Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chris24 on March 07, 2005, 01:56:35 pm

Title: RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Chris24 on March 07, 2005, 01:56:35 pm
Just learned that radio DJ Tommy Vance died yesterday from a stroke.

I grew up listening to this Tommy each week on Radio 1's The Friday Rock show.

Rest In Peace, and rock on Tommy, wherever you are.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Bobblehat on March 07, 2005, 02:20:05 pm
Another great voice from my past gone. Learnt all about AC/DC Led Zep, Black Sabbath, with a transistor radio and one of those little ear-peices with the MW fading in and out under the bed sheets on the Friday Rock Show.

Lets Rock!  :'(

The worring thing is, that they say these come in threes..........................

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Ron Jeremy on March 07, 2005, 03:21:10 pm

The worring thing is, that they say these come in threes..........................

john peel, tommy the vance   ??? ???

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Matt Harper on March 07, 2005, 05:25:33 pm
Noel f**k*ng Edmonds, with any luck.
I suppose John Peel had some street cred, but Tommy Vance was a proper dick-head. I think he was a ridiculous old fart who thought he was some kind of heavy metal guru - in reality he was totally embarrassing. Not that I would have wished untimely death to have befallen him (Noel F Edmonds is a different matter however), Tommy Vance had as much rock kudos as my Mum.  

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Chris24 on March 07, 2005, 06:38:28 pm
Steady on Matt or I might have to slap you twice at Sebring (The other being for missing the 500 at Daytona) LOL !

I don't know much about his later years, but back in the 80's , The Friday Rock Show was THE rock radio show. The only one available. He did a damn fine job and was pretty knowledgable and did some real good band interviews.

He was also responsible for introducing me to many of the bands who now take up large amounts of space in my CD drawers.
I even won the odd competition on that show too.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: smokie on March 07, 2005, 07:09:42 pm
...and that's both sides of the Tommy Vance discussion over with nice and early. Thank you.

As it says in the heading, RIP...

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Andy Zarse on March 07, 2005, 07:13:18 pm
I agree Chris, Vance was a good lad. The products of the NWOBHM owe him a great debt.

I listened to the Friday Rock Show as a kid, Peel doing monday thru thursday. I was too young to go to the pub and there was nothing else to do except self abuse. He was knowledgable and personable, though without the dry humour of Peel.

Matt, we all get old and begin to look like parodies of our former selves. Clearly we are all exceedingly glad Edmonds is no longer on air (or at LM for that matter) and a good few other DJ's too are thankfully broadcasting the sound of silence. But I don't really wish Noel was dead. Not actually dead.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Matt Harper on March 07, 2005, 08:52:46 pm
Alright, alright - not actually dead.....
I don't think the BBC ever got it right, in terms of broadcasting to what was Radio 1 target audience (i.e. me) in the mid 70's and into the early 80's, when I just couldn't hack it anymore.
My rationale?
David "Diddy" Hamilton - c**t
Jimmy Saville - paedo c**t
Tony Blackburn - c**t
Alan Freeman - antipodean c**t, not 'arf
DLT - hairy c**t
Tommy Vance - dead c**t
Noel F Edmonds - c**t
Mike Reed - self-righteous c**t
John Peel - supposedly apathetic (bet he hated punk really) c**t
Steve Wright - kind of amusing for a while, though utterly nausiating arse-kissing, sychophantic 'posse' made him a c**t.
All the above, directed by some old w**k*r, dear, dear Johnny Speight, brought up in the frickin' 40's with absolutely no idea what was relevant to my generation.
I listened to Chris Moyles a bit before I left Britain - sadly accompanied by another bunch of sychophants to laugh at all of his gags - but at least he had some relevant opinions.
Maybe Andy Zarse is right (parody of former selves) - and certainly Radio 1 is not aimed at me anymore - but lets not kid ourselves, they really were a bunch of overpaid, disconnected and self-important c**ts.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Ron Jeremy on March 07, 2005, 10:22:07 pm
simon bates

andy peebles

janice long

ann nightingale

john walters

mark n lard

surely these belong in your hall of fame matt

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Chris24 on March 07, 2005, 10:33:47 pm
Get the impression Matt doesn't like Radio 1 ?

Gee if you didn't like it that much, you could have switched it off.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Matt Harper on March 07, 2005, 11:05:08 pm
Get the impression Matt doesn't like Radio 1 ?

Gee if you didn't like it that much, you could have switched it off.

And there lies the problem - it was always on at work.
Someone read my posting and phoned me to say it was a trifle offensive - so I will retract the offending statements - they are not c**ts. They are twats.
Same goes for the majority of your list Ron.
I never listened to John Walters much (old enough to be in the pub by then) and Mark & Lard were oright - I met them both once and they were scarily like their radio characters

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: sceetum on March 07, 2005, 11:21:11 pm
i have to agree with most of that list, they all loved the sound of their own voices far too much for my liking, and the music left a lot to be desired. i grew up listening to the jam, sex pistols etc and there was not much chance of hearing too much of that on radio one.
mind you, local radio was even worse :'(. kajabloodygoogoo and duran dur sodding ran played by some smashie & nicey dj with a complete lack of talent. i even got that desperate i listened to radio luxembourg on medium wave. now that brings back some memories ;D.

P.S   i did however like mark and lard. at least they tried to play some good music and they did bring some laughs to the afternoon

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Matt Harper on March 07, 2005, 11:34:23 pm
No need!

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Ron Jeremy on March 07, 2005, 11:36:30 pm
Get the impression Matt doesn't like Radio 1 ?

Gee if you didn't like it that much, you could have switched it off.

And there lies the problem - it was always on at work.
Someone read my posting and phoned me to say it was a trifle offensive - so I will retract the offending statements - they are not c**nts. They are tw**ts.
Same goes for the majority of your list Ron.
I never listened to John Walters much (old enough to be in the pub by then) and Mark & Lard were oright - I met them both once and they were scarily like their radio characters

yep, too true, even mark n lard got boring just like moyles does now

the one whose dad did play away was okay to look at

sarah cox isn't fit to suck mine and the biggest one of all is the ginger minge, who is supposed to be coming back.

twat, c**t its all the same isn't it ???  


Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: smokie on March 08, 2005, 12:13:23 am
Is there anything you lot don't have strong opinions on?

It's a shame a serious thread has to turn into a slagging match.

Censor's blue pen will be out shortly...

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Matt Harper on March 08, 2005, 03:24:19 am
Is there anything you lot don't have strong opinions on?

It's a shame a serious thread has to turn into a slagging match.

Censor's blue pen will be out shortly...
What are you on about Smokie? This isn't a slagging match. Differing opinions? Yes - but that's what creates a discussion. surely. Chris has made his opinions felt about this thread, as have I and a few others. I don't think any less of Chris or anyone else who has a view - and I'm sure that view is mutual (please - correct me if I'm wrong).
If you're stating, as a moderator, that we should all respectfully agree with the views of anyone who posts a topic, along the lines of, "Couldn't agree more, bloody nice chap - Sorely missed - Rock on in heaven, Tommy" then this forum isn't what I thought it was.
There are some highly creative, hysterically humorous and intellegent debaters, who frequent this domain - and are a source of inspiration and thought to me and a lot of others, I imagine. I urge those with the power of veto not to stiffle the banter - even when it's a little near the knuckle (as this thread is).
I suspect that if you had sensed real malice, you'd have acted already.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Andy Zarse on March 08, 2005, 10:52:57 am
Say what you like Matt,  but I think you do Peel a diservice. He once got drunk at the Radio 1 Xmas party and hid in the carpark, waiting to beat up Tony Blackburn....

The cheezey bastards were at least professionals, not like the dross on commercial radio. For a prime example, I give you Ed James on Heart FM a few months ago. They had clearly been instructed by "Producer Pete" to promote some local book festival. Ed hadn't heard of any of the featured writers or novelists listed and asked if Roald Dahl would be appearing this year.

"Everyone likes Roald Dahl! They should get Roald Dahl to do it. Can we find out if Roald Dahl is appearing?"

None of them, not Ed, not his halfwitted side-kick Helen, not Producer Pete, not the News guy nor indeed any of the staff in the office that day were able to let Ed know that Roald had died 14 years ago. Later, after someone had obviously rung up to tell them, Ed recanted.

"I didn't know that! Did you know that Helen? Did you know that Producer Pete? He's dead!"

Cretins, all.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Bob U on March 08, 2005, 11:36:46 am

. Clearly we are all exceedingly glad Edmonds is no longer on air (or at LM for that matter)
The aformentioned N Edmonds esq may indeed be c***nt number one but in1997 when he ran a pair of Panoz I was in the stand opposite the pits when his second car died near the Dunlop Bridge at about 7:30 am. He was standing on the pit wall after spending the night helping with refueling the car and immediatly the second one stopped Radio Le Mans stuck a microphone under his nose and asked for his thoughts. He was very upset and looked close to tears and I must admit I did feel for the guy. He waved to the crowd after the interview to accknoledge the cheers, And yes, I did cheer him. There, I've finally done it, it has taken me 8 years to admit that I have applauded Noel Edmonds, please forgive me it was a long night of alcohol abuse that made me do it.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Nobby Diesel on March 08, 2005, 11:42:11 am
Ah Bob, marvellous memories indeed.
He then went on to inflict upon the world Mr Blobby and Crinkly Bottom.
definately c*nt #1

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Barry on March 08, 2005, 03:09:19 pm

I give you Ed James on Heart FM a few months ago. "

Please, please please I don't want Heart FM, even if you paid me to take it away. I wish it broadcast from a ship offshore, like the old pirate stations, then we could torpedo it.

Every time I drive a vehicle which has it preset, I delete it, as a public service.

Sorry, rant over, I feel better now. :)

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Rusty on March 08, 2005, 03:25:31 pm

 I wish it broadcast from a ship offshore, like the old pirate stations, , then we could torpedo it.

You would save on the torpedo if that fat twat Jonno still worked there. One of his monster turds in the head would capsize any vessel.


Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Steve Pyro on March 08, 2005, 05:16:17 pm
One 70's / 80's DJ that everyone seems to have missed and I certainly think was entertaining and very outspoken was Kenny Everett.

After upsetting Radio 1, he jumped across to Capital Radio (remember when that was a GOOD station?).  I can fondly recall listening to him on a Saturday lunchtime.
Okay he was a bit tedious sometimes but where would we be without Captain Kremen?


Following this success he moved to TV with his own bizarre sketch show ............... plus (every schoolboys wet dream) Hot Gossip and Cleo Rocos.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: sceetum on March 08, 2005, 07:23:41 pm
Mmmmmmm, Hot Gossip. Saw them do a live show at chichester festival theatre years ago, i was only 15, sat cross legged for most of the show ;D :P.  There were a lot of males walking out at the end of the show bent double ;).

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Kpy on March 08, 2005, 08:41:29 pm
All very sad.
Some men who played records on the wireless are dead (or not).

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: BigH on March 08, 2005, 08:58:33 pm
When I was a young lad and used to come home from school crying because someone had either stolen my coat peg and I had no where to put my duffle, or my shorts had split in PE and everyone laughed at me, my good old mum used to say to me "listen H, you're twenty eight now, don't let them get to you, just remember, if c*nts were oranges they'd all be Jaffas"
And I reckon this wise advice applies to Edmunds all right, for reasons which I won't go into.
I'm not going into these reasons because I've just failed an instant Leprosy Test that I got in Boots this morning. I only went in for a dozen paracetamol. So I fear the worst is yet to come.

So, Sebring is here, oh God I wish I was going. Everyone have an absolutely fan-marvellous time. And bring me back an ear.


Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: BigHsPiles on March 08, 2005, 09:00:04 pm
So I fear the worst is yet to come.

That's what he thinks...

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Jem on March 08, 2005, 11:18:56 pm
Getting back to the start of this thread, I also grew up listening to Tommy V under the blankets and have a lot to thank him for as do a lot of bands now making a good living as a result of airplay TV gave them.

RIP Tommy thanks for the memories.



I've read all the crap about Noel Edmunds as well, in my book anyone who has the guts to put his hand in his pocket and dedicate time and effort into a team to race cars around LM for our entertainment deserves better than the comments in the posts above.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: jpchenet on March 09, 2005, 02:32:14 am
I thought there was still an outside chance you could get there H??? Via some boring work trip IIRC.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Nobby Diesel on March 09, 2005, 10:03:07 am

Appluase indeed for the efforts of the Beardo Wierdo at Le Mans.
But honestly, for Blobby and Crinkley - he needs shooting.
Still c*nt #1 in my book.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Mr. Invincible Mou on March 09, 2005, 12:45:01 pm
Ahh, but we should have seen it coming. Don't forget he did a trial run with a bloody purple tyranna..  tyranos.. tyranus.. er Dinosaur, back in Swap Shop.

And just in case anybody is feeling nostalgic

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Barry on March 09, 2005, 01:21:51 pm
bloody purple tyranna..  tyranos.. tyranus.. er Dinosaur

Oh my God, Heart FM and purple dinosaurs have both been mentioned in one thread.

Purple dinosaurs = BARNEY.

Barney= the most sanctimonious, politically correct drival that has ever been offered to the kids in the entire history of television and radio. If you ever catch the your kids or grand children watching it, turn it off! Or they will be psychologically damaged for life.
Shooting's to good for him, large meteroite on the head would do, it worked for the rest of them.

Off to take my valium now :)

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Mr. Invincible Mou on March 09, 2005, 02:06:25 pm
Actually the dinosaur was called PoshPaws!


But it seems like the colour was popular  :o


Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Barry on March 09, 2005, 02:55:58 pm
Actually the dinosaur was called PoshPaws!

Barneys dad, his offspring is the pits. Should be at the bottom of a tar pit at least ;)

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Andy Zarse on March 09, 2005, 03:19:36 pm
I had a nightmare last night  :(

The worst of the lot if you ask me : Peter Powell  >:(

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Nobby Diesel on March 09, 2005, 03:29:39 pm
If you ask me, that little dwarf Bruno Brooks takes some beating.
Or did he dish out the his ex wife I seem to recall.
Another one that used to get my goat; Ed "Stew Pot" Stewart and the bloody dog Arnold.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Andy Zarse on March 09, 2005, 03:41:31 pm
Bruno Brooks used to occasionally pop into my local pub in East Grinstead. A funny place, I also saw Gareth Hunt, Brian Murphy (out of George and Mildred) and Rula Lenska (just post-divorce from Dennis Waterman) in there over the years.

Anyway, stumpy Bruno Brooks was a tosser, but I have to take my hat off to him. I don't condone hitting women but, well, it was Anthea Turner he gave a slap to, so in a way it's kind of justifiable.

Nobby, I think Arnold belonged to Blackburn not Ed Stewart.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Nordic on March 09, 2005, 03:58:18 pm
It may not be a popular view but i do have a grudging respect for Noel Edmonds, The Multi coloured swap shop, compared to the drival on offer today for kids, was a milestone. Plus as already stated he did put his hand into his pocket for the Panoz effort a few years back, he also owned a fleet of classic motors, including a GT40 that he used to use on the road.

To (or bottom) of DJs in my book has to be either Simon Bates for being mind boggling crap or Jonathan King, that is someone who needs a good kicking, and I suspect he may have had a few over the last couple of years.

While not the best the late Tommy Vance was light years ahead of these 2 and some of the others already talked about.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Nobby Diesel on March 09, 2005, 04:15:16 pm
Blimey AZ, Bruno must been haunting CA'ers: he's a regular in my local now, in Marlow !!!
Who's he after next, JPC, BobU, The Rhinos'....
Are any of us safe ????

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Matt Harper on March 09, 2005, 04:18:41 pm
I've read all the crap about Noel Edmunds as well, in my book anyone who has the guts to put his hand in his pocket and dedicate time and effort into a team to race cars around LM for our entertainment deserves better than the comments in the posts above.

I had no idea he was so selfless, Jem - and there was me thinking he was just a self-important, self-promoting w**k*r.

The thing that really got right on my tits about all of these people was the projected attitude that they were some kind of influencers of our (my) generation. I fail to see how sitting in a studio in central London playing (or censoring, in the case of that totallly arrogant bastard Mike Reed) off the back of other peoples creativity, interdispersed with their own banal utterings and constant references to their farms and Range Rovers. In my opinion, they were all arseholes, with the exception of Kenny Everett - who wasn't daytime anyway....  

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Barry on March 09, 2005, 05:22:56 pm
All you youngsters forget that in the early years of Radio 1, the mid morning slot after Tony Blackburn's show was hosted by that DJ at the cutting edge of music.....Jimmy Young :o

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Chris24 on March 09, 2005, 06:51:48 pm
It may not be a popular view but i do have a grudging respect for Noel Edmonds, The Multi coloured swap shop, compared to the drival on offer today for kids, was a milestone. Plus as already stated he did put his hand into his pocket for the Panoz effort a few years back, he also owned a fleet of classic motors, including a GT40 that he used to use on the road.

I can't slag Noel either, after all he did do a feature on Swap  Shop on my racing hero. Stuart Smith, 6 times Brisca stockcar World Champion.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Matt Harper on March 09, 2005, 07:46:22 pm
I had a drinking buddy back in Yorkshire called Frank Wainman - he was something of a roundy-roundy car basher, as I recall

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Chris24 on March 09, 2005, 08:26:20 pm
Certainly is, still winning races as well. But not as many as his son Frankie Jnr who is the top racer at the moment and top chassis builder too.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: BigH on March 09, 2005, 08:34:28 pm
For further confirmation that Edmunds is an Outspan of the highest order, let me quote a conversation from Radio Le Mans when him and Clarkson were there.

RLM: Are you having a good time?
NE: Yes, fantastic. I've been a fan of endurance racing for as long as I can remember, and this has to be the pinnacle.
(remember now, NE also has a GT40)
RLM: When was the last time you were at Le Mans?
NE: This is my first.

At that point, I tried to shag a pile of tyres.

They're only Dj's for chrissakes!


Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Russ on March 10, 2005, 06:36:11 pm


It's no wonder Cheggers hit the bottle hard! Him and Purple were together for quite some time weren't they?

And H... Are you sure it wasn't just one tyre with piles?

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Rusty on March 10, 2005, 07:43:31 pm
Maybe Cheggers have taken to wearing that cozzy rather than brandishing his shrivelled weener on the tv for all the world to see, it would have been fairer on everybody.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Andy Zarse on March 11, 2005, 03:19:26 pm
Rusty, Cheggers makes my flesh crawl, always has done. The talentless dimwit should be drowned in a big vat of his own sick.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Dark Warrior on March 11, 2005, 03:57:50 pm
Many wise words have been spoken on this thread...

Can I add..... Gary Davis....

When he was on I'd turn the radio off... Couldn't stand him... Patronizing, mulleted git...

For those who want to be reminded of both the good and the bad about Radio One... Try this...


Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Russ on March 11, 2005, 04:04:53 pm
Do you work in TV Mr. Z?  ;D

<Pic changed @ Mr. Z's request...>


Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Andy Zarse on March 11, 2005, 04:14:04 pm
Do you work in TV Mr. Z?  


As a forum mate I'll tell you this once and once only:


Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Russ on March 11, 2005, 04:30:46 pm
Do you work in TV Mr. Z?  


As a forum mate I'll tell you this once and once only:


Your Wish...  ;D

Thought the new pic was just as appropriate though   ::)

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Andy Zarse on March 11, 2005, 04:58:41 pm
Many wise words have been spoken on this thread...

Can I add..... Gary Davis....

When he was on I'd turn the radio off... Couldn't stand him... Patronizing, mulleted git...

For those who want to be reminded of both the good and the bad about Radio One... Try this...



A few good ones on there, but it makes you realise what a bunch of bloated egos we had to listen too in those days. Gary Davis was a bigger c@#t  than Edmonds IMO.

What do people think about the Radio 1 nonentities currently broadcasting? I propose Chris Moyles should have his filthy tongue amputated with a blunt hacksaw blade.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Russ on March 11, 2005, 05:11:43 pm
Moyles has his moments. But he's from the school of:

"I'm ugly and fat so my only defence is to be loud and abusive and not let anyone else get a word in edgways 'cos they might point out quite rightly that I'm just putting up a big front to being this repulsive."

Making him as ugly on the inside as he is on the outside.

The fact that he's popular with the young'ns just shows what a desperate state the country's next generation is in.

Hark at me... And I'm only 22!

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Russ on March 11, 2005, 05:29:59 pm

I Lie of course, I'm in my 30's. But that's still probably too young to be on that particular soap box....  ::)

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Steve Pyro on March 11, 2005, 06:10:49 pm
I'm afraid I've kept away from Radio 1 for a few years now.  It's an age thing - Radio 4 and LBC  :o .............

..........oh! and The Who at eleven  ;)


Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Andy Zarse on March 11, 2005, 07:37:21 pm
From Royston Vasey

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Matt Harper on March 11, 2005, 08:22:05 pm
Had a nice chuckle at that Andy Z. For everything that is lacking at the BBC, they can be forgiven because they've stuck their necks out, with the occasional diamond like The League of Gentlemen. Many of my English friends told me about the series, but it sounded so whacked-out that I didn't really investigate it. On my way back to the US from my last 'home visit', Virgin Atlantic showed the first episode of the first series. 'Er indoors and myself fair pissed ourselves and promptly ordered all three series + the totally f**k*ng disturbing Xmas special off Amazon. We are now totally sold on it.
If being subjected to the penence of several years of twats like Noel Edmonds and Gary Davis is the price to pay for just half an hour of Edward and Tubbs and the precious things of the shop, then so be it.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Snoring Rhino on March 11, 2005, 08:33:33 pm
Blimey AZ, Bruno must been haunting CA'ers: he's a regular in my local now, in Marlow !!!
Who's he after next, JPC, BobU, The Rhinos'....
Are any of us safe ????
If he comes near the Rhino's and he'll get directed to the Frogs.

Just to push it the other way true heroes of the radio have to be Chris Tarrant for the Capital Breakfast show.

One career got cut short with a callers joke session on the Radio One Breakfast show - "Why did Scotty have his head down the Enterprise’s Toilet? Because he was looking for the Captains Log!! -  this was followed by a poignant silence of finger pointing at who should have hit the cut switch - can't remember who though?

The Dave lee Travis radio show was ok but really a hero for driving Tender Trap (a hairy V8 Escort) at the Pod and Blackbush, the was also a bloke from Radio Luxemburg who drove a 3 litre Capri against a mates 1600e at a drag meet at Snetterton (about 75), it was wet, he gave it too much welly and lost. Came up wingeing asking for a re-run, Nah.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Steve Pyro on March 11, 2005, 08:42:12 pm
The Dave lee Travis radio show was ok but really a hero for driving Tender Trap (a hairy V8 Escort) at the Pod and Blackbush, the was also a bloke from Radio Luxemburg who drove a 3 litre Capri against a mates 1600e at a drag meet at Snetterton (about 75), it was wet, he gave it too much welly and lost. Came up wingeing asking for a re-run, Nah.

Travis also campaigned the 'Needle' fuel dragster at Santa Pod and others in the 70's.



Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Snoring Rhino on March 11, 2005, 08:59:49 pm
Top bloke, must have been the time when I got distracted by women.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Ron Jeremy on March 12, 2005, 01:39:23 pm
Another great voice from my past gone. Learnt all about AC/DC Led Zep, Black Sabbath, with a transistor radio and one of those little ear-peices with the MW fading in and out under the bed sheets on the Friday Rock Show.

Lets Rock!  :'(

The worring thing is, that they say these come in threes..........................

dave allen

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Stu on March 12, 2005, 02:09:05 pm

dave allen

To right.  :'(  Just read the news. He sat in front of me  on a flight to Nice a few years ago. He sat the same way as he did on the TV with his whisky glass but no tab. Spoke to him whilst waiting at the baggage carousel which went along  the lines of ' We're not worthy'. My mate also had a celebrity slash with him (which could start a new topic of ' Who have you had a piss next to').
What a top bloke and a top comedian.  

RIP Dave (I'm a wide mouth frog) Allen.


I still think of myself as I was 25 years ago. Then I look in a mirror and see an old bastard and realise it's me."
Am I the Irish comedian with half a finger? No, I'm the Irish comedian with nine and a half fingers."
"A good storyteller never lets the facts get in the way."
"We spend our lives on the run: we get up by the clock, eat and sleep by the clock, get up again, go to work - and then we retire. And what do they give us? A clock."
"I don't go out of my way to be outrageous, I just go out of my way to look at things."
"I'm an atheist ... thank God."
"I've stopped smoking ... I think the cost was a lot of it, and not being able to breathe. I first gave up smoking when I was eight."
"If it's sent by ship then it's a cargo, if it's sent by road then it's a shipment."
"Don't mourn for me now, don't mourn for me never - I'm going to do nothing for ever and ever (what Allen said he would like to have inscribed on his tombstone)."
"Goodnight, thank you, and may your god go with you" (Allen's trademark sign-off).

There's a drunk who arrives home and waiting for him is the very formidable figure of the wife. And she looks at him and she says, "Drunk Again?!" He says, "So am I."

She said, "What does the clock say?"
He says, "The clock says puck, bong, dingy, ticky, tick."

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Chris24 on March 12, 2005, 05:07:12 pm
Another great entertainer lost to the world. I think I shall have to drag out all those old VHS recordings I have of him.

My dad has had a piss next to the captain of the star destroyer in the orginal Star Wars film !

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Andy Zarse on March 12, 2005, 05:16:28 pm
This is terrible, they're going down like flies.

Just heard on the news that Ronnie Corbet has tragically died earlier today. Apparently he fell off a ladder whilst painting the skirting boards.

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: Ron Jeremy on March 12, 2005, 06:26:18 pm
This is terrible, they're going down like flies.

Just heard on the news that Ronnie Corbet has tragically died earlier today. Apparently he fell off a ladder whilst painting the skirting boards.

for a minute i almost believed you   :D

Title: Re:RIP , Tommy Vance
Post by: jpchenet on March 12, 2005, 11:00:49 pm
No no no, Corbett killed himself falling off the treadmill making the comic relief video!!  ;) I saw it last night!