Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: DavidsDad on May 05, 2005, 11:51:19 pm

Title: The "Davidsdad can't make it" thread
Post by: DavidsDad on May 05, 2005, 11:51:19 pm
I'll have to stop looking at this thread, it's getting me down,  :'( :'( :'(.

Strange, but up until tonight, even though we can't go now, I was quietly wishing you all a smooth crossing, safe journeys and a great time, etc.  (altogether, "Ahhhhhh, Bless 'im").

Now, I'm not so sure, my stiff upper lip is wilting,  :-\, and next year is such a long way off!

Title: Re:Who, when, where.
Post by: Perdu on May 06, 2005, 12:26:30 am
DavidsDad, little compensation I know but on Saturday evening in the 'poo bar, as the conversation and those noises from the cars outside quieten for one of those odd, ethereal moments I hope to be sober enough to propose a toast to absent friends... You will be he!

But on a brighter note, seriously now, last year doesn't seem so long ago. So next year won't be too far away either and next year YOU can propose the toast and I will raise a glass with you.

There, now, hows's that?



Title: Re:Who, when, where.
Post by: jpchenet on May 06, 2005, 01:00:28 am
Excellent idea Bill!!

Two of our normal crew can't be there this year, one due to work commitments and one as his wife is having an op (major) on the 14th.

A toast to absent friends is a splendid thought!!

Title: Re:Who, when, where.
Post by: Russ on May 06, 2005, 10:43:03 am
I'll have to stop looking at this thread, it's getting me down,  :'( :'( :'(.

Strange, but up until tonight, even though we can't go now, I was quietly wishing you all a smooth crossing, safe journeys and a great time, etc.  (altogether, "Ahhhhhh, Bless 'im").

Now, I'm not so sure, my stiff upper lip is wilting,  :-\, and next year is such a long way off!

DavidsDad... I was in the exact same position this time last year.... with only 'next year' to look forward to... well 'next year' becomes 'this year' quite quickly, and by reading about all the fun 'this year' will bring, you'll feel like you were almost there...

I even went as far as organising the camping pass for my mates, just so I was a bit involved!!  ::)

I'll tell you one thing for free though.... BOY do you look forward to the next time, and when it finaly comes round, you know you're gonna make the absolute best of it!!  ;D

Although last year, whilst the guys may well have offered up their glasses/bottles and toasted their skint comrade, they also saw fit to leave A4 colour pictures of me amongst the grott mags they left behind...   :-*

Title: Re:Who, when, where.
Post by: DavidsDad on May 06, 2005, 11:35:22 am
Hey, Thanks, fellas, that's a nice thought.   :D  

Don't worry, I shall be there in spirit in 6 weeks' time, watching it on the telly with the boy, and even sharing a beer or 2.  (No I'm not mean, he is only 11).  

For that special authentic atmosphere, maybe we should put the tv at the bottom of the garden with the sound up VERY VERY VERY LOUD, and invite loads of people round to stand in the way of the screen, so that we have to climb onto the fence to see what's happening!!! ;D

Only 58 weeks to go!!!!

Title: Re:Who, when, where.
Post by: Bob U on May 06, 2005, 11:58:03 am
Look on the positive side.
On Tuesday morning you won't have to suffer the post Le Mans blues.
The hangover from a weeks constant drinking. :P
The ragged guts caused by undercooked tartiflette.
Having to explain to the dragon what the unidentifyable stain is on your CA t-shirt. :-[
Hiding credit card statements so she dosn't know how much money you have "wasted" :o
Starting the countdown to the next one, which you have already started. :(

Oh yes you are the lucky one. ;D

Title: Re:Who, when, where.
Post by: Steve Pyro on May 06, 2005, 12:19:19 pm
My mate (and cobra co-pilot) Dick sadly had to miss Le Mans a couple of years ago.
He had 'promised' he would finish off the house extension.

However, we phoned and text messaged him relentlessly and the poor sod was pretty miserable.
He took the TV, a deckchair and a huge pile of beer out into the garden and watched the coverage ...... and drank beer.

His wife woke him up at 4 am on Sunday morning with a pile of empties around him and the dog licking his ear.

Needless to say, he didn't finish the house extension.

Title: Re:Who, when, where.
Post by: The Planman on May 06, 2005, 12:25:34 pm

I had to miss last year due to a family wedding - it was like having my heart ripped out - I know how you feel, and it will pass.

Beers at the bottom of the garden is good, I just got shitfaced in a big tent with about 100 others taking the piss.

Chin up dude!!


Title: Re:Who, when, where.
Post by: Robspot on May 06, 2005, 12:38:38 pm

Be at peace with the knowledge that you will surely visit Le Mans again. I had to practically beg to go this year and what with the wife threatening pregnancy in the near future it is highly unlikely I will be going for the next few years. Hence the reason I am quadruply excited about this year.

Bob U - my credit card statements go straight in the bin as soon as they arrive any time of the year. My wife would discover many accounting irregularities is she ever saw one!

Title: Re:Who, when, where.
Post by: Neal on May 06, 2005, 02:13:12 pm
Don't be to down hearted about the pregnancy threat, I managed to get to LM in 1989, when my daughter was 5 weeks old. The thing to be careful of is when the conception taked place, I suggest you stay celibate in September to be on the safe side ;D

Title: Re:Who, when, where.
Post by: Rhino on May 06, 2005, 10:51:53 pm
I think you should leave your mobile number, that way we can phone you and it will almost be like having a beer with you.
Second thoughts, the sound of crying might put me off my beer ;D

Title: Re:Who, when, where.
Post by: Canada Phil on May 07, 2005, 03:18:07 am
Hi Rhino,
             What a cruel thought. Hope to hoist a beer or 3 with you this year.
Canada Phil

Title: Re:Who, when, where.
Post by: DavidsDad on May 07, 2005, 05:54:07 pm
Thanks, Rhino, but I think I'd better not, the sound of all you lot having the time of your lives together at the poo bar (I am a poo bar virgin, btw) would just be too much. :(

On the subject of being disappointed though, I know a guy who has every intention of going to the race this year (for the first time), with 3 or 4 mates, and they haven't booked any ferry tickets yet.  :o

Oh wel, "Que Sera, Sera", as my old mum used to sing....

See you and the boys in 57.5 weeks.....


Title: Re:The "Davidsdad can't make it" thread
Post by: smokie on May 07, 2005, 06:19:17 pm
Scuse me for splitting this from the thread it was hijacking...

I needed some splitting practice :)

Title: Re:The "Davidsdad can't make it" thread
Post by: Perdu on May 07, 2005, 08:43:42 pm
seamless split Smokie ;D


Title: Re:The "Davidsdad can't make it" thread
Post by: smokie on May 07, 2005, 08:59:54 pm
Why thank you Bill  :)

Title: Re:The "Davidsdad can't make it" thread
Post by: Fax on May 08, 2005, 07:27:10 am
Sucks you can't make it, been there, seen it, done it, bought the t-shirt.  However this thread is still far more dignified than the similar sounding "David Vows To Fight Back" thread.  Jesus don't think I could take anymore of that BS.

Title: Re:The "Davidsdad can't make it" thread
Post by: DavidsDad on May 08, 2005, 05:15:22 pm
Thanks for splitting this into a seperate thread, Smokie.   ;)

At first I thought all the responses from the esteemed members had just been deleted from the original "Who when, where" thread.  I suppose they did sort of take over for a while, but I am really chuffed for the good wishes and kind thoughts.  Thanks again, one and all.

I  have absolutely no idea what the "David Vows to Fight Back" thread is, Fax. It certainly isn't my lad, some investigation is called for methinks..... ???

Are you trying to tell me there's somebody else called David?!!!

Title: Re:The "Davidsdad can't make it" thread
Post by: pretzel on May 08, 2005, 07:34:20 pm
I'm guessing Fax is referring to a certain Mr. Coulthard  ;)

Title: Re:The "Davidsdad can't make it" thread
Post by: Fax on May 09, 2005, 02:24:13 pm
Sorry Davids Dad, Pretzel's right.  Just having some fun with the thread name.  Autosport's been running that stupid "David vows to fight back!" headline for a decade now, thought I would ridicule it.