Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Rob on April 17, 2005, 07:45:23 pm

Title: F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: Rob on April 17, 2005, 07:45:23 pm
i have never really watched moto gp all that much in the past, but after having watched the first 2 races of the new series i have come to the conclusion that it is much more exciting than F1. what are your views?

Title: Re:F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: tink on April 17, 2005, 07:59:15 pm
its blatantly more interesting but for some reason i can never be arsed to watch it. i'll always know when and where the next f1 race is, but can't build up the enthusiasm for moto gp.

Title: Re:F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: Rob on April 17, 2005, 08:12:28 pm
well, thats what i thought, and while i will still watch (most of) the f1 races, the moto gp is more exciting

Title: Re:F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: jpchenet on April 17, 2005, 08:30:59 pm
its blatantly more interesting but for some reason i can never be arsed to watch it. i'll always know when and where the next f1 race is, but can't build up the enthusiasm for moto gp.

Hmmm, maybe if you saved your brain cells Tink, instead of sampling "substances" then you would be able to view various internet sites and know when the next Moto GP race was.

That said, I hope you are still the official CA supplier this year and that you will rectify last years problems of the oack of chocolate brownies for those of us that don't smoke!!

Title: Re:F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: rcutler on April 17, 2005, 09:15:22 pm
Remember JP. Tink is going in his dads motorhome. If he gets cought then he will be writing cheques for the rest of his life

Title: Re:F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: Ron Jeremy on April 17, 2005, 09:24:38 pm
moto gp any day just change the commentators, though not as bad as british super bikes

Title: Re:F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: Jem on April 17, 2005, 10:09:32 pm
Its Moto GP that gets my vote, its real racing where several bikes are split by less than a second.

Todays viewing was even better because we were treated to the 24 hour bike race from LM as well as Estoril.


Title: Re:F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: Mr. Invincible Mou on April 17, 2005, 10:29:32 pm
I swore I would never go to another Formula 1 after my first Le Mans, and it has now got to the point where I don't even follow F1 on the telly any more. Therefore it has to be Moto for me.

I'm sorry, but why pay £150.00 quid to watch a 1.5 hour race which has been bastardised by a poison dwarf, when i can pay £45.00 and watch 24 hours of real racing with great company, great wine and normally better weather in France.

PS, when does this years F1 actually start  ;)

Title: Re:F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: Steve Pyro on April 17, 2005, 10:44:28 pm

Rob, can you add a third option please -

3.  Watching paint dry

Title: Re:F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: tink on April 17, 2005, 10:54:42 pm
its blatantly more interesting but for some reason i can never be arsed to watch it. i'll always know when and where the next f1 race is, but can't build up the enthusiasm for moto gp.

Hmmm, maybe if you saved your brain cells Tink, instead of sampling "substances" then you would be able to view various internet sites and know when the next Moto GP race was.

That said, I hope you are still the official CA supplier this year and that you will rectify last years problems of the oack of chocolate brownies for those of us that don't smoke!!

Remember JP. Tink is going in his dads motorhome. If he gets cought then he will be writing cheques for the rest of his life

a situation whereby i feel compromised.....

Title: Re:F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: Rob on April 18, 2005, 12:33:21 am
Its Moto GP that gets my vote, its real racing where several bikes are split by less than a second.

and as in the first race in spain where rossi nudged gibernea, think of the outcry had schumacher or any of the drivers hit another guy off on the last corner, then go on to win!

Title: Re:F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: Dan Lowe on April 18, 2005, 12:58:18 am
Its Moto GP that gets my vote, its real racing where several bikes are split by less than a second.

and as in the first race in spain where rossi nudged gibernea, think of the outcry had schumacher or any of the drivers hit another guy off on the last corner, then go on to win!

Whats all this if then?? Schumacher has driven people off the road, repeatedly... back when there was overtaking in F1.  It's like watching trains race.....

Title: Re:F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: Barry on April 18, 2005, 12:51:25 pm
No contest, MotoGP real racing.
So much so the poison dwarf's been sniffing round it for years. >:(

Title: Re:F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: Snoring Rhino on April 18, 2005, 01:38:05 pm
I swore I would never go to another Formula 1 after my first Le Mans, and it has now got to the point where I don't even follow F1 on the telly any more. Therefore it has to be Moto for me.

I'm sorry, but why pay £150.00 quid to watch a 1.5 hour race which has been bastardised by a poison dwarf, when i can pay £45.00 and watch 24 hours of real racing with great company, great wine and normally better weather in France.

PS, when does this years F1 actually start  ;)

On the button, there can't be a better value Sports event anywhere, is there??

Title: Re:F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: Fax on April 18, 2005, 02:16:49 pm
Your fricking kidding right?  This is even a question?
I've beat on this soapbox long enough but for old times sake, I began following F1 in 1970 when I was eight. For two decades I absolutely ate slept and breathed F1, got up early on Sunday mornings to watch the races live from Europe, had a subscription to GPI from its inception to the last issue, still have an original JPS Lotus jacket, etc.  Around 1991 or 92 I began to realize that F1 was no longer the sport I fell in love with, it was no longer about the racing and all about making money.  Moto GP reminds me alot of what F1 used to be.

Title: Re:F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: Nordic on April 18, 2005, 02:29:47 pm
Pretty much the same as Fax. I was obsessed by F1 until about 88 when started to lose interest,.I went with my parents to most F1 meetings in the UK, that includes  the Race of Champions & International tropheys between being born and 87, that includes a couple of trips to Zandvoot and once to Las Vegas. (was on holiday there anyway). Then I went to the Brit gp in 92 and and it confirmed that it was pants compared to the old days. Had little interest in BC's circus since then.

I fear that Moto GP is going down somthing of the same route, that being the riders are becoming more important than the sport, Rossi, Gib etc are becoming more like the prima donnas that F1 drivers are every year. The races are starting to be ruled by TV timetables and the riding standards are starting to look like a bunch of couriers racing to make delivery.

Still watch it though.

Title: Re:F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: chrisbeatty on April 18, 2005, 02:31:14 pm
moto gp any day just change the commentators, though not as bad as british super bikes
Interesting..I actually really like the BBC commentators (I guess you watch it on the beeb??)
Steve Parrish & Charlie Cox I would say are by far & away the best on terrestrial & wipe the floor with the ITV F1 lot for in race commentary (if not analysis afterwards)

Certainly there is action in Moto GP where F1 is all about "strategy". Unfortunately whilst F1 is interesting in a geeky hi-tech way & is probably immense to watch in person what the cars are capable of doing. It's not proper racing so will never be exciting in it's current form. :(

Oddly I'd say the quality of drivers/riders is higher in F1, it seems there are maybe 3 people in MotoGP who are in a different league most weekends & another couple who can challenge. But in F1 if they were all in 3/4 closely matched cars I reckon there would be maybe 5/6 top drivers with another 5/6 who have some really good weekends on an irregular basis.

Moto GP wins though :)

Title: Re:F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: Chris (Liverpool Boys) on April 18, 2005, 04:16:10 pm
As is maybe a give away by my pic on profile I ride a bike but only started riding the last few years but I have been whatching bike for years and the moto gp isjust something else.

Like other on here I too used to get up to whatch the F1 races but cant remember the last one I whatched now wheres that wet paint

Title: Re:F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: Robbo SPS on April 18, 2005, 06:55:55 pm
Moto GP, is  the tops at the moment.

I think it helps that Rossi is just such a talent.

I will be at Donny in July.( Like last year )

Title: Re:F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: Rob on April 18, 2005, 07:07:32 pm
Its Moto GP that gets my vote, its real racing where several bikes are split by less than a second.

and as in the first race in spain where rossi nudged gibernea, think of the outcry had schumacher or any of the drivers hit another guy off on the last corner, then go on to win!

Whats all this if then?? Schumacher has driven people off the road, repeatedly... back when there was overtaking in F1.  It's like watching trains race.....

yeah, he did im not denying that, and most of the time he got away with it, because its part of racing, but remember he did get docked all of his points that year when he 'collided' with jaques villneuve

so, why is it 1 rule one time, and another rule another time, racing is supposed to be nitty gritty, and occasionally accidents do happen

Title: Re:F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: Bobblehat on April 18, 2005, 07:34:44 pm
Everyone I know has been raving about the close racing in MotoGP so I got a glass of wine and sat down and watched on Sun, first time I have watched bikes in ages.

Err the leader shot of into the lead and then fell off and then the second place guy could not be caught ether. Not excactly close racing. But then again you get dull races every now and then dont you

I saw a bit of the first race whilst I was in Italy, Rossi move was very popular to say the least!   And I guess the other guys shoulder hurt a bit too.

So I will be watching both, plus anyother motorsport that is shown...........

Title: Re:F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: mgb1975 on April 19, 2005, 05:06:11 pm
This week's MotoGP wasn't the most exciting by a long shot, but it's still a far more exciting sport then F1. You can't get downforce on a bike :D

Title: Re:F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: Fax on April 19, 2005, 06:12:16 pm
I think another thing that makes Moto GP more attractive (besides the obvious on-track action) is that the riders are still real personalities. For all of Schumacher's titles and wins the guy has as much charisma as a tree stump.  Rossi wins that battle going away.

Title: Re:F1 or Moto GP?
Post by: Ron Jeremy on April 21, 2005, 10:05:24 pm
moto gp any day just change the commentators, though not as bad as british super bikes
Interesting..I actually really like the BBC commentators (I guess you watch it on the beeb??)
Steve Parrish & Charlie Cox I would say are by far & away the best on terrestrial & wipe the floor with the ITV F1 lot for in race commentary (if not analysis afterwards)

Certainly there is action in Moto GP where F1 is all about "strategy". Unfortunately whilst F1 is interesting in a geeky hi-tech way & is probably immense to watch in person what the cars are capable of doing. It's not proper racing so will never be exciting in it's current form. :(

Oddly I'd say the quality of drivers/riders is higher in F1, it seems there are maybe 3 people in MotoGP who are in a different league most weekends & another couple who can challenge. But in F1 if they were all in 3/4 closely matched cars I reckon there would be maybe 5/6 top drivers with another 5/6 who have some really good weekends on an irregular basis.

Moto GP wins though :)

i just get a little tired of the silly remarks

though the transformation from touring car driver to touring car commenatator to bike commentator is pretty good and their commentary is better than F1 as so is the pit crew