Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: BigH on April 19, 2005, 11:50:02 pm

Title: It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: BigH on April 19, 2005, 11:50:02 pm
Fantastic news! A new Pope! And he's German!
I can tell you, my local WI, from which I've just returned from an Emergency Extra Ordinary Emergency Meeting cum Beetle Drive, is buzzing with rumours of how this news will effect the LMP1 Category next season. If he's still alive.
It seems only a matter of time, to me at least, before there's a Vatican sponsored Porker hogging the limelight at La Sarthe. I wouldn't mind laying a bet that they're already drawing up short lists for pit lane padres and grid-nuns. He can't ignore the prayers of so many, and as for loaves and sausages, I can only say it was a premonition.
Kinnell, it's just so exciting!! This could be as good as the Group Vache days that we all remember so fondly. Or remember fondling. Whatever.

Title: Re:It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: Matt Harper on April 19, 2005, 11:53:30 pm
f**k*ng hell, a Sausage-Muncher in the Vatican! Whatever next? Women being ordained? Choir boys going un-molested? A guilt- free life?

Title: Re:It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: Rusty on April 20, 2005, 12:16:42 am
Ve haf vays of making you pray.

Pope von Zeppelin the first

Title: Re:It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: garystout on April 20, 2005, 12:33:41 am
Wasnt he a Hitler youth in his younger days?

Title: Re:It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: Nobby Diesel on April 20, 2005, 09:55:24 am
He was, but then again, every child was - it was compulsory.
Don't think he ever joined the Nazi party.

I've just got £20 on the Nigerian chappie being the next Pope 10/1!

Just imagine the accumulator on that a month ago - a former Hitler Youth followed be a Rasta as Pope.

Title: Re:It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: Rusty on April 20, 2005, 11:05:55 am
Hopefully the Nigerian chappie isn't connected to 419 or we could see a return the like of a Medici controlled vatican.
They had ways of making you prey too.

Title: Re:It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: Gilles on April 20, 2005, 11:36:15 am
Any news of the Popemobile coming every year at LM ?

Will the driver change?

Title: Re:It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: hgb on April 20, 2005, 11:45:59 am
I've just got £20 on the Nigerian chappie being the next Pope 10/1!

What ? You bought a Pope future ?

Title: Re:It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: Andy Zarse on April 20, 2005, 12:00:04 pm
I think you blokes might all just be jumping the gun...

Title: Re:It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: powermite on April 20, 2005, 01:12:57 pm
popemobile has been spotted and will be at MB as usual this year

Title: Re:It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: Fax on April 20, 2005, 02:16:00 pm
The locals here in Cincinnati (which is of mostly of German heritage) are already refering to him as Pope Panzer.  Does this mean the Popemobile will be a Tiger.

Title: Re:It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: garystout on April 20, 2005, 06:08:02 pm
No, an Italian Popemobile with 6 reverse gears and 1 forward.

Title: Re:It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: powermite on April 20, 2005, 08:19:43 pm
why would they need one forward??

Title: Re:It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: Matt Harper on April 20, 2005, 08:27:00 pm
Quite! - and while we're having a pop at the spicks, isn't the Italian battle flag a white cross on a white background?

Title: Re:It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: garystout on April 20, 2005, 09:00:31 pm
The one forward gear was in case of attack from the rear.

Title: Re:It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: Bob U on April 21, 2005, 12:17:03 pm
Quite! - and while we're having a pop at the spicks, isn't the Italian battle flag a white cross on a white background?
Excuse my ignorance, but I thought Italians were Wops, Isn't Spick yet another Americanism that has crept into our language.

Title: Re:It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: Neal on April 21, 2005, 12:24:13 pm
Spic = Hispanic

Title: Re:It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: Lorry on April 21, 2005, 01:13:08 pm
The usual answer in Maison Blanche, to "Would you like another beer?" was "Do bears sh*t in the woods/Does Dolly Parton sleep on her back? or Is the Pope Polish?"

What are we going to do now.

Just wait for Poland to be invaded, I suppose

Title: Re:It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: Andy Zarse on April 21, 2005, 04:40:19 pm
You could try answering "Does the Pope sh*t in the woods?"

Title: Re:It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: Robspot on April 21, 2005, 04:48:05 pm
You could try answering "Does the Pope sh*t in the woods?"

Is this something you have come across while poking badgers? and if so, what was his view on your favourite past time?

Title: Re:It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: Bob U on April 21, 2005, 04:56:33 pm
You could try answering "Does the Pope sh*t in the woods?"
Thinking along these lines it must  mean the bear is a catholic

Title: Re:It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: Andy Zarse on April 21, 2005, 05:09:48 pm
Or is the Pope a grizzly Bob?

Whitey, I've never come across His Holiness, spoon in hand, at a badger poking event, though I'm sure he'd be in disguise if he did attend. But who's to say he wouldn't enjoy the thrill of the game? I mean, that crozier thing looks ideal for the job although I'd recommend he wear more substantial footwear than them crazy slippers Popes seem to favour. Those sharp teeth would be through them in a trice and one can only imagine the mess a badger would make if they shot up his cassock and became entangled in an altar boy.

Title: Re:It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: Neal on April 21, 2005, 05:29:43 pm

It doesn't bear thinking about Andy. Maybe we could rustle up a couple of ferrets or perhaps a Jack Russell to sort things out, what the hell am I babbling on about? Is it possible that I have contracted some form of Commer infliction?

Title: Re:It's a new grid sensation!
Post by: BigH on April 21, 2005, 07:02:30 pm
DEREK: Ommmmmm om om ommm .....
CLIVE: I'll tell you something, er, that religious singing reminded me of something.
DEREK: Ommmm .....
CLIVE: Did you, did you see that, er, TV coverage of the, er, the Pope when he was lying in state? The-, the last Pope, you know, John Paul?
DEREK: Yeah.
CLIVE: Lying in state? On that-, on that catafalque?
DEREK: Yeah.
CLIVE: In those robes?
DEREK: Yeah, right.
CLIVE: Didn't half give me the horn, that. Him lying there. He looked so f*cking vulnerable, didn't he? I mean, like, I c-, I couldn't prevent myself, you know, having a w**k immediately 'cause he looked-, he looked vulnerable, he looked at-, at rest and, er, somebody had, er, gone to the trouble of plucking all that hair out of his nostrils. I didn't fancy him when he was alive 'cause he had all this f*cking hair up his nostrils but when they'd, er, when the cosmetician had had a go at his body and that .....
DEREK: Well, I-, I gather, erm, he had a, you know .....
CLIVE: I got the f*cking horn in .....
DEREK: Yeah, well .....
CLIVE: ..... just seeing him lying there.
DEREK: Well, the make-up was fantastic on that. Who done .....

Pete and Dud, RIP.