Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Andy Zarse on April 04, 2005, 04:49:43 pm

Title: The Weather in 2005?
Post by: Andy Zarse on April 04, 2005, 04:49:43 pm
The hopelessness of our weather forecasters knows no bounds. Given that we have recently passed the Ides of March, my mind automatically turned to chicken's entrails. I reckon we'd be much better off using divination. But what form of divination? I quite fancy predicting an overcast day with sunny intervals later by the use of cheese or liver.

Well, here's a list to choose from:

* Aeromancy (divination by atmospheric conditions)
* Alectryomancy (divination by rooster)
* Aleuromancy (divination by flour, including fortune cookies)
* Alomancy (divination by salt)
* Alphitomancy (divination by barley)
* Anemoscopy (divination by wind)
* Anthropomancy (divination by human sacrifice)
* Apantomancy (divination by seeing animals)
* Astragalomancy (divination by dice)
* Astrology (divination by celestial bodies)
* Austromancy (divination by wind and clouds)
* Axiomancy (divination by axes)
* Belomancy (divination by arrows)
* Bibliomancy (divination by books, especially the Bible)
* Botanomancy (divination by burning plants)
* Capnomancy (divination by smoke)
* Cartomancy (divination by cards)
* Captopromancy (divination by mirrors)
* Causimomancy (divination by burning)
* Cephalomancy (divination by skulls)
* Ceraunoscopy (divination by thunder and lightning)
* Ceromancy (Ceroscopy; divination by placing melted wax into cold water)
* Chaomancy (divination by aerial visions)
* Cheiromancy (or Palmistry; divination by palms) where the markings of the hand are interpreted as signs.
* Chirognomy (divination by hands)
* Clairaudience (divination by psychic hearing)
* Cleromancy (divination by casting lots)
* Clidomancy (or Cleidomancy; divination by keys)
* Cometomancy (divination by comet tails)
* Coscinomancy (divination by hanging sieves)
* Critomancy (divination by barley cakes)
* Cromniomancy (divination by onion sprouts)
* Crystallomancy (divination by crystals or other reflecting objects)
* Cybermancy (divination via computer oracles)
* Cyclomancy (divination by wheels)
* Daphnomancy (divination by burning laurel wreaths)
* Demonomancy (divination by demons)
* Empyromancy (divination by burning)
* Extispicy (divination from the exta of sacrificed animals)
* Geomancy (divination by earth)
* Geloscopy (divination by laughter)
* Graphology (divination by handwriting)
* Gyromancy (divination by dizziness)
* Hepatoscopy (also haruspication; divination by liver)
* Hippomancy (divination by horses)
* Hydromancy (divination by water)
* I Ching divination (ancient Chinese divination)
* Icthyomancy (divination by fish)
* Lampadomancy (divination by light)
* Lecanomancy (divination by a basin of water)
* Libanomancy (divination by incense)
* Lithomancy (divination by precious stones)
* Margaritomancy (divination by bouncing pearls)
* Metagnomy (divination by visions)
* Meteormancy (divination by meteors)
* Metoposcopy (divination by foreheads)
* Moleosophy (divination by blemishes)
* Myomancy (divination by rodent behavior)
* Myrmomancy (divination by ant behavior)
* Nephomancy (divination by clouds)
* Numerology (divination by numbers)
* Oculomancy (divination by eyes)
* Oinomancy (divination by wine)
* Omphalomancy (divination by umbilical chords)
* Oneiromancy (divination by dreams)
* Onomancy (divination by names)
* Onychomancy (divination by fingernails)
* Oomantia (or Ooscopy, Ovomancy; divination by eggs)
* Ophiomancy (divination by snakes)
* Orniscopy (or Ornithomancy; divination by birds of flight)
* Ouija (divination by use of Ouija boards)
* Palmistry (divination by palm inspection)
* Pegomancy (divination by spring water)
* Phrenology (divination by the shape of one's head)
* Phyllorhodomancy (divination by rose petals)
* Plastromancy (divination by cracks formed by heat on a turtle's plastron)
* Pyromancy (or Pyroscopy; divination by fire)
* Rhabdomancy (divination by rod or stick)
* Rhapsodomancy (divination by poetry)
* Scatomancy (divination by droppings, usually animal)
* Scapulimancy (divination by bovine or caprid scapulae)
* Sciomancy (divination by spirits)
* Sideromancy (divination by burning of straw)
* Spodomancy (divination by ash)
* Stichomancy (divination by books)
* Stolisomancy (divination by clothing)
* Tarot (divination by specially designed cards)
* Tasseography (divination by tea leaves)
* Tephramancy (divination by bark ashes)
* Tiromancy (divination by cheese)
* Xylomancy (divination by burning wood)

Let me know how you go on.

Title: Re:The Weather in 2005?
Post by: smokie on April 04, 2005, 05:48:59 pm
OMG this includes divination by celestial bodies.

Cue Pidge and his vast collection of same...  ;)

Title: Re:The Weather in 2005?
Post by: Ron Jeremy on April 04, 2005, 07:40:07 pm
obviously, a busy day at Zarse Enterprises plc


Title: Re:The Weather in 2005?
Post by: mgmark on April 04, 2005, 08:28:46 pm
obviously, a busy day at Zarse Enterprises plc

Either that or a hyperactive Thesaurus.......

MG Mark

Title: Re:The Weather in 2005?
Post by: Andy on April 05, 2005, 12:19:24 am
Any more jobs going at your gaff. I may not play the thesaurus as well but i am willing to learn...... way to go Andy ;)

Title: Re:The Weather in 2005?
Post by: Andy Zarse on April 05, 2005, 11:46:35 am
obviously, a busy day at Zarse Enterprises plc



Life at Zarse Specialist PVC Products (TM) Inc is hectic, what with the annual BDSM Expo at Earls Court starting soon. BTW, the hanging sieves tell me that you'llbe putting in an appearance there.

So needless to say, I did not write this, it was sent to me by some other sad fecker.

Title: Re:The Weather in 2005?
Post by: Ron Jeremy on April 05, 2005, 03:15:49 pm
obviously, a busy day at Zarse Enterprises plc



Life at Zarse Specialist PVC Products (TM) Inc is hectic, what with the annual BDSM Expo at Earls Court starting soon. BTW, the hanging sieves tell me that you'llbe putting in an appearance there.

So needless to say, I did not write this, it was sent to me by some other sad fecker.

which of my movies did you lift that from  ???