Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Nordic on February 22, 2005, 06:43:51 pm

Title: Save the bunny
Post by: Nordic on February 22, 2005, 06:43:51 pm
Easy money, if you like scams.

thought I may do one but with a fox instead of a bunny.

Title: Re:Save the bunny
Post by: Canada Phil on February 23, 2005, 03:53:29 am
I like Walsh's Suggestion although Hassenppeffer sounds tatsy too ;D
Canada Phil

Title: Re:Save the bunny
Post by: Mr Toad on February 23, 2005, 10:56:13 am
This got me thinking - how about a kind of strange food evening at LM - local animals cooked in a BBQ style...well seasoned of couse. I wonder what's in season in June?

Title: Re:Save the bunny
Post by: jpchenet on February 23, 2005, 11:00:00 am
This got me thinking - how about a kind of strange food evening at LM - local animals cooked in a BBQ style...well seasoned of couse. I wonder what's in season in June?

It's France so probably Horse!!  :-\

Title: Re:Save the bunny
Post by: jpchenet on February 23, 2005, 11:02:27 am
Bloody Hell, he's got £15,000 !!!!!!!!!!!   :o :o :o

Title: Re:Save the bunny
Post by: Mr Toad on February 23, 2005, 11:08:19 am
I know - I think it's dollars though? I'm thinking about this a fund raising opportunity for our special 2005 LM acquisition!

Title: Re:Save the bunny
Post by: jpchenet on February 23, 2005, 11:11:34 am
Yes, you are quite correct Toadie. I just can't type/copy this morning!!  :-[

Title: Re:Save the bunny
Post by: jpchenet on February 23, 2005, 11:13:20 am
I'm thinking about this a fund raising opportunity for our special 2005 LM acquisition!

Is it still top secret or are you read to share it with us?

BTW, when is your annual pre-trip round of crazy golf taking place this year.

Title: Re:Save the bunny
Post by: Mr Toad on February 23, 2005, 11:43:19 am
JPC - We have a PR photo shoot next Thu, so if all goes well I'll provide a flavour of the 2005 plan to CA very soon...!

Several abortive projects, one or two irons in fire, but one very exciting one!

I'm keen to play crazy golf but as I go on the advance party I don't get much of a look in -  the team play in Staines on the way down to Pompey whilst I'm hard at work building BM base camp!!! :(

Are there any crazy/mini courses around LM? - maybe a CA mini golf challenge is called for?

Title: Re:Save the bunny
Post by: Nordic on February 23, 2005, 11:58:32 am
How about making your own crazy/mini course on MB. Give it a LM/beer  shape and maybe you could charge for it as well.

Title: Re:Save the bunny
Post by: Mr Toad on February 23, 2005, 12:02:29 pm
I've tried this - we did this back in the early days on Houx...

Here you can see Buzz playing a difficult par 3 hole with a piece of plastic pipe on a see saw sort of thing!

Viking helmets optional!

Title: Re:Save the bunny
Post by: jpchenet on February 23, 2005, 12:24:08 pm
JPC - We have a PR photo shoot next Thu, so if all goes well I'll provide a flavour of the 2005 plan to CA very soon...!

Several abortive projects, one or two irons in fire, but one very exciting one!

I'm keen to play crazy golf but as I go on the advance party I don't get much of a look in -  the team play in Staines on the way down to Pompey whilst I'm hard at work building BM base camp!!! :(

Are there any crazy/mini courses around LM? - maybe a CA mini golf challenge is called for?

Exactly what I was thinking of!!

I am in our advance party this year too, but as Staines isn't that far from here was wondering about about a Beermountain v Team JPC challange befpre we went. Having a CA challenge on Maison Blanche is an even better idea!!!!  :D

Title: Re:Save the bunny
Post by: Bob U on February 23, 2005, 01:16:45 pm
It,s unfortunate that Toby is going to get it on the 30th of June, if it was the 18th we could hold a wake for him in the poo bar, but at least it will give us something to rabbit about  :D

Title: Re:Save the bunny
Post by: Mr Toad on February 23, 2005, 01:43:14 pm
The BM guys are coming down from all over the place - some of us are loosely employed by a company that has an office in Staines, but none of us are from around there. If the main party meets there it would be Wed 17.00 at the Cock Inn - Lammas Park crazy golf is round the corner...

I think a challenge in France is better - I'm sure I've seen a sign on the ring road for "Mini Golf" is that the same thing??

Title: Re:Save the bunny
Post by: jpchenet on February 23, 2005, 04:17:45 pm

I think a challenge in France is better - I'm sure I've seen a sign on the ring road for "Mini Golf" is that the same thing??

I am sure it is. Although some just seem to be a slightly different shape (i.e. round a corner) rather than the traditional UK "through the windmill" style.

I'm sure we can build one on MB though. Who's taking the lawnmower and roller???  ;D

Title: Re:Save the bunny
Post by: Mr Toad on February 23, 2005, 04:38:43 pm
I'm a great believer in "proper" obstacles in crazy golf - windmills, open mouthed dragons, trick holes etc. Many of the European courses take themselves far too seriously...

My top courses worldwide:

1) Dino Golf, Phuket, Thailand
2) Pleasure Beach, Blackpool, England
3) Harbour shopping centre, Barcelona, Spain
4) Opposite the Mare Nostrum Hotel, Tenerife, Spain

Hey look, I've managed to update my picture! ;D

Title: Re:Save the bunny
Post by: Jay (Team Cannonball) on February 23, 2005, 05:11:49 pm
If anyone has ever been to Congo River Golf in Kissimee Florida, they'll know that those American mini golf places are immense.

Taunting the alligators was also quite good fun.

Title: Re:Save the bunny
Post by: Mr Toad on February 23, 2005, 05:24:17 pm
Good point - they even franchise them in shopping centres in North America. I recall one hole (a tricky par 4) in Montreal that actually squirted water at you if you got it wrong!! :D

Title: Re:Save the bunny
Post by: DelBoy on February 23, 2005, 05:44:16 pm

. I wonder what's in season in June?.....

No need to prepare them, just throw them straight onto the barbie.


Title: Re:Save the bunny
Post by: Mr Toad on February 23, 2005, 06:26:22 pm
Yes - I think some sort of strong sauce or garnish might be needed to get over the terrible stench...

Which reminds me of a famous LM recepie we used to use on Houx Annexe..

I also recall some little rodent type animals that live in the tyre wall on MB - maybe the perfect kebab animal... I'll pack my pea shooter!

Title: Re:Save the bunny
Post by: BigH on February 23, 2005, 07:54:21 pm
On the subject of food. I was reading an article the other day about what the cunning Swiss get up to underground these days. It seems that when they're not having fist fights on the pavement over the correct time, they love to bash things into each other. In particular, very very tiny things, smaller even than your winkle on a parky winters morning, - neutrons and protons and such like. Not only have they decided on using eeny weeny stuff, but I suppose to compensate for the smallness of it all, they make sure they hit each other at a fair lick. And I mean sharpish, these things could be in and out of your trousers before you can swallow your mouth full of cornflakes and raise your eyebrows. In fact, give or take a little bit, they're doing roundabout 156,000 miles per second. That's half a million miles an hour, with or without speed cameras. They wind 'em up to this speed in a hoop shaped tube 17 km long buried in the Swiss ground. Bearing in mind the size (or lack of it) of these fellas, how the boys  they get them to collide at all is a miracle of decent proportions. The finished article is a bit of an anti climax though, a photograph of what looks like a few pubes on a restaurant table, and there's no whooping and hollering.
I reckon they've got it all wrong, they should have involved more Germans. If they had, then instead of these tiny dots whizzing round, they'd be colliding sausages by now. Can you imagine it!? Dragging a bratwurst up to that speed in one direction, and setting off a merguez in the other, and taking bets! Now that's what I'd call entertainment.

Title: Re:Save the bunny
Post by: Snoring Rhino on February 23, 2005, 08:51:05 pm
There could be a run on these:
note the last comment.
I wonder if it could reach KN from MB!!!!

Title: Re:Save the bunny
Post by: jpchenet on February 23, 2005, 10:56:15 pm
There could be a run on these:
note the last comment.
I wonder if it could reach KN from MB!!!!

Hmmmmm, don't The Twaats have a Windsor contingent?

Seems like the sort of kit they would take to Le Mans!!

Title: Re:Save the bunny
Post by: powermite on February 25, 2005, 10:05:59 pm
for anybody going to the LMES is Spa,there's a crazy golf in the middle of Spa itself.Next to the Fenicular.