Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Robster on April 18, 2005, 04:01:43 pm

Title: Water Pistols
Post by: Robster on April 18, 2005, 04:01:43 pm
Just a quick note to beg the water pistol wielding drunkards to aim low and miss me on the way out of Arnage this year.  I nearly ran one over and couldn't see out of the windscreen which was very dangerous.  I know it's a bit of fun, but when it's pointed about 3 inches from your face and emptied into the car, the joke wears a bit thin.

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Steve Pyro on April 18, 2005, 04:06:50 pm
I normally fight back with one of these


Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: smokie on April 18, 2005, 06:40:24 pm
Good call. I was stood outside MB watching Friday antics and there was some little kid with a very powerful Super Soaker there with his dad (who was a little the worse for wear, but not that bad).

Another watcher suggested that it might be considerate if the dad stopped his kid absolutely soaking the new hide upholstery (sp?) of an Aston, and any opther open car which was passing.

I thought the decent thing to do would be for dad to take note, but the father was all ready to give the complainee a proper pasting...

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Bobblehat on April 18, 2005, 07:50:19 pm
Last year we didnt stand a chance out side MB, we were all in a MOKE! It was suggested that we got the shampoo out!

OK we knew we were going to get soaked were ready for it, but I do feal sorry for the people who ask politely not to get super soked, and then get the full bararge and abuse at the same time.

BTW The water pistols I can cope with it was the water bombs from short range that realy hurt.....................

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Snoring Rhino on April 18, 2005, 08:14:16 pm
The water is one thing and not good whilst driving, but I got a facefull of beer last year, luckily my sunnies kept it out of my eyes, still had to stop down the road though. Still could have been worse, there was a story of a Tw*t having a slash in his Supersoaker and thinking it very funny to unload it on the nice cars- cant get any more moronic than that!!

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Barry on April 18, 2005, 08:23:07 pm
The water is one thing and not good whilst driving, but I got a facefull of beer last year, luckily my sunnies kept it out of my eyes, still had to stop down the road though. Still could have been worse, there was a story of a Tw*t having a slash in his Supersoaker and thinking it very funny to unload it on the nice cars- cant get any more moronic than that!!

Didn't see a Tw*t doing this , but saw somebody else doing it. >:(

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Snoring Rhino on April 18, 2005, 10:26:53 pm
The water is one thing and not good whilst driving, but I got a facefull of beer last year, luckily my sunnies kept it out of my eyes, still had to stop down the road though. Still could have been worse, there was a story of a Tw*t having a slash in his Supersoaker and thinking it very funny to unload it on the nice cars- cant get any more moronic than that!!

Didn't see a Tw*t doing this , but saw somebody else doing it. >:(

Sorry - no refernce to our Yellow shirted  friends intended!!

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Matt Harper on April 18, 2005, 11:39:49 pm
If you take any means of soaking unwilling victims or damaging others property to Le Mans, you need to be prepared to get filled-in, in the name of a few laughs.
I find this sh*t really, really un-funny and as a result anyone who unleashes on my associates (and me in particular - unless they're much bigger than me) get's slotted. I'm no hard-case, but having some w**k*r drenching the inside of my car kind of tips me over the edge.
It's a subject we've covered extensively - and I think the general consensus is that if you unload on someone who's not a willing participant, you shouldn't be at all surprised if you get straight-armed.
Leave the super-soakers at home with the kids already.

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Robster on April 19, 2005, 10:45:22 am
Can we have an agreement that if any of us are around if and when this type of behaviour happens, we ask the people to stop.  You are right, I have not even put the new leather seats into my MG yet, the thought of several hundred pounds worth getting drenched for no reason isn't funny.  Assuming that there will be plenty of Club Arnage people around, we ought to be able to help each other out.

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Nobby Diesel on April 19, 2005, 10:50:37 am
Totally agree with the sentiment here guys.
I would offer an alternative solution to the problem.
Leave the car parked and grab a beer instead; go and watch those who don't mind getting wet.
We all know it's going to happen, so if you're not up for a drenching, leave the pride and joy back at base.
I don't take part in it or see the funny side of the water pistol shennanigans; but there's plenty that do.

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Andy Zarse on April 19, 2005, 11:41:57 am
I enjoy a jolly juvenile slap-stick jape as much as the next kiddy, in fact IMO there's nothing funnier than putting a bucket of water over the top of a door for the next unsuspecting friend to get a drenching.

But squirting drivers in the eyes and ruinning people's best velour trim just doesn't tickle my funny bone and is potentially downright dangerous. And anyway, it really isn't very imaginative.

Maybe we should all pile into the Commer and go on an anti-waterpistol patrol. Anyone who squirts us has their expensive super soaker, and perhaps their legs, run over by two tons of Dunstable's finest heavy metal.

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Nobby Diesel on April 19, 2005, 11:53:48 am
As stated earlier, I can't see the funny side of it, but if there is to be a CA Militia patrol, could I offer to perch on top of the Commer with my paint ball gun ?
In a similar style to West African warlords, with their pick up trucks and M60's.

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Andy Zarse on April 19, 2005, 12:22:38 pm
What a fantastic idea Nobby. They don't like it up 'em! Cue Steve Brown with pic of Cpl Jones (when he get's back from Mancheter.)

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Robster on April 19, 2005, 12:34:48 pm
Nobby, you're a boy genius! ;)  

Problem with leaving the car behind is that I am referring to running the gauntlet out on the way home.  We usually try to avoid the autoroute as the rural drive back to Caen on the back roads is one of the highlights of the trip, it's just a shame that for the last few years the yobs have ruined it.  Mad Friday is actually not too bad, on the way out on the Sunday evening though, they stood in the middle of the road to stop the car, while his mate put the gun into our faces over the side of the car.  

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Robspot on April 19, 2005, 02:47:09 pm
This water pistol thing is being blown all out of proportion. Surely the best way to deal with them is to take a couple of Heckler & Koch mp5's and double tap the bastards in the head.

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: pretzel on April 19, 2005, 02:54:18 pm
It seems to me that opinion on this ridiculous practice is pretty much the same all round. Most people who have been a few times know what to expect, and if possible avoid the places where this tends to occur - both on mad Friday and on the way out on Sunday.

From what I have read on other forums we CA'er's are not alone in condemning this. The best thing to do is to keep the threads going and if enough of the jolly japers read them and take note maybe the practice will diminish - or am I naive? OK then, maybe I am........

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Steve TTTD on April 19, 2005, 03:11:30 pm
Couldn't agree with the sentiments more..
Last year I decided, on Mad Friday to take a mate, who was at Le Mans fro the first time, on a tour of the circuit and as we came past Blue there was a kid of about 12 standing in the middle of the road, so we stopped to let him get out of the way and pistols were put into the car, through the windows and unloaded...

Very funny........ NOT.

The car will stay on Tertre Rouge this year..... or the kid will become roadkill...

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: BigH on April 19, 2005, 03:41:30 pm
I've got to stick up for them I'm afraid.

In my opinion they re-invented rock and roll and injected some street cred and real action back into the dead dog.
If it wasn't for them we'd all be listening to Peters and Lee and knitting sensible pullovers.

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Snoring Rhino on April 19, 2005, 05:22:49 pm
I've got to stick up for them I'm afraid.

In my opinion they re-invented rock and roll and injected some street cred and real action back into the dead dog.
If it wasn't for them we'd all be listening to Peters and Lee and knitting sensible pullovers.

Harry - are you in the right thread???

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Steve TTTD on April 19, 2005, 05:39:15 pm
I've got to stick up for them I'm afraid.

In my opinion they re-invented rock and roll and injected some street cred and real action back into the dead dog.
If it wasn't for them we'd all be listening to Peters and Lee and knitting sensible pullovers.

Always prefered The Clash myself

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Andy Zarse on April 19, 2005, 06:03:42 pm
I've got to stick up for them I'm afraid.

In my opinion they re-invented rock and roll and injected some street cred and real action back into the dead dog.
If it wasn't for them we'd all be listening to Peters and Lee and knitting sensible pullovers.

Peters and Lee were ok but as far as the victors of Opportunity Knockers go, I preferred Milligan and Nesbit. They had nice little tits you know.

Oh and back on thread:

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Neal on April 19, 2005, 06:07:09 pm
And great bums andy ;D

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: The Planman on April 19, 2005, 06:10:07 pm
Any pictures.............................?

I'd like to provide an assesment.......................... :D

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Andy Zarse on April 19, 2005, 06:13:21 pm
For them as can't remember or are too young to know:


Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Steve TTTD on April 19, 2005, 06:13:47 pm
There was a comedy duo on Oppotunity Knocks called Norfolk and Good

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Dan Lowe on April 19, 2005, 09:31:43 pm
Here's one of a group of likely lads prowling Maison Blanche.....


and then they strike!


Also a little video after a hose attack... payback: ( (right click and 'Save Target As...')

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Ron Jeremy on April 19, 2005, 11:22:01 pm
we could hire these unemployed bunch of roughians

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Perdu on April 19, 2005, 11:36:18 pm
I favour the H&K idea myself.
Last year we, parked on the corner of the Cobra pitch as we were, kept being hammered by one bunch of morons  on Thursday and Friday.
So we went shopping in Carefour for super soakers to retaliate with first, seen on our picture the other day but I would prefer NOT to have to fill Jonnies with water as hand grenades this year.

Apart from everything else, I'm sure there is a better use these things can be put to!

Just can't remember what!


Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Mr. Invincible Mou on April 19, 2005, 11:48:51 pm

Apart from everything else, I'm sure there is a better use these things can be put to!

Just can't remember what!

Party Hats  :D Lovely Tall Party Hats, only don't try wearing one if you have a cold  :o

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: jpchenet on April 20, 2005, 01:51:03 am
Here's one of a group of likely lads prowling Maison Blanche.....


and then they strike!


Also a little video after a hose attack... payback: ( (right click and 'Save Target As...')

I would like to point out that this was a recipricol, friendly natured water fight and at no time were velour or leather upholstery harmed in the production of this film.

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: pretzel on April 20, 2005, 09:09:28 am
I would like to point out that this was a recipricol, friendly natured water fight and at no time were velour or leather upholstery harmed in the production of this film.

That was my original point really JPC. I've nothing against exchange of fluids by consenting adults (oo-er missus), it's those that think that their idea of a good laugh is the only one and anyone else can go hang that I object to.

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: jpchenet on April 20, 2005, 09:56:26 am
I would like to point out that this was a recipricol, friendly natured water fight and at no time were velour or leather upholstery harmed in the production of this film.

That was my original point really JPC. I've nothing against exchange of fluids by consenting adults (oo-er missus), it's those that think that their idea of a good laugh is the only one and anyone else can go hang that I object to.

I agree Pretzel. There was one person who walked through the middle of our water fight who asked us to hold of while he and his missus passed by so we did.

In general, anyone who didn't want to get wet kept clear. I must add though that I've also seen several people in cars with super soakers spraying the public but don't like it if they are sprayed back and water goes in the car. I believe if it's good for one, it's good for the other. If you can't take it, don't give it!!

Title: Re:Water Pistols
Post by: Robspot on April 20, 2005, 10:51:09 am
This should keep them at bay. It'll also work well for pikey repellent

Note particularly the 2500 round magazine.