

And a who's who of Club Arnage. We all know what Rick Cutler and JPC look like but if someone's out sans t-shirt (that's French that is) we may miss people who would otherwise enhance the whole experience (BigH springs to mind here)

Title: Re:Le Mans Guide
Post by: Black Granny on May 18, 2005, 11:49:38 am
Acceptance of donations to charity in order to "lose" tax returns will take place on various campsites on Friday Night

Title: Re:Le Mans Guide
Post by: BigH on May 18, 2005, 12:14:05 pm
Wotcher Robspot,
Have a look at the thread 'Look, Useful Information' at the top of General Discussion, there's answers to a lot of your queries there, maps with supermarkets on, drivers parade route etc.
As far as I know, the drinking competition starts on Monday 13th June, and ends on Sunday 19th. Paddy the Flatlander has been talking a good fight, and I think his team might be the one to beat; setting a good early pace could be the key to this one. Smokie will be monitoring another sort of competition next to the toilet block, and I'm sure he can "fill you in", as it were.
The poker night has been revived from Reformation Days, and to be frank, you'll need a strong constitution for this one. The Marquis is looking forward to defending his crown.

BG, please lose mine, please. I'll do anything you want, but I'm not going to one of those 'poker nights' again.

Title: Re:Le Mans Guide
Post by: Robspot on May 18, 2005, 12:31:25 pm
Cheers BigH, I should probably have a look around before posting questions shouldn't I? Ho Hum. Guess it's see everyone at the Poo bar unless we bump into each other out and about then.

Title: Re:Le Mans Guide
Post by: smokie on May 18, 2005, 04:14:20 pm
That was partly the idea of this post.

And here is the original one, containing maps etc (although parts are now a little out of date)

So I've locked this one.

Here are a few of the CA regulars (and not so regulars) at the poo bar last year. Does anyone have a better one than this?

I'm next to JP, on the left.